1. Introduction
The Strategic Action Plan (1996) for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea (BS SAP) has been one of the fundamental elements of the regional cooperation in the Black Sea which was first settled in 1992 by the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution. The Plan was based on the findings of the first Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of the Black Sea (1996) and developed with certain principles to include specific policy actions to combat with the identified threats and problems. After an implementation period of the SAP (1996) of more than a decade, it is being revised and an updated SAP (2008) is developed based on the findings of the TDA2007 (http://www.blacksea-commission.org/main.htm) and the national (http://www.blacksea-commission.org/main.htm) and regional ( kievmeeting/gapreport.html) Gap Analysis reports (2007) of the previous SAP. The latter reports overview the gaps in the SAP1996 implementation on a national and regional levels, giving recommendations for reorganising the priorities and actions therein considering the progress in the Black Sea region and the current state of the environment
The present report is the second periodic assessment of the Implementation of the SAP for the years 2001-2006, with some additional information for 2007. It is organized, similar to the first one (2001), as an overview and evaluation of the policy actions and management principles identified in the SAP against the environmental challenges and in annexes (tables and figures) showing the progress made. Only the Articles on the development of “National Black Sea Strategic Action Plans and Financing the SAP” have not been dealt separately to avoid duplications in the text and annexes because all these efforts are well documented under other sections.
Since the gap analysis (including the achievements and the suggestions for improvement) of the SAP and its implementation were previously made (2007) at national and regional scales, these reports were fully made used for the preparation of the present one. Besides, TDA (2007), Black Sea Ecosystem recovery Project (BSERP) Final Report, BSC Database, communications with BSC Permanent Secretariat (PS), BS national/regional experts were also used as major sources of information.
The progress markers selected for policy development, establishment of national frameworks/regulations, programmes/projects run for the BS at different scales, investments made by national and international donors, environmental status and others clearly indicate that there has been a lot of move in the last decade to rehabilitate and protect the Black Sea. In particular, there is a real progress in the development of regional/international cooperation, including joint effort of governmental, non-governmental organizations and private sector in tackling high-priority point sources pollution; contingency planning and emergency response; biological diversity, habitats and landscapes protection, development of Black Sea information system and monitoring program, and sustainable human development. And the ultimate indicator of all our efforts, the state of the Black Sea and its coasts show signs of improvement starting by 1995, however, the challenges faced in the 1990s are still present and urge us to further strengthen the safety aspects of any human activity in the region.
2. Challenges
1. The Black Sea ecosystem continues to be threatened by inputs of certain pollutants, notably nutrients. Nutrients enter the Black Sea from land based sources, and in particular through rivers. The Danube river accounts for well over half of the nutrient input to the Black Sea. Eutrophication is a phenomenon which occurs over wide areas of the Black Sea and should be of concern to the countries of the Black Sea basin.
Findings presented in the National Gap Analysis Reports (2007) justify that eutrophication is still a challenge at regional and national levels even though there are substantial improvements in the north western shelf of the Black Sea. According to the comparison of nutrient loads from different sources presented in TDA 2007, the major route of transfer of DIN and P-PO4 is still the riverine inputs to which Danube continues to contribute more than the other rivers. However, it is difficult to assess in full the contribution of other rivers to the total riverborne nutrient transport since the regime of them have not been everywhere identified properly yet because of lack of systematic monitoring with statistically significant frequency of observations. The second major pathway of DIN load is the atmospheric deposition that said to contribute at a level of 28-45%. Though there is not enough monitoring data to validate the atmospheric deposition models, these figures clearly show the importance of the atmospheric DIN deposition that also counts for the importance of atmospheric emissions. Direct discharges from large waste water treatment plants counts around 8% of the P-PO4 loads where the contribution of Istanbul Strait makes 21%.
The economic growth of the region as well as the population increase in the urban and rural coastal areas will obviously continue to be a pressure which will eventually be the direct causes of eutrophication if the necessary measures are not planned and applied.
2. Inputs of insufficiently treated sewage result in the presence of microbiological contaminants, which constitute a threat to public health and in some cases pose a barrier to the development of sustainable tourism and aquaculture.
Even though a lot of measures have been taken for the untreated sewage, it is still a problem for some parts of the coastal BS. Especially, most of the rural coastal population is still not connected to a sewer system. The number of waste water treatment plants or the level of treatment at the available plants are still not enough to combat with sewage discharges even in the urban areas. Additionally, treatment of storm waters and prevention of littering of the coastal areas could be treated similarly. Bacteriological pollution and littering due to these sources is a possible barrier for the development of sustainable tourism and aquaculture in the region.
3. In addition, inputs of other harmful substances, and especially oil, continue to threaten the Black Sea ecosystem. Oil enters the environment as a result of accidental and operational discharges from vessels, as well as through land based sources. Almost half of the inputs of oil from land based activities are brought to the Black Sea via the Danube river.
Relatively high contamination levels of some pesticides, heavy metals and PCBs are present at specific sites in the Black Sea, with illegal dumping/discharges (particularly of agrochemicals) being recognised as a particular problem (TDA, 2007). The historically poor enforcement of discharge standards and a failure to consider the Sea itself as a receiving waterbody for discharges to rivers have been considered to be the principal reasons underlying the pollution status of the Sea. During the last years the standards have been revised in some of the Black Sea states and enforcement strengthened.
Besides well known sources of pollution, progressive interest to exploration and exploitation of the Black Sea shelf deposits of oil and gas pose a new threat and increased risk of pollution to the Black Sea ecosystem. Additionally, the high volume of oil being transported across the Black Sea has also increased the risk of oil pollution. Intensive shipping and oil platforms (sea-based oil pollution) is seemingly more important than the land-based oil activities in the region. However, the comprehensive assessment of oil pollution sources contribution for the 1990s (based on in situ data, Black Sea Pollution Assessment, eds. L. Mee and G. Topping, UN Publications, New York, 1999) showed the rivers and other land based sources as the main contributors to oil pollution in the Black Sea, compared to rather low values of accidental spillages from ships. Since 2001 the situation has not been changed and the accidental oil pollution is even at a lower level than in the 1990s.
Eventhough the illegal oil discharges have not been properly assessed yet, it has been initiated under the umbrella of the BSC through inviting JRC to cooperation and concluding with an MOU. The EC Joint Research Centre (Tarchi et al., 2006) undertook an assessment of sea-based oil pollution (most of it due to illegal discharges) using remote sensing imagery for the period 1999-2004, showing likely spills along the main shipping routes: Odessa – Istanbul and Novorossiysk – Istanbul. A substantial concentration of likely oil spills was also detected in the area where the Istanbul Strait enters the Black Sea.
The annual number of likely spills/illicit discharges detected in this study is shown in the Table bellow. The time-scale over which the study was carried out is too short to determine whether the situation has improved or not during recent years. In any case, the illegal discharges are an order of higher magnitude compared to accidental oil spills.
SAR images analyzed and likely oil spills detected for the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 (after Tarchi et al, 2006).
Year |
SAR Images analyzed |
No. of likely spills detected |
Spills per image |
2000 |
710 |
255 |
0.36 |
2001 |
519 |
249 |
0.48 |
2002 |
422 |
200 |
0.47 |
2004 |
1514 |
523 |
0.35 |
3165 |
1227 |
0.39 |
Implementation of the preventive and anticipatory principles to this sector shall become a national and regional challenge. To combat accidental pollution and illegal discharges where intense marine transport of oil and other NHSs (noxious and harmful substances) in the region take place should also be considered as a challenge.
4. Moreover, the past introduction of exotic species, through the deballasting of vessels, has seriously damaged the Black Sea ecosystem and constitutes a threat to the adjacent Mediterranean and Caspian Seas.
The considerable number of records of new aliens between 1996 and 2005 show that the Black Sea is still a favorable region by those transported especially with ballast waters. Therefore, the prediction and prevention of invasion by potentially harmful species continues to be a challenge for the Black Sea.
5. Inadequate resources management and, in particular, inadequate policies with respect to fisheries and coastal zone management continue to impede the sustainable development of the Black Sea region. Most fish stocks in the Black Sea, already stressed as a consequence of pollution, have been over exploited or are threatened by over exploitation; many coastal areas have deteriorated as a result of erosion and uncontrolled urban and industrial development, including the resultant construction activities. Consequently, there is a serious risk of losing valuable habitats and landscape and ultimately, the biological diversity and productivity of the Black Sea ecosystem.
Due to over fishing in the early 1970s-1980s, the structure of catches has shifted from predatory to non-predatory species significantly. Total fish landings are now about half of what they were in the mid 1980s. Marine living resources have been greatly affected not only by over-fishing but also by alien species introductions, eutrophication and habitats change/damage.
Eventhough there are some recent improvements in fish catch statistics and in predatory fish catches, turbot, sturgeon, dogfish and whiting catches have not shown similar trends and unsustainable fishing practices are still commonly used in the region.
The challenge in this sector would be the development of the regional cooperation and Black Sea wide implementation of the principles of sustainable fisheries.
6. The above considerations led to suggestions that the process of degradation of the Black Sea is irreversible. However, environmental monitoring, conducted over the past 4-5 years, reflects perceptible and continued improvements in the state of, some localised components of the Black Sea ecosystem. These improvements appear to be the indirect result of reduced economic activity in the region, and to a certain degree of protective measures taken by governments. The challenge which the region now faces is to secure a healthy Black Sea environment at a time when economic recovery and further development are also being pursued.
Keeping the Black Sea environment healthy at a time when economic recovery and further development are also being pursued is considered being the challenge of number one priority for all Black Sea coastal states. It puts a strong demand for full implementation of all principles. These include continuous national and regional efforts to control discharges and all human activities to damage biodiversity and habitats of the Sea.
7. This Strategic Action Plan is a step in the process towards attaining sustainable development in the Black Sea region. Its overall aims are to enable the population of the Black Sea region to enjoy a healthy living environment in both urban and rural areas, and to attain a biologically diverse Black Sea ecosystem with viable natural populations of higher organisms, including marine mammals and sturgeons, and which will support livelihoods based on sustainable activities such as fishing, aquaculture and tourism in all Black Sea countries.
The analysis made in the draft SAP (2008) on the subject:
The 1996 BS SAP was a groundbreaking document for the Black Sea region which established specific targets and timetables for implementing the objectives of the 1992 Bucharest Convention. However, it was an overly ambitious document and very few of the targets were accomplished on time. Furthermore, the 1996 BS SAP also suffered from problems of enforcement of national environmental laws and legislation, and the lack of a regional mechanism to ensure compliance with different policy actions[1]. An amendment in 2002 (the 2002 Sofia Declaration) aimed to resolve some of these issues.
The 2008 BS SAP has been formulated through careful consideration of inter alia the 1996 SAP, the 2007 BS TDA and the 2007 BS SAP Gap Analysis. It aims to help resolve the transboundary environmental problems of the Black Sea and is a joint effort of all the Black Sea countries. The SAP was elaborated from consensus reached at a multinational level in relation to a series of proposals that include: Ecosystem Quality Objectives (EcoQOs); short, medium and long term targets, and legal and institutional reforms necessary to solve main environmental problems identified within the 2007 BS TDA.. The process of elaboration of the SAP was characterized by the participation and commitment of the main stakeholders and key institutions of the Black Sea coastal states.
3. The Basis for Cooperative Action
The Principles adopted for the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan were fully accepted by the Black Sea States and were introduced into the respective national legislative and regulatory framework:
8. The concept of sustainable development shall be applied, by virtue of which the carrying capacity of the Black Sea ecosystem is not exceeded nor the interests of future generations prejudiced.
9. The precautionary principle shall be applied, by virtue of which preventative measures are to be taken when there are reasonable grounds for concern that an activity may increase the risk of presenting hazards to human health, harm living resources and marine ecosystems, damage amenities or interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea, even when there is no conclusive evidence of a causal relationship between the activity and the effects and by virtue of which greater caution is required when information is uncertain, unreliable or inadequate.
10. Anticipatory actions, such as contingency planning, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment (involving the assessment of the environmental consequences of governmental policies, programmes and plans), shall be taken.
11. The use of clean technologies shall be stimulated, which require the replacement or phasing-out of high waste and waste generating technologies that remain in use.
12. The use of economic instruments that foster sustainable development shall be promoted through, amongst other things, the implementation of economic incentives for introducing environmentally friendly technologies and activities; the phasing-out of subsidies which encourage the continuation of non-environmentally friendly technologies and activities; the introduction of user fees and the polluter pays principle; as well as the application of natural resources and environmental accounting.
13. Environmental and health considerations shall be included into all relevant policies and sectorial plans, such as those concerning tourism, urban planning, agriculture, industrial development, fisheries and aquaculture.
14. Pending the resolution of ocean boundary matters in the region, close cooperation among Black Sea coastal states, in adopting interim arrangements which facilitate the rehabilitation of and protection of the Black Sea ecosystem and the sustainable management of its resources shall be pursued.
15. Cooperation among all Black Sea basin states, and, in particular, between the Black Sea coastal states and the states of the Danube river basin, shall be promoted.
16. The involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of this Strategic Action Plan, through, amongst other things, the determination of user and property rights shall be promoted.
17. Transparency and public participation, shall be fostered through the wide dissemination of information on the work undertaken to rehabilitate and protect the Black Sea and through the recognition and the exercise of the right of participation of the public, including stakeholders, in the decision making and implementation of this Strategic Action Plan.
8. The necessary legislative arrangements to apply sustainable development principles have been made by all the Black Sea coastal states at different levels. Two Black Sea coastal states Bulgaria and Romania- are already in the European Union; Turkey is in the accession period hence in the process of harmonization its environmental policy with the EU legislative framework. Similar harmonization efforts exist in Georgia and Ukraine, as stated in the National Gap Analysis Reports on the SAP implementation in 2000-2005 (2007). A closer EU-Russia cooperation in the environmental field is found to be essential to move ahead the implementation of the objectives and priorities of the EU-Russia Common Economic Space Road-map (National Gap Analysis Report).
Bulgariafollows the principles for sustainable European Union water policy through the implementation of a coordinated and integrated water policy aiming at the protection and sustainable water use. Bulgaria has a national strategy for development and management of water sector in 2004-2015 and a plan for public participation, open and prognostic approach in the water management, and its effective use and fair distribution, as well as protection and recovery of quality of water resources. There is also a national strategy for environment 2000-2006 (to be revised for the period 2009-2018) which includes plan for implementation of obligations of Bulgaria for global ecological problems. The basic principles of environmental protection policy in Georgia, settled up in the Environmental Protection Law (EPL), include the principle of sustainable development. In Romania, sustainable water management has been achieved with the implementation of EU water directives and the principle is widely considered for the sustainable use of marine resources as well as for the conservation of biodiversity. In Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Fishery and Conservation of Water Biological Resources” (2004) ensures the conservation of bioresources and its sustainable use. The “EU Integrated Environmental Approximation Strategy” for the years 2007-2023 of Turkey will be a key tool to accelerate the sustainable use of environmental resources where the biological diversity will be protected, natural resources will be managed in a rational manner with an approach of sustainable development, and finally the rights to live in a healthy and balanced environment will be ensured. In Ukraine, the elements of the Principle have been incorporated into the national legislation and national (State) Programs. Eventhough the principal document (The Concept of Sustainable Development of Ukraine) has not been adopted yet, the “Concept of Sustainable Development of Settlements” was adopted.
In order to measure the progress in sustainable development in the Black Sea region, legislative arrangements are critical first steps and these have seemingly developed or under development. However, an assessment with the use of socioeconomic indicators (Annex I.6) might be meaningful since the socioeconomic welfare is directly linked with the sustainable development policies in place. Population parameters are important indicators to assess the socioeconomic level and according to national statistics the total population of all Black Sea coastal states is above 350 millions in 2007 and there are slight changes in the last 7 years in the Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine whereas remained the same in Bulgaria, Georgia and Romania (Annex I.6, Figure 1). According to IMF statistics, the GDP per capita has had an increasing trend for all the BS States in 2002-2007 (Annex I.6, Figure 2a,b). Human development index provides information on the development level of the region and may also be related to the sustainable development (Annex I.6, Figure 3). It is an index directly linked to life expectancy, level of education and living standards where 3 of the Black Sea coastal states (Bulgaria, Romania, and Russian Federation) are evaluated by UNDP as having high level of human development and Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine having medium level of human development.
GDP per unit of energy use is suitably related to sustainable development and indicates economic output obtained from one unit of energy used. The recent UNDP data evaluated for the region (Annex I.6, Figure 4) shows that this is most efficiently achieved in Turkey compared to other coastal states of the Black Sea.
9. The application of the precautionary principle have been recognized in the Black Sea region and integrated in national policy documents to protect the environment from pollution and ecological damages.
In Bulgaria, the precautionary principle application in the national legislation is secured by the Water Act supported by territory organization law and regional development law which include investment plans and projects. Principles of Preservation of Biodiversity, Minimization of Wastes, Recycling and Restitution, as settled in the Georgian Environment Protection Law, assimilate the precautionary principle. In Romania, the Precautionary principle is promoted in the integrated water resources management, respectively Water Law. In the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” (2002) of the Russian Federation there are specific principals to address the precautions needed to preserve biodiversity and natural resources while organizing economic activities accordingly. Taking precautions against the diminishing of biological diversity is one of the key elements of the EU-Integration Strategy of Turkey. The principle has been integrated within the Strategy referring to waste management, water management, prevention of pollution etc. where legislative framework has been prepared or under development. Ukraine has the Principle in its national legislation, however, economic constrictions still do apply for proper application of them. This is the case in almost all the states (apart from Bulgaria where investment plans are also included in the implementation schemes).
10.Environment Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, contingency planning and other anticipatory actions have been taken or recognized by all the coastal states at different levels, and gradually become the commonly accepted practices in the region.
In Bulgaria, preventive actions for priority elimination of ecological damages from their source are considered in the Environmental Protection Act, Water Act and River Basin Management plans and similarly it is the case in Romania. In general, EIA is the most common anticipatory action considered by all the coastal states. In Russian Federation, EIA is a compulsory principle of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” (2002) in case when decisions are to be made on an economic or other activity. In Georgian regulations, EIA is also obligatory and used with the State Ecological Expertise in an integrated way The By-law on EIA in Turkey was revised according to the EU EIA Directive and came into force in 2003 and although it had been always widely used, the studies on strengthening and increasing the effectiveness of the EIA process was still going on. The implementation of EIA in Ukraine is compulsory and further actions are aimed at the improvement of its efficiency.
SEA has been integrated in the national legislation of Bulgaria and Romania. The principle was incorporated in the Law of Ukraine on Ecological Expertise. In Turkey, a draft By-law on SEA in compliance with the EU SEA Directive is prepared and at this stage it is necessary to initiate pilot and capacity building projects for an effective implementation. Georgia is a party to the Kiev Protocol on SEA of the Espoo Convention. Except Turkey and Russian Federation, the Black Sea states are signatories to the SEA Protocol.
The Convention on the Environment Impact Assessment in the Transboundary Context was ratified by Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine and signed by Russian Federation. The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and LBS (Land Based Sources) AGs Joint Meeting in 2007 has initiated to develop Black Sea Regional Guidelines on this matter which had already been included in the work plan (2007/8)of the Black Sea Commission.
BS Contingency Plan- Part I (for oil) was agreed to be adopted by the BS States, and signed by Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey where it is at the final stage of signatures in Ukraine, Russian Federation and Georgia. The Annexes of the regional CP are under regular update as required. National contingency plans exist - recently adopted in the Russian Federation (2003) and in Georgia (2005) or in a draft version (Turkey), some of them need update (Bulgaria, Romania), under Ukrainian regulations all UA marine ports have local contingency plans. Part II (for chemicals) has not been drafted for the region, feasibility study is still pending as well.
11. The importance of the use of clean technologies for pollution reduction at source or the phasing out of high waste and waste generating technologies must not be underestimated. BS states are considering such options, however, implementation requires legislative arrangements, enforcement and economic incentives and partnership in taking actions in solving environmental problems and investments to be planned for green technologies.
In Bulgaria new techniques for economical water use are applied and the use of clean technologies is one of the requirements according to the Environment Protection Act. In Romania, many environmental enterprises, having the investment capacity restructured and modernized their facilities through cleaner production process, BAT implementation and wastes minimisation efforts. The use of innovative technologies in the field of waste management, ecosafety and mitigation of greenhouse gases are determined by a number of legislative acts and programs in Ukraine. In this context, a set of laws are elaborated on priority directions of science and engineering development (2001), innovative activities (2002) and their directions (2003). In Turkey, the use of clean production technologies and advanced treatment techniques have been accepted as a strategy to prevent and gradually reduce the discharges of dangerous substances to the environment (2006), as well as the use of BAT in industrial pollution control with a cooperative approach among all the related parties is recognized. Georgia reports no BATs and BAPs application in practice. BAPs and BATs are mainly applied in Romania and Russian Federation.
Numerous relevant laws/regulations, presented in Annex II.1, include BAP and BAT meaning that they are promoted at the regulation level in all the countries, however, the implementation practices are not measurable for each country so far.
12.Economic instruments are an important part of national environmental policies and management. In particular, they are the introduction of user fees and polluter pays principles. A common problem of the Black Sea coastal states is the inadequate financial distribution of these revenues. In many cases these financial resources are not invested into environmental protection, rehabilitation or conservation measures. The application of the economic incentives is not sufficiently implemented in practice although provisioned in the Black Sea coastal states legislations.
Introduction of economic instruments (“polluter pays” principle, sanctions, ecological product fees, consumer fees) are adopted in Bulgarian legislation by the Environment Protection Act. They are the elements of EPL in Georgia. They were adopted as part of the integrated water resource management in Romania. The use of natural wealth for a pay and the reimbursement of a harm inflicted to the Environment are within the basic principles of environmental protection in the Russian Federation that are listed in Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” (2002). The application of user fees and polluter pays principles is encouraged through tax reduction and similar measures in Ukraine. In Turkey, the principle is addressed in the EU Approximation Strategy (2006) to support the establishment of a financing system for identified sectors like waste management.
13. Environmental and health considerations are reflected in sectoral plans and appropriate legislation of Bulgaria. The quality of bathing waters is secured by Directive 76/160/EEC. The new Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) transposition is expected during the next five years. Beach profiles will be prepared till 2009. Also a national action plan of environment and health was prepared by the Ministry of Health in 2002 to realize projects to solve environment problems from all industrial sectors; to build necessary systems for self control and monitoring of different pollutants spread by big industrial installations and for the determination of laws for stimulation of economic sectors for investments in safety technologies and control environment pollution. In Romania environmental and human health aspects are considered within the relevant European legislation for urban waste water management, drinking and bathing waters, transposed into national legislation. In Georgian EPL, the “Principle of Mitigation of Risk” and “Principle of Priority” are the tools to consider human health aspects. There is no monitoring of bathing waters. According to Federal Law of Russian Federation “On Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population”, criteria of safety and/or concentration of chemical, biological substances and microorganisms in the water objects, which could be used for bathing purposes, are determined in Sanitary Rules and Norms for the Protection of Surface Waters Against Pollution and bathing waters are systematically monitored. In Turkey, human health aspects were considered within national legislation for bathing/recreational waters, sea products and drinking water aspects. In the EU Approximation Strategy, setting up better sanitary conditions for drinking water and bathing waters are further targeted. Beach profiles will be prepared till 2013. In Ukraine, environmental and health considerations are reflected in relevant policies and sectoral plans, however, implementation and enforcement of them are poorly achieved because of economical constraints of the country.
Bathing Water monitoring and reporting are in general well developed in the BS region, however, criteria and standards are still different for some countries.
14 & 15. Cooperation among the coastal states and the basin states (basically concerning Danube and Dnipro basins) have been established at the regional, bi- and multi-lateral levels. Above all, the Black Sea states are parties to important international and global conventions (IMO MARPOL, CBD of UN, etc.) committing themselves to take actions on various environmental issues and problems which are also highlighted in the Convention, its Protocols and the BS SAP (see Annex I.1).
The environmental protection bilateral cooperations between Black Sea coastal states and multilateral cooperation in the framework of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (not only the BS coastal states, but also Armenia, Greece, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Serbia, Albania) are presented in Annex.I.2.
Regional cooperation among all the Black Sea coastal states has been successfully promoted through: the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (1992); its four protocols and the BS SAP (1996) since their adoption. The UNDP GEF BSEP was launched in 1993 to support the implementation of the Convention and its protocols. The 1996 BSSAP was amended in 2002 in terms of the deadlines extension keeping the 1996 context fully.
The Danube River Protection Convention as the legal instrument for co-operation and transboundary water management in the Danube River Basin was signed in 1994 by eleven of the Danube Riparian States and the EC, including three Black Sea states: Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine. The two international institutional structures, the BSC and the ICPDR, were established to operate these regional legal instruments and the programmes and to reinforce and coordinate the cooperation among the Black Sea coastal and basin states. The cooperation of these two main bodies was officially established through a MOU between BSC and ICPDR signed in 1997 and an ad-hoc technical working group was established to contribute to the achievement of common strategic goals of both Conventions, particularly the protection of the Black Sea ecosystem.
GEF Strategic Partnership (2001-2007) for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube / Black Sea Basin – the largest and perhaps most ambitious water-related project supported by the GEF anywhere in the world. The Danube Regional Project is one of three components of GEF SP. The main goal of the project was to strengthen existing structures and activities in order to facilitate a regional approach, thus strengthening the capacity of the ICPDR and the Danube countries to fulfil their legally binding commitment to implement the Danube Convention.
The Danube Black Sea Task Force (DABLAS), 2001, has the overall goal of developing financing mechanisms for the implementation of investment projects for pollution reduction and the rehabilitation of ecosystems in the wider Black Sea region. The first set of projects of the Task Force was initiated to prioritize water sector investment projects addressing nutrient reduction.
The Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project (BSERP), a GEF IW Project implemented by UNDP, was designed as a 5-year Project (2002-2007). It was an effort linked to the Danube/Black Sea Strategic Partnership, Danube Regional Project and the Black Sea Nutrient Reduction Facility of World Bank.
In addition to the efforts for DRB, an international cooperation for the Dnipro (Dniepr) River basin was also launched by the three riparian countries (Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation, and Ukraine). The development of the “Strategic Action Programme for the Dnipro Basin and Implementation Mechanisms” (SAP) was the result of the joint effort of these countries with the financial support of GEF and coordination of UNDP. The Dnipro SAP is a policy document, negotiated and endorsed by the riparian countries, to be implemented at the highest level of executive power. It defines the priority areas for action to resolve the priority problems of the Dnipro basin identified in the Dnipro TDA.
Annex I.3 compiles programmes, major projects and activities run during the period of 1992-2008. This includes an overview of the Strategic Partnership programmes and projects, pilot projects and key achievements of BSERP, DABLAS projects, national programmes/projects, EC FP and other scientific projects, World Bank, EBRD, etc.
Besides, intergovernmental cooperation on oil spill preparedness, search and rescue cooperation, port state control and other relevant agreements and arrangements are successful applications in the region.
16. The stakeholders in the process of the BSSAP implementation consist of a variety of concerned groups including governments, international donor organizations, financial institutions, businesses, shipping companies, NGOs, educators, and others. Cross sectional cooperation is a key issue to be achieved.
Involvement of municipalities in problem solving and services is a common application in all the countries whereas there are only few reported good examples of public-private partnership to solve the environmental problems. This approach is built on the ownership of the problems and need to be improved and promoted for the region.
Since 2000 the Black Sea NGO Network (BSNN) being more active than in the earlier years of its establishment has had more formal meetings and developed NGO action plans to contribute to the protection of the Black Sea. The BSNN has implemented/participated a number of projects since 2000. A list of them is presented in Annex I.3.2 (Small Grant Projects). The profile of BSNN should also be reviewed from time to time for new participants to fully reflect the views of NGO communities of the Black Sea.
Small scale educational projects and other activities regarding the awareness of environmental problems are organized in all the countries and the Black Sea Day -31st of October- has unified the efforts of concerned parties. Ecological education practices in different sectors (tourism, health, etc.) as well as at schools in regular classes have been applied in more or less all countries and should be more widely looked to.
