© 2019, Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
ISBN 978-605-84837-0-5
For bibliographic purposes this document may be cited as:
BSC, 2019. State of the Environment of the Black Sea (2009-2014/5). Edited by Anatoly Krutov. Publications of the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (BSC) 2019, Istanbul, Turkey, 811 pp.
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Cover design by Iryna Makarenko
Cover images by EMBLAS Project
This Report on the State of the Black Sea Environment (further referred to as BS SoE Report) for the years 2009-2014 is a scientific marine environmental assessment report undertaken periodically to trace the state of knowledge and to propose measures for improvement of the quality of environment and protection of ecosystems from impact of anthropogenic activities in the Black Sea basin[1]. This Report synthesizes the collected and evaluated data/information in this period. Its main findings demonstrated by smart indicators and, where possible, visualized on maps.
Therefore, the purpose of this assessment is to provide decision-makers, relevant stakeholders and public with comprehensive summary of contemporary knowledge on the state of the Black Sea environment in the selected period and to assess the efficiency of implemented policy and management measures. This Report also aims at identifying significant gaps in knowledge and to serve as basis for judging the effectiveness and adequacy of environmental protection measures, in particular, proposed in the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea (BS SAP) adopted in 2009 and for making any necessary adjustments in national environmental policies and elaboration of scenarios for tackling environmental consequences of the human activities in the Black Sea basin.
This BS SoE Report is the third assessment prepared by the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution[2] (further also referred to as Black Sea Commission or BSC), steps on the previous BSC SoE reports[3], [4] as well as on the reports and deliverables of the different international projects, such as SESAME, PERSEUS, KnowSeas, PEGASO, MISIS, EMBLAS, EMODNet and other relevant projects , as well as national projects and initiatives. It also refers to and utilizes to a certain extent relevant publications prepared for the Black Sea by various experts working in the Black Sea basin and beyond. This Report is prepared with financial contribution from EC/UNDP EMBLAS Project[5].
A lot of experts contributed to the elaboration of this SoE Report. These include representatives of the Black Sea scientific institutions; experts from projects and national programs of the Black Sea importance; individual scientists and research teams; partner organizations that have proven dedication and reached significant scientific results in the Black Sea environmental studies.
A dedicated Expert Working Group (WG) on elaboration of draft BS SoE Report was established under the auspices of the Black Sea Commission. The members of the WG met on 29th October, 2015 in Istanbul (Turkey) in order to discuss the modalities of report preparations in accordance with outline of the report which incorporated both existing approaches to ocean assessment - UN World Ocean Assessment approach (also called Regular Process)[6] and European approach reflecting provisions of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)[7]. The preparation of this meeting was partialy financed within the work of the EU PERSEUS Project[8].
Chapter 1 of the Report, within three sub-chapters, presents the state and dynamics of the Black Sea, geographical, physico-chemical characteristics and features of its biological community. Chapter 2 describes the state, dynamics and status of exploitation of the living and non-living resources in the Black Sea. Chapter 3 incorporates data on the state of Black Sea coast and socio-economic pressures and factors.
Let me wish all of us success in our efforts to preserve the unique and precious ecosystem of the Black Sea - our common heritage!
Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Sur
Executive Director
Permanent Secretariat
Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
1.1.1 Coastline characteristics, topography and bathymetry, geology of the Black Sea
2.1.5 Status Of Alien Species In The Black Sea
2.1.5 Aquatic plants (algae and angiosperms of commercial importance)
3.1.1. State of the Black Sea Coast
3.1.12. Transport (including port activities)
3.1.13. Proposed Indicators to Report on the State of the Black Sea coast
Annex 1 Quantitative summary of ICZM stock-taking for the Black Sea Countries
Annex 2 Colour coded ICZM progress indicators for the Black Sea Region Countries
Table Averaged over 1958 - 2014 (km3/year) runoff of the Black Sea coast rivers.
Table The averaged over periods components (in km3 / year) of the Black Sea water balance
1.2. Hydrochemistry and pollution_
Table Total volume of waste waters and selected indicators of waters discharged.
Table Volume of wastewaters discharged from Romania into the Black Sea at 2008-2013.
Table Total volume of wastewaters discharged.
Table Wastewater quality discharged from Georgian rivers into the Black Sea in 2014.
Table Distribution of pollution loads between main sources in 2014.
Table Comparison of contaminants indicators of wastewaters discharged into the Black Sea.
Table Total volume of waste waters and selected indicators of waters discharged.
Table Volume of wastewaters discharged from Romania into the Black Sea at 2008-2013.
Table Total volume of wastewaters discharged.
Table Wastewater quality discharged from Georgian rivers into the Black Sea in 2014.
Table Distribution of pollution loads between main sources in 2014.
Table Comparison of contaminants indicators of wastewaters discharged into the Black Sea.
Table1.2.2.2. Range of water quality according to BEAST method.
Table Maximum TPHs concentration (g/dm3) in the costal waters during the period 2009-2014.
Table PAHs toxicity equivalent.
Table The results of GC/MS determination of PAHs in bottom sediments of Danube area.
Table The results of calculations of the origin of priority PAHs in Phyllophora.
Table Comparative data on heavy metals in seawater of the Black Sea region.
Table Average concentrations of trace metals in Ukrainian marine waters in 2012.
Table Percentage of observations surpassing sediment quality criteria (ERL), 2009-2014.
Table Content of metals in bottom sediments of Poti Sea Area.
Table Descriptive statistics of heavy metals concentration in mussels in 2009-2014.
