The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Permanent Secretariat

Activity Centers

The Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution i The Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution was signed in Bucharest in April 1992, and ratified by all six legislative assemblies of the Black Sea countries in the beginning of 1994. Also referred to as "Bucharest Convention", it is the basic framework of agreement and three specific Protocols, which are: the control of land-based sources of pollution; dumping of waste; and joint action in the case of accidents (such as oil spills). The implementation of the provisions of the Convention is supported by the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (also referred to as the Istanbul Commission), and its Permanent Secretariat, stationed in Istanbul, Türkiye. v   defines the role and functions of the Activity Centers as, inter alia, supporting to the activities of the Black Sea Commission. The Black Sea Strategic Action Plan 1996 i The Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea (1996), signed in Istanbul, Turkey, on the 30 - 31 October 1996, (amended June 22-26 2002, Sofia, Bulgaria) and now updated by the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Sea defines - the basic principles for cooperative common action of the Black Sea coastal states Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, The Russsian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine for the protection of the Black Sea Environment - policy actions to be undertaken - institutional structure to be established to implement common polciy actions including source of expertise, assessments and scientific cooperation Its annexes include the Advisory Groups to be set up and operated to support the Black Sea costal states signatories to the plan and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution in the implementation of the objectives of the Convention and the Strategic Agtion Plan v further elaborates on this and defines the Advisory Groups/Activity Centers in the seven strategic sectors of the BSAP. The Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea 2009 i The Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Seawas adopted at the Ministerial Meeting/Diplomatic Conference held 17 April 2009 in Sofia, Bulgaria. It updates the The Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea (1996), signed in Istanbul, Turkey, on the 30 - 31 October 1996. Whereas the plan adopted in 1996 identified the main challenges and basis for cooprative action as well as making recommendations on the institutional structure needed for adressing these, the 2009 plan analyses the challenges facing the Black Sea environment from a more recent perspective and defines the main EcoQuality Objectives (EcoQO) to be achieved: EcoQO 1: Preserve commercial marine living resources. EcoQO 2: Conservation of Black Sea Biodiversity and Habitats. EcoQO 3: Reduce eutrophication. EcoQO 4: Ensure Good Water Quality for Human Health, Recreational Use and Aquatic Biota. The Plan defines management targets and indicators of achievement. v , adopted at the Ministerial Meeting/Diplomatic Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, 17 April 2009, elaborates on the further increase of their role efficiency.

Activity Centers Name

Definition in BSSAP 1996

Activity Centers Institutional and Scientific Capacity


AC ESAS Environmental and Safety Aspects of Shipping, Varna Bulgaria >> pending upload
AC PMAPolllution Monitoring and Assessment, Odessa, Ukraine >> Report RAC PMA 2020.docx Report RAC PMA 2021.docx Report RAC PMA 2022.docx Report RAC PMA 2023.docx
AC LBS Control of Pollution from Land Based Sources, Istanbul, Türkiye >> pendimg upload
AC ICZMDevelopment of Common Methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Krassnodar, Russian Federation >> pending upload
AC CBD Conservation of Biological Diversity, Batumi, Georgia >> pending upload
AC FOMLR Environmental Aspects of Fisheries and Other Marine Living Resources, Constanta, Romania >> pending upload
AC IDM Information and Data Management, Permanent Secretariat, Istanbul, Turkey >> ---


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