The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Permanent Secretariat

Institutions overview

Contracting Parties
Bulgaria Georgia Romania The Russian Federation Türkiye Ukraine

The Black Sea Commission
Commission members from:
Bulgaria Georgia Romania the Russian Federation Türkiye Ukraine

The Permanent Secretariat
Permanent Secretariat Staff
Executive Director Official Staff - Officers Support Staff

Advisory Groups

ESAS- Advisory Group on the Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping

PMA - Advisory Group on the Pollution Monitoring and Assessment

LBS - Advisory Group on Control of Pollution from Land Based Sources

IDE - Advisory Group on Information and Data Exchange

ICZM - Advisory Group on the Development of Common Methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management

CBD - Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity

FOMLR - Advisory Group on the Environmental Aspects of the Management of Fisheries and other Marine Living Resources

Working Groups

Activity Centers

AC PMA Polllution Monitoring and Assessment, Odessa, Ukraine

AC LBS Control of Pollution from Land Based Sources, Istanbul, Türkiye

AC ICZM Development of Common Methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Krassnodar, Russian Federation

AC CBD Conservation of Biological Diversity, Batumi, Georgia

AC FOMLR Environmental Aspects of Fisheries and Other Marine Living Resources, Constanta, Romania

AC IDM Information and Data Management, Permanent Secretariat, Istanbul, Türkiye


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