Table Phytoplankton parameters/indicators
Table Methods for phytoplankton laboratory analysis by countries
Table List of phytoplankton species new for the BG waters and the Black Sea_
Table Basic statistic of phytoplankton abundance and biomass (2008-2014)
Table Trends of phytoplankton parameters/indicators during 2008-2014_
Table Sampling inventory and data sources
Table Coordinates and depth of the routine monitoring stations.
Table Threshold values of mesozooplankton biomass.
Table Coordinates of monitoring stations in the Georgian Black Sea coastal zone.
Table Coordinates and depth of the routine monitoring stations.
Table Geographic coordinate, station depth, sampling period and location.
Table Distribution of mesozooplankton biomass in Sinop coastal zone (southern Black Sea).
Table Location of mesozooplankton sampling station in coastal stations of Odessa region.
Table Alien species reported from the Turkish coasts of the Black Sea_
Table Changes in floristic index of macrophytes in Varna Bay in the years of investigation_
Table Romanian phytobenthic species evolution over decades
Table Romanian species list (2009 2014)
Table Dominancy in division level among of Black Sea coast of Turkey (Aysel et al., 2005)
Table Maximum size, size at first maturity and size at recruitment of Azov anchovy
Table Maximum size, size at first maturity and size at recruitment of Black Sea anchovy
Table Population parameters of E.e.ponticus (STECF, 2015; GFCM, 2015)
Table M vector and proportion of matures by size or age (Males)
Table M vector and proportion of matures by size or age (Females)
Table Landings in Black Sea of sprat 2009-2014 (AG FOMLR, 2015)
Table Results from ichthyoplankton survey in 2013 (Gucu et al., 2016)
Table Anchovy -Engraulis encrasicolus, gonad maturity stages (STECF, 2010)
Table Growth and length weight model parameters (GFCM, 2015)
Table Growth and length weight model parameters of sprat in Black Sea (STECF, 2015)
Table Landings of sprat in Black Sea for 2009-2014. AG FOMLR, 2015_
Table Spatial distribution of sprat in Turkish waters in 2013_
Table Landings of Scad in Black Sea AG FOMLR, 2015_
Table Growth and length weight model parameters
Table Various growth parameter estimates of T. Mediterraneus along the Bulgarian coast
Table Distribution of bluefish at age 0 and 1 in Bulgarian marine area, 2014_
Table M vector and proportion of matures by size or age (Males) (GFCM, 2015)
Table M vector and proportion of matures by size or age (Females) (GFCM, 2015)
Table Growth and length weight model parameters (GFCM, 2015)
Table Growth parameters of bonito 2000-2013 (GFCM, 2014)
Table Landings of Bonito 2009-2014 in Black Sea (GFCM, 2015)
Table Aggregated catch at age in number 10-3 of Turkey (GFCM, 2015)
Table Weight at age in the catch (in g).
Table Table of indicators of Bonito in Black Sea (GFCM, 2015).
Tab. Growth parameters of turbot by countries and periods
Table Common maturity ogive of turbot by ages and years.
Table CPUE data for Romania in 2012.
Table Values of parameters in VBGF for both genders (STECF, 2013)
Table CPUE of turbot in 2008-2011 by mtier in Bulgaria_
Table Growth parameters of turbot in Black Sea for different periods (STECF,2012)
Table Common maturity ogive of turbot by ages and years (STECF, 2015)
Table Red mullet in GSA 29. Parameters of VBGF and L-W relationship_
Table Growth and length weight model parameters (GFCM, 2015)
Table Landings of red mullet in Black Sea_
Table Tuning fleet data (CPUE kg/h)
Table Growth parameters of whiting in Black Sea (Raykov et al., 2008)
Table Population parameters of whiting from Black Sea (STECF, 2015, GFCM, 2015)
Table Landings of whiting in period 2009-2014_
Table at age of whiting in Black Sea (GFCM, 2015)
Table ray in GSA 29. Mean, minimum, and maximum length, width, and weight.
Table ray in GSA 29. Parameters of VBGF and L-W relationship.
Table ray in GSA 29. Natural mortality.
Table ray in GSA 29. Landings by country.
Table Thornback ray in GSA 29. Landings (t) by country.
Table Thornback ray in GSA 29. Catch at age (thousands).
Table dogfish growth parameters in the Romanian marine area (STECF, 2015; GFCM, 2015)
Table ogive after Ukrainian scientists (STECF, 2015; GFCM, 2015)
Table ogive from Romanian data (STECF, 2015; GFCM, 2015)
Table Picked dogfish landings 2009-2014 in Black Sea_
Table Romanian CPUE in commercial fishing, 2009-2014 periods (STECF, 2015; GFCM, 2015)
Table CPUE for the at sea surveys for Romanian Black Sea areas (GFCM, 2015)
Table of maturity by age
Table for minimizing the residuals (STECF, 2015)
Table dogfish in Black Sea. XSA summary results.
Table dogfish in Black Sea. F-at-age matrix obtained from XSA.
Table Length, catch-at length and average weights in Romanian waters in 2015_
Table Time series of Rapa whelk landings (tons) in the Black Sea_
Table 2.2.2.: EU Gear Code Descriptions
Table 2.2.4: Current Bulgarian Fleet Capacity (28/5/2014)
Table 2.2.7. Historical Estimates of Ukrainian Fleet Size.
Table 2.2.8: Current Ukrainian Fleet Capacity (2012 [14])
Table 2.2.10.: Gear Types Utilised in the Ukrainian Fleet and Matched to EU Gear Codes.
Table 2.2.13.: Historical Estimates of Turkish Fleet Size.
Table 2.2.14.: Turkish Fleet Capacity (2012 [16])
Table 2.2.15.: Turkish Vessel Operating Types (2012 [16]) on the Black Sea Coast.