17. The legislative arrangements in the BS states on public participation in decision making and information access have been achieved by almost all the countries. In Bulgaria, the national Law on Access to Public Information came into force in 2000 so as to reflect the principles of Aarhus Convention (AC) in the Bulgarian Legislation. The Law is applied to public information that is produced or stored by the state/local authorities and defines the procedure of access. Apart from the Law, the environmental legislation in Bulgaria also makes provisions for public participation in decision making process related to the environment (e.g. EIA, SEA procedures). Georgia ratified the AC and it is automatically in force without internal arrangements in the national legislation. For its effective implementation the AC Center was established in the Ministry. This Center provides information to public with the involvement of media. The rights of citizens for public participation and information access have also been secured by the Georgian Constitution and relevant environmental legislation as in Bulgaria. This is expected to be a common approach in all the BS states even if they are not the parties to Aarhus Convention. For example, in Turkey, the Law on the Right to Access to Information came into force in 2003 and the By-law was published in 2004 which determined the frameworks of providing information to the public. Based on this law, necessary amendments were made in the Environmental Law and a national Environmental Information Exchange Network is aimed to be established.
In Bulgaria and Romania, public involvement in long term decision taking process is also realized through the establishment of River Basin Council which includes different stakeholder groups and public and, in parallel, the establishment of the Water Council in the Ministries which are state public consultative bodies. In Russian Federation, public participation in environmental protection is one of the principles established by Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”. The order of public participation in decision-making process is not established. In Ukraine, the implementation of the principle provisioned by the Aarhus Convention and as follow-up of its requirements, the establishment of NGO networks and the consultative bodies have been established and Aarhus center affiliated to the Ministry of Environment became operational.
Black Sea Information System (BSIS) exists and collection of data is regular since 2001, including time series data from previous periods. The functioning of the System needs to be strengthened with technical and scientific expertise. An information policy was also developed by the Black Sea Commission and presented in Annex 1.4. In 2007 on-line BSIS was developed within the BSERP to implement the Information Strategy of the BSC having tools for reporting and communication at different levels of the Black Sea stakeholders. Technical information on the developed system is presented in Appendix I of this report. Further developments/enlargement of the BSIS is envisaged to monitor the progress in the Black Sea environment and establish a Clearing House mechanism for the environmental state and information sharing under the umbrella of the Black Sea Commission. New BSIS determinands and components are in process of discussion/elaboration (marine mammals, marine litter, etc).
The Istanbul Commission
18. In order to implement the actions and policies agreed on, it is imperative that the regional mechanisms for cooperation among Black Sea states be strengthened.
19. The Istanbul Commission and its subsidiary bodies, including its Secretariat, should be fully functioning, in accordance with the Bucharest Convention, by January 2000. In order to achieve this, Black Sea states agree to make available the necessary financial and other resources.
20. The Istanbul Commission having agreed to implement this Strategic Action Plan at its second session, held in Istanbul on September 16-17, 1996, is invited to establish, by November 1997, a body to provide support for specific projects and processes related to the implementation of this Strategic Action Plan.
21. It is recommended that, by January 1997, the Istanbul Commission establish, on the basis of the current structure of BSEP Working Parties, subsidiary bodies which can assist it in the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan.
22. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission initially establish the following Advisory Groups as its subsidiary bodies, the description and general terms of reference of which are given in Annex I:
a) an Advisory Group on the Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping, coordinated by the Activity Centre in Varna, Bulgaria;
b) an Advisory Group on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment, coordinated by the Activity Centre in Odesa, Ukraine;
c) an Advisory Group on Control of Pollution from Land Based Sources, coordinated by the Activity Centre in Istanbul, Turkey;
d) an Advisory Group on the Development of Common Methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, coordinated by the Activity Centre in Krasnodar, Russia;
e) an Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity, coordinated by the Activity Centre in Batumi, Georgia;
f) an Advisory Group on the Environmental Aspects of Management of Fisheries and other Marine Living Resources, coordinated by the Activity Centre in Constanta, Romania; and
g) an Advisory Group on Information and Data Exchange, coordinated by the Commission Secretariat.
23. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission regularly review the status and functions of the Advisory Groups and consider the establishment of ad hoc groups for the purposes of implementing this Strategic Action Plan.
24. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission assume the responsibilities from the Black BSEP-PCU for the operation and maintenance of the electronic communication system which has been established for purposes of facilitating communication between the components of the Black Sea institutional network.
25. In order to strengthen and coordinate the work of national and regional research institutions, it is recommended that the Istanbul Commission assume the responsibilities from the BSEP-PCU for the clearing house mechanism for the exchange of information on bibliography, data sources and research programmes. In addition, it is recommended that the Istanbul Commission organise bi-annual research conferences on topics related to the goals of this Strategic Action Plan. The first of such conferences will be held in 2004.
18-24. In order to achieve all integrated goals of the Convention and the Protocols, and to implement the SAP, the BSC created a functional institutional structure on the national and regional levels that consists of the Commission itself and its subsidiary bodies functioning on behalf of the Black Sea Commission on the national and regional levels as required by the articles 18-22 of the SAP. The subsidiary bodies of the BSC consists of seven Advisory Groups (AG), organized thematically, a national focal point and representative for each advisory group, and the Activity Centers (AC) placed in and supported by the each Black Sea coastal state individually. This structure, as mentioned in the previous Implementation Report, has not been changed and the theoretical organogram of the Black Sea Commission remained the same.
Unfortunately, the efficient functioning of all the system could not be properly achieved, especially in the functionality of the AC. Information and Data Exchange (IDE) AC, being the Secretariat, prepared the ground for functioning of IDE AG and IDE AG within their formal meetings, recognizing that successful data management implies quality controlled data base. The Black Sea information policy was developed by this Group. In spite of all the efforts the functioning of IDE did not last. Some others, like Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping (ESAS), Pollution Monitoring and Assessment (PMA), Conservation of Biodiversity (CBD) AGs worked quite efficiently and produced technical and policy papers to support the Commission’s work and the implementation of SAP at a regional level. The LBS group improved considerably in 2007 due to the re-establishment of the LBS AC.
As required by Art. 23, the BSC Institutional Review (2006) prepared within the BSERP outlined the major gaps in legal framework, administrative structure, management capacities, budgetary issues and identified remedial actions to be taken in short and longer term.
A detailed analysis of the present structure and functioning of the BSC was also made in the Regional Gap Analysis Report (2007) which was based on national gap analysis reports and expert views. TDA (2007) reviewed the structure and analyzed the problems in the functioning of the BSC.
All these reviews provide clear messages for the need in strengthening the BSC and its subsidiary bodies and recommendations to achieve progress.
25.Research conferences are important for scientists to exchange views on acute and fundamental dilemmas in the Black Sea region, to share experiences and to agree upon common approaches for finding solutions to environmental problems. Conference goals should include the improvement of knowledge on the state of the environment of the Black Sea and of the decision making process. International and national assistance will be sought for organizing regular conferences and for creating the clearing house mechanisms for the exchange of bibliographic information, data sources and research programs. The agreed information policy of the BSC is reflected in Annex 1.4, as mentioned above.
The First International Scientific Black Sea Conference was held in May 2006, Istanbul, Turkey. This event received very positive reflections and important feedback of recent scientific knowledge to the management of environmental issues. Proceedings of the Conference are prepared, published on CD and widely disseminated.
Biannual Scientific Conferences in the Black Sea region are provisioned in the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan as an effective tool for regular communication of the Black Sea Commission with the scientific community.
The main objective of the first conference was to identify research priorities for the Black Sea as well as to give advice to the Black Sea Commission on indicators of the Black Sea ecosystem state and reference conditions that will allow conducting assessment of efficiency of policy measures taken in the region for its protection against pollution and sustainable development.
The second Conference will be held in October 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria, dedicated to climate change, practices for mitigation and response and adaptation projects.
The Black Sea Env. Series Vol: 1, Black Sea Bibliography has been published in 1995 and covers publications in the period 1974-1994. In support to this complete effort, in 1998 and recently in 2007 Turkish Black Sea Bibliographies have been published by TUDAV. Both editions include a considerable number of SCI referenced publications and even more importantly include gray literature (in English and Turkish) that is difficult to access by all the scientists of the region.
Annex I.5. gives the list of major publications for the Black Sea, those which have been mostly cited in the scientific community of the region.
Newsletters of the Black Sea Commission: How to Save the Black Sea? Your Guide to the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan, have been published on a regular basis, annually. Two very important new books appeared in 2003 and 2006 concerning the ecology of the Black Sea. They are:
“Modern state of biological diversity in the near-shore area of Crimea (the Black Sea sector)” /Edit. V.N. Eremeev, A.V. Gaevskaya; NAS Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas.- Sevastopol: Ekosi-Gidrophizika, 2003, and “North-western part of the Black Sea: biology and ecology”. Ed. Y. Zaitzev, B. Aleksandrov, G. Minicheva Kiev: Naukova dumka Publ., 2006.; Multidisciplinary investigations of the North-East Part of the Black Sea , Edit. A.G. Zatsepin; M.V. Flint Moscow, “Nauka”, 2002.
Wider Cooperation
26. Black Sea countries shall individually and jointly encourage the following:
a) Enhanced coordination between the regional bodies which contribute towards the rehabilitation and protection of the Black Sea ecosystem and the sustainable development of Black Sea resources, such bodies include the Istanbul Commission and its subsidiary bodies, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), the Parliamentary Assembly for the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC), the future Black Sea Fisheries Commission, and the NGO Forum;
b) Close cooperation between the regional governmental bodies and the NGO Forum through transparency of the negotiating process, widespread availability of information and documents, and, where appropriate, open access to meetings;
c) Close coordination of the activities of donors, including multilateral financial institutions, the European Union, bilateral aid agencies and private foundations, in their aim to secure funding for projects and policies identified in this Strategic Action Plan and to be further developed in the National Black Sea Strategic Action Plans.
d) Close cooperation with relevant international organisations, including UN Agencies and international non-governmental organisations in implementing this Strategic Action Plan.
27. International agreements relevant to the aims and objectives of this Strategic Action Plan should be implemented by each Black Sea state and, where this is appropriate and has not yet been done, it is recommended that Black Sea states consider ratifying or acceding to such agreements. Consideration should also be given to implementing other relevant international instruments.
26. a) The Black Sea Commission established a mechanism and procedure for cooperation with other regional bodies by creating “the observer status to the Black Sea Commission”. Observer status was granted to a number of organizations including BSEC, GEF, UNDP, UNEP, ICPDR, Port State Control, EU, Black Sea NGOs Network, ACCOBAMS etc. Cooperation was also achieved with private sector (OSPRI) and important organizations, such as WHO, IMO, OSCE, EMSA, GESAMP, SIDA, SMA, JRC, IUCN, FAO, HELCOM, MED POL, EEA, etc.
Another tool for strengthening regional cooperation was established through a number of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs). The MOU between BSC and ICPDR was negotiated and signed in 2001. The MOU between ACCOBAMS and BSC Secretariats was signed in June 14, 2002. MOU between BSC and EEA was signed in May 2003. With UNEP three MoUs (2006-2007) for implementation of targeted projects were signed in the field of marine litter management activities and marine mammals protection and conservation.
Since the Black Sea coastal states are the Contracting Parties to a number of global, European and regional conventions and agreements pertinent to the issues covered by the Bucharest Convention, the Black Sea Commission establishes necessary cooperation with executive bodies and networks of – London Protocol, Espoo Convention, Bonn Agreement, IMO Conventions, CBD, Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, etc.
b) Close cooperation between the regional governmental bodies and the NGOs (http://www.bsnn.org/ and others) through transparency of the negotiating process, widespread availability of information and documents, and where appropriate, open access to meetings, has continued to be indispensible in the agenda of the Black Sea Commission. Regional projects as a rule incorporate NGO components and a small grants’ program in order to support the NGO activities on regional and local levels. The BSERP NGO Small Grants Programme (SGP) was initiated in 2003 with the BSERP Phase 1 where 17 individual projects were supported with grants ranging from $ 5,000 to $30,000 (see Annex I.3.2, Small Grants projects Table). In the second round of the small grants projects (2006-2007), 36 national projects in all Black Sea countries were supported with funding. The grants budget per country was US 50,000; the qualifying NGO proposals were evaluated in June 2006 by representatives of the BS Commission Secretariat, the BSERP and the BS NGO Network (http://bsnn.org/). In Ukraine the UNDP/GEF Danube grants were managed in parallel to the BS grants.
c) The donor support rendered to the Black Sea Commission since signing the Bucharest Convention incorporates grants and technical assistance from GEF, UNDP, UNEP, European Commission, TACIS/EuropeAid, PHARE, OSPRI, individual governments, etc. The UNDP/World Bank Partnership Program was activated in the Black Sea region. The EC initiative in establishing DABLAS Task force is specifically aimed at the investment components of the implementation of the BSSAP and National Black Sea Strategic Action Plans (Annex I.3.4, DABLAS Task Force Activities)
d) The close cooperation with UN agencies, European Commission and related agencies, Regional Seas Conventions, and international NGOs continue to be fostered in the process of the implementation of the BSSAP.
27. The international agreements relevant to the aims and objectives of this Strategic Action Plan and to which the Black Sea coastal states are contracting parties are presented in Annex I.1 and I.2.
The “Black Sea Synergy” is a new initiative of EU (http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/blacksea/) aiming at adding a new regional dimension to the European Neighbourhood Policy. This is not only related to the need for an increased EU involvement in the Black Sea area but also considers the adoption of the Thematic Marine Strategy and the related Directive (2008) which refers to Marine Regions including the Black Sea and requires from all member states “good environmental status” by latest 2020. The initiative is not proposing a new institutional structure, however, requires more commitments towards an enhanced and wider cooperation in the area.
4. Policy Actions
A full compilation of national policy measures taken at the national levels related to the SAP (1996) actions is presented in Annex II.1 and the responsible institutes of implementation of national laws/regulations can be found in Annex II.2.
The level of investments made/planned to implement the actions is summarized in Annex II.3.
Reduction of Pollution
Land based sources of pollution
On a regional level a very important action was undertaken in 2003 – the beginning of the revision of the LBS Protocol 1992. The principal objective of the revision the new Protocol for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities (hereinafter Revised BS-LBSA Protocol) is to further improve and strengthen the existing legal basis of environmental cooperation among the Black Sea States in the area of pollution from land.
The work on the new instrument represents a collaborative effort involving the six coastal states, the Black Sea Commission, the Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It has taken four years to complete the final draft Revised BS-LBSA Protocol and to submit it for the consideration of the Black Sea States.
It was generally agreed that the key objective of the revision was to enhance the 1992 LBS Protocol’s normative provisions aimed at reducing nutrient and other pollutant inputs into the Black Sea. The specific reasons for the revision of the LBS Protocol include, among other things, are the following:
· A need to introduce and incorporate new conceptual approaches and notions of environmental law due to outdated content and legal form of the existing Protocol;
· A need to take into consideration developments at the international level, such as the adoption of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA) in 1995 and various directives by the European Union (e.g., the EU Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy);
· A need to re-examine the environmental priorities in the Black Sea region and to make more clear and precise the respective obligations and rights of the Contracting Parties, due to problems encountered by countries in implementing the existing Protocol.
The Revised BS-LBSA Protocol will include not only the general objectives and commitments, but also concrete measures aimed at the reduction and possibly elimination of land-based pollution sources and prevention of harmful activities, including reference to BEP and BAT. The objectives and modalities of the Revised BS-LBSA Protocol, GPA and regional and national strategic action plans have to be properly harmonised.
29. A Black Sea Basin Wide Strategy, negotiated with all states located in the Black Sea Basin, should be developed to address the eutrophication problem in the Black Sea. The objective of the Strategy should be to negotiate a progressive series of stepwise reductions of nutrient loads, until agreed Black Sea water quality objectives are met. Such a Basin Wide Strategy may also be required to ensure the reduction of inputs of other pollutants into the Black Sea, in particular oil.
30. Given that the Danube is the largest single source of nutrient inputs into the Black Sea, it is imperative that strategies for the reduction of nutrients be adopted for this river. The provisions in the Danube Strategic Action Plan (maintenance of 1995 levels) clearly are insufficient for addressing the eutrophication problem in the Black Sea.
Eventhough, a regional strategy and plan to address eutrophication problem and reduce nutrient inputs with regional targets do not yet exist in the Black Sea, there are considerable national and multi-national cooperative programs/projects to combat eutrophication which are supported by national sources along as by GEF/UNDP, WB, EC and other international donors. Besides, numerous national river basin programs and cooperative projects supported by international donors have been implemented for two major river basins: the Dnipro and Danube. In addition to them, DABLAS Task Force has been operational since 2001 where both BSC and ICPDR are members of. In the Task Force, 6 projects are finalized or almost finalized in Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey (prepared for financing), and 39 projects are in the pipeline of the preparation phase for water infrastructure related investment in the region. 18 projects were in the pipeline as of 2006 (Regional Gap Analysis Report, 2007). A list of investment projects organized by national and international donors is presented in Annex II.3.
A list of other programmes and projects developed for the Protection of the Black Sea basin against environmental damages including eutrophication had been presented in Annex I.3 and examined under cooperative actions (Arts. 14&15 of SAP).
River basin management programmes (Annex 1.3.9) have been adopted in some of the BS states and being considered by others as well. In Bulgaria and Romania, the WFD has been currently fully transposed into the national legislation, therefore, the RBMP have to be completed by 2009 and implemented by December 2015 which aimed at to achieve “good ecological status” of waters including the coastal waters of the Black Sea. In EU Integrated Environmental Approximation Strategy (2006) of Turkey, the investment needs of the water sector on the basis of EU Directives (including WFD) and donor contributions are identified for 2007-2013. Also, the NAP (2005) of Turkey is basically designed for the reduction of pollutants where pollution sources at 6 river basins (Sakarya, Kızılırmak, Yeşilırmak, West Black Sea, East Black Sea and Çoruh) in the Black Sea region were also identified and prioritization of pollution sources were made. Projects were identified and cost estimates prepared. The Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project (2005-2011, supported by GEF and WB) is focused on two Black Sea River basins (Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak) mostly concerning the reduction of pollutants from agricultural activities.
In Ukraine, a basin wide approach to the protection and rehabilitation of the Azov and Black Seas has been included in the national legislation namely Water Code of Ukraine. The preparation of the river basin programs for other Ukrainian rivers flowing into the Black Sea is provisioned by the Program and in progress. A National Program exists for Dnipro river basin, and for the Black and Azov Sea. In Georgia, there is no integrated management plan/strategy for rivers. Water basin management principle is considered within the Concept of Agrarian Policy of Georgia. After its adoption, Water Law will be revised to harmonize with WFD. In the Russian Federation, there is no national river basin management plans. Schemes based on general water basin principle will be prepared for at least 10 years. At present, there is no national river basin management plans in Russian Federation. Schemes based on general water basin principle will be prepared for at least 10 years.
In order to assess the loads of nutrients carried by rivers to the BS coastal waters, the data submitted to the BSC can be referred. Monitoring data (and therefore load estimates) are available for the majority of rivers, but flow measurements are not available from Georgia and frequency of sampling is still different in the Black Sea states. The LBS AG recognizes the need to further harmonise the monitoring strategies for rivers in the region. The Danube River monitoring strategy was considered. Regionally agreed List of Determinands (mandatory and optional) was the first step towards harmonization. Further the states will unify the frequency of sampling and the methods used for analyses to improve the comparability of river loads.
Ukraine reports for eight rivers, Russia reports six rivers, Georgia and Turkey report five rivers, Romania reports three rivers (branches of Danube) and Bulgaria reports two rivers to the BSC. In the last annual report of LBS AG (2008, Annex III), total riverine inputs from each county for 2006 were evaluated for TN, TP, BOD-5 and TSS loads and water fluxes. Total riverine input from Romania (Danube) was very high when compared with the other countries; being in the range of 610.8 - 400 kilotonnes TN/year and 71.6 - 30 kilotonnes TP/year for 2005-2006. An evaluation of such annual data sets for 1996-2005 period is presented in the TDA 2007 and displayed in Annex II, Fig. 1a of this report. According to the presented data, there has been a slight decrease in DIN loads of Danube whereas loads of total phosphorus has drastically decreased from 1990 to 2005 and reached to a level similar to the 1960’s.
An evaluation of the coastal waters of the NWBS (Loyeva et al., 2008, in UA National Gap Analysis Report) indicates that during the last decade the phosphates content has been decreasing and the concentration of nitrogen bearing substances has been increasing in the water column (Annex II.17, Figure 1.b). The steady increase of nitrogen is mainly due to its organic forms higher concentrations. This tendency is more obvious for the western part of the Black Sea NW shelf. In the last decade, however, some stabilization of nutrients level in surface waters was recorded, which explains the lower frequency of algal blooms (being mainly concentrated in the 0-25 meters layer) and the lack of anoxic situations (respectively mortality of living organisms) in the Black Sea.
According to the TransNational Monitoring Network (TNMN, ICPDR, http://www.icpdr.org/icpdr-pages/tnmn.htm) measurements, N-discharge from the Danube decreased by about 30-40 % as compared to the 1980s. Such insufficient decrease, despite of the numerous measures taken, was interpreted as continuing contributions from high nitrogen stocks deposited in soils and groundwater in the catchments areas. The TNMN data do not show decrease in TP loads in 2001-2005 (see Annex III), which is not in agreement with other available data and reduction of nutrient levels in the NWBS in front of the Danube river.
Airborne pollution
Airborne pollution
31. More attention should be focussed on the issue of airborne pollutants, particularly those that involve transboundary movements, as well as appropriate measures for controlling them at source. An initial assessment of the magnitude of this problem should be undertaken by 2005
An assessment of the airborne pollution problem in the Black Sea has not been made yet under the umbrella of the BSC. A cooperation between the Co-operative Program for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long Range transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP) and the Black Sea Commission for regular assessment of inputs of pollutants to the Black Sea will be extremely helpful to fill in this gap, as EMEP performs assessments for nitrogen and heavy metals depositions in the Black Sea region.
A country based assessment of transboundary air pollution by main pollutants (N, S, others) and particulate matter based on model results has been published by EMEP/MSC-W (2007) as complementary to EMEP Status Report 1/2007. The country based trends of emissions and estimated depositions of these pollutants have been displayed in Annex II.17, Figure 2a.
Though decreasing trends in emissions and atmospheric deposition of pollutants have been observed in the Black Sea region since the early 1990s, available information suggests that specifically the deposition of nitrogen to the Sea may be of similar order of magnitude to river loads and there is no pronounced change in N-emissions in the region. Risk of damage from ozone and PM is high in all Black Sea states. Since 1995 due to less extensive use of coal the average daily concentrations of CO, MO2 and SO2 dropped down significantly in densely populated areas along the Black Sea, however acid rains and smog are still frequent phenomena in the region.
The CO2 emissions per capita and per unit GDP seemed to be decreased in almost all the Black Sea states according to UNDP-HDR Annex II.17, Fig.2b.
The deposition of heavy metals at the regional scale has also been presented in the EMEP Status Report, 2007 and displayed here in Annex II.17, Figure 2c. The deposition of Cd, Pb and Hg are more pronounced in the western part of the Black Sea.
In most of the BS countries EU legislation and strategies have been considered as basis for the improvement of the national legislations on air quality assessment and management, fuel quality, reduction of VOC emissions from stationary sources, pollution from combustion, climate change policy and long-range trans-boundary air pollution. Comprehensive national programmes to implement this legislation have been developed in some Black Sea countries. Considerable efforts were also exerted by some states for the monitoring of the airborne pollution in the region.
The UN Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and EMEP (Protocol on Long-Term Financing of Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe) have also been widely considered by the BS States All states are contracting Parties to this Convention (Annex I.1).
In 2008 the BSC PS signed an agreement with the EARTHWATCH GMES PROMOTE EU Project (http://www.gse-promote.org/) which is funded by the European Space Agency. The project provides to the Black Sea states Regional Air Quality Forecasts and Air Quality Records Services ((http://db.eurad.uni-koeln.de/promote/RLAQS/riu_rlaqs.php?force=BSC). The BSC PS invited all the Air Quality measuring Laboratories in the region to become end-users of the provided services. Of all states only Turkey has been involved in the end-users program of the PROMOTE project before, providing at the same time real time data on air quality for verification of the satellite and modelling simulations preformed in the frames of the project.
High priority point sources
High priority point sources
32. A list of high priority sites (hot-spots) for reducing discharges of pollutants has been developed. It will provide the basis for the elaboration of national strategies and timetables for realising substantial reductions of inputs of pollutants from hot-spots, in accordance with agreed water quality objectives. The following procedure has been agreed for the purpose of attaining these reduced inputs by 2006. Each Black Sea coastal state, in its National Black Sea Strategic Action Plan, will specify the strategies and timetables for attaining reduced inputs from the hot-spots located in its territory. In those cases where investments (as opposed to policy changes or economic restructuring) are required, in order to address specific hot-spots, pre-investment and investment studies will be pursued, with donor support where possible.
33. National reports on the progress made in addressing the identified hot-spots will be presented to the Istanbul Commission and widely disseminated, in 2002 and 2007. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission prepare a consolidated report on this topic in time for the Ministerial meetings in 2002 and 2007. This report should include an assessment of the progress made on the strategy for each site. If the progress made is found to be insufficient to meet the agreed water quality objectives, further steps to reduce inputs will be decided upon at the Ministerial meetings.
34. In addition to the high priority point-sources, comprehensive national studies on the discharges of insufficiently treated sewage will be prepared by each Black Sea state by June 2002. It is recommended that this activity be coordinated by the Istanbul Commission, through its Advisory Group on the Control of Pollution fromLand-Based sources. These studies should analyse the national and regional benefits to public health, the environment and recreation as well as the economic costs of installing sewage treatment plants. The studies shall serve as a basis for taking decisions and implementing significant reductions of the inputs of insufficiently treated sewage from large urban areas by 2006.
Initially 50 hot spots were identified in 1996 TDA and investment plans for the rehabilitation of these spots were required to be made both at the national and regional levels. National BS actions plan were also required to be developed for this purpose. As mentioned in previous reports (National Gap Analysis and Regional Gap Analysis, 2007) none of the countries have had specific national SAPs for the Black Sea, however, adopted other related or closely linked national strategies and programmes. Important actions were undertaken by the States to implement these national programmes and improvements were achieved both at the identified hot spots and at other problem areas identified later. A list of investment projects developed or planned for all these sites are displayed in Annex II.3 (Ref. TDA2007).
2007 TDA included a review of the present status of 1996 Hot Spots and investments made. In about 50 % of the identified hot spots, upgrading/construction of WWTPs have not been initiated yet and some of them have already been out of national plans. 14 of them have been adequately addressed and the projects were almost completed. Of these the construction work has been completed at: Bulgaria: Rosneta oil terminal WWTP, Varna Port WWTP, Bourgas Port WWTP, Asparuhovo municipal WWTP, Neftochim oil refinery WWTP; Romania: Mangalia municipal WWTP, Sheskharis oil terminal WWTP and Russia: Gelendzhik municipal WWTP. At Pivdenni municipal WWTP (Ukraine), over three times the original estimated investment costs have already been spent improving this facility, so pollution loads from this hot-spot are considered to have been addressed; however, it is planned to spend a further $37 million on reconstruction/updating of this plant by the end of 2015. Likewise, in Romania, at Constanta North, Constanta South and Eforie South WWTPs, greater sums of money have already been spent on modernisation/updating of the facilities than originally estimated, with considerable further investments to be spent by the end of 2015.
Closure and a change of use of the Fertilchim fertiliser manufacturing plant in Romania have greatly reduced its emissions, meaning that the $16,750,000 investment originally identified is no longer required. In the case of Dzhoubga municipal WWTP (Russia), the re-assessment of its pollution loads/impacts showed that no updating of the plant is required – this is also included in the list of 14 hot-spots successes.
