The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Permanent Secretariat


For current projects in which the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution is participating partner/beneficiary, please refer to the 2020 annual working programme


EU (Represented by the EC, DG Environment) - The Environment Directorate General is one of the 36 Directorates General and specialized services which make up the European Commission, serving to initiate and define new environmental legislation and ensure that measures are implemented by member states. (observer status granted at 7th Regular Meeting, 29-31 May 2001)

GEF/UNDP - Global Environmental Facility/United Nations Development Programme. (observer status granted at 7th Regular Meeting, 29-31 May 2001)

UNEP - United Nations Environmental Programme(granted observer status at 8th Regular BSC Meeting, 18-19 February 2002)

ICPDR - International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River. (observer status granted at 7th Regular Meeting, 29-31 May 2001)

BSEC - Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. (observer status granted at 7th Regular Meeting, 29-31 May 2001)

ACCOBAMS - Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (granted observer status at 8th Regular BSC Meeting, 18-19 February 2002)

BSC-PSC Memorandum of Understanding - signed and enforced by all Black Sea countries, the PSC MOU and the BSC have granted each other observerstatus.(observer status granted at 7th Regular Meeting, 29-31 May 2001)

BS NGO Network - The Black Sea NGO Network (observer status granted at 7th Regular Meeting, 29-31 May 2001)

International Maritime Organization (IMO) - The Agreement on Cooperation enabling reciprocal observership between the BSC and International Maritime Organization (IMO) (was approved by the IMO during its 26th General Assembly on 26th November 2009 and by BSC during its 22nd Regular Meeting on 19-21st January 2010).


GFCM - UN FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean – the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Black Sea Commission and the GFCM was signed on 14th May, 2012 in Marrakech, Morocco, during the 36th Session of the GFCM.

EEA - European Environment Agency


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