Table 2.2.16. TACs and quota for sprat in Black Sea(STECF, 2015)
Annex 1 Quantitative summary of ICZM stock-taking for the Black Sea Countries
Annex 2 Colour coded ICZM progress indicators for the Black Sea Region Countries
Figure The highest average wave in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 2013 data).
Figure The highest average wave in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 2014 data).
Figure The highest average wave in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 2015 data).
Figure Mean annual wave heights in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 1979-2013 data)
Figure . Mean annual wave heights in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according 2013 data)
Figure Mean annual wave heights in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according 2014 data)
Figure Mean annual wave heights in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according 2015 data)
Figure Average periods of waves in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 1979-2013 data).
Figure Average periods of waves in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 2013 data)
Figure Average periods of waves in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 2014 data)
Figure Average periods of waves in the Azov-Black Sea basin (according to 2015 data)
Figure Normalized difference-integral curve of river flows to the Black Sea.
Figure Interannual variability of the Black Sea water volume (km3 / year).
1.2. Hydrochemistry and pollution_
Figure 1.2.1.A. Samples sites of marine waters from the RDB-P for period 2009-2014.
Figure 1.2.1.B. Samples sites of the bottom sediments from the RDB-P for period 2009-2014.
Figure 1.2.1.C. Samples sites of the biota from the RDB-P for period 2009-2014.
Figure Changes of total organic matters indicated in BOD5 discharged.
Figure Changes of total nitrogen discharged.
Figure Changes of total phosphorus discharged.
Figure Changes of total suspended solids discharged.
Figure Changes of total nitrogen discharged and annual flow.
Figure Changes of total phosphorous discharged and annual flow.
Figure Changes of organic matters in BOD5 discharged and annual flow.
Figure Changes of TSS discharged and annual flow.
Figure Changes of the total nitrogen discharges from the main LBS into the Black Sea.
Figure 1. Changes of the total phosphorus discharges from the main LBS into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of organic matters in rivers discharging into the Black Sea.
Figure 1. Changes of TSS in rivers discharging into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of total nitrogen and total phosphorous discharged into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of total nitrogen discharged.
Figure Changes of total organic matters indicated in BOD5 discharged.
Figure Changes of total suspended solids discharged.
Figure Discharges into the Black Sea from LBS at Russian coast in 2014 and 2015.
Figure Changes of mineral nitrogen runoff into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of phosphorous runoff into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of organic substances indicated in BOD5 runoff into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of suspended solids runoff into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of total nitrogen discharged into the Black Sea.
Figure Changes of total phosphorus discharged into the Black Sea.
Figure 2.1.26. Changes of total organic matters discharged into the Black Sea.
Figure Annual deposition of cadmium (g/km2/year) to the Black Sea in 2009 and 2014.
Figure Annual deposition of mercury (g/km2/year) to the Black Sea in 2009 and 2014.
Figure Annual deposition of lead (g/km2/year) to the Black Sea in 2009 and 2014.
Figure Average and maximum pH values in precipitation for different seasons in 2014.
Figure Surface distribution of phosphates concentration in the Black Sea, 2009-2014.
Figure Phosphates annual mean concentration in the surface - Black Sea (2009-2014)
Figure Surface distribution of silicates concentration, Black Sea, 2009-2014.
Figure Silicates annual mean concentration in the surface - Black Sea (2009-2014)
Figure Surface distribution of nitrates concentration, Black Sea, 2009-2014.
Figure Nitrates annual mean concentration in the surface - Black Sea (2009-2014)
Figure Surface distribution of nitrites concentration, Black Sea, 2009-2014.
Figure Nitrites annual mean concentration in the surface - Black Sea (2009-2014)
Figure Surface distribution of ammonia concentration, Black Sea,2009-2014.
Figure Ammonia annual mean concentration in the surface - Black Sea (2009-2014)
Figure Black Sea coastal water quality assessed by the BEAST for period 2009-2014.
Figure Average concentration of the PAHs in the Romanian coastal waters in July 2009.
Figure Concentration of the PAHs total in water, (Romania 2010).
Figure The ratio of 16 PAHs in water by the number of rings in the molecules.
Figure The ratio of 16 PAHs in water by the number of rings in the molecules.
Figure The ratio of 16 PAHs in water by the number of rings in the molecules.
Figure The ratio of 16 PAHs in water by the number of rings in the molecules.
Figure Concentration of the PAHs in marine waters near Zmeiny Island in 2010.
Figure The level of marine waters contamination by PAHs near Zmeiniy Island in 2010.
Figure The ratio of 16 PAHs in the waters by the number of rings in the molecules.
Figure The ratio of 16 PAHs in the waters by the number of rings in the molecules.
Figure The level of sediment contamination PAHs in front of the Danube Delta in 2010.
Figure The concentrations of Naphtalene, Fluorene and Phenanthrene in Phyllophora.
Figure Concentrations of other individual PAHs in Phyllophora.
Figure Concentrations of sum PAHs, carcinogenic PAHs and B(a)Peqv. in Phyllophora.
Figure Trend analysis of OCPs in the west part of the Black Sea, in water, 2012 2014.
Figure Trend analysis of OCPs in the west part of the Black Sea, in water, 2012 2014.
Figure Distribution of Cu, Cd and Pb along water column, Black Sea Database, 2009-2014.
Figure Spatial distribution of heavy metals concentrations in surface waters, 2009-2014.
Figure Trends of heavy metals concentrations in Black Sea surface waters, 2009-2014.
Figure Map of study area, MISIS Joint Cruise, 22-31 July 2013.