Upgrading of a further 10 of the originally-identified hot-spots can be considered to have been partially completed. The investment funds originally identified for upgrading/reconstructing the Bulgarian Sodi (soda ash plant) and Tsarevo municipal WWTP appear to have been spent, but construction (in 2006) had not been completed. At the Petromidia petrochemical complex in Romania, capital investments have started, but the majority of modernisation/reconstruction work is planned for completion by the end of 2015. Similarly, in Russia, construction/modernization of Tuapse Port WWTP and Anapa municipal WWTP has started but will not be completed for some years yet.
In Turkey the situation is difficult to assess, since Trabzon municipal wastewater treatment plant was originally identified as being in need of upgrading, but which exact treatment works there was never identified. Investments have begun at several WWTPs serving Trabzon, with further funding to complete this modernisation, now identified in future capital investment plans. Work has been undertaken at Zonguldak WWTP, but the amount of money invested was considerably less than that originally estimated. A similar story to Zonguldak also emerges with regard to capital investments at Yalta and Gurzuf WWTPs in Ukraine, where the construction/upgrading of Yevpatoria WWTP has started, and is planned for completion in the future.
Around 35% of the originally estimated capital investment has been spent until the end of 2005 and all investments were planned to be completed by the end of 2015. Additionally, new projects for many new points with different scope (WWTPs, waste management, reception facilities etc. (see Annex II.3) have been configured and included in the DABLAS list of projects or prioritized in national investment plans.
There is a need to revise the List of BS Hot Spots and as a starting point common standards and criteria (guidelines) for the identification of Hot Spots have been drafted (2007-2008) basing on the experience of Arctic, Baltic, Mediterranean and North Seas. The draft guidelines are under discussion at the moment together with the standards for water quality, discharges, biota contamination and sediments standards. The Black Sea coastal states are expected to report extended Meta data on all available municipal and industrial sources of pollution in the coastal zone. The data compiled will be used to update the list of hot spots, after having agreed the Guidelines and harmonised where possible the standards and definitions of Good Environmental Status.
Status of insufficiently treated or treated/untreated sewage is basically measured with the percentage of population connected to a public sewer system (WHO) and discharge of insufficiently treated waters or untreated waters. In the Black Sea region, rural population not connected to WWTP- varies in the range of 42-95% for different states whereas it is 0.3-34% for the urban population which is about 0-70% of the total population (Annex II.17, Figure 3).
Regulation of point sources
Regulation of point sources
35. In order to implement the Protocol on Land Based Sources to the Bucharest Convention and with a view to the gradual reduction of inputs of pollutants in general and the elimination of discharges of persistent pollutants of global significance (POPs) the following actions shall be taken.
a) Water quality objectives shall be harmonised on the basis of the uses of water (drinking water, bathing water, aquaculture, ports etc.). It is advised that the Istanbul Commission, upon the recommendations of its Advisory Group on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment, adopt such harmonised water quality objectives and where necessary standards by 2005. Furthermore, these objectives should be subjected to a comprehensive review every five years.
b) Procedures used for monitoring the actual discharge of effluent at point sources shall be harmonised. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission, upon the recommendations of its Advisory Group on the Control of Pollution from Land Based Sources, adopt such procedures by 2004.
c) Each Black Sea state shall endeavour to adopt and implement, in accordance with its own legal system, by 1999, the laws and mechanisms required for regulating discharges from point sources. The basis for regulating discharges will be a licensing system, through which the harmonised water quality objectives can be applied, and through which effluent charges, based on the polluter pays principle, can be levied.
d) Each Black Sea state will also endeavour to adopt and implement, in accordance with its own legal system, efficient enforcement mechanisms by 1999.
e) In order to secure the implementation of the actions agreed to in this paragraph, each Black Sea state shall ensure that the national agencies responsible for licensing, monitoring and enforcement are adequately staffed and that the necessary resources are available to them. Where necessary, training courses at local agencies will be organised.
f) Each Black Sea state will consider the introduction of policies in which polluters are made to pay for compliance. The application of environmentally friendly production processes or other innovative process which reduce inputs of pollutants may also be encouraged through economic incentives.
At present status, water quality objectives have been proposed to be replaced with long-term EcoQOs for the Black Sea transboundary issues (TDA, 2007). They are developed within the new SAP (draft, 2008) with targets, indicators and terms of implementation.
In general, it can be stated that national laws and regulations are in place to control discharges from point sources (Annex II.1). Establishment of licensing-monitoring-enforcement-compliance mechanism has also been considered in national legislation or necessary improvements are underway. It is also stated in TDA 2007 that environmental policies in all six Black Sea Countries fully apply the “polluters pays“ principle, based on laws, provisions, plans, procedures, standards to be met and prohibited activities. Also, enforcement powers are assigned to agencies, fines and other penalties are specified, and monitoring is promoted to ensure compliance.
The use of environmental friendly production (cleaner production) and the application of financial enforcement tools for the implementation of the regulations have been discussed before within this report under “Principles” and obviously they are all recognized by all the states.
Vessel sources pollution
Vessel sources pollution
36. MARPOL 1973/78 shall be more effectively implemented by Black Sea states, especially with a view to giving effect to its provisions on Special Areas, by 2007.
37. Due to the rapid increase in traffic to Black Sea ports, the capacity of harbour reception facilities needs to be enlarged in order to comply with MARPOL Special Area requirements. Harbour reception facilities will be installed: for garbage by December 2007; for oil by December 2007; and for chemicals by December 2007. The use of these facilities shall be made compulsory. In installing harbour reception facilities close cooperation with the private sector will be pursued, the advice of the IMO will be requested, and the results of the study conducted by the BSEP and the European Union will be taken into account
38. A harmonised system of port state control will be established in the Black Sea region through the adoption of a Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission adopt such a Memorandum, upon the recommendations of the Advisory Group on Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping, by December 1998 .
39. Black Sea states shall take the necessary steps to enable them to fully exercise their prescriptive and enforcement powers, in accordance with international law, in order to pursue the reduction of illegal discharges by vessels into the Black Sea.
40. A harmonised system of enforcement, including fines, will be developed for the Black Sea region. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission, upon the recommendations of the Advisory Group on the Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping, adopt such a system by December 2007. The primary aim of this system will be to serve as a deterrent for illegal discharges and, where necessary, to exercise enforcement action against illegal dischargers.
41. Black Sea states will present a joint proposal to the IMO, in 2004, for conducting an in-depth study on measures to avoid any further introductions of exotic species into the Black Sea through the deballasting of vessels. Given the danger of such species migrating to other seas in the region, the coastal states of the Caspian and Mediterranean Seas will be consulted.
All the BS states have signed and ratified either all the annexes of MARPOL 73/78 or only some of them (see Annex I.1).
Based on the requirements of the Convention, the provision of harbour reception facilities is considered to be of critical importance and it is required to establish these facilities for oil, garbage and chemicals by all the BS states until the end of 2007. The status of these activities is not yet at the satisfactory levels although there are improvements in all countries. There are also mid-term plans for improvements. An example is the Strategy for the Development of the Transport Infrastructure of the Republic of Bulgaria by the Year 2015 which includes planning for improving port reception facilities for collection and treatment of wastes from ships and ports in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2000/59 of the EC after 2007.
Port Reception Facilities development is reported to the BSC using new Data Base developed on the basis of IMO Reporting Format. According to the data available for 2007 in Bulgaria there are 6 PRF for oily water and garbage, with the capacity of more than 150 000 t per year. The capacity of the Bourgas Port to accept delivered wastes has increased around 4-fold from 2002 to 2006 as reported in ESAS AG Annual Report (2007). Two new oily water reception units were also planned for two Georgian Ports in DABLAS (Regional Gap Analysis, 2007, Table 5), waste barge in all ports, ballast reception facilities in Batumi and only ballast barge in Poti are available. In Romania, harbour reception facilities are at a good level, available in the ports for oil, garbage and bilge water and there are plans to extend and improve them. In Russian Federation, all ports (5 ports) have reception facilities for the collection of ship’s wastes: oil polluted waters and sludge, garbage, waste waters, rest of cargo (as mentioned in the National Gap Analysis report and the ESAS AG Report, 2007). According to the ESAS AG Annual Report of 2007, 4 new facilities were put into force in 2007 in Turkey for delivery of wastes, and totally 8 port reception facilities are in operation currently. The present status of port reception facilities reported to BSC is presented in Annex II.4. The need to establish a harmonised fee/cost recovery system on ship-generated waste in the Black Sea region is well recognised.
A harmonized system for port state control has been established through a MOU signed by the governments of all the member states. With this tool, common procedures for inspection of the ships have been settled for the region and the system is efficiently operating. The inspection data has been reported by the Black Sea coastal states and the number of inspections for the last 4-6 years showed an increasing trend in Bulgaria and Turkey (Fig.4, Annex II.17). According to these reports, the most intensive inspections have been conducted in the Russian Federation.
An agreed/harmonised enforcement system for the region to avoid discharges has not been achieved and the illegal discharges have not been avoided in the BS even though they are completely prohibited and all the states use sanction systems.
EU Directive 2005/35/EC (7th September 2005) on sanctions for ship-source pollution is in place in Bulgaria and Romania. In Georgia since 1995 special Regulations (amended in 2006), approved by the Ministry of Environment of Georgia have been in force. The Regulations establish a varied scale for calculation of the compensation for the damage occurred. In 2002 the Law of Georgia “On Administrative Delinquencies” was amended, in accordance with which a penalty of 65000 GEL (appr. 40 000 USD) is placed for any act of pollution from a vessel (irrespective of the size). At present moment a scheme “penalty (65 000 GEL) + compensation” is used. Pollution fines for all kinds of illegal discharges are established in Ukraine by the decision of the Сabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 03.07.1995 №484 and by the administrative code of Ukraine 07.12.84, 8073-X, art.59-1. In Turkey there are administrative fines identified for cargo ships, tankers and other kind of vessels that might discharge oil and oil derivatives (crude oil, fuel, bilge, sludge, slop, refined products, oily wastes etc.), contaminated ballast waters, waste or domestic wastewater and for hazardous substances and waters discharges the fines are 10-fold higher than for oil pollution.
In Russia the sanction system is based on the following penalties imposed for infringement of the MARPOL convention:
Type of violation |
Fines (in & Sterling) |
Max |
Min |
Average |
1. Illegal discharge |
1086 |
32 |
559 |
2. Oil Record Book |
217 |
22 |
119.5 |
3. IOPP Certificate |
65 |
22 |
43.5 |
4. Other |
1086 |
32 |
559 |
Regarding the issue of ballast water exchange (deballasting) to avoid the introduction of invasive species, a systematic management plan is applied only in the Russian Federation and all rules on management of Ships' Ballast Waters are included in the Collection of obligatory orders on the sea trading port of Novorossiysk. Since 2004 in the port of Novorossiysk the Authorities carry out on a voluntary basis: Tool control of replacement of ship ballast; Monitoring of biological pollution of ballast waters dumped in port areas (deballasting is allowed 12 n.m away from the port); Complex ecological research of plankton (23 stations) together with the Institute of Oceanology and Oceanography of the Russian Academy of Science.
A comprehensive project for the development of the management plan in Turkey has been nearly finalized. Regular monitoring of ballast waters was planned in Romania and Bulgaria, but not in place so far. Unfortunately, this is a core gap for the management of transport related environmental damages in the region., Harmonization of ballast waters rules is still under discussion in the frames of the Black Sea Commission work plan and upon availability of financial support.
The IMO Convention on the Management of Ballast waters and sediments has been adopted by consensus in London in 2004, but not ratified by any of the BS States yet. Due to activities in the framework of the GloBallast Programme (2001- 2007) and the Black Sea Conferences on Ballast Water Control and Management, a ballast water related Regional Task Force (RTF) was implemented to minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships’ ballast water. Ballast water management was also incorporated in the revised Strategic Action Plan of the Black Sea which is open for adoption at a Ministerial Meeting.
The present status of ballast water management requirements in the Black Sea countries is summarized in Annex II.5. The level of existing national ballast water management requirements varies substantially within the Black Sea countries, i.e. a harmonized and agreed upon uniform approach is lacking. Most countries require ballast water reporting and follow the IMO Assembly Resolution 868(20) which contains a ballast water reporting form. Ballast water reception facilities are available in the Georgian ports Batumi and Poti, but it remains unclear if these are only in use for ballast water carried in empty cargo holds of oil tankers. Countries those implement ballast water management rules require exchange for ballast waters originating outside the Black Sea before entering the Black Sea or inside the Black Sea. In the Russian port Novorossiysk non-compliance with BWE causes delay and/or penalties.
Pollution from dumping
Pollution from dumping
42. A total ban on the disposal of municipal garbage in marine, shoreline and estuarine areas shall be imposed by December 1996. Each Black Sea state shall develop a plan setting out the manner in which comprehensive enforcement of the ban will be attained by December 1999 .
43. Illegal dumping operations in the Black Sea are a matter of concern. Black Sea states, individually and jointly, shall take measures to control any dumping activities that may take place.
44. Black Sea states, through the Istanbul Commission and in accordance with article 3 of the Protocol on Dumping to the Bucharest Convention, shall define concentration levels for trace contaminants in dredged spoils, by 2005.
45. Black Sea states shall consider amending the Protocol on Dumping to the Bucharest Convention, in accordance with the London Convention 1972, including its subsequent amendments.
Dumping of any type of solid waste randomly in coastal waters etc. is prohibited in all the BS countries and the necessary regulations are available to control illegal dumping activities whereas there are no regional measures to control dumping activities in the BS therefore the reporting on the illegal dumping still should be developed. The Protocol on the Protection of the Black Sea Marine Environment Against Pollution by Dumping (1992) which is ratified by all the countries is the only legal instrument for the region at the moment which is basically based on a permit system to control dumping activities. Dumping of any type of hazardous substances is prohibited. However, this Protocol is rather outdated and upon consultation of BSC with IMO the London Protocol will be considered for adaption by the Contracting Parties. If the IMO Guidelines for implementation of the London Convention and Protocol could first be adapted to the regional conditions and later approved by the Black Sea Commission, this would avoid the lengthy and costly procedure of amending the Black Sea Dumping Protocol.
Dumping of dredged spoils is allowed by the Protocol only if the limits of its Annex I contaminant concentrations in the dredged material are not exceeded. Following the recommendations of the AG ESAS the development of limits to Annex I is considered as an outdated approach and full implementation of EIA procedure and proper monitoring were advised in line with IMO recommendations.
According to the recent annual reports of ESAS AG (2006, 2007), which are based on annual reporting of the Black Sea coastal states, volume of dredged spoils dumped into the Black Sea by the coastal states shows increasing tendency (See Annex II.17, Fig. 5). The increase in volumes obviously may cause silting of the Black Sea bottom and valuable habitats destruction, if necessary precautionary measures will not be undertaken. This is a vital issue especially for the protection of shallow waters.
The official dumping sites reported to the BSC are presented as of 2006 in Annex II.6. Damping is reported more or less properly by Romania, Russian Federation and Ukraine (Fig. 5, Annex II.17).
Guidelines on Management of Dredged Spoils in the Black Sea coastal states were drafted (based on OSPAR Guideline) and recommended by the BSC for testing in the BS States. Upon testing, the Guidelines will be further improved and adopted by the Black Sea Commission
Waste management
Waste management
46. The Black Sea coastal states will cooperate in developing and implementing environmentally sound waste management policies, giving due consideration to waste minimization, recycling and reuse.
National laws/regulations for waste management are in place in the Black Sea coastal states. Only in Georgia, there is no specific legislation on waste management, a new one is currently being drafted but has yet to be enacted. The current draft contains references to the listing and classification criteria for waste and hazardous waste set out in the Basel Convention as well as in the EU Framework Directive on Waste.
Environmentally sound waste management techniques (sorting, recycling etc.) have been usually integrated in the waste management policies in almost all the countries where the use of landfills (Annex II.6.1) has been the only common application at the present status. In Bulgaria and Romania, landfills have been strictly regulated with EC norms. There is considerable progress in organization of new landfills in Turkey and Ukraine. In the EU Approximation Strategy of Turkey (2006), reduction of solid waste production has been considered as the major approach for the waste management and necessary legislative arrangements and development of plans/projects are under way to minimize wastes and use appropriate landfill operations.
By the rough estimate of BS TDA over 100 landfills (Annex II.6.1) exists at the Black coast of which around 60 % are authorized. Taking into account the importance of the adequate waste management in coastal areas the BSC intends to strengthen its work in this direction
The Marine Litter (ML) problem in the Black Sea region has been extensively studied in 2006-2007 and continues being in the focus of efforts to tackle this kind of pollution. In 2007 a first assessment was published by the BSC with the financial support of UNEP: MARINE LITTER IN THE BLACK SEA REGION: A REVIEW OF THE PROBLEM. The report evaluates existing data, policies, activities and institutional arrangements, proposes actions to further deal with the problem. Marine Litter Action Plan has been drafted and widely used in the SAP 2008. The whole plan needs to be adopted in the region as well. UNEP Guidelines for monitoring and assessment of ML (when published) will be recommended to the Black Sea Commission for adoption.
Transboundary movement of hazardous wastes (HW)
Transboundary movement of hazardous wastes
47. By 2006, Black Sea states, through the Istanbul Commission, and in accordance with Resolution 1, adopted at the Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution, shall complete and adopt the text of a Protocol to the Bucharest Convention concerning the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and cooperation in combating illegal traffic thereof.
The Protocol on Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the BS Marine Environment by oil and other harmful substances in emergency situations is the only tool of the BSC to deal with transboundary movement of hazardous wastes. A Contingency Plan for the Black Sea was formed as an Annex to the Emergency Protocol (http://www.blacksea-commission.org/main.htm) which was elaborated in close cooperation with IMO and OSPRI (Oil Spill Preparedness Regional Initiative). The Contingency Plan (Part I, Oil Pollution) was signed by the Contracting Parties Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine
However, a dedicated Protocol concerning transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and illegal traffic does not exist. In order to follow transboundary movement of hazardous wastes in the region, it is necessary to identify priority actions in this direction in cooperation with IMO and Basel Convention and establish cooperation with the relevant stakeholders. Preliminary arrangement for Feasibility Studies on trans-frontier movement of hazardous wastes is high on the agenda of the Black Sea Commission for its development. Bulgaria, Russian Federation and Turkey have ratified the Basel Convention and the other BS states are in the accession period. Further promotion of the Basel Convention in the region, and efficient implementation of it by all parties could be sufficient to control the transboundary movement of HWs.
A pilot project on Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution Information System has been initiated under BSERP and was finalized by the end of 2007 (See Appendix II, Final Report, summary). The developed Information System might be a very useful tool for the region in controlling hazardous cargo as well. The need in Automatic Information System data exchange is recognized and first steps to achieve it undertaken. Transportation of hazardous substances (long-term trend) via the Istanbul straight is presented in Figure 6.B, Annex II.17.
Contingency Planning and emergency response
Contingency planning and emergency response
48. A Black Sea Strategy for contingency planning and emergency response shall be developed. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission, upon the recommendation of its Advisory Group on the Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping, adopt such a Strategy, by December 1997. This Strategy should provide a basis for ensuring that the contingency plans developed within Black Sea states are sufficiently coordinated. It will also serve as a basis for the development of the regional contingency plan.
49. National and local contingency plans, covering both vessels and offshore installations, shall be improved and, where appropriate, adopted, by 2008. The responsibilities and obligations of governmental agencies in the event of marine emergencies shall be clearly defined. National contingency plans shall be developed in accordance with IMO guidelines, as well as other relevant international instruments, including the Black Sea Strategy for contingency planning and emergency response.
50. A Black Sea Contingency Plan shall be adopted. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission, upon the recommendations of its Advisory Group on the Environmental Safety Aspect of Shipping, adopt such a plan by 2009. The Black Sea Contingency Plan should address the compatibility of: emergency equipment, reporting forms and oil spill data; classification of the scale of spillage’s; methods for evaluating the sensitivity of the coast to hazards; and spill decision support systems, including models for forecasting oil movements. In addition, regionally coordinated national classification and risk assessment systems shall be developed.
51. In order to ensure rapid and effective action by national emergency response agencies, each Black Sea state, in cooperation with the private sector and, where appropriate, with international and bilateral agencies, shall ensure that their own national agencies are adequately staffed and that the necessary resources are available to them.
52. Close cooperation shall be sought with the shipping, oil and gas sectors in order to ensure that, to the extent possible, the cost of developing and implementing contingency plans are born by these sectors.
The Black Sea Contingency Plan (response to oil spills, CP) to the Protocol on Cooperation in Combating of Pollution of the Black Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Emergency Situations was signed in 2003. Three countries are parties to the Plan, however, it has been commonly accepted as a fully operational document in the region by all the states and is being implemented. The second part of the plan (for chemicals) will be developed at a next stage. The Annexes of the CP is under regular update. They are as follows:
· Directory of competent national authorities, contact points, emergency response centres, national on-scene commanders and other relevant addresses;
· Maps showing possible sources of pollution, environmental sensitive areas, priorities for protection;
· Communication System;
· Directory of response personnel and inventory of response equipment, products and other means which each party might offer as assistance in case of the activation of the Plan;
The BSC assists in organising professional trainings, courses and workshops in cooperation with IMO, JRC, OSPRI, etc., supports pilot projects and feasibility studies, and undertakes harmonization of strategies in combating oil pollution at the regional level. Regional drills (BRAVO, DELTA, etc) take place regularly and successfully. The DELTA exercise SULH 2007 (Oil spill preparedness together with Search and Rescue operations) is a good example of this sort of cooperation for the Black Sea emergency response jointly organized by the BSC-ESAS AC/AG, private sector and national authorities. Hosting country was Turkey with a main contribution to the success of the exercise. Regular BRAVO exercises are carried out on a quarterly basis and rotation principle, DELTAs are every two years.
Harmonization of dispersants use in the region is initiated.
Workshops, seminars, courses in 2007 held were as follows:
· Integration of international resources during large oil spills.
· Deployment of equipment.
· Use of dispersants – regional and workshops in Georgia and Turkey.
· Aerial Surveillance Workshop
Workshop and training course on Satellite Monitoring and Assessment of Sea-based Oil Pollution in the Black Sea was carried out in Istanbul, 13 - 15 June 2005, in cooperation with JRC.
Romania and Bulgaria participate in CleanSeaNet.
National and local contingency plans have nearly been developed in all of the countries and there are ongoing efforts to complete/update them. The applications at the national level are summarized in Annex II.7.
Guidelines for reporting oil spills and Guidelines for oil spill exercises under the Black Sea Contingency plan have been drafted, tested and submitted to the approval by the BS Commission.
In order to better control and manage the oil spills that may happen in the Black Sea coastal and open waters sensitive areas at national territories and offshore waters have to be identified and mapped. There are limited information and studies at the national level, and the situation is even worse for the offshore areas. There is still a need to identify them taking into account the currents, spawning grounds, migratory routes of the anadromous fish species and dolphins, valuable habitats and other areas vital for the Black Sea ecosystem or human health (15th ESAS AG Meeting Minutes). Sensitivity maps were produced in MARPLOT with the support of BSERP in 2005, however, they require further elaboration and adoption at the national levels. These maps show possible sources of pollution, environmentally sensitive areas and priorities for protection of coastal areas.
The regional cooperation is also being strongly supported by OSPRI which is an initiative of the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association and represents an excellent example of public /private partnership.
The numbers of oil spills reported by the Black Sea coastal states for the period 1996-2006 are presented in Annex II.8 & Annex II.17, Fig. 6A. Between 1993 and 2002 a total of 580,000 tones of oil were spilled into the Black Sea in more than 470 incidents (http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn4153-map-flags-up-oilspill-black-spots.html). In the 1990s the average input of oil from accidents was 136 t/y, and the total input was estimated at 110.8 kt/y (including domestic, industrial, rivers, as the Danube river input was 53.3 kt/y, Black Sea Pollution Assessment, eds. L. Mee and G. Topping, UN Publication, New York, 1999). In 2002-2006 the number of accidents decreased considerably, up to 154 for the whole period and all states, and the average accidental input of oil was estimated at 99.93 t/y.
Assessment and monitoring of pollutants
Assessment and monitoring of pollutants
53. A “State of Pollution of the Black Sea” report will be prepared and published every five years, beginning 2006. It will be based on the data collected through the coordinated pollution monitoring and assessment programmes.
54. A Black Sea Monitoring System, based upon biological effects measurements and measurements of key contaminants, will be established in compliance with the Bucharest Convention. It will consist of the integration of obligatory national monitoring programmes, to be included in the National Strategic Action Plans, and an independent quality assurance system. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission develop such a quality assurance system through its Advisory Group on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment, by 2005.
55. A uniform measurement technique for bathing water quality with a common quality assurance support mechanism shall be developed. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission, upon the recommendations of its Advisory Group on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment, develop this uniform measurement technique by December 1997. Transparency shall be encouraged through the publication and free exchange of data from bathing water quality measurements on at least an annual basis.
56. Data regarding actual and assessed contaminant discharge measurements for point sources, rivers, and, where possible, diffuse sources, shall be compiled and freely exchanged beginning 2002 on an annual basis. It is advised that the Advisory Group Control of Pollution from Land Based Sources make these compilations in future.
The State of the Environment Report (SoE) of the Black Sea was published in 2002 by the BSC. The aim of the report was to analyze the pressures and trends in the Black Sea for 1996-2000. The 2nd SoE Report has been finalized in 2008 to cover the period 2001-2005 and presented at the Meeting of the Contracting Parties. It contains chapters on the general geochemistry and oceanography of the Black Sea, eutrophication and pollution, climate change impact, biodiversity, fishery and socio-economy, etc. prepared by 48 experts. Together with the TDA 2007, the SoE report 2008 gives full picture of the state of the Black Sea, pressures and trends, with a special emphasis on the basic transboundary problems – eutrophication, pollution, biodiversity change and overfishing. The main message of both reports is that we gradually improve our knowledge about the loads of pollutants stemming to the Black Sea from different sources, their levels in the water and sediments of the Sea, however, quite poorly knowing so far the level of contamination of biota. The contamination of biota is regularly monitored only by Romania since 2003 (Annex IV and V), but only in mussels for trace metals. Since 2001 the levels of major pollutants such as trace metals, pesticides, detergents, radionuclides, phenols and hydrocarbons in water have been more often bellow the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC), unlike previous periods when they were exceeding frequently the MAC in coastal waters. In impacted areas, such as bays and estuaries, ports and other marine facilities, recreational areas and in the vicinity of large cities the pollutants appear in higher concentrations. Detergents do not accumulate in sediments. All the other pollutants are of several orders of magnitude of higher concentrations in shelf sediments than in water. However, decreasing trends were recorded during the last years in comparison with the 1990s. The sediments of the open region of the Black Sea exhibit no indication of significant pollution, known also from previous investigations performed in the 1990s, with perhaps the exception of zinc.
A Black Sea Monitoring System: The Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (BSIMAP: 2001 first mentioned, final version adopted in 2006, 13th Meeting of the Commission, see http://www.blacksea-commission.org/main.htm, Information & Resources, with outlined optional and mandatory parameters, planned to act in the period 2006-2011) seeks to maximize the use of historical data from previously established monitoring sites for trend analysis, supported by new additional sites to improve the assessment of the current chemical/ecological status of the Black Sea.
Back Sea Information System (BSIS): collection of nationally reported data in the fields of land based sources, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and other marine living resources, environmental safety aspects of shipping, integrated coastal zone management and pollution monitoring and assessment started in 2001. Special reporting templates (Excel Format) were developed at that time which were later several times amended to better specify information needs for the decision making of the Black Sea Commission and the elaboration of the indicators necessary for assessments of Black Sea state and efficiency of the implemented policies.
The main purpose of the BSIS and BSIMAP is to provide reliable and consolidated data for ‘state of the environment’ reporting, ‘impact assessments’ of major pollutant sources, ‘transboundary diagnostic analysis’, SAP implementation reports (BSSAP process). The sites, parameters and monitoring frequencies also reflect data requirements for compliance with relevant national and international legislation and agreements.