Figure Trends of heavy metals in the Romanian Black Sea waters during 20062014.
Figure Average concentrations of trace metals in Ukrainian waters in 2011.
Figure The maximal concentrations of trace metals in Ukrainian marine waters.
Figure Average concentrations of trace metals in Ukrainian marine waters in 2012.
Figure Average concentrations of trace metals in Ukrainian marine waters in 2013.
Figure Average concentrations of trace metals in Ukrainian marine waters in 2014.
Figure Spatial distribution of heavy metals concentrations in sediments, 2009-2014.
Figure Trends of heavy metals concentrations in Black Sea sediments, 2009-2014.
Figure Sampling stations along Georgian coastal zone.
Figure Average concentrations of trace metals in bottom sediments of Ukraine in 2013.
Figure Mussels sampling points at 2009-2014.
Figure Concentrations of metals (g/g) in the taloms of Phyllophora seagrass.
Figure Satelite images of Basin scale bloom of Emiliania huxleyi during 2008-2016_
Figure Number of species distribution of phytoplankton classes sampled in 2008-2014.
Figure Distribution of the Danube discharge (Q) by quarters in 2007-2014 (data of DHMO).
Figure Zooplankton species number by taxa and groups from 2007 to 2014.
Figure Seasonal succession zooplankton community from May to November 2012.
Figure Mesozooplankton biomass dynamic from 2010 to 2014 at three habitats.
Figure Spatial distribution of mesozooplankton biomass in Georgian coastal waters (2014).
Figure Location of mesozooplankton sampling station on shelf of Turkey.
Figure Seasonal changes of the zooplankton groups in net samples.
Figure Biomass of the Copepod species throughout the sampling period.
Figure Monthly changes of N. scintillans abundance (indm-3) in net samples.
Figure Monthly changes of N. scintillans biomass (mg Cm-3) in net samples.
Figure Marine coastal stations in Odessa region (northwestern part of the Black Sea).
Figure m-AMBI results of the stations along the Turkish coast of the Black Sea_
Figure Averaged horizontal projected cover of samples from the coast of Sozopol town_
Figure Map with the investigated polygons along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
Figure Romanian phytobenthos sampling map_
Figure Opportunistic species average fresh biomass values (summer seasons 2009-2014)
Figure Zostera noltei fresh biomass variation between 20092014_
Figure Coccotylus truncatus was found along the beach at Constanta Nord_
Figure Ecologial state class (between 20092014) for Romanion coast
Figure Map of the macrophytes samplieng places along the Turkish coast of the Black Sea_
Figure Study area (Karauha and Ersoy Karauha, 2013)
Figure Discharge of deep-water macrophytes on the Odessa coast in July of 2011_
Figure M.leidyi and B.ovata larvae occurrence above the depth 10-100 m in 2015-2017.
Figure Occurrence of larvae M.leidyi and B.ovata at the depths 500 m above anoxic layer .
Figure Seasonal dynamic of edible (without Noctiluca scintillans) zooplankton biomass
Figure Aggregations of Aurelia aurita in the open waters in May.
Figure Seasonal dynamic of Aurelia aurita in the coastal waters (10-100 m) I 2015-2017.
Figure Marine IBAs of global importance in the Black and Caspian Seas.
Trends of (a) oxygen penetration depth, (b) oxygen penetration density
level () and (c)
oxygen inventory deduced from (dots)
DIVA analysis of ship-based casts and (blue) ARGO floats. 476
Figure Level of hypoxia, H, reached at equilibrium for a range of nitrate riverine load, N.
Figure Shifts of the mean landings of pontic shad, 1925-2010 (Panayotova et al., 2012)
Figure Shad distribution in spring and autumn season in 1956-2011 (Panayotova et al., 2012)
Figure Length weight relationship of Pontic shad (2010-2011)
Figure A. Spawning stock biomass SSB, t; B. Recruitment, mil (GFCM, 2015)
Figure Model estimated harvest and comparison with STECF (2015)(GFCM, 2015)
Figure SSB,t and recruitment of anchovy in Black Sea (STECF,2013)
Figure Limit and precautionary biomass reference points for Black Sea anchovy (GFCM, 2015)
Figure Distribution of spawning stock acoustically detected in July 2013 (STECF, 2014)
Figure Structure on length classes for anchovy in 2009, total catches (STECF, 2010)
Figure Length distributions (TL, cm) in Black Sea 1998 2012 (STECF, 2015)
Figure Length distribution from commercial sampling in 2013 (Bulgarian area)(STECF,2014)
Figure Age classes of sprat (share %) in Romanian marine area (Totoiu et al. 2016)
Figure Length (a) and weight (b) frequency distributions of sprat I Turkey (STECF, 2014)
Figure CPUA kg/sq.km of sprat in Turkish waters, 2013 (STECF, 2014)
Figure Total fish NASC values per EDSU in October November 2014 (STECF, 2015)
Figure Point map of horse mackerel NASC values (m2.nm-2)( Panayotova et al.,2015)
Figure Length-weight relationship of bonito 2009-2014 in Black Sea (GFCM, 2015)
Figure Landings of Bonito in Black Sea_
Figure Landings and IUU estimates of turbot in the Black Sea during the period 1950 2014.
Figure Linear growth of turbot by ages (STECF, 2013)
Figure Dynamics of GSI (%) in female and male turbots caught in December 2014 (GFCM, 2015)
Figure Sex structure of turbot catches in November 2014 (STECF, 2015)
Figure Sex structure of Psetta maxima in November 2014 (Tserkova et al., 2015)
Figure Turbot length-weight relationship in 2012 (STECF, 2013)
Figure, Recruitment, SSB and harvest of red mullet in 2013 and 2014 (STECF, 2015)
Figure Whiting in GSA 29. Average weight at age by country (A=2013,B=2014) (GFCM, 2015)
Figure in GSA 29. Distribution along the Romanian littoral (2014)
Figure Whiting in GSA 29. Distribution along the Turkish littoral (August 2014).
Figure Point map of whiting NASC values (m2.nm-2)(STECF,2015)
Figure of Recruitment, SSB, Catch and harvest of whiting in Black Sea (GFCM, 2015)
Figure Thornback ray in GSA 29. Distribution by length, cm (A), and weight, kg (B).
Figure. Total landings of Picked dogfish in Black Sea for 1990 - 2014_
Figure. Piked dogfish catches in the Black Sea area by countries (t) STECF, 2014;
Figure Structure on length classes for dogfish in 2014,Romanian area (STECF, 2015)
Figure Mean weight on length classes for dogfish in 2014, Romanian area (STECF, 2015)
Figure Age on length classes for picked dogfish 2014, Romanian area (STECF, 2015)
Figure Percentage on age classes for picked dogfish 2014, total catches (STECF, 2015)
Figure Rapana venosa_
Figure Landings of R. venosa in the Black Sea_
Figure Structure by lengths and mass cards of Rapa whelk during commercial fishing_
Figure Structure by lengths and Mass cards of Rapa whelk during commercial fishing_
Figure Trends of catches of Rapa whelk in Black Sea_
Fig Geographic distribution of Chamelea gallina (URL-2, 2006)
Figure The Black Sea.
Figure Vertical profile of salinity, temperature and density of the Black Sea.
Figure Main shipping routes in the Black Sea.
Figure Mnemiopsis leidyi.
Figure Impacts of alien species on pelagic fisheries in the Black Sea_
Figure Anchovy catches and ctenophore biomass in the Black Sea (Niermann, 2004).
Figure Sampling stations along the Bulgarian coast
Figure Biomass of Cystoseira genus (0-3m depth) from Bulgarian coast (2012-2016 years).
Figure 2.2.1. Total catch in Black Sea_
Figure 2.2.6. Gear Type Utilisation in the Romanian Active Fleet (As of 30th July 2014)
Figure 2.2.11.: Gear Type Utilisation in the Bulgarian Active Fleet (As of 30th July 2014)
Figure 2.2.18.: Estimated Number of Active Vessels in All Countries.
Figure 2.2.19.: Estimated Number of Active Vessels in All Countries Over Various Length Categories.
Figure 2.2.20.: Estimated Number of Active Vessels in All Countries Over Various Tonnage Categories.
Figure 2.2.21.: Estimated Number of Active Vessels in All Countries Over Various Power Categories.
Figure 2.2.22.: Number of vessels surveyed in each region in the Black Sea. CRS: WGS 84_
Figure 2.2.24.: Distribution of each gear class across the Black Sea. CRS: WGS 84.
Figure 3.1.1. Length of the coast in the Black Sea countries
Figure 3.1.2. Coastal zone of Bulgaria.
Figure 3.1.3. Coastal zone of Georgia.
Figure 3.1.4. Coastal zone of Romania.
Figure 3.1.5. Coastal zone of Russia.
Figure 3.1.6. Turkish coastal zone
Figure3.1.8. Population of the Black Sea countries.
Figure 3.1.9. Population density in coastal zone of the Russian Federation, inhabitants per sq.km_
Figure 3.1.10. Land use in the Black sea countries
Figure 3.1.11. Percentage of Population connected to WWTP in Turkey (a) and Russia (b)
Figure 3.1.12. NATURA 2000 sites in Bulgaria_
Figure 3.1.15. Accumulation/erosion 2011-2012_
Figure 3.1.16. Accumulation/erosion 2011-2012 in Perisor Cape Midia sector, Romania_
Figure 3.1.17. Number of visitors arrivals to the Romanian Black Sea coast in 2006-2012.
Figure 3.1.18. Industry in Black sea coastal zone of Turkey
Figure 3.1.21. Added value per sectors relevant in relation to ICZM (Constanta County, Romania)
Figure 3.1.22. The dynamics of added value in the relevant sectors (Constanta County, Romania)
Figure 3.1.23. Coastline instability (Romanian littoral)
Figure 3.1.24. Coastline dynamics (Romanian littoral)
Figure 3.1.26. The dynamics of economic turnover in relevant sectors (Constanta County, Romania)
Figure 3.1.28. Percent Number of enterprises per sectors that are relevant in relation to the ICZM_
Figure 3.1.29. Percent Number of enterprises per sectors that are relevant in relation to the ICZM_
Figure 3.1.32. Sea Level relative to land for Constanta and Varna (source: http://www.psmsl.org)
Figure Coastal zone boundaries appropriately defined_
Figure Coordination/integration mechanisms in place (horizontal)
Figure Setback zones for coastal development control claimed_
Figure National ICZM strategy prepared_
Figure Environmental assessment procedures in place and adequate
Figure Coastal hazard prevention, mitigation & adaptation measures
Figure Coastal zone management and sustainability indicators
Annex 1 Quantitative summary of ICZM stock-taking for the Black Sea Countries
Annex 2 Colour coded ICZM progress indicators for the Black Sea Region Countries
Tools for highlighting and searching the text
Krutov Anatoly
State Oceanographic Institute, Moscow, Russia
The Black Sea, surrounded by the six coastal countries the Republic of Bulgaria (Bulgaria), Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation (Russia), the Republic of Turkey (Turkey), and Ukraine. The location of the Black Sea Basin together with its climatic conditions has created a unique ecological system. Today, many of the Black Sea species are threatened by over-exploitation, habitat destruction, pollution and climate change. It reflects negatively on human well-being, social and economic sectors, and environmental services. By 1994, all Black Sea littoral states ratified the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution of the Black Sea (the Bucharest Convention).