Number of national monitoring sites included in the BSIMAP, with an indication of spatial coverage:
Territorial waters |
Pollution Hot Spots |
Sampling Sites |
Length of coast, km |
Average distance (km) represented per sampling site |
Bulgaria |
9 |
5 |
300 |
60 |
Georgia |
6 |
5 |
310 |
62 |
Romania |
5 |
21 (34 in the National Monitoring System) |
225 |
17 |
Russian Federation |
4 |
5 |
475 |
95 |
Turkey |
10 |
3 (69 since 2007) |
1400 |
466 (20 since 2005) |
Ukraine |
9 |
14 |
1628 |
116 |
The most relevant international policies and agreements in terms of monitoring the Black Sea are considered to be not only the SAP for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea, but attempts have also being made to harmonize approaches and principles with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the proposed Marine Strategy Framework Directive which are obligatory for Romania, Bulgaria and seriously undertaken by Turkey in the accession process. The WFD requires Member States to identify water bodies, to establish type-specific reference conditions, to identify quantitatively the good quality status of an ecosystem, and this is already performed in Romania and Bulgaria. The Black Sea states identify their waters as: transitional, coastal and marine. Ukraine specified 3 stations in marine waters in the frames of the BSIMAP, all other states have stations reported to the BSC only in coastal and transitional waters. TU has not specified the nature of stations sampled. Occasionally Russia reports a transect up to 100 miles.
The Black Sea coastal states agreed and implement in the frames of the BSIMAP:
· standardised sampling, storage, analytical techniques, assessment methodologies and reporting formats. Standardised manual for nutrients analyses was written (based on Regional Seas Manual) and a series of workshops were held during 2005 to promote harmonization of techniques and capacity building. The process continues further developing, in 2007 the methodologies for identification of trace metals in sediments, biota and water were harmonized. IAEA (Regional Seas) Manuals will be used in the region. In 2008/9 the PMA AG will address the monitoring and analysis of pesticides.
· agreed QA/QC procedures.
· intercalibration and intercomparison exercises.
Almost all Black Sea coastal states adopted BSIMAP and integrated it into their national monitoring and assessment programs, with some difficulties still to be overcame in Georgia and monitoring efforts are not yet focused within a programme. In the Russian Federation an integrated state monitoring programme has been implemented since 2003. Romania and Turkey support observations of all mandatory parameters in the frames of the BSIMAP at a high number of stations and the frequency of sampling in Romania is in agreement with the WFD and BSIMAP.
In order to ensure data quality, in 2004, first Black Sea quality assurance intercomparison exercise for metals, nutrients, chlorinated pesticides and petroleum hydrocarbons was undertaken by seven laboratories reporting data to BSIMAP. Since that time these exercises became regular for sediments, sea water and recently planned for biota. These exercises were achieved with the financial support of BSC and through technical cooperation with IAEA/MEL and QUASIMEME.
A uniform strategy for bathing waters is being elaborated with attempts undertaken in 2003 and later in 2007. Manual on Bathing Water was initially developed in 1996 by the Black Sea Environmental Project GEF/UNDP BSEP, however during the Bathing Water Experts Workshop in 2007 it was found outdated. Harmonization of methodologies and assessments of compliance was generally agreed, WHO guidelines were recommended for consideration, a decision was taken to develop bathing water quality classification matrix similar to the Mediterranean model for the Black Sea region. Beach profiles are expected to be developed soon in the region and compliance with regulations to be communicated via the WEB page of the BSC.
Black Sea coastal states annually deliver data (see Annex V) on sources and inputs to the BSC– before 1st of August, for the previous year by specially developed formats that are regularly improved and recently data quality control was introduced as an integral part of the work with the BSIS. BSC Advisory Groups and Activity Centres play crucial role in delivering, validating and assessment of the reported data and information. In 2008, revision of the existing data base is undertaken with the participation of the Activity Centres and Chairmen of AGs.
Important component of BSIS is the linking of spatial data available in GIS format (Black Sea GIS) with data from national reporting (monitoring, sensitivity zones, land based pollution sources, etc.). Additional data, such as designated protected areas, land use of the coastal zones are currently being digitized/reprocessed based on information presented by the countries. Nationally reported data was made accessible on the web by developing on-line BSIS divided into sectors. However, the on-line BSIS still requires improvement of functionality and refining.
Living resources management
Commercially exploited resources & sustainable aquaculture
57. Fish are an integral part of the marine ecosystem, fish stocks thrive in a non-polluted and protected ecosystem and the marine ecosystem profits from properly managed fishing activities. The measures to reduce pollution and to protect biological diversity, habitat and landscape, as agreed upon in this Strategic Action Plan, are therefore pre-conditions for the restoration of commercial fisheries in the Black Sea. In addition, spawning and nursery grounds require special protection.
58. In order to rehabilitate ecosystems, which are of particular importance to Black Sea fisheries as a whole, Phyllophora fields and other critical nursery areas will receive special protection, spawning areas of anadromous species will be restored, and coastal lagoons will be rehabilitated. By 2003 each Black Sea state will develop at least one pilot project which will contribute to the restoration of areas vital to the recovery of Black Sea fish stocks.
59. In order to rehabilitate the Black Sea ecosystem and achieve sustainable fisheries in the Black Sea, fisheries management policies need to be enhanced and fishing effort needs to be adjusted to the status of the stocks. In this regard, the Black Sea coastal states are expected to expedite the adoption of the Fisheries Convention as soon as possible so as to develop a fisheries management system which consists of the following components: regular regionally coordinated stock assessments; national fishing authorisations for all Black Sea fishing vessels; a regional licensing system; and a quota system. In addition, enforcement of fisheries regulations urgently needs to be improved. These measures and others, which are required to attain more sustainable fisheries in the Black Sea, should be taken in close cooperation with the fishing sector.
71. Sustainable aquaculture should be stimulated, amongst other things, through the conduct of feasibility studies. In parallel, legislation enabling the regulation of aquaculture should be developed. Such legislation should ensure that aquaculture itself does not present a threat to the environment and should address issues, such as, the location and density of cages, releases of commercial strains, imports and releases of exotic species, quarantining and matters of hygiene. Moreover, aquaculture projects shall be subjected to environmental impact assessments in which the potential effect of the activity upon biological diversity are given careful consideration.
The decline in natural resources of the Black Sea, particularly the decline in fish stocks, (and the lack of a regional fisheries management system and the incomparable national practices), has been a high priority transboundary issue of the Black Sea to be handled (TDA 2007). The national gap analysis reports are also highlighting the problem in the reduction of fishing capacities and problems of the fishing sector. Commercially important marine living resources have been greatly affected by alien species introductions, eutrophication, over-fishing and habitats change/damage (SoE Report 2008, The illegal fishing and use of destructive harvesting techniques, lack of cooperative management of fisheries in the Black Sea and eutrophication are recognized as the most significant threats for fish resources. In the last report of the FOMLR AG (2007), it is also stated that the most commercially important species (anchovy, turbot, horse mackerel, whiting etc.) are at the state of overfishing whereas the stocks of sprat, mullets and mussels have improved during 2000-2005. The long-term dynamics of catches of pelagic and demersal fish in the Black Sea is given in Annex II.17, Fig. 7.
The SoE report 2008 demonstrated that at present Danube populations of anadromous sturgeons and Pontic shad as well as whiting and turbot in the waters of Turkey have been overfished. In the waters of Turkey the state of striped mullet has also deteriorated due to the increasing fishing pressure. In 2000 – 2005 the state of anchovy, sprat, and aboriginal mullets and mussels stocks improved as compared with previous five-seven year period, horse mackerel stock remained depressed. Eventhough catches of pelagic fish (mostly anchovy and sprat) have increased since mid-90s, the levels are still half of the amount of catch values of mid 80s (TDA, 2007). Demersal fish catches have decreased considerably after 2000. The highly variable stock dynamics and the lack of effective control over the fisheries make stock collapses quite likely in future.
Annex II.9presents a summary of national efforts on the restoration of costal lagoons and spawning grounds undertaken in 2001-2005.
Regarding the regional fish stock assessment, the FOMLR AG continues the work on elaboration of regional stock assessments using agreed methodologies. Assistance will be sought from the European Union for the assessment of the Black Sea fish stocks as soon as harmonization of methodologies will be completed. A harmonized methodology for Anchovy was elaborated in 2007 and the Group is soon to finalise the evaluation of the stock of anchovy. BSC has also supported the establishment of a Stock Assessment Operational Group, which ToR included improved collection of data for stock assessments, analysis of data/information and estimation of marine fish stocks, and elaboration of recommendations for sustainable management of stocks.
The SoE report (2008) and some recent publications show that there are changes in the spawning and nursery grounds to the great extent related to climate change and level of recovery of the Black Sea.
SAP Article 59 underlines the need for the rehabilitation of the Black Sea through the establishment of sustainable fisheries for the region and the development of a fisheries management system. A draft legally binding document (LBDF) has been prepared for this purpose and the Sofia Declaration has noted (2002) the intention of the BSC to finalize the legal text to be adopted for the region. The Draft LBDF is based on precautionary and ecosystem approaches. The draft LBDF proposes provisions on fish stocks and fishing capacities (adjustments for fishing fleet and gears), protection of marine mammals, prevention of introduction of non-indigenous species and as well proposing a new organizational structure while defining the role and responsibilities of it. Upon final agreement on the type of the legally binding document in fishery in the BS region further improvement of its text will be undertaken before signature by the contracting parties.
In the frames of the BSERP project maps of fish spawning areas and nursery grounds were elaborated.
The national legislation/policy tools in the fisheries sector has been summarized in Annex II.1 of this report. According to the nationally reported data, complete ban and seasonal ban on commercial fishing are applicable in all the BS states. Total allowable and permissible catches (TAC) are not applicable only in Turkey. Minimum admissible size, prohibited fishing gears and allowable mesh size for nets are also applicable in all the countries whereas fishing free zones present in Georgia, Romania, and Russian Federation and Ukraine. National Strategic Plan for Fishing and Aquaculture is available in Bulgaria and Romania for 2007-2013 and they implement the European Common Fisheries Policy.
Annex II.10shows the total abundance of Russian sturgeon in 1988-2005 as well as its official and unreported catch. It is obvious that both the abundance and catch capacity has considerably decreased until 2005.
Annex II.11provides information on the release of young commercial fish to the Black Sea to achieve recovery of stocks. For example, in Turkey re-stocking of P. maxima was applied, however, it seems that there are not any more efforts for other species. Also in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine there has been continuous efforts for few species revitalization.
Aquaculture activities have developed in production capacities both at inland and marine farms in Turkey. Similar trends have developed in other BS countries after 2001 (Annex II.12).
Biological Diversity Protection
Biological diversity protection
60. The text of a Protocol on Biological Diversity and Landscape Protection to the Bucharest Convention shall be developed and adopted. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission adopt this Protocol by 2002, upon the recommendations of the Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity. The aim is to present the Protocol to the 2001 Ministerial Meeting for signature, after which governments can initiate the national ratification process.
61. A regional Black Sea Red Data Book, identifying and describing endangered species, will be prepared and published by December 1998. It is advised that the work on the Red Data Book be coordinated by the Istanbul Commission, through its Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity.
62. With the aim of restoring populations of marine mammals the following measures shall be taken:
a) A ban on the hunting of marine mammals will be enforced by all Black Sea states with immediate effect.
b) Regular population assessments of marine mammals shall be conducted and the first assessment will be completed by 2005. It is advised that these assessments be coordinated by the Istanbul Commission, through its Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity.
c) The Centre for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in Batumi, Georgia, shall be provided with the necessary equipment in order to function as a regional rehabilitation centre for captive marine mammals.
d) National centres and sanctuaries for the rehabilitation of marine mammals shall be strengthened.
e) Consideration shall be given to modify fishing practices in order to avoid catching marine mammals, as by-catch, during normal operations. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission, through its Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity and its Advisory Group on the Environmental Aspects of Management of Fisheries and other Marine Living Resources, develop a strategy for the reduction of by-catches of marine mammals.
The Black Sea Biodiversity and Landscape Conservation Protocol was adopted in 2002 and signed by the countries except Georgia and Russia and ratified by Turkey and Ukraine. A draft Strategy and Action Plan (BSBLCP-SAP) was also prepared for the implementation of the Protocol with targets/dates and a work plan was presented for 2005-2007 to be implemented by the BSC. Since 2003, the Annex 2: List of Species of Black Sea Importance and Annex 4: List of Species Whose Exploitation Shall Be Regulated, have been developed and according to the provision of the BSBLCP, they will be revised every 5 years. The Black Sea Commission has standardized regional methodologies for the collection and analysis of plankton and zoobenthos samples. Guidelines were developed (Annex II, 15) and widely used in the region. Inter-calibration exercise for zooplankton has been undertaken, the results are under evaluation
The three marine mammal (cetaceans) species of the Black Sea are classified as DD (data deficient) in the Red Data Book of the Black Sea (1999). They are included in Annex 2 of the BSBLCP as endangered species and in the same year the main gaps in conservation and research of them were jointly identified by BSC and ACCOBAMS and the need for a regional conservation plan was stressed. The lack of comprehensive information and data on commercial species, the health of population of marine mammals and human stress on the BS cetaceans has been the major gap for the conservation plan. The population state of the three Black Sea cetaceans is presented in Annex II.17, Fig.8. The Monk seal, considered extinct, was sighted in the Black Sea recently.
Assessments of marine mammals populations were undertaken regularly in different parts of the Black Sea in the period 2001-2005. However, data on population of cetaceans are not included in the BSIS yet. Besides, since 2004 cetaceans numbers are monitored in the SW Crimea near Balaklava, Ukraine – this area was identified by ACCOBAMS as a candidate area for pilot project in conservation and management. Funding for the region-wide cetacean survey is still being sought, also a project proposal has been developed in line with recommendations and methodology of ICW sub-committee. A List of Areas eligible for the protection of dolphins (Marine Protected Areas) has been elaborated during a special workshop (December 2006, Ref: which recommended improvements of the Marine Mammals component of the BSIS including by-catch and strandings, population dynamics, diseases, implementation of measures, etc.
Bans on direct catches of cetaceans are enforced in all BS states and in four countries there is also international commitment as being Parties to ACCOBAMS (commercial dolphin fishery was banned in 1966 in the former USSR (present Georgia, Russia and Ukraine), Bulgaria and Romania; and in 1983 - in Turkey; since then a number of improvements of national and international legislation have been undertaken in order to protect the Black Sea ecosystem, biodiversity and the cetacean populations, in particular).
The ACCOBAMS~Conservation Plan for BS Cetaceans, as a whole, is a great contribution towards the implementation of the Biodiversity Protocol concerning the issues with marine mammals. The Black Sea Commission initiated national consultations on the adoption of the ACCOBAMS~Conservation Plan for BS Cetaceans as a Plan for all Black Sea coastal states (the Russian Federation and Turkey are not Contracting Parties to ACCOBAMS), negotiations are in progress.
Annex II.13provides information on Dophlinaria existing in the Black Sea region, however, they are mostly commercial facilities, keeping dolphins in captivity, main activity –shows, and have no relation to protection of marine mammals in the Black Sea region.
Besides conservations efforts on the cetaceans of BS importance and increase in dolphins numbers, there are some other improvements in the BS ecosystem in the last years as mentioned in the SoE, 2008 report. Formerly “dead” areas of the NW Shelf are once again colonised by biota, with evidence of biodiversity continuing to increase. The pelagic ecosystem of western Black Sea coastal waters improved noticeably due to weakening of anthropogenic pressures. It is inferred by reduced nutrient inputs and fewer algal blooms, lower algal biomass, recovery of some algal populations, increasing plankton biodiversity, decreasing opportunistic and gelatinous pressures, and re-appearance of some native fodder zooplankton and fish species and increasing edible zooplankton biomass. The recovery of the benthic ecosystem is less evident.
However, the picture with the invasive species is still a threatening one. The regions shallower than 30-40 m depths still symptoms of some undesirable disturbances, the most important of which is exerted by the alien opportunistic species such as bivalve species Mya arenaria, soft-clam species Anadara inequivalvis, gastropod species Rapana. The number of registered alien species at the regional level amounts to 217 (parasites and mycelium excluded). Nearly half of them (102) are permanently established, and a quarter - highly or moderately invasive (20 and 35 species respectively). This high ratio of invasive aliens suggests a serious impact on the Black Sea native biological diversity, with negative consequences for human activities and economic interests. Between 1996 and 2005 a total of 48 new alien species were recorded, which represents over 22 % of all registered aliens. The majority belong to phytoplankton (16) and zoobenthos (15), followed by zooplankton (8), fish (5), macroalgae (3) and mammals (1) (Ref. National Reporting CBD AG Annual reports).
In the frames of the IMO GLOBALLAST Program in the BS region (2001-2004) Regional Action Plan to minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships ballast water was drafted and its main recommendations were incorporated in the updated SAP2008.
Protection of Habitats and Landscapes
Protection of Habitats and Landscapes
63. In addition to the actions referred to in paragraphs 57, 58, and 59 of this Strategic Action Plan, the following measures will also be taken to protect habitats and landscape in the Black Sea region.
64. In marine and coastal areas, and in particular in wetlands, new conservation areas shall be designated and the protection of existing conservation areas enhanced. In drafting their National Biological Diversity Strategies, Black Sea states shall take into consideration the integrity of the Black Sea system, by, for example, designating conservation areas which are of regional significance.
65. With a view to enhancing the protection of habitats and landscape in the Black Sea region, both national and regional regulatory instruments shall be improved through the following actions.
a) A Regional Strategy for Conservation Areas shall be adopted, and it shall be reviewed every five years. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission adopt the plan by 2004, and conduct the reviews, upon the recommendations of its Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity. The plan, amongst other things, should address the following: priority locations which should be designated as conservation areas; priority locations where current measures for protection should be enhanced; objectives, standards and measures for the protection of conservation areas; and fund raising aspects.
b) Each Black Sea state, by 2000, shall endeavour to revise, and where applicable adopt, in accordance with its own legal system, national laws, regulations and planning instruments for the protection of conservation areas. These laws, regulations and planning instruments shall conform with relevant international instruments, including the Regional Strategy for Conservation Areas. The national instruments, amongst other things, should identify the responsible management authority and the responsible government agency; include procedures for the identification of conservation areas; require that management plans be developed for each conservation area; set standards for managing conservation areas; and, where appropriate, establish procedures for public participation and partnerships between governmental agencies and NGO’s for the management of conservation areas.
The total surface of Black Sea marine and coastal protected areas by country has been lately presented in the TDA, 2007 (Table 3.6 of TDA) which indicated a significant progress in conservation of biodiversity in the Black Sea region, especially during 1990s. According to the statistics presented in TDA (2007), the largest MPAs were designated by Ukraine, while largest coastal wetlands and terrestrial areas were designated by Romania. In this analysis, there was no data from the Russian Federation. A more complete picture has been drawn including all the countries and presented in of Annex II.17, Fig. 9. Additional information on the present status of Black Sea PAs is also provided in Annex II.14.
As stated in the BSERP Final Report (2007), habitat status is a critical component of maintaining high levels of biodiversity within the Black Sea and the ecosystem(s) of the Black Sea are found to be seriously damaged and in need of legal protection. Those habitats most at risk include the neritic water column/bottom, coastal lagoons, estuaries/deltas and wetlands/saltmarshes.
At present, a regional strategy for conservation areas does not exist in the Black Sea. However, process of designation of marine and coastal protected areas is in development, based on the national strategies and plans available in all countries.
The increase of protected areas and the improvement of conservation of species, ecosystems and habitats, with particular attention to marine protected areas, and the management of them in a sustainable and environmentally sound way aiming at establishing the Black Sea Ecological Network are the core objectives of the draft BSBLCP-SAP targeting at:
· - enlargement of Black Sea Reserves taking into consideration the most important breeding, feeding and wintering grounds and migration routes of fish and marine mammals and birds, map them using advanced information technologies, and establish a regional mechanism for regular information flow between them.
· - preparation of Black Sea Guidelines for Establishing Marine and Transboundary Protected Areas
· - all protected areas have corresponding management plans and establishment of regular exchange of information between them;
· - The restoration and rehabilitation of damaged areas of previously high biodiversity value, including lagoons and spawning grounds, is also required by the BSBLCP-SAP.
In 2007 a special workshop took place jointly organized by the BSC PS and the EEA- European Topic Center on Biological Diversity. The Workshop produced a full list of Black Sea Habitats, on the basis of which the Annex 1 of the CBD Protocol will be finalised. Simultaneously two important projects run activities in relation to designation of MPAs in the Black Sea region – MATRA (EUCC-The Coastal Union) - The development of an indicative, ecologically coherent network of sub-tidal Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Bulgaria and Romania; and EuropeAid (Black Sea Environmental Collaboration Project) working on Marine Protected Area Policy and Strategy. On the request of the Black Sea Commission BSERP assisted and facilitated the process by development of different kind of mapping. The MATRA Project initiated a work which has to be enlarged to all the other BS states – identification of endangered habitats of Black Sea importance, which would need special protection. The need for transboundary MPAs was recognized and maps of areas eligible for designation were prepared. All these different maps together with the available Contingency Plan maps (sensitivity index, risk index) should be used to further proceed with the designation of MPAs in the region and later networking. The EuropeAid project drafted the needed policy document in support of the process and initiated case study in the Karkinitsky Bay.
Information on Black Sea habitats is presented in Annex II.15, including list of habitats critical to survival, reproduction and recovery of threatened flora and fauna species.
Sustainable Human Development
Environmental Impact Assessment
67. By 1998, all Black Sea coastal states will adopt criteria for environmental impact assessments and environmental audits that will be compulsory for all public and private projects. The coastal states will cooperate to harmonize these criteria by 1999 and where possible, to introduce strategic environmental assessments.
Black Sea States implement EIA procedures and rules developed under appropriate national legislation (Annex II.1). SEA is also being considered by most of the countries where efficiently applied only in two European States at present. Both approaches were also dealt under “anticipatory actions” of the principles of SAP (Art.10) and discussed in the beginning of the report.
The EIA in transboundary context is currently under discussion in the Black Sea region. The inspired Convention in this activity, the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (ESPOO, 1991) has been ratified by 3 BS states (Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine) whereas Russian Federation signed but not ratified the Protocol yet.
Two workshops were conducted for representatives of Black Sea coastal states for exchanging experience with experts on the Caspian and Baltic Seas within the context of environmental impact assessments for transbounry projects. The need for the preparation of Black Sea Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessments for transboundary projects was emphasized and the ESPOO Secretariat was invited to assist in drafting the needed document.
Integrated coastal zone management and sustainable tourism
Integrated coastal zone management and sustainable tourism
68. In order to ensure proper management of the coastal zone, coordinated integrated coastal zone management strategies shall be developed for the Black Sea region. In order to attain this the following actions will be taken.
a) A Regional Black Sea Strategy for integrated coastal zone management shall be developed. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission develop such a strategy by 2005, upon the recommendations of its Advisory Group on the Development of Common Methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The regional strategy should elaborate basic principles and methodologies for land- and water-use planning as well as for designing zoning systems. The methodologies and principles recommended in the regional strategy shall be taken into account when developing or reviewing national strategies and planning instruments for integrated coastal zone management.
b) Each Black Sea coastal state shall endeavour to adopt and implement, in accordance with its own legal system, by 1999, the legal and other instruments required to facilitate integrated coastal zone management.
c) Inter-sectoral committees for integrated coastal zone management shall be established at the national, regional and local levels of public administration, where appropriate, by the end of 1997. These committees shall design and implement national plans for integrated coastal zone management through participatory approaches.
69. Erosion and land degradation have important environmental and social impacts. Coastal erosion, due to the changed hydraulic conditions in many of the regions rivers, is a problem which has transboundary implications. Deforestation is another major factor contributing to land degradation. A survey of coastal erosion problems in the region will be conducted by 2005. It is recommended that the Istanbul Commission, through its Advisory Group on the Development of Common Methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management coordinate the work on this survey. The survey should address the magnitude of the problem, including its economic implications; propose remedial actions, and include suggestions for pilot studies and demonstration projects.
70. Aquaculture and tourism are two areas considered to have scope for economic growth in the Black Sea and to benefit the region in general. In order to avoid environmental damage resulting from these activities, and particularly damage with transboundary implications, their development shall be managed along common environmental norms to be established by 2006. It is advised that the Istanbul Commission, with the support of its Advisory Groups, adopt these common norms and liaise, where appropriate, with the Fisheries Commission, once this body has been established, to adopt an industry code of practice.
72. Eco-tourism should be stimulated in the region, amongst other things, through the implementation of concrete pilot projects in Black Sea coastal states. In close cooperation with the tourist industry and the national tourism authorities, environmental codes of conduct and training courses in sustainable tourism will be developed. The tourism industry, both for the benefit of the industry and for the benefit of the environment, needs to be more adequately planned with a view to incorporating concerns such as those related to water supply, sewage treatment bathing water quality, the use of natural resources and resort development into newly developed projects from the beginning. Moreover, it shall be required that tourist development projects be subjected to environmental impact assessments.
A draft regional ICZM Strategy was prepared and Annex I of it presents proposals at national and regional levels for legislative improvements, creation of ICZM institutional framework, development of economic instruments, development of pilot projects at the local level, ICZM training and education and establishment of ICZM monitoring and reporting system. Clear guidelines of an ICZM approach have also been provided within the Strategy to the Black Sea countries. The updated SAP includes ICZM targets, such as: Further recognise and implement integrated coastal zone management principles into policies; Develop and disseminate information, training and education materials on ICZM in regional languages, referring to coastal and marine biodiversity conservation, Identify and make an inventory of Black Sea landscapes of high natural, historical, cultural and aesthetic value; Undertake preliminary regional assessment of coastal erosion, etc.
ICZM AG – BSC has conducted a survey among the BS States to measure the progress made from the year 2000 to 2005 in terms of “aspects of coastal planning and management”, “availability of a framework as a basis of ICZM development”, “most aspects of ICZM are in place and functioning” and “efficient, adaptive and integrative process embedded at different levels of governance”. The evaluations provided by the countries at 3 levels; local, national and regional, for 31 specific question are presented in Annex II.16.2. During the mentioned time frame, none of the countries have shown constant and really effective political support for the ICZM process. Coastal planning and management aspects seem to be mostly in place in Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine whereas less developed in other countries. The framework to carry ICZM forward is almost complete in Bulgaria and Romania, whereas absent in other countries. The improvement by time at the local and national levels is most pronounced in Romania, however, funding is a problem for all the countries to undertake actions on the coast.
Coastal erosion and deforestation have been dealt with national policies, plans and projects, however, a regional survey for Black Sea erosion was not organized due to lack of proper financing and interest of the international donors, including BSERP Nevertheless the Black Sea Commission will continue its efforts in improving cooperation for combating coastal erosion and deforestation based on the BEP and BAT.
A number of pilot projects for testing of ICZM methodology on spatial planning for ICZM were implemented in the Black Sea coastal states with financial support of international donors and based on the methodology drafted by the ICZM Activity Center, Russian Federation in 1999-2000 (tested initially in the Russian resort town of Gelendzhik) under the EU funded TACIS project. Within the EuropeAid project (“Technical Assistance to the Black Sea Environmental Program” 2002 – 2004) together with the regional ICZM Strategy, mentioned above, the following documents were also developed:
· Guidelines For Preparation of National Codes of Conduct For Coastal Zones of Black Sea States;
· ICZM Tools and Techniques (Best practices);
· Glossary of ICZM Legal Terms.
BSERP supported a pilot ICZM project in Turkey, The Akçakoca District Pilot Project (see final report, www.blacksea-commission.org), and it proved the methodology can be used successfully for the purposes of protecting, improving and sustaining an area within the context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
EuropeAid project (http://ecbsea.org/en/) and its ICZM component in 2007-8: The spatial planning methodology mentioned above so far has proven its value also in Tskhaltminda, Georgia. The maps produced with this methodology will be further refined and used for conflict resolution and illustration of opportunities for village development. A local ICZM plan can be expected for late autumn 2008.