Being the first regional and legally binding instrument signed by all six Black Sea littoral states, the Bucharest Convention serves as an overarching framework laying down the general requirements and the institutional mechanism for the protection of the marine environment of the Black Sea.
Concrete commitments are determined and dealt with in protocols to the Convention. Negotiations on three protocols have been concluded. They focus on the protection of the marine environment of the black sea from land-based sources and activities, cooperation in combating pollution of the black sea marine environment by oil and other harmful substances in emergency situations, the protection of the black sea marine environment against pollution by dumping.
At the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention, held in Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey, 2013, the Conference of Parties (COP) requested the preparation of the second State of the Environment (SoE) of the Black Sea Report for distribution among Parties. Pursuant to that and other related requests by Parties, the Permanent Secretariat of the Convention organized a meeting of the leaders of Working Groups, in Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey, 28-31 October 2015. The Meeting agreed that the Report to be based, inter alia, on reports and documentation developed by the Working Groups and adopted by the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission Against Pollution during 2009 - 2014. The content and the outline of the Report and distribution of responsibilities were also agreed.
For the assessment of the Black Sea status during 2009-2014 and its comparison with the previous period several data sources were used. The major source of the chemical data is the joint Regional Database on Pollution (RDB-P) of the Black Sea Commission. Additional important sources of environmental information for the Assessment are the Annual State Reports to the Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission Working Groups Pollution Monitoring Assessment (PMA) and Land Base Sources (LBS).National scientific expeditions and environmental research activities also were used for the analysis of Sea condition and preparation of the assessment.
In the preparation of the report, due account was furthermore taken of other relevant scientific national and regional reports and publications and the development of a reporting format for the implementation of the Bucharest Convention and its Protocols. In order to increase the understanding and enhance the information on the state and trends of the marine environment of the Black Sea, there is a clear need to get a better insight about emerging environmental concerns.
The report summarizes the findings of the different assessments and includes existing updated figures. It is based on the latest information on policy and legislative measures, institutional setup, stakeholder engagement, future challenges and barriers to the improvement of the state of the environment in the region. The report is an effort to highlight the main trends in the marine and coastal environment of the Black Sea. It provides a gap analysis, showing the needs and requirements of the countries, individually and collectively, in the areas of monitoring, information collection and management related to policy, decision-making and implementation of the Bucharest Convention and its Protocols.
This report is based on materials and documents of the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission Against Pollution, and does not reflect the official position of governments of the Black Sea states. It should not be regarded as a comprehensive analysis taking into account the consensus of all stakeholders and developed with their participation, but rather as a blueprint to help pave the way ahead, indicating what is needed to establish a monitoring network and programme capable of systematically measuring the state of the environment of the Black Sea, in light of the requirements of the Convention and its Protocols.
There are three chapters in the Report to reflect the state and dynamics of the Black Sea ecosystem, the state and dynamics of the living and non-living resources and their exploitation in the Black Sea region, and the state of the Black Sea coast and socio-economics.
It was suggested by the Meeting of the leaders of the Working Groups and coordinated by the PS BSC that the Report should focus on the scientific analysis of the Black Sea state.
The Report partially presents a regional picture reflecting the state of environment country by country but does not reflect the regional perspective.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the Black Sea circulation and stratification characteristics, calculated characteristics of wind and waves, the Black Sea Water balance, chemical features, including nutrients dynamics and water and bottom sediments pollution, as well as land-based sources of pollution characterization.
The Chapter presents first the properties of the water column structure followed by the overall water balance and the long-term climatic variations. Finally, the circulation characteristics are summarized by emphasizing its energetic mesoscale variability. Based on the all available information related to the Black Sea circulation system it was suggested that the most notable quasi-persistent and/or recurrent features of the circulation system include (i) the meandering Rim Current system cyclonically encircling the basin, (ii) two cyclonic sub-basin scale gyres comprising four or more gyres within the interior, (iii) the Bosphorus, Sakarya, Sinop, Kizilirmak, Batumi, Sukhumi, Caucasus, Kerch, Crimea, Sevastopol, Danube, Constantsa, and Kaliakra anticyclonic eddies on the coastal side of the Rim Current zone, (iv) bifurcation of the Rim Current near the southern tip of the Crimea; one branch flowing southwestward along the topographic slope zone and the other branch deflecting first northwestward into the shelf and then contributing to the southerly inner shelf current system, (v) convergence of these two current systems near the southwestern coast, (vi) presence of a large anticyclonic eddy within the northern part of the northwestern shelf. All of these are well known characteristics of the Black Sea for decades, which means that despite of certain occasional variations in the vertical structure of the Black Sea ecosystem due to climatic or anthopogenic influence, the general hydrological and hydrophysical features of the Black Sea remain the same during the studied period.
Yet, the regime of wind waves in the Black Sea-Azov basin has a pronounced multiannual variability. This is most fully manifested in the regime of extreme sea swells. Usually strong storms with waves of more than 5 m heights are extremely rare on the Black Sea. Because of this, one or two strong storms can lead to the fact that a particular year will be perceived as a "stormy". This was 2013, when, according to calculations, wave heights of more than 5 m were recorded in the centre of the sea. A different picture was observed in 2015, when waves of more than 2 m heights were observed only in the south-west of the sea. For the mean wave heights for a year, the opposite picture was observed. The height of extreme waves for 2013-2015 decreased but average of the height of waves for the year grew. Changes in the wave regime over these years are characterized by a decrease in extreme storms and an increase in the average wave strengths.
The wave regime for 2013-2014 was characterized by an increase in the average for the year wave periods in the west part of the sea. The average wave periods in the open water areas in the western part of the sea was increased by one second over the year. In the eastern part of the sea, the situation remained within the limits of the climatic norm.
According to climatic data, the direction of wind wave on the Black Sea has a north-easterly direction for the western part of the sea. The northern direction of wind wave is typical for the central water area and the north-western, western and south-western for its eastern part. North-eastern sea swells dominated the northeast of the sea as well as in its west in 2014 and 2015. Generally, this type of sea swells was typical until the 60s of the 20th century, when the winter northeast wind dominated the entire north-western part of the sea. The border of this domination was along the line of Novorossiysk-Bosporus.
The Black Sea is a semi-enclosed sea, surrounded by many industrialized countries, with important shipping routes, various fisheries and touristic areas. In addition it has a dynamic surface circulation and hosts a large drainage basin. All of the above factors make the Black Sea a particularly sensitive area for marine litter pollution (BSC, 2007; UNEP, 2009). A large number of rivers discharge into the Black Sea, including the second, third and fourth longest rivers in Europe. It is well acknowledged that rivers transport large amounts of natural and anthropogenic debris from in-land sources to the ocean and coastal beaches (Rech et al., 2014) and it is proven that high a percentage of marine litter, including micro-plastics, are introduced by river currents to the Black Sea (Tuncer et al., 1998; Topu et al., 2013; BSC, 2007; Lechner et al. 2014).
This Chapter also provides a brief and easy understand information on waste water discharges from the riparian countries to the Black Sea and includes selected land based sources (LBS) data reported by the Black Sea (BS) countries for 2009-2015. According to the agreed classification, data were aggregated by countries. Municipal sources include discharges from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Four indicators of municipal pollution sources were included in this report. The parameters are: BOD5, total Nitrogen (TN), total Phosphorus (TP), total Suspended Solids (TSS), and waste waters discharged into the Black Sea. These indicators were selected to keep the possibility to comparing of the conceivable impact of the riparian countries.
Chapter 1 presents also model assessment of HM and POPs atmospheric input to the Black Sea pollution for the period 2009-2014. Modelling of atmospheric transport and deposition of selected HMs and POPs, namely, Cd, Pb, Hg, and benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), was carried out using MSC-E Eulerian transport models for Heavy Metals MSCE-HM (Travnikov and Ilyin, 2005) and for Persistent Organic Pollutants MSCE-POP (Gusev et al., 2005). Latest available official information on B(a)P emission from the EMEP countries was used in model simulations (Ilyin et al., 2016; Gusev et al., 2016).
The literature across international reports and scientific papers highlights that plastics are the most abundant type of marine litter worldwide. While plastic constitutes to around 75% of all litter items found in EU (Kershaw et al., 2013), the proportion found in both the Black seas seafloor and coastal environments increased up to 90% (Topu et al., 2013). Therefore, in accordance with global data, plastic waste has a worldwide predominance in the marine environment (Suaria et al., 2015). In regards to micro-plastics, the studies conveyed that the Black Sea is prone to micro-plastic accumulation, both in the pelagic and benthic habitats, which make it as a micro-plastic hotspot. In regards to the marine litter density, the Kerch Strait and Azov Sea each contain an extensive marine litter density relative to the rest of the Black Sea. It should also be highlighted that there are differences between each countries methodology and units when collecting and reporting marine litter densities; this makes it hard to compare the results between countries. There is therefore an urgent need for basin-wide surveys following similar observation techniques and to allow comparisons on marine litter composition and accumulation within and between countries. The majority of the marine litter data comes from coastal surveys followed by seabed studies. There were only two surveys focused on the presence of micro-plastics, one in Romania and one in Turkey. It is clear that all six Black Sea countries are on the pioneering stage of marine litter pollution management.
Analysis of the information collected from the annual reports of the riparian countries delivered by LBS AG and presentations delivered during 21st LBS AG meeting 89 September 2016 allowed to make the following conclusions about the content of the waste waters discharged into the Black Sea:
Bulgaria: there was an increasing tendency observed in the content of organic matters indicated in BOD5, total nitrogen, and suspended solids. At the same time, there was a decreasing tendency in the discharge of total phosphorous in the Bulgarian waste waters;
Georgia: the waste waters discharged into the Black Sea from LBSs almost tripled from 2008 to 2014 with the volume of untreated waters decreased up to 40% in 2014 as compared with 2009. There was an increasing tendency in concentration of total nitrogen and total organic matters with the decreasing tendency in total suspended solids in Georgian waste waters;
Romania: the volume of Romanian waste waters discharged into the Black Sea decreased by over 15% and the volume of untreated waters discharged into the Black Sea decreased almost by50% from 2008 to 2013. There was a decreasing tendency of content of total nitrogen and total suspended solids and an increasing tendency of total phosphorous and organic matters (BOD5);
Russian Federation: there was a decreasing tendency in the volume of total nitrogen, phosphorous, organic matters, and suspended solids in Russian waste waters;
Republic of Turkey: there was a substantial decrease of the volume of total discharge of pollutants in waste waters from Turkeys municipal source and there was a slight increasing tendency in BOD5, total suspended solids load, and total phosphorous, and visual increasing tendency in total nitrogen discharges in river waters;
Ukraine: the total nitrogen discharge had slight increasing tendency and discharge of total phosphorous and organic matters had decreasing tendency in Ukrainian waste waters. There were decreasing tendencies in the content of total phosphorous and organic matters and slight increasing tendency in total nitrogen in Ukrainian waste waters.