An overview of regional activities in ICZM for the period 1993-2008 is provided in Annex II. 16.1.
Annex I. Basis for Cooperative Measures
I.1. Conventions to which the Black Sea States Are Contracting Parties (Ref. websites of Conventions)
State | Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine | ||||||
Conventions and Agreements | S | R/A | S | R/A | S | R/A | S | R/A | S | R/A | S | R/A |
Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention) | 21.04.92 | 15.01.94 | 21.04.92 | 12.01.94 | 21.04.92 | 29.09.92 | 21.04.92 | 12.08.93 | 21.04.92 | 06.03.94 | 21.04.92 | 14.02.94 |
UN Convention on Biological Diversity-CBD | 12.06.1992 | 17.04.1996(R) | 02.06.1994(Ac) | 05.06.1992 | 17.08.1994(R) | 13.06.1992 | 05.04.1995(R) | 11.06.1992 | 14.02.1997(R) | 11.06.1992 | 07.02.1995(R) | |
UN Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species-CITES | 16.01.1991(Ac)16.04.1991(E) | 1971 | 13.09.1996(Ac)12.12.1996(E) | 18.08.1994(Ac)16.11.1994(E) | 13.01.1992(Ac)01.01.1992(E) | 23.09.1996(Ac)22.12.1996(E) | 30.12.1999(Ac)29.03.2000(E) | |||||
UN Convention on Combat Desertification-CCD | 21.02.2001(Ac)22.05.2001(E) | 15.10.1994 | 23.07.1999(R)21.10.1999(E) | 19.08.1998(Ac)17.11.1998(E) | 14.10.1994 | 31.03.1998(R)29.08.1998(E) | ||||||
European Landscape Convention | 20.10.2000 | 20.10.2000 | 20.10.2000 | |||||||||
UN Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat-RAMSAR | 24.01.1976(E) | 07.06.1997(E) | 21.09.1991(E) | 11.02.1977(E) | 13.11.1994(E) | 01.12.1991(E) | ||||||
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats-Bern Convention | 31.01.1991(Ac)01.05.1991(E) | 18.05.1993(Ac)01.09.1993(E) | 19.09.1979 | 02.05.1984(R)01.09.1984(E) | 17.08.1998 | 05.01.1999(R)01.05.1999(E) | ||||||
Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals | 01.09.1999(E) | 01.06.2000(E) | 01.07.1998(E) | 01.11.1999(E) | ||||||||
Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area-ACCOBAMS | 16.09.1999 | 23.09.1999(R) | 24.11.1996 | 31.03.2001 | 28.09.1998 | 13.06.2000 | ||||||
Cartagena Protocol on Biodiversity | 24.05.2000 | 13.10.2000(R) | 11.10.2000 | 24.05.2000 | ||||||||
World Heritage Convention | 07.03.1974 (A) | 04.11.1992 | 16.05.1990(A) | 12.10.1988(R) | 16.03.1983(R) | 12.10.1988(R) | ||||||
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo C.) | 26.02.1991 | 12.05.1995(R) | 26.02.1991 | 29.03.2001 (R) | 06.06.1991 | 26.02.1991 | 20.07.1999(R) | |||||
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (Espoo C) | + | + | + | + | ||||||||
BASEL Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal | 16.02.1996 (A) | 24.05.1999 (A) | 27.02.1991(A) | 31.01.1995(R) | 22.06.1994(R) | 08.10.1999(A) | ||||||
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters | 25.06.1998 | 25.06.1998 | 11.04.2000 (R) | 25.06.1998 | 11.07.2000(R) | 25.06.1998 | 18.11.1999(R) | |||||
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (London Convention) | 24.02.06 | 29.01.76 | 06.03.76 | |||||||||
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) | 19.05.05 | 08.02.95 | 18.03.93 | 03.11.83 | 10.10.90 | 25.01.94 | ||||||
UN Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution | 09.06.1981 (R) | 11.09.1999 (Ac) | 27.02.1991 (R) | 27.02.1991 (R) | 18.04.1983 (R) | 05.06.1980 (R) |
The IMO are 60 in total, and the BS states are parties to most of them (http://www.imo.org/).
Country/Convention | Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
IMO Convention 48 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
IMO amendments 91 | x | x | x | x | ||
IMO amendments 93 | x | x | x | x | x | |
SOLAS Convention 74 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
SOLAS Protocol 78 | x | x | x | x | ||
SOLAS Protocol 88 | x | x | x | x | x | |
Stockholm Agreement 96 | ||||||
LOAD LINES Convention 66 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
LOAD LINES Protocol 88 | x | x | x | |||
TONNAGE Convention 69 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
COLREG Convention 72 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
CSC Convention 72 | x | x | x | x | x | |
CSC amendments 93 | x | x | ||||
SFV Protocol 93 | x | |||||
STCW Convention 78 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
STCW-F Convention 95 | x | x | ||||
SAR Convention 79 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
STP Agreement 71 | ||||||
STP Protocol 73 | ||||||
INMARSAT Convention 76 | x | x | x | x | x | |
INMARSAT OA 76 | x | x | x | x | x | |
INMARSAT amendments 94 | x | x | x | |||
INMARSAT amendments 98 | x | x | x | |||
IMSO amendments 2006 | ||||||
FACILITATION Convention 65 | x | x | x | x | x | |
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I/II) | x | x | x | x | x | x |
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex III) | x | x | x | x | x | |
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV) | x | x | x | x | x | |
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V) | x | x | x | x | x | x |
MARPOL Protocol 97 (Annex VI) | x | x | ||||
London Convention 72 | x | x | ||||
London Convention Protocol 96 | x | x | ||||
INTERVENTION Convention 69 | x | x | x | x | ||
INTERVENTION Protocol 73 | x | x | x | |||
CLC Convention 69 | x | d | ||||
CLC Protocol 76 | x | x | ||||
CLC Protocol 92 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
FUND Convention 71 | d | |||||
FUND Protocol 76 | x | |||||
FUND Protocol 92 | x | x | x | x | ||
FUND Protocol 2003 | ||||||
NUCLEAR Convention 71 | x | |||||
PAL Convention 74 | x | x | x | |||
PAL Protocol 76 | x | x | x | |||
PAL Protocol 90 | ||||||
PAL Protocol 02 | ||||||
LLMC Convention 76 | x | x | x | x | ||
LLMC Protocol 96 | x | x | x | |||
SUA Convention 88 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
SUA Protocol 88 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
SUA Convention 2005 | ||||||
SUA Protocol 2005 | ||||||
SALVAGE Convention 89 | x | x | x | |||
OPRC Convention 90 | x | x | x | x | ||
HNS Convention 96 | x | |||||
OPRC/HNS 2000 | x | |||||
ANTI FOULING 01 | x | x | ||||
BALLASTWATER 2004 | ||||||
I.2. Multi- and bilateral agreements among the BS basin states and others (Black Sea states reporting, BSIS)
Convention between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of Romania in the field of Environmental Protection, signed on signed on 09.12.1991, unlimited.
Agreement between the People��s Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey for cooperation in the use of water of transboundary rivers - signed on 23.10.1968 in Istanbul; in force since 26.10.1970; ratified Decree 958/28.11.1968., SG 94/1968; text - UN Treaties, volume 807, p. 117, № 11513.
Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey for establishing the border in the area of Resovska/Mutludere river mouth and delineation of the sea area between the two countries in the Black Sea - signed on 04.12.1997 in Sofia; in force since 04.11.1998; ratified with a law passed by the National Assembly on 24.06.1998, SG 79/1998.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, 19.04.2004
Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Water of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine on Cooperation in the field of Preservation of the Environment and Rational Use of Natural Resources, signed on 30.01.2003, unlimited.
Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Water of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Environment and Water Management of Romania on Cooperation in the Field of Water Management, signed on 12.11.2004, in force since 15.03.2005, unlimited.
This is the first specific agreement signed with the competent authorities for WFD in a neighbouring country specifically aimed at WFD implementation including transitional and coastal waters.
Agreement between the Romanian Government and the Ukrainian Government regarding the cooperation in the Field of Border Waters Management, signed on 30.09.1997
Agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Urbanism of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection of Romania and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine regarding the cooperation in the area formed by the Danube Delta and Inferior Prut River��s protected areas, adopted on 05.06.2000
Agreement between the Government of Romania and Government of the Republic of Turkey regarding the cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, adopted on 10.09.2001
1997 Agreement on Environmental Cooperation between the Government of Georgia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey.
Memorandum of Intended Cooperation for the Cooperation between the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection/Republic of Georgia and the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forests, Environment and Water Management/Republic of Austria;
Memorandum of Understanding between the World Bank and Georgia;
Agreement between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Georgian Ministry of Environment (GMoE) on Establishment of a UNEP/GRID-compatible Environmental Information Network Centre for Georgia (GRID-TBILISI);
Memorandum of Understanding concerning Environmental Protection between the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works of the Hellenic Republic and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Georgian Republic;
Agreement in the field of Cooperation (Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia);
Agreement of cooperation between Government of Georgia and Government of Ukraine in the field of Fisheries. (Abolished);
Agreement between Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia on the Control of Trans-boundary Transportation of Hazardous Substances and others;
Georgian 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and Related Instruments;
I.3. National and International Cooperation for the Protection of the Black Sea (Programmes, Major Projects and Activities - Black Sea states reporting, BSIS)
I.3. Strategic Partnership in the Black Sea Region
- GEF Black Sea Regional project, 1993-2008
- GEF Danube River Basin Regional Project, 1993-2007
- The GEF Dnieper Basin Environment Programme (DBEP)
- The World Bank-GEF Strategic Partnership: Investments - wetland restoration, WWTP, agricultural reform ( Full List of WB Projects given further)
- GEF Biodiversity and Medium-Sized Projects in the Danube/Black Sea basin
- Nutrient control and reduction Projects executed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) under the new GEF ��Expanded Opportunities for Executing Agencies��E/li>
- Accelerated implementation of environmental management programs for mining related ��hot spots��Eidentified by the Danube SAP and TDA.
- European Union: Investment and Institutional Support
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development : Municipal and Industrial Investments
- UNDP Country Cooperation Frameworks/Regional� Cooperation Frameworks
I.3.2. GEF/UNDP Black Sea Environmental Recovery Project: Pilot Projects and key achievements in 2002-2007 (see the Final Report of BSERP)
- Institutional review of the BSC
- TDA ��widely distributed, an interactive CD-version developed;
- BS SAP - technical draft completed, support in follow-up activities
- LBSA Protocol - national capacity building workshops, incorporation of country comments into the final version
- ICZM - Feasibility study on a corresponding Protocol, Pilot project in testing the land-use planning methodology developed, ICZM Strategy and questionnaires (development, circulation, processing), analysis of ICZM policies in the Black Sea countries
- Development of agricultural inventories (including livestock assessment regional study), review of agricultural policies in the Black Sea countries, development of a regional assessment report, training of reps from ministries and farmers (together with Danube Regional Project, and WB Investment fund);
- Inventories developed and implemented in municipal and industrial sectors, including ��hot-spot��Eanalysis;
- Mapping of sensitive areas on the Black sea coast and nursery and spawning grounds of main fish and invertebrate species;
- Support in discussions on the Legally Binding Document Fisheries and stock assessment workshops to discuss proposals on stock assessment methodologies (2003, 2006);
- Development and implementation (together with DABLAS and BSC Project Broker) of pilot investment projects in Mykolayiv and Crimea (Ukraine);
- Implementation of three case studies in cost-effectiveness of options for reducing nutrient emissions;
- Support in the development of the Black Sea Monitoring and Assessment Programme (BSIMAP) - IAEA support, pilot monitoring exercises, inter-calibration exercises, capacity building workshops, development of handbook/manuals including QA/QC guidelines, provision of monitoring equipment;
- Development and implementation of the Black Sea Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution Information System, installation of the system into operation at Bulgarian Maritime Administration;
- Development and installation in the joint office of the BSC/PS and BSERP of the Black Sea Information System (BSIS) to support regular reporting of the Black Sea countries to the Commission, and the Commission - to EEA;
- Preparation and carrying out of 4 international research cruises in the Black Sea, which resulted in a better knowledge on the current state and historical trends of the Black Sea ecosystem. The cruises were a part of an extensive BSERP research programme, which found solid proof of the recovery of the Black Sea ecosystem. Support to the first Black Sea Scientific Conference.
- Development/update of the Black Sea NGO Directory, involvement of NGO in the project activity;
- Implementation of NGO training in the issues related to the management and protection of the Black Sea ecosystem;
- Production of a series of popular and scientific books, articles, brochures and leaflets;
- Development and implementation of a 2-phased Small Grants Programme (17 and 35 project respectively in Phase I and Phase II);
- Considerable increase of public involvement in the activities of the Black Sea Commission and BSERP through the development and implementation of a sound Communications Strategy, organisation of a photo competition, social surveys and public campaigns during celebration of the International Black Sea Day 2006, 2007; development of the follow-up activities with co-financing from national banks, and through UNDP-Coca Cola Partnership;
- Development of a Black Sea Educational Study Pack, translation into national Black Sea languages.
I.3.2.2. GEF/UNDP BSERP Small Grants Projects in 2002-2007 (BSERP Final Report)
No | Country | NGO | Description |
Phase II | |||
1 | Bulgaria | TIME Foundation | Sustainable and Integrated Management of Domestic Wastewater in Pilot Bulgarian Black Sea Resorts |
2 | Regional Development Agency | Public Involvement in Bathing Water Quality Co-Management | |
3 | Greener Bourgas | GREEN CHOICE CAMPAIGN | |
4 | EUROPE AND WE | Improving the Ecological Situation in Front of the Pomorie Black Sea Coast | |
6 | Club Edelweiss | Informational Campaign for Creating New Protected Zones on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast | |
7 | Georgia | CENN | Public Awareness Raising and Promotion of Public involvement in the Black Sea Management Process in Ajara region |
8 | Int. Ass. "Tskarostvali" | Black Sea Coastal Zone Schools for the Protection of The Black Sea | |
9 | Eco Vision | Informing society about nutrients and toxic substances by means of "Littoral" newspaper | |
10 | Caucasus Green Area | Black Sea Environmental Problems Awareness Rising and Development of Information Channels for Key Stakeholders | |
11 | Journalists and Society | Journalists and local authorities for Black Sea Coastal Zone and Ecosystem conservation - frames and methods of collaboration | |
12 | Imereti Scientists' Union Spectri | Pure Rioni - Pure Black Sea | |
13 | Eco Academy | Elimination of acute risks of obsolete pesticides in Adjaria (Kobuleti) | |
14 | Romania | UNESCO Pro Natura | Promoting nature protection and best agricultural practices to mitigate the nutrients pollution in the coastal areas |
15 | DaciaFilm | The Current Stage of the Black Sea Ecosystem as a Consequence of the Process of Eutrophication | |
16 | Mare Nostrum | Pilot project on eutrophication control in Nuntasi lake area | |
17 | CESEP | Reducing Nutrients Through Public Participation in Coastal Area | |
18 | Center for Complexity Studies-UNESCO Centre | Integrative Communication Leverage for Awareness Synchronization on the Ecological Risks in the Black Sea Basin | |
19 | Russia | KKOOP | "Life without danger to the Black sea!" |
20 | EWNWC | Transboundary Communication and Increase Awareness of General Public on Issues of Black Sea Pollution | |
21 | "Sailing Academy" | Let us stop degradation of water ecosystem! | |
22 | "Krasnodar exotarium" | Justification of specially protected area creation "Lake Khanskoye" | |
23 | Fighting Friends | Popular film: "Utrish. Threat of ecological disaster" | |
24 | Turkey | Kardoga | Public Awareness Raising towards Reduction of Nutrients reaches to the Black Sea from Eastern Black Sea |
25 | Izmit Local Agenda 21 | Project for the Sustainable Life in Black Sea | |
26 | Nature and Wild Life Conservation _Samsun | Conscious Nature Protection via Conscious Production and Consumption | |
27 | Zonguldak Environmental Protection Association | Information Campaign and Performing a Theatrical Presentation aiming to Awareness and Social Consciousness Raising on the Subjects of the Importance of Recycling and the Reduction of Pollution at Source for the Protection of Black Sea Ecosystem | |
28 | Trabzon Environment and Culture Enteprenuers Assoc | Regional Awareness Raising to Reducing Domestic Pollutants which have been effecting the Water Resources | |
29 | Ukraine | "Vesely Delphin" | Tarkhankut Peninsula coastal zone management |
30 | Dnieper - Nikopol | Public Basin Council as a Body for Water Resources Management | |
31 | NECU | Establishing of the National Park "Kinburnskiy" | |
32 | Ukrainian Land Union | National Strategic Action Plan on protection and rehabilitation of Black Sea: public opinion (Organization and conducting of the Forum of Black Sea NGOs) | |
33 | RBSNPO | Tiligul - Ramsar Management | |
34 | CRCSRSZT | Creation of the Marine Protected Area "Phyllophora Field of Zernov" | |
35 | EDU | The Black Sea: love stories through the eyes of generations | |
36 | Academy of Ecology | Preparation and publication of the special issue of the Magazine "Our Nature" dedicated to the Black Sea | |
Phase I | |||
1 | Bulgaria | Black Sea Coastal Association, Varna | Promotion of Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment in Small Coastal Communities in Bulgaria |
2 | Black Sea NGO Network (BSNN) | Black Sea NGO Networking toward Recovery of Black Sea Ecosystem | |
3 | Greener Bourgas Foundation | Campaign for Protection of Black Sea from Nutrient Pollution (Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Zone) | |
4 | Romania | UNESCO Pro Natura - Association for Action in Protected Areas | Black Sea Basin Environmental Issues On-line |
5 | Prietenii Pamantului (Earth Friends) | Water is Life - production of visual educational materials for schools, local authorities and the general public | |
6 | G.E.S.S. -- The Group for Underwater and Speleological Exploration | Black Sea Public Awareness Project | |
7 | Mare Nostrum (Constanta) | Voluntary Program in the Romanian coastal watershed to control and reduce agricultural pollution | |
8 | Russia | Sochi Branch of the Russian Geographic Society | Recovery of Kolkhida-type flora and fauna in Imeretinskaya Wetland and legalization of the protection status of the site as a nature monument. |
9 | Environmental Center of Sochi | Wetland Education for Children | |
10 | Sports and Health Society ��Sailing Academy��E/td> | The Green Filter for the polluted drains | |
11 | Turkey | Turkish Environmental and Woodland Protection Society, Istanbul | Coordinated Public Awareness and Participation Project of the Turkish Black Sea NGOs |
12 | The Black Sea Environmentalist (Trabzon) | Raising the public awareness on the effects of pollution on environment, human health and wildlife in Trabzon | |
13 | Ukraine | Institute of Ecology INECO - South Branch | Promote Cost-effective water treatment facilities for small coastal communities in Ukraine |
14 | Regional Black Sea NGOs Network, Mykolaiv | Clean Water (Preparation and Implementation of Pilot Project on Wetland Restoration at Lower Dnieper) | |
15 | Odessa Branch of the International Socio-ecological Union | The Revival of the Dniester mouth region - Pledge of decrease of a eutrophication level in a northwest part of Black Sea | |
16 | Sevastopol Environmental Organisation ��SECAMP-2000��E | Public Information Campaign ��Stop Black Sea eutrophication syndrome -- a role for everyone��E | |
17 | Fund of Natural Sciences and Ecology (Odessa) | Series of video films ��The Life of the Sea Coast��E | |
I.3.3. GEF/UNIDO (National Reporting, BSIS)
Development of the National Action Plan for Implementing the Requirements of the POP Stockholm Convention, 2001-2007 (Romania)
I.3.4. The Danube Black Sea Task Force (DABLAS): Development of Investment projects, June 2004-October 2007
Constanta Regional Wastewater Treatment
�Bourgas Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
�Ordu and Turhal Wastewater Treatment
�Novorossijk and Anapa Wastewater Treatment
�Mykolaiv Water and Wastewater, Uzhgorod Water and Treatment
Task ID | Task Title | Actions | Deliverables | Objectives |
A | W&S Project Preparation Assistance Phase III [Bulgaria] | Strategic Framework Document for Bourgas Regional W & WW Project drafted (Technical need defined, legal structure for regional cooperation proposed, financial structure assessed.)Further TA development needs defined for follow-on EC funded assistance | One pilot Bulgarian regional W&S project (Bourgas Regional W & WW Project) structured for co-financing using 2007 Cohesion Funds | Development of a project pipeline for the Black Sea |
B | �W&S Project Preparation Assistance Phase III [Romania] | ToR for further TA development needs defined for follow-on EC funded assistance for Constanta Regional W & WW Project | One pilot Romanian regional W&S project (Constanta Regional W & WW Project) structured for co-financing using 2007 Cohesion Funds | |
C | W&S Project Preparation Assistance Phase III [Ukraine] | (Funded by others - UNDP GEF: See UNDP GEF scope of works.)Review of project investments for Kherson and Mariupol Vodokanals. | 2 pilot Ukrainian W&S DABLAS investment projects structured (one pilot that meets TACIS low income grant eligibility criteria (Mykolaiv), and the other that does not (note UNDP GEF project to fund resources to complete 2 pilots). | |
D | W&S Project Preparation Assistance Phase III [Russia] | TA to assist launch the EC TAIEX program for Russia that would facilitate Russian water utility managers / engineers to spend time working with western European water utilities. | Program launched for Russian water utility manager exchange under EC TAIEX.One pilot exchange underway | |
E | �W&S Project Preparation Assistance Phase III [Turkey] | Work with Iller Bank and the Cities of Ordu and Turhal to structure the co-financing for the W&S investments. IPA Co-financing structured. | FSs and EIAs underway for Turhal and Ordu W&S investments.EC-IPA co-financing structured for Ordu and Turhal investments | |
F | General Capacity Building Assistance in Project Preparation (Phase III)[General] | Prepare Amended Good Practices in Project Preparation for Public water utilities��Edocuments��Efor each of the 6 Black Sea countries Prepare ��General Guidance notes on Water Utility Financial and Operational Analysis��E/td> | Amended ��Good Practices in Project Preparation for Public water utilities��EdocumentsGeneral Guidance notes on Water Utility Financial and Operational Analysis | Capacity Building of the Beneficiary |
G | Dissemination of project results/increasing decision maker capacity for preparation of bankable projects, maintenance of DABLAS Project Database. | Preparation, translation and publication of an edition of the Black Sea Commission Newsletter highlighting to DABLAS related work and identification of priority projects.Database redesign to incorporate dynamic project development and dynamic project data.Development of a special section dedicated to DABLAS Priority Investment Projects on the BSC web. | Publication of the Black Sea Commission Newsletter, printed version and translated electronic versions in the national languages of the countries, signatories to the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine).Maintained and updated database of DABLAS project data. | Dissemination of the project results |
1.3.5. World Bank (http://web.worldbank.org/) and EBRD Projects
Project Name | Country | Date of Approval |
Municipal Infrastructure Development | Bulgaria | N/A |
Environmental Remediation Pilot Project | Bulgaria | 12 May 1998 |
Environmental & Privatization Support Adjustment Loan | Bulgaria | 24 January 2000 |
Wetland Restoration and Pollution Reduction | Bulgaria | 13 June 2002 |
Lake Pomorie Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Management | Bulgaria | 17 February 2005 |
Energy Efficiency GEF Project | Bulgaria | 22 March 2005 |
Municipal Development & Decentralization 2 Project | Georgia | 1 August 2002 |
Municipal Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project | Georgia | 8 November 1994 |
Regional & Municipal Infrastructure Development Project | Georgia | N/A |
Integrated Coastal Zone Management | Georgia | 17 December 1998 |
Protected Areas Development | Georgia | 24 May 2001 |
Agricultural Research, Extension and Training GEF Project | Georgia | 11 May 2001 |
Hazard Risk Mitigation & Emergency Preparedness GEF Project | Romania | 20 May 2004 |
Danube Delta Biodiversity GEF Project | Romania | 26 August 1994 |
Biodiversity Conservation Management Project | Romania | 27 May 1999 |
Agricultural Pollution Control GEF Project | Romania | 13 December 2001 |
GEF Romania Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control Project | Romania | 30 October 2007 |
Energy Efficiency GEF Project | Romania | 19 September 2002 |
Municipal Services Project | Romania | 13 July 2006 |
Mine Closure, Environment & Socio-Economic Regeneration Project | Romania | 16 December 2004 |
Biodiversity Conservation Project | Russian Federation | 30 May 1996 |
Rostov Nutrient Discharge & Methane Reduction GEF Project | Russian Federation | Dropped |
ENERGY Efficiency | Russian Federation | 2 May 1995 |
Krasnodar Agricultural Nutrient Reduction GEF Project | Russian Federation | Dropped |
Geothermal Energy Development Program (GeoFund): 2nd tranche | Russian Federation | Dropped |
Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Natural Gas Global Environmental Facility | Russian Federation | 19 December 1995 |
Ozone-Depleting Substance Consumption Phase-Out GEF Project | Russian Federation | 29 December 2006 |
Environmental Liabilities | Russian Federation | Dropped |
Environmental Management Project | Russian Federation | 8 November 1994 |
Municipal Water & Wastewater Project | Russian Federation | 21 December 2000 |
Municipal Heating Project | Russian Federation | 27 March 2001 |
Hydrometeorological System Modernization | Russian Federation | 17 March 2005 |
Emergency Oil spill recovery and Mitigation | Russian Federation | 25 April 1995 |
Biodiversity & Natural Resource Management GEF Project | Turkey | 13 June 2000 |
Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation GEF Project (Black Sea) * | Turkey | 1 June 2004 |
Istanbul Municipal Infrastructure Project | Turkey | 28 June 2007 |
Municipal Services Project | Turkey | 23 June 2005 |
Renewable Energy | Turkey | 25 March 2004 |
Baku-Seyhan oil export pipeline technical assistance | Turkey | 12 September 1996 |
Ozone Depleting Substances Phase-Out GEF Project | Ukraine | 23 June 1998 |
Danube Delta Biodiversity GEF Project | Ukraine | 19 July 1994 |
Municipal Development | Ukraine | Dropped |
Development policy loan | 5 July 2005 | |
Azov Black Sea Corridor Biodiversity Conservation GEF Project | Ukraine | Dropped |
EBRD Municipal Utilities Development Programme Phases 1 and II (Romania, National reporting)
I.3.6. EC FP and other Scientific Projects (National reporting, BSIS)
- daNUbs: Nutrient management in the Danube Basin and its impact on the Black Sea, EU 5FP, EVK1-CT-2000-00051 /2001-2005
- PIMS 3065: Control of eutrophication, hazardous substances and related measures for rehabilitating the Black Sea ecosystem: Phase 2/2005-2006
- IASON ��International Action for the Sustainability of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Environment, EU 6FP, No. 515234/2005-2006
- Evaluation of the impact from land-based activities on the marine & coastal environment, ecosystems & biodiversity in Bulgaria/2006-2007
- EVD Project ��Support for BSBD for implementation of the WFD, Bulgaria��E2006
- Red Data Book of Bulgaria - v. III Habitats/2004-2006
- Black Sea Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis. PIU of Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project, Phase II/2006
- Assessment of the Black Sea turbot (Psetta maxima) stock along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast by swept area method/2006
- Species composition, distribution and stocks of demersal fish species along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in 2006/2006-2007
European Lifestyles and Marine Ecosystems
№ .505576 (SUSTDEV-2002-3.III.2.1)/ 2004-2007 - TW-Reference ��NET - Management and Sustainable Development of Protected Transitional Waters, EU 6FP��� № 3B073/2004-2006
- THRESHOLDS - Thresholds Environmental Sustainability , EU 6FP №003933-2/2005-2008
- BLACK SEA SCENE, EU 6FP/2006-2008
- MATRA, The development of an indicative ecologically coherent network of sub-tidal Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Bulgaria and Romania. no. MPAs BG & RO/1/2006/31/2006-2008
- ARENA - 2003-2005. Assessment of the resources with special emphasis on human resources of the region and identification of the gaps, capacity building through training, education and mending the facilities, set-up of a data-base management system serving to the development of an operational system for oceanographic and meteorological forecasting to serve end-users needs.