Dynamics and over the years changes of Nutrients (C, N, P, Si), as well as the Black Sea eutrophication, and pollution, in particular by oil and oil products, are discussed in Subchapter 2. It was noted that information about pollution was largely fragmented and in most of the cases was not comparable.
Chapter 2 assesses the marine living resources status for the period of 2009-2014 and compares with the earlier period to explain the changes occurred. It first informs on anadromous fishes, and then about pelagic fishes.
It was noted that the lack of sufficient information concerning fishing activity, catch quantities, composition and its impact on the current state of the fish stocks are the critical issues for the Black Sea region. It is due to the fact that there are different techniques were and currently are in place for recording, evaluating, controlling and monitoring of the fishing activities as well as a number of surveys of the current state of the fishing stocks performed.
The analysis of data collected shows that:
there is only one stock - sprat, which is considered sustainably exploited;
most of fish stocks in the Black Sea are overexploited to the extent that some of them are nearly to depletion.
Therefore, there is the need to put more efforts in recovery and sustainable development of the fishing stocks to targeted levels of abundance identified. Measures, being developed and implemented, could mitigate the impact of the fishing activities endangering reproductive capacity and jeopardizing the fish stocks (EC, 2009).
Main conclusions to Chapter 2 are that the Black Sea is indeed exposed to many threats that need to be addressed urgently. Overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, pernicious discarding practices, ghost fishing, marine pollution, uneven development of aquaculture and invasive species are the most important threats, although not the only ones. The declines of marine living resources were generated by: eutrophication (sources from agriculture, municipal waste, industry, etc.); harmful substances (sources from agriculture, industry, municipal waste, etc). In summary, the main causes for the Black Sea current status are hydraulic works; commercial fisheries; alien species; and climatic changes. Therefore, the causes of this situation are multiple, the independent effect of each being very difficult to be assessed:
The high value of the percentage of the species sprat and their constancy within the catches explain the high oscillations of the annual catches on the Romanian coast. These oscillations occur even more as the fishing is done in a restricted area of coast where the conditions of maintaining fish shoals are extremely variable;
The passive fishery uses pound nets and has suffered the strongest impact due to the change of the ecological conditions near the coast zone. Moreover, there are observations attesting the fish migration routes changed during the last 6-7 years. The fish has the tendency to remain in the offing, at a certain distance from the coast zone with the isobaths of 5-13 m where the pound nets are located;
The environmental conditions existing to the Romanian littoral allowed formation and maintaining of very large agglomerations of gelatinous species, especially jellyfish. Jelly fish and ctenophore agglomerations making difficult the trawl fishery on all hauling level in some years and periods;
Heavy fishing on small pelagic fish predominantly by the Soviet Union, and later also by Turkey, was carried out in a competitive framework without any agreement between the countries on limits to fishing. Depletion of the small pelagic stock appears to have led to increased opportunities for population explosion of planktonic predators (jelly fish and ctenophores) which have competed for food with fish, and preyed on their eggs and larvae;
The reduction of the fishing effort as a consequence of the economic changes occasioned by the transformation of the state capital into private capital;
The limitation of market demands for some periods of the year, mainly amplified by the fact that more than 90% of the production was delivered as salted fish;
The free market and imported products have caused the limitation of the traditionally prepared products and the reduction of their price until the limit of the profitableness (Radu et al., 2012).
Chapter 3 is devoted to the state of the coastal zone of the Black Sea and is based on the information presented annually by the Black Sea countries to the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission Against Pollution for the period 2009 - 2013.
Economic activity at the coastal zone impacts on the state of the entire marine ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration and discuss drivers, pressures, state, impact, and response analyzing the state of the Black Sea environment. Based on this approach the ICZM Advisory Group at its meeting decided to base its reports on general information of the Black Sea coastal zone as well as on data about population, including demographic trends, water and wastewater management, solid waste management, and information on protected areas. It was also decided that the Report should reflect coastal erosion, land use and economic activities.
Black Sea countries agreed that the Coastal Zone is the geomorphological area either side of the seashore in which the interaction between the marine and land parts occurs in the form of complex ecological and resource systems made up of biotic and abiotic components coexisting and interacting with human communities and relevant socio-economic activities..[9]
Analysis of information available related to the State of the Coast and Socio-economics allows to draw the following conclusions:
1. Due to the lack of important information a deep analysis of the state of the coast was impossible. To overcome the problem, ICZM Advisory Group of the Black Sea Commission decided to introduce new indicators for assessment of the state of the Black Sea coast. They were tested and ICZM Advisory Group agreed to use these indicators for future activities.
2. Black Sea coast is the zone of many types of activities. The most part of the coastal zones in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine are used for agriculture. In Russia biggest part of the coast is covered by forest and protected.
3. The number of population in the coastal zone is growing in Bulgaria, Russia and Turkey and decreasing in Romania and Ukraine.
4. There is a sustainable growth in access to drinking water and sanitation in all countries.
5. There is an increase in the amount of municipal wastes. The number of landfills has increased in Romania, Turkey and has decreased in Russia and Bulgaria. There is only one incineration plant. It locates in Turkey.
6. Erosion of the coast is increasing. However, there are very few projects implemented to prevent it.
7. There are activities going on to improve protection of the coastal zone environment, including marine.
8. Since previous report the structure of economic activities was not changed. The leading sectors are tourism, food processing, agriculture and transport, including shipping.
9. Oil transshipment sufficiently impact on environment.