- ASCOBOS - 2006-2008 -Supporting Programme for Capacity Building in the Black Sea Region Towards Operational Status of Oceanographic Services. Objectives.
- PlanCoast - 2006-2008��EICZM EC Project (from the Black Sea region partners are Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria).
- MONRUK - 2007-2009 - Monitoring the marine environment in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan using Synthetic Aperture Radar.
- SESAME - 2007- 2010 aims to assess and predict changes in the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea) ecosystems and in their ability to provide key goods and services with high societal importance, such as tourism, fisheries, ecosystem biodiversity and mitigation of climate change through carbon sequestration in water and sediments.
- Assessing Large-scale environmental Risks by tested Methods - ALARM -
- Priority Project MENER : Environment diagnosis for water, air and soil quality determination in order to avoid pollution ��E 2003 - Analysing present situation regarding the quality of seawater and sediments from Constanta harbour area.
- RO National Program: 2003-2005 - Marine ecosystem preservation and sustainable use promotion (CEMAR) -Evaluation of the evolution trends of physical and chemical indicators of the marine environment, in correlation with anthropogenic influences and climatic changes.
- RO National Program: Marine ecosystem preservation and sustainable use promotion (CEMAR): 2003-2005 -Anthropogenic influences effects on the main biotic components from the coastal area.
- RO National Program: Marine ecosystem preservation and sustainable use promotion (CEMAR): 2003-2005 - Assessment of the ecological state of the littoral lakes from Dobrogea region, solutions for rehabilitation of the natural biological potential.
- Technical assistance for supporting Romania in implementing Water Framework Directive and Integrated Coastal Zone Management for transitional and coastal waters (SENTER - Haskoning Nederland B.V.). 2003-2004. *
- IOC- Black Sea GOOS
- BSEC funds: Project "Improvement of the scientific background for assuring sustainable development in the Black Sea coastal� zone: a pre-feasibility study". (Romania coordinator, BG, Georgia, UK, Russia)
- PHARE CBC 2005 Extinction of 2 Mai Reserve ��E Durankulak - Preservation of marine biodiversity and public awareness ( NGO Mare Nostrum Romania leader, and NGO from BG)
I.3.7. Other EC projects, including TACIS/EuropeAid
- RU ICZM Pilot Project within TACIS Black Sea Environmental Project - 1999-2000
- EC Support to the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission 2004-2008**
- EU-funded project Environmental Collaboration for the Black Sea (ECBS) in Georgia
- Water Governance- Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, 2007 - 2009
- Investment in the Waste Water treatment plant in Mykolaiv, co-investment with EIB (European Investment Bank) - Ukraine, 2008
- Kura River project - Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan, 2008-2010
- Co-investment in the field of Water Resources - Georgia, with EBRD, 2008-2009
- Water Investment Support Facility - WISF - Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, finished 2007.
No. | AP | Cost | Name | Coverage | Situation | Duration | Working group | Contractor | ||
3 | 2003 | �800,000 �� | Satellite monitoring and accident prevention | RF & NIS | Completed 1st study. New ToR prepared by ITS. Tender done. Short listed. Tender unsuccessfu; project dropped | 2.Safety & security | ||||
4 | 2003 | 1,460,000 �� | Development of maintenance practices in NIS gas companies | NIS except Tajikistan | Ended 12/2007. Final report & wrap up in progress. | 2 years | 2.Safety & security | FICHTNER | ||
5 | 2003 | 503,503 �� | Supply of IT equipment and training for development of maintenance excellence in NIS gas companies. | NIS except Tajikistan & Ukraine | Ended 12/2007. Wrap up in progress. | 1� years | 2.Safety & security | INFOR / Data stream | ||
6 | 2003 | 1,576,500 �� | Pre-feasibility studies for developing North-South gas transit interconnections in Caucasus and Central Asia. | Central Asia & Caucasus | Ended 12/2007. Final report & wrap up in progress. | 1� years | 2.Safety & security | KLC-Mott MacDonald-Kantor | ||
10 | 2004 | 3,646,400 �� | INOGATE secretariat | All | Started 11/2005. Ongoing | 3 years | 5.Administration | EIR-LDK-EREC-LB | ||
11 | 2004 | 2,620,000 �� | IFI Technical assistance fund | E.E. & Caucasus | Ended 04/2008. Wrap up in progress. | 2 years | 4.Investment | KLC-Mott MacDonald-LB-Kantor | ||
14 | 2005 | 1,000,000 �� | Feasibility study for expanding the Eastern Europe Regional Natural Gas Metrological Centre to include oil and oil products metrology | Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus | ToR under preparation. Devolved. | 1� years | 1.Harmonisation | |||
15 | 2005 | 3,000,000 �� | Harmonisation of gas and oil technical standards and practices | E.E. & Caucasus | Started 12/2007. Ongoing | 2 years | 1.Harmonisation | FICHTNER-SWECO-DIN-BSI | ||
16 | 2005 | 1,000,000 �� | Safety and security of main gas transit infrastructure | E.E. & Caucasus | Started 12/2007. Ongoing | 2� years | 2.Safety & security | SWECO-Fichtner-AEA | ||
17 | 2005 | 1,000,000 �� | Supply for safety and security of main gas transit infrastructure in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus | E.E. & Caucasus | Contracting in progress. | 1� years | 2.Safety & security | |||
20 | 2006 | 2,500,000 �� | International Training Centre for Oil & Gas Metrology Excellence, to be attached to the Metrological Centre in Boyarka | Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus | ToR under preparation. Devolved. | 2 years | 1.Harmonisation | |||
21 | 2006 | 1,500,000 �� | Harmonisation of technical standards, rules and practices in the electricity sector in NIS countries | NIS | ToR under preparation. Procurement notice published. | 1� years | 1.Harmonisation | |||
22 | 2006 | 9,500,000 �� | Identification and Promotion of Energy Efficiency (EE) Investments | Ukraine and Moldova | Ongoing. Financing agreement signed with EBRD in 12/2006 | 4 years | 3. Sustainable Energy | EBRD | ||
24 | 2006 | 5,000,000 �� | Support to Kyoto Protocol Implementation (SKPI) | NIS + RF | Started 09/2008. Ongoing | 3 years | 3. Sustainable Energy | ICF Consulting-Hogan&Hartson-TÜV Rheinland | ||
25 | 2007 | 6,000,000 �� | Support to Energy Market Integration and Sustainable Energy in the NIS (SEMISE) | NIS | Tendering in progress. | 3 years | 1.Harmonisation 3.Sustainable Energy 4.Investments |
26 | 2007 | 3,000,000 �� | Strengthening of the INOGATE Technical Secretariat (ITS) in support of the Baku Initiative | NIS | Tendering in progress. | 3 years | 5.Administration | |||
27 | 2008 | 5,000,000 �� | Pre-investment project for the implementation of the Trans-Caspian - Black Sea Gas Corridor | NIS | Project approved. To be forecast. ToR to be prepared. | 3 years | 2.Safety & security 4.Investment | |||
28 | 2008 | 5,000,000 �� | Energy Saving Initiative in the Building Sector in the Eastern European and Central Asian countries (ESIB) | NIS | Project approved. To be forecast. ToR to be prepared. | 4 years | 3.Sustainable Energy | |||
Ongoing project | ||||||||||
Project halted/dropped | ||||||||||
NIS - newly independent states, RF - Russian Federation, E.E. - Eastern Europe
Lower Danube Green Corridor
- ICPDR Joint Action Programme for the Danube River - 2001-2005
- National Strategy for Development and Management of Water Sector - 2004-2015
- National Action Plan: Sectoral Program "The Environment" - 1999-2006
- Kura River Project (GEF/UNDP Funds):
- Development of Trans-boundary Cooperation in the Kura river basin for the Notification of Emergency Situations - Working out of Measures and their Introduction;
- Monitoring of Kura-Areas Rivers;
- Reducing Transboundary Degradation of the Kura-Aras River basin
- Management Plan of River Basin.
- ICPDR Programme - update monitoring programme, in compliance with WFD provisions, starting since 2008.
- DESWAT - Hydrological informational - decisional system - 2005-2008 - Development of an integrate informational and decision-making system for preventing and reduction of water catastrophic events effects. Eximbank SUA, MESD funding.
- WATMAN-Informational system for the water integrated management - 2006-2010 - Improve the preparedness and response in case of flooding, hidrotechnical works accidents, pollution incidents. Eximbank SUA, MESD funding.
- (WATFRAME) Feasibility study on the implementing WFD in Siret river basin- 2005-2007 - Implement WFD in Siret River basin. USTDA funding.
- BANAFLOW - Flooding risk reduction in Banat region - find solutions for risk reduction.
- Management models for industrial accidents with transboundary character (TEIAMM) - 2006 - Funding Italian Ministry for Environment and Teritory.
- Support for implementing WFD - developing a management plan for Buzau-Ialomita river basin - 2006-2007. Phare funding.
- Support for implementing WFD - Acquiring equipments for water resources monitoring - 2006-2007 - Phare and MESD/ANAR
- Support for implementing WFD - Investments for informational system and database for water management - 2006-7 - Phare and MESD/ANAR.
- Water quality management in Crisuri river basin in transboundary context - 2005-2007 - Development of action plans for pollution accidents; data management, GIS; deployment of management plan. Funding - MESD and International Water Office - France.
- Development of an integrate system for river basin management for correlation of water quantity and quality analyses with socio-economic analysis, using OPEN-GIS technology - 2003-2006. Funding UE and MESD.
- Integrated Management of the Carpathian River Basins
- Federal Sectoral Program "Ecology and Natural Resources - 2002-2010.
- Long-Term Action Plan of Ministry of Natural Resources in Exploration and Use of Natural Resource and Environmental Protection - 2002-2020.
- Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project is supported by GEF and World Bank - 2005-2012
- The project of the Implementation of Nitrate Directive (91/676/EC) in Turkey� - 2005-2007
- National Programme of the Environmental Rehabilitation of the Dnipro River Basin and the Improvement of the Drinking Water Quality ��E 1997-2010, State support.
- State Programme of the Water Economy Development (2002-2011) - Protection of the water resources from pollution, rational water use, ensuring of the sustainable development of the river basin ecosystem. Swedish Government funding.
- State Programme "Drinking Water of Ukraine'' (03/03/2005) - 2006-2020 - ensuring of high quality and quantity of drinking water for the population of Ukraine; rehabilitation, protection and rational use of the drinking water sources. State support.
- National Program for Protection and Rehabilitation of the Azov and the Black Sea
I.3.10. Implemented and running activities related to Marine Litter problem (example from Bulgaria, Marine Litter Report, http://www.blacksea-commission.org/)
Project name | Years | Executing body | Sponsor |
Yearly campaign ��Beach watch��Efor cleaning up of beaches | since 1996 (ongoing) | NGOs, local authorities, BSBD | |
Scientific conferences and meetings on Black Sea environmental problems, Black Sea International Conference (Varna) | since 1999 (ongoing) | BNAWQ | Various sources |
Capacity building of basin directorates in Bulgaria | 2000 | BMEW | EU |
Waste water treatment plant Obzor��Byala | 2000 | EU | |
Establishment of regional landfills - Sozopol | 2001��E008 | BMEW | EU, ISPA |
Bulgarian Vessel Traffic Management and Information System, Phase 1Vessel Traffic Management and Information System, Phase 2 | 2002��E004 ongoing | BMT | EU Phare |
Waste water treatment plant Meden Rudnik, Bourgas | 2003��E007 | BMEW | EU, ISPA |
Waste regional management (Bourgas, Provadia and Dobrich regions) | 2003��E007 | BMEW | EU |
Integral monitoring of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast between Durankulak and Rezovo | 2004 | BMEW | EU |
Support to the Black Sea Basin Directorate for implementation of requirements of Water Directive in relation to the monitoring system in coastal waters | 2005��E006 | BMEW / BSBD | EU |
Strengthening of the waterborne tasks of the Bulgarian Maritime Administration | 2005��E006 | BMT / BMA | EU Phare |
Establishment of port reception facilities for liquid and solid ship waste | 2006��E008 | BMT / BMA | Various sources |
Waste water treatment plant Varna��Asparuhovo and rehabilitation of urban waste water treatment plan in Varna, II stage | BMEW | EU | |
Optimisation of national information waste system | BMEW | ||
Wetlands restoration and pollution reduction project | BMEW | GEF | |
Environmental educational and awareness raising programs and initiatives | ongoing | NGOs, local authorities, schools, BMEW regional bodies | |
International Blue Flag movement | ongoing | resorts, marinas |
I.3.11. Wetlands International Black Sea office projects
1. The importance of Black Sea coastal wetlands, in particular for migratory waterbirds
Duration: 10/2000-06/2003
Location: The Azov-Black Sea Wetlands of Ukraine
2. Small rivers of Ukraine: public participation in their conservation and sustainable use
Duration: 10/2000 - 02/2004
���������� Location: Ukraine
3. Public participation in conservation and sustainable use of Small Rivers in Ukraine; support for the River Network in Ukraine
���������� Duration: 10/2002 - 10/2005
���������� Location: Ukraine
4. Support to the Establishment of the Integrated Management Approach for the Sivash, Ukraine
���������� Duration: 10/2002 - 12/2004
���������� Location: Lake Sivash, Ukraine
5. Wetlands biodiversity conservation in Ukrainian agricultural lands
���������� Duration: 12/2004 - 07/2005
Location: Ukraine
6. Dnipro river corridor in Ukraine: raising public awareness and promoting participatory approach to biodiversity conservation and ecological network development
���������� Duration: 06/2005- 12/2007
���������� Location: Dnipro river basin, Ukraine
7. Indicative map for South Bug meridional river corridor
���������� Duration: 10/2005 - 10/2006
���������� Location: South Bug river basin, Ukraine
8. Toward improved water Management in Ukraine (Watermuk)
���������� Duration: 05/2004 - 10/2005
���������� Location: Dzhankoi District, Crimean Autonomous Republic, Ukraine
9. Establishing the foundations for the launch of a Black Sea Regional Initiative for the wise use of coastal wetlands (BlackSeaWet)
Duration: 05/2006 - 12/2008 (ongoing)
Location: Black Sea countries
I.4 Information Policy of the BSC (http://www.blacksea-commission.org/main.htm)
The Information Policy Matrix is the information policy in respect to release, disclosure applied to each Information type in respect to each user group as defined below.
Information type | |||||||
Users | 5 year Report of the BSC | Black Sea Commission Annual Report | Raw data, unprocessed information | Operational reporting, documents and drafts | Final Reports and Internal Reports and Studies | Financial Information | Annual Audit Report |
General public | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Fully restricted, conditional | Restricted | Conditional | Restricted | Unrestricted |
Black Sea Commissioners | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted |
Permanent Secretariat | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted |
Advisory Groups | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted, possibly conditional | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Conditional | Unrestricted |
Other working groups | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted, possibly conditional | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted | Unrestricted |
Focal Points | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted, possibly conditional | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted | Unrestricted |
Partner Organizations | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted, conditional access | Conditional | Conditional | Conditional | Unrestricted |
International Organizations | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted, conditional | Conditional | Conditional | Restricted | Unrestricted |
Scientific Community | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted, until published | Restricted | Conditional | Restricted | Unrestricted |
External Experts | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted, conditional | Restricted | Conditional | Restricted | Unrestricted |
NGOs | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted, conditional | Restricted, conditional | Conditional | Restricted | Unrestricted |
Activity Centers | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Unrestricted, possibly conditional | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Conditional | Unrestricted |
Projects | Unrestricted | Unrestricted | Restricted, conditional | Conditional | Unrestricted | Conditional | Unrestricted |
I.5. Black Sea Publications[1]
Abaza, V., Boicenko, L., Bologa, A.S., Dumitrache, C., Moldoveanu, M., Sburlea, A., Staicu, I., Timofte, F., 2006. Biodiversity structure from the Romanian marine area. Cercetari marine ��E Recherches marines, INCDM Constanta, 36, in press.
Bakan, G., Büyükgüngör, H. 2000. The Black Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 41, Elsevier Science, No. 1-6, pp, 24-43.
Barale, v., Cipollini, P., Davidov, A., Melin, F. 2002. Water Constituents in the North-western Black Sea from Optical Remote Sensing and In situ Data, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 54, 309-320.
Birkun, A.A., Jr., Krivokhizhin, S.V., Glazov, D.M., Shpak, O.V., Zanin, A.V., Mukhametov, L.M. 2004. Abundance estimates of cetaceans in coastal waters of the northern Black Sea: Results of boat surveys in August-October 2003. P.64-68 in: Marine Mammals of the Holarctic: Collection of Scientific Papers after the 3rd Internat. Conf. (Koktebel, Ukraine, 11-17 October 2004). Moscow, 609pp.
Birkun, A., Jr. 2005. Cetacean wintering habitats in the Black Sea: Bottlenose dolphins spend the cold season separately from harbour porpoises and common dolphins. FINS (the Newsletter of ACCOBAMS), 2(1):15. [www.accobams.org/newsletter/index.htm].
Bodeanu, N., 2002. Algal blooms in Romania Black Sea waters in the last two decades of the XX Century. Cercetari marine - Recherches marines, 34: 7-22p
Boltachev, A.R., Yurakhno, V.M. 2002. The new information about proceeding of Mediterranization of Black Sea ichthyofauna. Journal of Ichthyology., vol. 42, 6: 744-750.
Boltachev, A.R., Danilyuk, O.N., Pakhorukov, N.P. 2003. On the Invasion of the Sunfish Lepomis macrochirus (Perciformes, Centrarchidae) into Inland Waters of Crimea. Jornal of Ichthyology, vol.43, 9: 820-822.
Boltachev, A.R., Danilyuk, O.N., Pakhorukov, N.P., Bonderev, V.A. 2006. Distribution and Certain Features of the Morphology and Biology of the Stone Moroco Pseudorasbora parva (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) in the Waters of Crimea. Journal of Ichthyology, vol.46, 1: 58-63.
Chikina M.V., Kucheruk N.V. 2005. Long-term changes in the structure of coastal benthic communities in the northeastern part of the Black Sea: influence of alien species // Oceanology. V. 45. № 1. pp. S176-S182. [ in Russian]
Churilova T., G. Berseneva, L.Georgieva. 2004. Variability in bio-optical characteristics of phytoplankton in the Black Sea. Oceanology, 44(2): 192-204 (translated from ��Okeanologia��E.
Churilova T., G. Berseneva. 2004. Light absorption by suspended particles, phytoplankton, detritus and dissolved organic matter in coastal region of Crimea (July-August 2002) Marine Hydrophysical Journal - N 4 - P. 39-50.
Dachev, V., E. Trifonova, M. Stancheva. 2005. Monitoring of the Bulgarian Black Sea Beaches. Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Ocean and Coastal Resources. Guedes Soares, Garbatov & Fonseca (Eds.) Taylor & Francis Group / Balkema. pp. 1411��E416.
Daskalov G. M., Rodionov S., Grishin A., Mihneva V. 2005. Ecosystem regime shifts and fisheries management in the Black Sea. In (eds. V. Velikova, N. Chipev) Large-scale disturbances (regime shifts) and recovery in aquatic ecosystems: challenges for management towards sustainability", 13-17 June 2005, Varna, Bulgaria.
Dorofeev V., G. Korotaev, 2004. Assimilation of the satellite altimetry data in the eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation. Marine Hydrophys. Journ., N1, pp. 52-68 (in Russian)
Dorofeev, V. 2004. Assimilation of satellite measurements of the Black Sea surface temperature in the circulation model. // Ecological safety of the near coastal and shelf zones and multipurpose utilization of the shelf resources. ��ESevastopol: ECOSI-Hydrophysics. v. 11. ��Enbsp;p. 24 ��Enbsp;30.
Egorov, V.N., Polikarpov, G.G., Osvath, I., Stokozov, N.A., Gulin, S.B., Mirzoyeva N.Yu. 2002. The Black Sea radioecological response to the 90Sr and 137Cs contamination after the Chernobyl NPP accident. Marine Ecological J., 1(1), 5-15. (In Russian).
Egorov, V.N., Polikarpov, G.G., Stokozov, N.A., Mirzoeva N. Yu. 2005. Estimation of 90Sr and 137Cs transfer from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean basin after Chernobyl NPP accident. Marine Ecological J., 4(4), 33-41.
Eremeev,V.N., L.I. Ivanov, S.K. Konovalov, A.S. Samodurov. 2001. Role of oxygen, sulphides, nitrates and ammonium in formation of hydrocmemical strycture of the main pycnocline and anaerobic zone of the Black Sea. Marine Hydrophysical Journal. 1:64- 82.
Eremeev, V.N., Efimov, V.V., Suvorov, A.M., Shokurov, M.V. 2001. Anomalous climate tendency of Black sea temperature. Dopovidy NAN Ukrainy. 11: 91-96, (in Russian).
Eremeev, V., E. Horton , P-M.Poulain et.al. 2002. Black Sea Drifting Buoy Experiment: Results and Perspective. Argos forum. Special Ocean observation. No.59, France. P.12-17.
Eremeev, V.N., Zuev, G.V. 2005. Fish resources of the Black Sea: long-term dynamics, regime of exploitation and perspectives of management. Marine ecological journal, vol. IV, N 2: 5-21 (in Russian).
[2]Feyzioglu A. M., Kurt, I., Boran, M. ve Sivri, N. 2004. Abundance and distribution df Synechococcus spp in the South-Eastern Black Sea during of 2001 summer, IJMS, Vol 33 (4), Pp 365-368,.
Finenko, Z. Z T. Ya. Churilova, M. Sosik, and O. Bastyurk. 2002. Variability of Photosynthetic parameters of the surface phytoplankton in the Black Sea Okeanology, vol.42 (1), pp. 60-75
Finenko G. A., Romanova Z. A., Abolmasova G. I., Anninsky B. E., Svetlichny L. S., Hubareva E. S., L. Bat, Kideys A. E., 2003. Population dynamics, ingestion, growth and reproduction rates of the invader Beroe ovata and its impact on plankton community in Sevastopol Bay, the Black Sea. J. Plankton Res., v.25, 5, 539-549.
Finenko Z.Z., T. Ya. Churilova,H. M. Sosik. 2004. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton photosynthetic characteristics in the Black Sea. Oceanology, Vol. 44, No. 2, P. 205��E18 (translated from ��Okeanologia��E.
Friedrich, J., Dinkel, C., Friedl, G., Pimenov, N., Wijsman, J., Gomoiu, M. T., Cociasu, A., Popa, L. & Wehrli, B. 2002. Benthic Nutrient Cycling and Diagenetic Pathways in the North-western Black Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54(3), 369-383.
Gomoiu M. T. 2001. Impact of naval transport development on marine ecosystems and invasive species problems. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2 (2), 475-481.
Gregoire, M. & Friedrich, J. 2004. Nitrogen budget of the northwestern Black Sea shelf inferred from modeling studies and in situ benthic measurements. Marine Ecology Progress Series 270, 15-39.
Gregoire, M. & Lacroix, G. 2003. Exchange processes and nitrogen cycling on the shelf and continental slope of the Black Sea Basin. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17(2), 1073, doi:10.1029/2002GB001882.
Gubanova A. D., Polikarpov I. G., Saburova M. A., Prusova I. Yu. 2002. Long-term dynamic of mesozooplankton community in the Sevastopol Bay (1976 - 1996) as exemplified by Copepoda. Oceanology, 42, 4. P. 537-545 (in Russian & English).
Gubanova A. D. 2003. Long-term changes in the species composition and abundance of copepods of genera Acartia DANA in the Sevastopol Bay. In: V.N. Eremeev and A.V. Gaevskaya (eds.): Modern of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black Sea sector). Ekosi-Gidrophizika, Sevastopol. P. 94-100 (in Russian).
Gucü, A.C. 2002. Can Overfishing be Responsible for the Successful Establishment of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Black Sea? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, N 54: 439��E51.
Gulin, S. B., Polikarpov, G. G., Egorov, V. N., Martin, J. M., Korotkov, A. A. & Stokozov, N. A. 2002. Radioactive Contamination of the North-western Black Sea Sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54(3), 541-549.
Ignatyeva O.G., Romanov A.S., Ovsyany E.I., Konovalov S.K. 2004. The Carbonate System of the Sevastopol Bayin 1998-2001 // A Gateway to Sustainable Development. Proceeding of the 30th International Conference Pacem in Maribus. October 27-30, 2003, Kiev, Ukraine. Sevastopol, 688-692 pp.
Ivanov L.I., Samodurov A.S. 2001. The role of lateral fluxes in ventilation of the Black Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 31, 159-174.
Kamburska L., 2004. Effects of Beroe cf ovata on gelatinous and other zooplankton along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. In: H. Dumont et al. (eds.). Aquatic invasions in the Black, Caspian, and Mediterranean Seas, NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 137-154.
Kideys, A.E., Romanova, Z. 2001. Distribution of gelatinous macrozooplankton in the southern Black Sea in 1996-1999. Mar. Biol., 139, 535-547.
Kideys, A.E., Kovalev, A.V., Shulman, G.E. et al. 2000. A review of zooplankton investigations of the Black Sea over the last decade. J. Mar. Syst., N 24: 355��E71.
Kideys, A. E., 2002. Fall and rise of the Black Sea Ecosystem. Science, 209, 1482-1483.
Kononets M.Yu., Pakhomova S.V., Rozanov A.G., Proskurnin M.A. 2002. Determination of Soluble Iron Species in Seawater using Ferrozine // J. Anal. Chem. V. 57. P. 586��E89.
Konovalov S.K., J.W.Murray. 2001. Variations in the chemistry of the Black Sea on the time scale of decades (1960-1995). Journal of Marine Systems, 2001, Vol. 31/1-3, pp 217-243
Konovalov, S.K., Luther G.W., Friederich G.E., Nuzzio D.B., Tebo B.M., Murray J.W., Oguz T., Glazer B, Trouwborst R.E., Clement B., Murray K.J., Romanov A.S. 2003. Lateral injection of oxygen with the Bosporus plume-fingers of oxidizing potential in the Black Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, V 48, pp. 2369-2376. (a)
Korotaev, G., O.A. Saenko, C.J. Koblinsky. 2001. Satellite altimetry observations of the Black Sea level. Journ. Geoph. Res. V.106 N C1 pp 917-933.
Korotaev, G., Oguz, T., Nikiforov, A., Koblinsky, C. 2003. Seasonal, interannual and mesoscale variability of the Black sea upper layer circulation derived from altimeter data. J. Geoph. Res., 108 (C4): 3122-3130.
Korotaev G., V. Dorofeev, T. Smirnova, 2004. Accuracy of the diagnosis of surface currents in the system of the Black Sea satellite monitoring. In: ��Ecological Security of Coastal and Shelf Zone and Complex use of Shelf Resources��E V.11, Sevastopol, pp. 75-92 (in Russian).
Krivosheya, V., V. G. Yakubenko , and A. Yu. Skirta. 2002. Characteristic Features of Water Dynamics and Hydrological Structure in the Northeastern Black Sea during the Spring��Summer Period of 2002. Okeanologiya 44 (2), 1-8, [Oceanology 44 (2), 149-155 (2002)].
Kuipers, M.M.M., A.O.Sliekers, G. Lavik et al. 2003. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation by anammox bacteria in the Black Sea. Nature 422:608-611.
Lazorenko G.E.; Polikarpov G.G. and Boltachev A.R. 2002. Natural Radioelement Polonium in Primary Ecological Groups of Black Sea Fishes. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 28, № 1, 52-56.
Maldonado C.; Bayona J.M. 2002. Organochlorine Compounds in the North-western Black Sea Water: Distribution and Water Column Process. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 54 (3), 527-540.
Mee, L. D., Friedrich, J. & Gomoiu, M.-T. 2005. Restoring the Black Sea in times of uncertainty. Oceanography 18(2), 32-43.
Micu, S., Abaza V., 2004. Changes in biodiversity of decapods (Decapoda, Crustacea) from the Romanian Black Sea Coast. Ann. Sci. Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iasi, s. Biologie animala, Tom L: 17-26.
Moldoveanu, M., Timofte F. 2004. Signs of marine ecosystem rehabilitation along the Romanian Black Sea littoral identified by zooplankton indicator after 1994. Cercetari Marine-Recherches marines, INCDM Constanta, 35: 87-108.
Moncheva S., V. Doncheva, G. Shtereva, L. Kamburska et al. 2002. Application of Eutrophication Indices for Assessment of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Ecosystem Ecological Quality. Water Science and Technology Water Science and Technology, 46,8,19-28.
Multidisciplinary Studies of the Northeastern Part of Black Sea. 2002. Eds. A. G. Zatsepin and M. V. Flint (Nauka, Moscow), [in Russian].
Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Similarities and differences of two interconnected basins. 2003. A. Yilmaz (eds.). - Ankara: Tubitak publishers. P. 545-557.
Oguz, T., J.W. Murray and A. Callahan. 2001. Simulation of Suboxic-Anoxic interface zone structure in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research, I, 48, 761-787.
Oguz, T., T. Cokacar, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and H. W. Duclov. 2003. Climatic warming and accompanying changes in the ecological regime of the Black Sea during 1990s. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(3), 1088, doi: 10.1029/2003GB002031.
Oguz T., S. Tugrul, A. Kideys, V. Ediger, N. Kubilay. 2004. Phisical and biogeochemical characteristics of the Black Sea. In: The Sea, v. 14 (Eds. A. Robinson and K. Brink), 1331��E368.
Oguz T. 2005. Black Sea ecosystem response to climatic teleconnections. Oceanography, Special issue features: Oceanography, vol.18, 2, 122-133.
Oguz T. 2005. Long-term impacts of anthropogenic forcing on the Black Sea ecosystem. Oceanography, Special issue features: Black Sea Oceanography, vol. 18, 2, 112-121.
Oguz, T., S. Tugrul, A.E. Kideys, V. Ediger, N. Kubilay. 2005. Physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the Black Sea. The Sea, Vol. 14, Chapter 33, 1331-1369.
Osadchaya, T., E.I. Ovsyaniy, R. Kemp, A.S. Romanov, O.G. Ignatyeva. 2003. Organic carbon and oil hydrocarbons in bottom sediments of the Sevastopol Bay(The Black Sea). //Marine ecological journal, V II, №2, 94-101 pp.
Ovsyaniy, E., A.S. Romanov, O.G. 2003. Ignatyeva. Distribution of trice metals in surface laer of bottom sediments of the Sevastopol Bay(the Black Sea) //Marine ecological journal, V II, №2, 85-93 pp. (in Russian).
Panin, N., Jipa, D. 2002. Danube River Sediment Input and its Interaction with North-western Black Sea, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 54,551-562.
Paraschiv, G. - M., Gomoiu, M. - T. 2001. New Species of Cnidaria in the Black Sea: Halamohydra sp., Stylocoronella sp., interstitial Fprms at the Mid-Littoral Sandy Beaces; GeoEcoMarina 5-6: 53-58.
Polonskiy A.B. and E.A. Lovenkova. 2003. On climatic characteristics of temperature and salinity in the deep-water layers of the Black Sea. Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy zhurnal, 4, 47-57 (in Russian)
Polonskiy A.B. and E.A. Lovenkova. 2004. Trend of temperature and salinity of seasonal layer in the Black Sea in the second half of ХХ age and it possible reasons. Izvestiya RAN. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, 40, 832-841 (in Russian)
Polonsky A., Basharin D., Voskresenskaya E., Worley S., Yurovsky A. 2004. Relationship between North Atlantic oscillation, Euro-Asian climate anomalies and Pacific variability // Pacific Oceanography. V.2. -N1-2. -Р.52-66
Poulain P.-M., Barbanti R., Motyzhev S., Zatsepin A. 2005. Statistical description of the Black Sea near-surface circulation using drifters in 1993-2003 // Deep-Sea Research. V.52. P.2250-2274.
Rass, T.S. 2001. The Black Sea region and its productivity. Journal of Ichthyology, 41. N 6: 742-749 (in Russian).
Reschke, S., Ittekkot, V. & Panin, N. 2002. The Nature of Organic Matter in the Danube River Particles and North-western Black Sea Sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54(3), 563-574.
Revkov N.K., Kolesnikova E.A., Valovaya N.A., Mikhailova T.V., Mazlumian S.A. and Shalyapin V.K. 2000. Benthos of coastal zone of southern Crimea (Balaklava - Aya Cape): composition and state // Hydrobiology Journal. 36(4): 3��E0. (In Russian).
Revkov N.K., Nikolaenko T.V. 2002. Biodiversity of zoobenthos in the coastal zone of the south coast of Crimea (Laspi Bay) // Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2002. 28(3): 151��E62.
Revkov N.K. 2003. The long-term changes of zoobenthos over the soft bottoms in the southwest Crimea region // Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black Sea sector). Sevastopol: Ekosi-Gidrophizika. P. 222��E28. (In Russian).
Rozanov, A.G., I.I. Volkov. 2002. Manganise in the Black Sea. In: Complex investigations of the north-east Black Sea. Eds. Zatsepin, A.G. and Flint M.V. Science: Moscow. pp. 190-200.
Saliot, A., Parrish, C.C., Sadouni, N.,Boulobassi, I., Fillaux, J.,Cauwet, G. 2002. Transport and fate of Danube Delta terrestrial organic matter in the Northwest Black Sea mixing zone, Marine Chemistry, 79, 243-259.
Sezgin, M., Kocatas, A., Katagan, T. 2001. Amphipod Fauna of the Turkish Central Black Sea Region, Turk J Zool.: 57 - 61.
Shiganova, T. A, Bulgakova J. V., Sorokin P.Y., Lukashev Y. F. 2000. Investigation of a new invader Beroe ovata in the Black Sea. Biol. Bull 27: 247-255.
Shiganova, T.A, Mirzoyan Z.A, Studenikina E. A., Volovik S.P., Siokoi-Frangou I., Zervoudaki S., Christou ED, Skirta A.Y., H. Dumont. 2001. Population development of the invader ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Black Sea and other seas of the Mediterranean basin. Mar. Biol. 139: 431-445.
Shulman, G.E., Yu.N. Tokarev. 2006. The functional diversity as important factor of the ecosystems biotic components existence // Marine ecological journal. 5, №.1. - С. 35-56 (in Russian)..
Sorokin, Yu. I. 2002. Black Sea Ecology and Oceanography, Backhuys Publishers, Amsterdam.
Stelmakh, L.V., Gubanov V. I. and Babich I. I. 2004. Seasonal variations of phytoplankton growth rate and its limitation by nutrients in coastal waters of the Black Sea near Sevastopol. Mar.Ecol.J., 3 (4), p. 55 - 73.
Stelmakh, L.V.and Babich I.I. 2003. Seasonal variation of the organic carbon to chlorophyll ��a��Eratio for phytoplankton in coastal waters off the Black Sea in the region of Sevastopol. Okeanologiya, 43, p.875 - 884.
Titov, V.B. 2004. Integral effect of influence of thermal and dynamic factors of atmosphere on the hydrological structure of the Black Sea waters. Okeanologiya, 44, 837-842 (in Russian).
Tokarev, Yu.N., E.P. Bityukov, V.I. Vasilenko, B.G. Sokolov. 2000. The bioluminescence field as a characteristic index of the Black Sea plankton community structure // Ecology of sea (Ecologiya morya). N53. -P.20-26 (in Russian).
Tokarev, Yu. N. 2001. Biophysical ecology of plankton - first results and perspectives of development // Ecology of sea (Ecologiya morya). N. 57. - P. 51 - 59 (in Russian).
Tokarev, Yu. N., B. G. Sokolov. 2001. Effect of physical and biological factors on forming of small-scale bioluminescent and acoustic fields in the Black and Mediterranean seas // Hydrobioljgocheskii Jurnal. -31. - Р. 3-13 (in Russian).
Tokarev, Yu.N., B.G. Sokolov, V.I. Vasilenko. 2002. Biophysical research methods for living pelagic resource: first results and perspectives // Ukrainian Antactic Centre Bulletin. 4. - P. 104 - 111.
Topcuoglu, S., Güven, K.C., Kırbasoglu,
ÁE, Güngör, N., Ünlü S., Yılmaz, Y.Z. 2001. Heavy metals in marine algae
from ile in
the Black Sea, 1994��E997. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 67,. 288��E94.
Ünal, V. 2004. Viability of Trawl Fishing Fleet in Foça (the Aegean Sea), Turkey and Some Advices to Central Management Authority. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 4, 93-97.
Velikova, V., Cociasu, A., Popa, L., Boicenco, L., Petrova, D. 2005. Phytoplankton community and hydrochemical characteristics of the Western Black Sea. J. Water Science Techn. Vol. 79, N 6, p.77-87. (in English).
Velikova, V. and N. Chipev (Eds.). 2005. Large-scale disturbances (regime shifts) and recovery in aquatic ecosystems: challenges for management towards sustainability. Unesco-Roste/BAS Workshop on Regime Shifts, 14 -16 June, Varna. (in English).
Volovik S. P. (Editor). 2004. Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (A. Agassiz) in the Azov and Black Seas: its biology and consequences of its intrusion. Published by Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey. Pubication number: 17. 498 p.
Yakushev, E., D. E. Besedin, Yu. F. Lukashov, and V. K. Chasovnikov. 2001. On the Rise of the Upper Boundary of the Anoxic Zone in the Density Field of the Black Sea in 1999-2000,��EOkeanologiya 41 (5), 686-691 [Oceanology 41 (5), 654-659].
Yunev, O. A., Vladimir, Basturk, O., Yilmaz, A., Kideys, A. E., Moncheva, S. and Konovalov, S. K. 2002. Long-term variation of surface chlorophyll a and primary production in the open Black Sea. Marine ecology progress series, Vol. 230: pp 11-28.
Zaitsev, Y. et al. (Eds.). 2006. The North-Western part of the Black Sea: Biology and Ecology. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 703pp. (in Russian).
Zaitsev, Yu.P. 2000. The Black Sea: state of ecosystem and the ways of its melioration. Odessa: Izd. Molodezh. Ecolog. Tsentr im. V.I. Vernadskogo., 48 pp., (in Russian).
Zaitsev, Yu, Ozturk, B. (eds). 2001. Exotic species in the Aegean, Marmara, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. Istanbul, Turkey : Turkish Marine ReSearch Foundation., 8: 267 pp., (in Russian).
Zaitsev, Y.P. 2006. An Introduction to the Black Sea Ecology. Even, Odessa, 224pp. (In Russian).
Zatsepin A.G., Denisov E.S., Kremenetskiy V.V. 2005. Effect of bottom slope and wind on the near-shore current in a rotating stratified fluid: laboratory modeling for the Black Sea // Oceanology. V. 45. Suppl. 1. P.S13-S26.
Zatsepin, A.G., Ginzburg, A.I., Kostianoy, A.G. 2002. Variability of water dynamics in the northeastern Black Sea and its effect on water exchange between the nearshore zone and open basin // Oceanology. V.42. Suppl. 1. P.S1--S15.
Zatsepin, A.G., Ginzburg, A.I., Kostianoy, A.G. 2003. Observations of Black Sea Mesoscale Eddies and Associated Horizontal Mixing // J. Geophys. Res. V.108. №C8. 3246. doi; 10.1029/2002JC001390.
Zengin, M. 2003. The Current Status of Turkey's Black Sea Fisheries and Suggestions on the Use of Those Fisheries, Workshop on Responsible Fisheries in the Black Sea and the Azov Sea, and Case of Demersal Fish Resources, April 15-17 2003, Şile, Istanbul, BSEP Black Sea Environmental Programme, Country Report, 34 p.
I.6. Socio-economic indicators
Figure 1.6.1. Population growth in Black Sea riparian countries
Figure 1.6.2.a, b. GDP per capita and annual change
Figure 1.6.3. Human Development Index for the Black Sea coastal states (UNDP HDR 2007/2008)
Figure 1.6.4. GDP per unit of Energy Use (UNDP - HDR 2007/2008)
1.7. List of BSC Regional Guidelines/Manuals
1.7. List of BSC Regional Guidelines/Manuals���������
I.7.1. Harmonization of biological methodologies Phytoplankton (compiled by S. Moncheva) Mesozooplankton (compiled by A. Korshenko, based on HELCOM manual) Macrozoobenthos (compiled by Valentina Todorova and Tsenka Konsulova) Meiobenthos (compiled by Ludmila Vorobyova) Mussel population watch (compiled by Nina Shurova and Valentin Zolotorev) Macrophytobenthos (compiled by Galina Minicheva) Mapping of Habitats of Black Sea importance (compiled by Valeria Abaza) Gelatinous macrozooplankton (compiled by Tamara Shiganova)
I.7.2. Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping Management of Dredged Materials (Modified from OSPAR Guidelines) Oil spill exercises Reporting Oil Spills
[1] Selected Black Sea publications mostly cited in the region
[2] Comprehensive overview of Turksih bibliography, including the period after 2000 was prepared and published in 2007: Citation: Bat, L. And Sezgin, S. (eds.) 2007. Turkish Black Sea Bibliography. 2nd Edition. Published by Turkish Marine Research Foundadtion, Istanbul, Turkey. Publication number 28.
II.1. Policy issues/Regulations
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Water Act (From. SG. 67/27 Jul 1999, amend. SG. 81/6 Oct 2000, amend. SG. 34/6 Apr 2001, amend. SG. 41/24 Apr 2001, amend. SG. 108/14 Dec 2001, amend. SG. 47/10 May 2002, amend. SG. 74/30 Jul 2002, amend. SG. 91/25 Sep 2002, amend. SG. 42/9 May 2003, amend. SG. 69/5 Aug 2003, amend. SG. 84/23 Sep 2003, suppl. SG. 107/9 Dec 2003, amend. SG. 70/10 Aug 2004, amend. SG. 18/25 Feb 2005, amend. SG. 77/27 Sep 2005, amend. SG. 94/25 Nov 2005, amend. SG. 29/7 Apr 2006, amend. SG. 30/11 Apr 2006, amend. SG. 36/2 May 2006, amend. SG. 65/11 Aug 2006, corr. SG. 66/15 Aug 2006, amend. SG. 105/22 Dec 2006, amend. SG. 108/29 Dec 2006, amend. SG. 22/13 Mar 2007, amend. SG. 59/20 Jul 2007) | Law on Water (1997) amended in 2000 | Water Law no. 107/1996 modified and supplemented by the Law no 310/ 28.06.2004, modified and supplemented by the Law 112/2006 | The Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993)Everyone has the right to favourable environment, reliable information about its state and a restitution of damage inflicted on his health and property by environmental transgressions (Art. 42);Everyone is obliged to preserve the nature and the environment, carefully treat the natural wealth (Art. 58). | Water Law no. 831 | Water Code (1995) |
Environmental Protection Act (EPA), (Prom. SG. 91/25 Sep 2002, corr. SG. 98/18 Oct 2002, amend. SG. 86/30 Sep 2003, amend. SG. 70/10 Aug 2004, amend. SG. 74/13 Sep 2005, amend. SG. 77/27 Sep 2005, amend. SG. 88/4 Nov 2005, amend. SG. 95/29 Nov 2005, amend. SG. 105/29 Dec 2005, amend. SG. 30/11 Apr 2006, amend. SG. 65/11 Aug 2006, amend. SG. 82/10 Oct 2006, amend. SG. 99/8 Dec 2006, amend. SG. 102/19 Dec 2006, amend. SG. 105/22 Dec 2006, amend. SG. 31/13 Apr 2007, amend. SG. 41/22 May 2007, amend. SG. 89/6 Nov 2007) | Law on Environmental Protection(1996) | Law on Environmental Protection 137/1995, addit by Law.no 159/1999, Law no 294/2003, modified by Governmental Emergency Ordinance 195/2005 approval by Law 265/2005 | Water Code of the Russian Federation (2006) | Environmental Protection Law (9/8/1983) | Environmental Protection Law (1991) |
Regulation no.12/ 2002 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water | Law on Mineral Resources (1996) | Law 458/2002 concerning the quality of drinking water,Law 311/2004, G.D 974/2004 | Federal Law On Environmental Protection (2002) | Coastal Law (1990/92-3621) | Law on the State Program of Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment of the Black and Azov Seas (22.03.2001) |
Regulation no. 9/2001 on the Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption | Law on Management and Protection of the Sea Coast and River Banks/2000 | Emergency Ordinance 202/2002 approved by Law 280/2003 on Integrated Coastal Zone Management | Land Code of the Russian Federation (2001) | Water Pollution Control Regulations (2004) | Law on Drinking Water and Drinking Water Supply (2002) |
Law for organization of the Black sea coast (State Gazette, issue 48 from 15 June 2007, enforced on 1st January 2008, amended in State Gazette, issue 36 from 4th April 2008) | Order 661/2006 for approval of Normative for technical documents required for water management authorizations, permanent since 2006. | Federal Law On Subsoil (1992) | Regulation concerning water for human consumption/Official Gazette No. 25730 - 17 February 2005. | Law on the State Program of the Development of Water Industry (2002) | |
Regulation № 5/2007 for monitoring of water (State Gazette, issue 44 from 23 April 2007, enforced on 5th June 2007) | Order 662/2006 for approval the procedure and competent authorities for issuing water management authorizations, since 2006 permanent | Federal Law On Environmental Assessment (1995) | Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment /Official Gazette No 25318/16 December 2003 | ||
Government Agricultural Strategy Plan, adopted in 1999. | Federal Law on Internal Sea Waters, Territorial Sea and Adjacent Zone of the Russian Federation (1998) | ||||
Program for organising the national system for integrated monitoring of soil, for survey, control and measures for the reduction of pollutants input from agriculture sources and for the management of organic wastes generated by animal farming in nitrates sensitive areas (Ordinance no. 242/2005). | Federal Law on Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian Federation (1998) | ||||
GD nr. 472/2000 regarding measures for protection of water resources quality, 2000 | Federal Law on Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation (1995) | ||||
Federal Law on Environmental Assessment (1995) |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Regulation no.12/ 2002 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water | Law on Pesticides and Agrochemicals (1998) | GD No 100/2002 concerning the quality required of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water modified by GD 662/2005, modified by 567/2006, modified by 210/2007 | Resolution No. 561 of the Head of Krasnodar Krai Administration of 10.06.2004 on the Introduction of Amendments to the Resolution No. 579 of the Head of Krasnodar Krai Administration of 28.05.2002 On Collecting Payments for the Discharge of Wastewater and Pollutants into Sewerage Systems of Krasnodar Krai Settlements | Water Pollution Control Regulations (2004)Modified 13.02.2008 | Law of Ukraine On Wastes (1998) |
Regulation no.11/ 2002 on the quality of bathing water | Law on Hazardous Chemicals (1998) | GD No 202/2002 for the approval of the Technical Norms on the quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life modified by GD no 563/2006 and GD no 210/2007 | Resolution No. 162 of the Head of Krasnodar Krai Administration of 10.03.1999 on Determining Minimal Sizes of Water Protection Zones of Water Objects of Krasnodar Krai and Their Coastal Protective Strips | Regulation on Soil Pollution Control / 31 May 2005 | Law on Environmental Audit (2004) |
Regulation No. 8 /2001 on the quality of coastal marine waters | Law on State Ecological Expertise of 1996 was amended in 2004. However, in 14 December 2007 parliament passed a new Law on Ecological Expertise, which abolishes the previous one | OMAPAM No 44/09.01.2004 (OJ No 154/23.02.2004) for approving the Regulation for the water quality monitoring for priority/dangerous priority substances | Administrative Transgressions Code of the Russian Federation No.195-ФЗ/2001 | Law Pertaining to Principles of Emergency Response and Compensation for Damages in Pollution of Marine Environment by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (11.03.2005) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the Rules for the protection of surface waters from the pollution by waste waters (1999) |
Regulation no.4/ 2002 on the quality of fish and shellfish water | Law on Construction, Function, Service, Maintenance and Operation of some Oil Transportation Facilities and Legislative Principles of Import, Transportation, Storage and Export of Oil Carried out by these Facilities on the Territory of Georgia. April 2 1996 | GD No 201/2002 on the Quality required of shellfish waters establishes norms concerning the quality required for shellfish watersmodified by GD 467/2006, modified by GD 210/2007, modified by GD 859/2007 | By-law of Dangerous Chemicals, (11.07.1993 - 21634 Official Gazette) | ||
Regulation on Protection of Surface Water of Georgia from Pollution/Order No.130/1996 of MoEWP | Order no 1888/2007 on approval of list of organohalogenate substances and heavy metals and the admissibility limit of organohalogenate and heavy metals | GOST Nature protection. hydrosphere. Common requirements on protection of surface (except for marine waters)and underground water against pollution by mineral fertilizers | The Law on The Emergency Intervention and Indemnification In Case Of The Sea Pollution byPetroleum and Other Hazardous Materials Numbered 5312 (Official Gazette dated 11.03.2005 No.25752) | ||
Procedures for Estimation of Feasible Constrains on Collection of Polluted And Discharged Water, Flowing into Water /Order 105/1996 | Order no 1950/12.12.2007 of Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development and Order 38/2008 of Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for delimitation and recording of marine areas good for growing up and exploitation of shellfish | GOST Nature protection. hydrosphere. Common requirements on protection of surface (except for marine waters) and underground water against pollution by pesticides. | By-law of the Control of Hazardous Wastes, (Official Gazette dated 14.03.2005 No.25755). | ||
Instruction no.1/2004 | Approval of Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment And Instructions of Trunk Pipelines/Order 59/2002 | GD 188/2002 updated through the GD 352/2005on the approval NTPA 011, 001 and 002 regarding the discharging conditions of urban wastewater into the aquatic environment | Federal Law On the Safe Handling with Pesticides and Agrochemicals (1997) | By-law of the Control of the Pollution in Water and the Water Environment caused by HazardousSubstances, (26.11.2005 dated and 26005 numbered Off. News) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 20.07.1996 # 815 on the Regulation of the State Water Monitoring |
Regulations no. 6/2000 on the Limit Values for Admissible Contents of Dangerous and Harmful Substances in the Waste Water Discharged in the Water Bodies | Law on Hazardous Chemicals (1998) | Order No 125/1996 of the Minister of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection for the approval of the regulation procedure for social and economic activities with environmental impact details the permitting procedures for new investments and existing activities, as well as for the methodology of elaboration of the impact assessment studies. | Federal Law On Environmental Assessment (1995) | Implementation Regulation Related to Principles of Emergency Response and Compensation for Damages in Pollution of Marine Environment by Oil and Other Harmful Substances (21.10.2006) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 08.05.1996 р. On approval of procedures of determination of the size and borders of water protection zones and regime of economic activities within these zones |
Ordinance on amending and supplementing Regulation No. 6/9.11.2000 on the limit values for admissible contents of dangerous and harmful substances in the waste water discharged in the water bodies (State Gazette No. 24/23.03.2004), implementing the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment | Ministerial Order No 1141/06.12.2002 (OJ No 21/16.01.2003) approving the Procedure and the competencies for issuing the water management permits and licenses modified by Order no 662/2006 | Federal Law on Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of Population (1999) | Regulation on Taking Waste from the Ships and Waste Control (26.12.2004) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 11.09.1996 N1100 On the procedure of development and approval of norms maximum allowable discharge of polluting substances and list of substances to be regulated during discharge | |
Regulation no.7/2000 on the Terms and Procedure for Discharge of Industrial Waste Waters into Settlement Sewer Systems | MO No 1241/16.01.2003 (OJ No 104/19.02.2003) approving the Procedure for modification or withdrawal of water management permits or licenses Amended on MO No15/2006 | Federal Law On Production and Consumption Wastes (1998) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 25.03.1999 On approval of the Rules of the protection of surface waters against pollution by return waters | ||
Regulation no. 10/2001 on issuing of permits for the discharge of waste waters | Ministerial Order No. 1144/2002 transposing the EU requirements related to EPER | Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On development, approval and realization of scheme for integrated usage and protection of water objects, introduction of changes to these schemes" (2006) | Law on Ecological Expertise (1995) | ||
Ministerial Order No. 1140/2002 on The National Guidance on the Register of Emitted Pollutants (EPER Guidance) | Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "About the order of approval of norms for permissible impact to water objects" (2006) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the Rules for the protection of surface waters from the pollution by waste waters (№465) | |||
MO No 1241/2003 | Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "About approval of Guidelines on realization of state control of water objects usage and protection (2006) | ||||
Order nr. 34 / 2002 regarding prevention, reduction and integral control of pollution. (Approved through Law 645/2002). 2002 | Sanitary Rules and Norms of Sea Water Protection Against Pollution SanPiN № 4631-88 | ||||
National Strategy on climate changes, approved by GD 645/2005 | Hygienic Requirements to the Surface Water Protection SanPiN | ||||
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation Regulations on water protection zones for water objects and its protective belts (1996) |
Nutrient over-enrichment/eutrophication
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
MOEW Order № RD 970/28.07.2003 on identifying the sensitive areas in the Republic of Bulgaria according to the requirements of Directive 91/271/ЕЕС concerning urban wastewater treatment. | Law on Pesticides and Agrochemicals (1998) | OMAPAM No 1072/19.12.2003 (OJ No 71/28.01.2004) for approving the organization of the National Integrated Monitoring, Supervision and Decision Support System against nitrate pollution from agricultural sources in surface waters and ground waters and the Surveillance and Appropriate Control Programme, as surface waters and groundwater | Federal Law on Environmental Assessment (1995) | Regulation on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources /18. 02. 2004 | Law State Program of Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment of the Black and Azov Seas (22.03.2001) |
Regulation no.1/ 2007 on the research, use and protection of groundwater (State Gazette No. 87/30.10.2007), | Law on Hazardous Chemicals (1998) | Governmental Decision 964/2000 concerning the approval of the Action Plan for the protection of waters against pollution with nitrates coming from agricultural sources | Norms SP | Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment /Official Gazette No 25318/16 December 2003 | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 08.02.1999, No 166.On the approval of the Rules for Wetlands of National Significance |
Regulation no.2/2000 2007 on the Protection of Waters against Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources(State Gazette No. 27/11.03.2008), | Law on Soil Protection (1994) | Law 458/2002 amended by the Law no 311/2004 | Federal Law on Atmospheric Air Protection No. 96-ФЗ/1999 | ||
Regulation no. 10/2001 on issuing of permits for the discharge of waste waters | National Strategy for Water Management( updating process) till 2015 | GOST R 50611-93 Organic-mineral fertiliser | |||
Regulation No. 10 of 06.10.2003 on the Emission Limit Values (Concentrations in waste gasses) of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and total dust, discharged to the atmosphere from large combustion plants, SG No 93 of 21.10.2003 | GD 964/2000 concerning the approval of Action Plan for the protection of waters against nitrates from agriculture sources, 2000 | Federal Law On Environmental Protection (2002) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the Rules for the protection of surface waters from the pollution by waste waters (№465) | ||
Action Plan for the protection of waters against nitrates from agriculture sources (approved by GD 964/2000, updated in 2005 by GD nr. 1360. | Federal Law On the Safe Handling with Pesticides and Agrochemicals (1997) | ||||
Code of the good agriculture practices for water protection against pollution with nitrates from agriculture sources - reviewed in 2005 (Ordinance no. 1182/2005) | |||||
Order of Ministry of Environment and Water Management nr. 501/2003 - Approval of the regulation for establishing pollution sources inventory for aquatic environment and groundwater. 2003 | |||||
GD 188/2002 on the approval NTPA 011, 001 and 002 regarding the discharging conditions of waste water into the aquatic environment, amended by GD 351/2005, 2002-2018 | |||||
Ministerial Order 1072/2003 approved theorganization of the National Integrated Survey, Control and Decision Support Monitoring for reducingpollutants from diffuse agricultural sources within surface and groundwater. 2003-2018 | |||||
Order of Ministry of Environment and Water Management nr. 501/2003 - Approval of the regulation for establishing pollution sources inventory for aquatic environment and groundwater. 2003 | |||||
GD 188/2002 on the approval NTPA 011, 001 and 002 regarding the discharging conditions of waste water into the aquatic environment, amended by GD 351/2005, 2002-2018 |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Fisheries and Aquacultures Act | Law on Fishing Fund, Fishery and Aquaculture No. 192/2001 | Resolution No. 124 of the Head of Krasnodar Krai Administration of 05.02.2004 on Interdepartmental Commission of Determining Catch Quotas of Water Biological Resources for Coastal Fisheries between Krasnodar Krai Applicants | Fisheries Law (1971) amended in 1983 | Law on Fish, other Alive Water Resources and Food Products from Them (2003) | |
Ordinance Nerd 09-25,Sofia/13.01.2006 of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry regarding the total allowable catch | Order No. 277/ 4 July 2002 regarding approval of the Regulations for organizing and functioning of the National Company for Management of Fishery Resources | Resolution No. 113 of the Head of Krasnodar Krai Administration of 16.02.1999 on Measures for the Protection of Marine Biological Resources in Coastal Areas Adjacent to the Territory of Krasnodar Krai | Temporary Procedure for carrying out fisheries adopted by the Cabinet of Ministry on the 28th of September 1996 | ||
Order No. 262/16 July 2001 regarding the Preparation of the Directory of Vessels and Fishing boats | Federal Law on Fishery and Conservation of Water Biological Resources No 166-FZ (2004), | ||||
Order No. 422/30 October 2001 for approval of the Regulation on the conditions for development of the commercial fishing activities in the Black Sea waters | Federal Law On Fishery and Conservation of Water Biological Resources (2004) | ||||
Annual Order on the Fishing Prohibition (140/247/2002)Each year is amended | Federal Law On Fauna (1995) | ||||
Technical framework for developing the Action Programmes for the areas which are vulnerable at nitrates from agriculture sources (Ordinance no. 296/2005) | Federal Law on Internal Sea Waters, Territorial Sea and Adjacent Zone of the Russian Federation (1998) | ||||
Order No. 179/1 June 2001 regarding the Registering and transmission of the data related with the marine fishing activity | Federal Law on Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation (1995) | ||||
Federal Law on Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian Federation (1998) |
Biodiversity and habitat changes
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Biodiversity Conservation Act/2002 | National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan/2005 | Law 462/2001 concerning for the approval of Governmental Emergency Ordinance no. 236/2000 concerning the regime of natural protected areas and conservation of natural habitats | Law No. 656-КЗ of Krasnodar Krai of 31.12.2003 on Specially Protected Natural Territories of Krasnodar Krai | Law for Protection of Cultural and Natural Amenities(1983-2863) | Forestry Code of Ukraine (1994) |
Medicinal Plants Act | 1. Law on the Protection of New Species of plants; December 29, 2006 and 2. Law on the Protection of Plants against Harmful Organisms , 1994 | Decree No 187/30.03.1990 (OJ No 46/31.03.1990) -ratifying the Paris Convention on Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage | Resolution No. 850 of the Head of Krasnodar Krai Administration of 29.07.2002 on the Protection of Water Biological Resources in the Black and Azov Sea Basin on the Territory of Krasnodar Krai | National Parks Law (1983) | |
Protected Territories Acts | Law on Protected Area System (1996)Note: There is also another Law on Protected Area Status (November 22, 2007) | Law No 26/24.04.1996 (OJ No 93/08.05.1996) -Forestry code | Resolution No. 113 of the Head of Krasnodar Krai Administration of 16.02.1999 on Measure for the Protection of Marine Biological Resources in Coastal Areas Adjacent to the Territory of Krasnodar Krai | Forestry Law: date:31/08/1956 no:6831 | Law on Fauna (2001) |
Protection of Agricultural Lands Act | Law on State Ecological Expertise (1996) Described above | Law No 103/23.09.1996 (OJ No 328/17.05.2002) on hunting fund | Federal Law on Specially Protected Natural Territories No. 33-ФЗ/1995 | Council of Ministers Decree for Agency for Specially Protected Areas (19.10.1989) | Law on conservation of the EnvironmentLaw On Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine (1992) orRegulative Act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Order of changing land usage for a specified purpose that are in property of citizens or juridical persons (2002) |
Forests Act | Law on Environmental Permits (1996) | GD No 230/04.03.2003 (OJ No 190/26.03.2003) on the delimitation of the biosphere reserves, national parks and natural parks and the setting up of their administrations | Federal Law on Fauna No. 52-ФЗ/1995 | Regulation on CITES /Official Gazette No 25545 dated 6 August 2004 | |
Protection of New Animal and Vegetable Species Act | Law on Wildlife (1996) | MO No 374/03.09.2004 (OJ No 849/16.09.2004) on the approval of the Action Plan regarding Cetaceans Conservation from Black Sea, Romania waters | Federal Law on Natural Medicinal Resources, Medicinal Spa Localities and Resorts No. 26-ФЗ (1995) | Law on Protection of Animals (24.06.2004 no:5199) | |
Hunting and Game Protection Act/2000 | Law on Creation and Management of Kolkheti Protected Area (1998) | MO No 850/27.10.2003 (OJ No 793/11.11.2003) on procedure of entrustment of administration and custody of the protected natural areas | Federal Law on Specially Protected Natural Territories (1995) | ||
Genetically Modified Organisms Act/2005 | Forest Code (1999); | MO No 552/26.08.2003 (OJ No 648/11.09.2003) on approval of the internal zoning of natural and national park from biological diversity conservation point of view | Federal Law on Fauna (1995) | ||
Regulation on the conditions and order for issuance of permits for introduction of non-native or reintroduction of native animal and plant species into the nature/2003 | Presidential Decree No. 280/2001 on Coordinated Planning and Implementation of Ongoing and Prospective Programmes Related to Bojomi-Kharagauli National Park and its Supporting Zone | MO No 246/22.07.2004 (OJ No 732/13.08.2004) on cave classification-natural protected areas | Federal Law on Internal Sea Waters, Territorial Sea and Adjacent Zone of the Russian Federation (1998) | ||
Administrative Violation Code (1984) | GD No 2151/30.11.2004 (OJ No 38/12.01.2005) on setting up the protected natural area regime for new zones | Federal Law on Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation (1995) | |||
Law No 462/18.07.2001 regarding the protected natural area regime, conservation of natural habitats, wild flora and fauna approval | Federal Law on Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian Federation (1998) | ||||
MO No 647/06.07.2001 (OJ No 416/26.07.2001) for the approval of the authorization procedures for the harvesting, seizing, acquisition activities and trading on the external or internal market and import of plants and animals from wild fauna and flora | |||||
MO no 1964/2007 on establishing the status of protected areas of site with communitary importance which are integrated in NATURA 2000 network | |||||
GD 1284/2007 on establishing the special protected areas of avifauna as part of ecological European Natura 2000 network from Romania |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Governance Ordinance № 8 / 2001 for the quality of coastal waters. | Law on Sanitary Protection Zone of Health Resorts and Recreational Areas, March 22, 1998 | Governance Ordinance No... 58/1998 regarding the touristic activities in Romania | Resolution No. 1665-П of Krasnodar Krai Legislative Assembly of 18.09.2002 (edition of 24.04.2003) on Temporary Order of Organization, Equipment and Exploitation of Beaches of Krasnodar Krai Water Bodies | Tourism Incentives Law: (12.03.1993) | Law on resorts (2000) |
Governance Ordinance № 11 / 2002 for the quality of bathing waters | GD No 459/2002 on the quality of bathing water,GD 88/2004, GD 546/2008 Will be amended | Federal Law On Natural Medicinal Resources, Medicinal Spa Localities and Resorts (1995) | No.2634, 4957 Law on Changes for Tourism Incentives Law (16.03.1986) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers On the legal regime of sanitary protection zones of water bodies (18.12.1998 N 2004) | |
Regulation N5, 30 May 2008 for management of bathing water quality | Federal Law on Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population (1999) | General Sanitary Law no.1593 (Gazette: 06.05.1930) | Law on the assurance of sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing of population (1997) | ||
Regulation N9, 16 March 2001 for the drinking water | Federal Law On Specially Protected Natural Territories (1995) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 18.12.1998 # 2004 On the legal regime of sanitary protection zones of water bodies | |||
Regulation N 14, or resorts resources, tourist areas and resorts, 13 October 1987, last am. 2002 |
Urban planning
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Regulation No. 7 of 2003 for the rules and standards for management of different territories and management zones types | Law on Land Registration, November 14, 1996 | Law No 5/06.03.2000 (OJ No 152/12.04.2000) on the territorial planning use | Land Code of the Russian Federation No. 136-ФЗ/2001 | Settlements law (3.5.1985) | Land Code (2001) |
Regulation for amendments and complements to Regulation No. 7 of 2003 for the rules and standards for management of different territories and management zones types (State Gazette 51/21.06.2005) | Regulations of Sea and River Shores of Georgia and Regulations for Engineering Protection/Order 4/2002 | Law 247/2005 on land use planning system | Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation No. 73-ФЗ/1998, am 2004. | Land Use and Development Law (1985-3194) | |
Regulation No. 8 of 2001 for the scope and the content of territorial plans rules and standards for management of different territories and management zones types | Federal Law On Land Planning No. 78-ФЗ/2001 | Bosporus Law: (18.11.1983) | |||
Regulation for amendments and complements to Regulation No. 8 of 2001 for the scope and the content of territorial plans rules and standards for management of different territories and management zones types (State Gazette 51/21.06.2005) |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Ordinance No 22 of 4 July 2001on organic production of plants, plant products and foodstuffs of plant origin and indications referring thereto on them | Law on Pesticides and Agrochemicals (1998) | Order No. 918/2002 of the Minister of Waters and Environmental Protection for the approval of the Code for Best Agricultural Practices modified by Order 1182/1270/2005 on approval of the Code for Best Agricultural Practices | GOST R 50611-93 Organic-mineral fertiliser | Regulation on the Principles and Implementation of Organic Farming/10 June 2005 | Law on pesticides and agrochemicals (06.05.1995 N 86, last amended 2006) |
Ordinance No 35 of 30 August 2001on organic production of livestock, livestock products and foodstuffs of animal origin and indications referring thereto on them | Law on Soil Protection (1994) | Governmental Decision 964/2000 for the approval of the National Action Plan for water protection against the pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources | GOST Nature protection. hydrosphere. Common requirements on protection of surface (except for marine waters)and underground water against pollution by mineral fertilisers | Regulation on the Production, Import, Export, Marketing and Inspection of Organic, Organomineral, Soil Conditioner and Microbial Fertiliser used in Agriculture, 22 April 2003 | Law on resorts (2000) |
Law for the approval of the Code for best Agricultural Practices | 1997 Presidential Decree for the adoption of the Concept of Agrarian Policy of Georgia | GOST Nature protection. hydrosphere. Common requirements on protection of surface (except for marine waters) and underground water against pollution by pesticides. | The Code on Good Agricultural Practices-08/09/2004 (Official Journal no. 25577) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers On the legal regime of sanitary protection zones of water bodies (18.12.1998 N 2004) | |
GOST 12.3.041-86. Application of pesticides for the protection of vegetation. Requirements of safety. | The Regulation no.25377/18.02.2004 on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers On approval of the Procedure of usage of the lands of water fund(13.05.1996 N 502) | |||
SanPiN 1.2.1077-01. Hygienic requirements to storage, application and transportation pesticides and agrochemicals. Sanitary regulations and normatives | Law on Grazeland: (28.02.1998) | Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers On the approval of the Rules for Compiling River Passports and Rules for the Determination of Bank Areas of the Waterways and Their Use (14.04.1997 No 347) | |||
GOST 26074-84 - Liquid manure. Veterinary and sanitary requirements for treatment, storage, transportation and utilization | No.3083 Law of Agricultural Reform on Arrangement of Fields in Irrigated Area (01.12.1984) | ||||
GOST Nature protection. Hydrosphere. The criteria and quality characteristics of water for irrigation | |||||
Land Code of the Russian Federation (2001) | |||||
Federal Law On the Sahe Handling with Pesticides and Agrochemicals (1997) | |||||
Federal Law On Environmental Protection (2002) |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Regulation no.7/2000 on the Terms and Procedure for Discharge of Industrial Waste Waters into Settlement Sewer Systems | Law on Security of Hazardous Industrial Objects/1997(2000) | Governmental Decision No 625/2001 for the approval of the authorisation procedure of traders | Land Code of the Russian Federation (2001) | Harbors Law: (14.04.1923) | Law on the State Program of the Development of Water Industry (2002) |
Regulation on the Terms and Procedures for Issuing of Integrated Permits for Construction and Operation of New and Operation of Existing Industrial Establishments and Installations/Decree No 62 of the Council of Ministers of 12.03.2003, SG No 26 of 21.03.2003 | Law on Construction, Function, Service, Maintenance and Operation of some Oil Transportation Facilities and Legislative Principles of Import, Transportation, Storage and Export of Oil Carried out by these Facilities on the Territory of Georgia/1996 | Ministerial Order No 169/02.03.2004 (OJ No 206/09.03.2004) for the approval of the direct confirmation method for the reference documents regarding the Best Available Techniques (BREF) approved by European Union | Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (2004) | No.4737 Changes on Law on Industrial Zone Law and Organized Industrial Zones Law | Code of Trading Navigation (№277/94) |
Merchant shipping code (title amend. - sg 113/02) | Governmental Emergency Ordinance (GEO) No 34/2002 on integrated pollution prevention, reduction and control, subsequently modified and approved by the Parliament through the Law 645/2002 | Federal Law on Power Industry (2003) | No. 4691 Law on Development of the Technology (06.07.2001) | ||
Law on the Maritime Spaces, Inland waterways and ports of The Republic of Bulgaria | Order 566/2003 (M.Of. No. 689/01.01.2003)of the MoEWP on the approval of the guide for BAT for cement industry. | Federal Law On Environmental Protection (2002) | |||
Ordinance No.15 of the Minister of Transport on conditions and order for delivery and acceptance of ship-generated waste and cargo residues from ships. | Order 37/2003 of the MoEWP (M.Of. No. 247/10.04.2003) on the approval of the guide for BAT for pulp and paper industry | Federal Law On Environmental Assessment (1995) | |||
REGULATION No. 9 as of 29.07.2005 on port operation suitability requirements | |||||
Mandatory Rules for Port of Burgas/ Varna |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Environment Protection Law, 2005 | The Constitution of Georgia, 2005 | On environmental protection, No.137, December 1995 | The Constitution of the Russian Federation, December 1993 | Turkish Constitution, June 2005 | On Natural Environment Protection, June 1991 |
Law for Waters Management, 2003 | The Constitution of Ajara, , 2005 | Water, No. 107, May 1996 | Water Code of the Russian Federation No. 167-FL, November 1995 | Coastal Law, 1.7.1992 | On Environmental Impact Assessment, February 1995 |
Regulation No. 2 for the Rules and Norms for Land-use Planning of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, 1995 | The Law on Environmental Protection, , 2005 | Approval of the Systematic Plan of the Territory - section II, water, No 171, November 1997 | Land Code of the Russian Federation No. 136-FL, October 2001 | Harbors Law, April 1923 | On Scientific and Technical Expertise, February 1995 |
The Law on Environmental Permits, , 2005 | Forest code, No 26, June 2005 | Forest Code of the Russian Federation No. 22-FL, January 1997 | Environment Law, August 1983 | On Securing Sanitary and Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of Population, February 1994 | |
The Law on Ecological Examination, , 2005 | Establishing the function of National Council for environment and Sustainable Development, No. 158, October 1999 | Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation No. 73-FL, May 1998 | Fisheries Law, 22.03.1971, 15.05.1986 | On Exclusive (Marine) Economic Zone of Ukraine, May 1995 | |
The Law on Comprehensive State Examination of Construction Projects, 2005 | Establishing the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, No. 82, 20 November 1993 | Administrative Transgressions Code of the Russian Federation No.195-FL, December 2001 | On National Parks, August 1983 | Major Directions of State Policy of Ukraine in the Sphere of Natural Environment Protection, Natural Resources Use and Nuclear Safety Provision, March 1998 | |
Presidential Decree #608 on Establishment of State Consultative Commission for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 2005 | Juridical regime of territorial and interior maritime waters and of contiguous zone of Romania; No. 17, August 1990 | Criminal Code of the Russian Federation No. 63-FL, June 1996 | On Protection of Cultural and Natural Wealth, July 1983 | Order of Limitation, Temporary Suspension or Termination of Activities of Enterprises, Institutions, Organization and Objects in Case of Their Violation of Natural Environment Protection, October 1992 | |
Presidential Decree #459 on Establishment a Legal Body of Public Law_Georgia State Agency for Protection of the Black Sea and Exploration/Utilization of its Resources, 2005 | Regarding the environmental Fund, No. 73, May 2000 | Federal Law On Land Planning No. 78-FL, June 2001 | On Establishment of ASPA, October 1989 | Decree on the Order of Permit Issuing for Special Natural Resources Use, 10.09.1992 No 459 | |
The Law on Marine Space of Georgia, 2005 | Ratification of the Convention on the protection of the Black Sea, June 1995 | Federal Law On Environmental Protection No. 7-FL, January 2002 | Bosporus Law, November 1983 | On the Order of Setting Limits on the Use of Resources of National Importance, No 459 10.09.1992 | |
The Law on The Management and Protection of the Sea Coast and River Banks, 2005 | Ratifying the Agreement regarding the cetaceans conservation in the Black and Mediterranean Seas and Atlantic contiguous zone, No. 91, May 2000 | Federal Law On Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation No. 187-FL, November 1995 | Coastal Security Force Law, July 1982 | On the State Monitoring of Natural Environment, No 785 23.04.1993 | |
The Law on the System of Protected Territories, 2005 | Federal Law On Internal Sea Waters, Territorial Sea and Adjacent Zone of the Russian Federation No. 155-FL, July 1998 | Settlements Law, March 1993 | Order of Submitting Documentation to State Environmental Assessment, No 870 31.10.1995 | ||
The Law on the Establishment and management of Kolkheti Protected Areas, 2005 | Piscicol Fund, Fisheries and Aquaculture, No. 192, April 2001 | Federal Law On Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian Federation No. 191-FL, December 1998 | Tourism Incentives Law, March 1993 | On Atmospheric Air Protection, 2556-14 21.06.2001 | |
The Law on Wildlife, 2005 | Regarding territory arrangements and planning, No. 350, July 2001 | Federal Law "On Security" No. 2446-1, March 1992 | Forestry Law, August 1956 | On the Order of Defining the Levels Of Harmful Impacts of Physical and Biological Factors on Atmospheric Air, No 1092 31.12.1992 | |
The Law on Water, 2005 | Regarding some measure of protection and permit of the construction in the Romanian Black Sea Coastal Zone, No. 597, October 2001 | Federal Law "On Common Principles of Local Self-Government Organization in the Russian Federation " No. 154-FL, August 1995 | Law on Mobilization for Aforestration and Erosion Control, July 1995 | On the Order of Permits Issuing for Pollutants Emission from Stationary Sources into Atmospheric Air, 10.09.1992 No 459 | |
The Law on Tourism and Health Resorts, 2005 | Solid waste regime, No.99, July 2001 | Federal Law "On Environmental Assessment " No. 174-FL, November 1995 | Law on Grazeland, February 1998 | Land Code of Ukraine, 5.10.2001 No 2768-14 | |
The Law on Protective Sanitary Zones of Health Resorts and Resorts Localities, 2005 | On public property juridical condition, No.213, June 2005 | Federal Law "On Agreements about Production Division No. 225-FL, December 1995 | The law of Ukraine On Lands Protection, 19.06.2003 No 0962 | ||
The Maritime Code, 2005 | On approving of natural territorial planning 3rd section protected areas, No. 5, June 2005 | Federal Law On Natural Medicinal Resources, Medicinal Spa Localities and Resorts No. 26-FL, February 1995 | The law of Ukraine On Land Development, 22.05.2003 No 0856 | ||
The Law on Minerals, 2005 | On approving the technical norms regarding water quality for shellfish, No. 201, June 2005 | Federal Law On Specially Protected Natural Territories No. 33-FL, March 1995 | On Utilization of the Lands of Defence, 27.11.2003 No 1345 | ||
The Law on Oil and Gas, 2005 | Guidelines for touristic use of Romanian Black Sea Beaches, No. 107, February 1996 | Federal Law On Fauna No. 52-FL, April 1995 | On Land Reclamation, 14.01.2000 No 1389 | ||
Book Two of the Civil Code, 2005 | On set up the Littoral Commission - for rational exploitation and protection of natural resources as well as for rehabilitation of ecological balance in the coastal zone, No. 108, February 1999 | Federal Law On Atmospheric Air Protection No. 96-FL, May 1999 | On Land Charges, 19.09.1996 No 378 | ||
Law on Agricultural Land Ownership, 2005 | On approval the action program to reduce pollution in the aquatic environment and underground water government Decision 118, April 2002 | Federal Constitutional Law On the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2-FCL, December 1997 | On Land Evaluation, 11.12.2003 No 1378 | ||
Law on Privatization of State Property, 2005 | Regarding the approval of the action plan for the water protection against pollution with nitrates coming from the agriculture , No. 964, August 2002 | Federal Law On Entrails No. 2395-1, February 1992 | On Land Leasing, 06.10.1998 No 161 | ||
Law on the Declaration of Private Ownership of Non-Agricultural Land in the Use of Juridical and Private Persons, 2005 | On Setting Up and Functioning the National Administration of Maritime Ports, No. 519, September 2002 | Federal Law On Power Industry No. 35-FL, March 2003 | Order of Pecuniary Assessment of the Lands Intended for Agricultural Use and Settlements, 27.11.1995 No 76 | ||
Law on the Administration and Disposal of State-Owned Non-Agricultural Land, 2005 | Regarding the integrated coastal zone management, No. 202/2002, December 2002 | Federal Law On Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population No. 52-FL, March 1999 | Order of Pecuniary Assessment of Lands of Non-Agricultural Use (with the Exception of Settlement Lands), 29.09.1997 No 86 | ||
Ministry Ordinance no.184, September 1997 | Federal Law On Federal Budget for Year 2003 No. 176-FL, December 2002 | Temporary Order of the State Lands Register Maintenance, July 2003 | |||
Ministry Ordinance no125/1996, June 2005 | The Charter of Krasnodar Kray, 03.06.03 | Order of Losses Compensation to the Owners of Lands and Land Management Actors, 19.04.1993 No 284 | |||
on ratification of the Convention regarding the cooperation and sustainable use of Danube River, No. 14, June 2005 | Krasnodar Kray Law On Local Self-Government in Krasnodar Kray No. 18-KL, November 1995 | On Planning and Development of Territories, May 2001 | |||
Ratified the Bucharest Convention regarding the protection of the Black Sea against pollution, No. 98, June 2005 | Krasnodar Kray Law On Specially Protected Natural Territories of Krasnodar Kray No. 119-KL, March 1998 | On the General Scheme of Spatial Planning in Ukraine, 3059-111 07.02.2002 | |||
Nn ratification of the Convention regarding the cooperation and sustainable use of Danube River, No. 14 | Krasnodar Kray Law On Protection of Green Funds in Krasnodar Kray Rural and Urban Settlements No. 360-KL, May 2001 | Water Code of Ukraine, June 1995 | |||
Ratified the Bucharest Convention regarding the protection of the Black Sea against pollution, No. 98 | Krasnodar Kray Law On Preservation of Total Area of Forested Lands and Protective Afforestation in Krasnodar Kray No. 92-KL, June 1997 | Order of Charging the Special Use of Water Resources, 08.02.1994 No 75 | |||
On Ratification of MARPOL, No. 6, June 2005 | Krasnodar Kray Law On Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of Krasnodar Kray Population No. 115-KL, February 1998 | Order of the State Water Cadastre Maintenance, 08.04.1996 No 413 | |||
On ratification of the Convention regarding the access to the information , public participation in the decision making process and the access of justice in the environmental issues, No. 86, May 2000 | On Radiation Control of Transboundary Freight, No. 53-KL, December 1996 | Rules of Protection of Territorial Seas and Internal Waters from Contamination, 29.02.1996 No 269 | |||
On ratification of the Convention on EIA, No. 22, February 2001 | Krasnodar Kray Law On Protection of Krasnodar Kray Environment and Population from Environmentally Harmful Impacts of Motor Transport Complex No. 474-KL, April 2002 | Order of Determining the Size and Boundaries of Water Protection Zones and the Relevant Regime of Economic Activities, May 1996 | |||
On the Basis of Land Use Relations Regulation in Krasnodar Kray, No. 532-KL, November 2002 | Order of State Water Monitoring, 20.07.1996 No 815 | ||||
On Production and Consumption Wastes, No. 245-KL, March 2000 | Instruction on the Order of Development and Approval of Maximum Permissible Discharges of Pollutants into Water Objects with Return Waters, 15.12.1994 No 116 | ||||
Krasnodar Kray Law On Protection of Krasnodar Kray Population and Territories from Natural and Man-Caused Hazards No. 135-KL, July 1998 | Decree on the Order of Compensation Calculation and Reparation of Damages caused by Pollution from Vessels, Ships and Other Floating Means of Territorial Seas and Internal Waters of Ukraine, 26.10.1995 No 116 | ||||
On Natural Medicinal Resources, Medicinal Spa Localities and Resorts of Krasnodar Kray No. 41-KL, August 1996 | Harmonization and Issuing of Permits for Special Water Use, No 459 10.08.1992 | ||||
On Tourist Activities in Krasnodar Kray, No. 89-KL, June 1997 | Forest Code of Ukraine, January 1994 | ||||
On Adoption of Agreement between Organs of Representative and Executive Power of Krasnodar Kray (the Russian Federation) and the Autonomous Republic Crimea (Ukraine) Principles of Commercial, Economic, Scientific, Technical, Humanitarian and Cultural Co-operation, No. 523-KL, September 2002 | On Fauna, March 1993 | ||||
The law of Ukraine On Flora, April 1999 | |||||
The law of Ukraine On Natural Reserve Bank of Ukraine, 16.06.1992 No 2456 | |||||
The law of Ukraine On the State Programme of National Ecological Network Formation of Ukraine, 21.09.2000 No 1989 | |||||
Decree on the Red Book of Ukraine, October 1992 | |||||
Order of Forests Classification, Attribution of Forests to Protected Category and Determining Specially Protected Plots of Forest Bank, 27.09.1995, No 557 | |||||
Rules of Forests Restoration and Afforestation, 16.01.1996 No 97 | |||||
Order of the State Forests Register Maintenance and the State Forest Cadastre, 27.09.1995 No 767 | |||||
On the Amount of Compensation for the Excavation of the Species of Flora and Fauna Included into the Red Book of Ukraine and the Damage Caused, 01.06.1993 No 399 | |||||
On the Adoption of Decree On Wetlands of National Importance, No 166 08.02.1999 | |||||
On the Order of Giving Wetlands the Status of Ramsar Lands, No 1287 29.08.2002 | |||||
The law of Ukraine On Atmospheric Air Protection, 21.06.2001 No 2556 | |||||
Order of the State Register Maintenance in the Sphere of Atmospheric Air Protection, 13.12.2001 No 1656 | |||||
Decree on the Order of Permits Issuing for Pollutants Emission from Stationary Sources into Atmospheric Air, 29.05.1996 No 364 | |||||
Decree on the Order of Defining the Levels Of Harmful Impacts of Physical and Biological Factors on Atmospheric Air, 31.12.1993 No 1092 | |||||
Order of Setting Norms on Charging the Pollution of Natural Environment and for Levying of this Charge, 01.03.1999 No 303 | |||||
Order of Development, Approval and Review of Limits for Wastes Generation and Disposal, 03.09.1998 No 1218 | |||||
List of Activities Referring to Nature Conservation Procedures, 17.09.1996 No 1147 | |||||
On Adoption of Decree on the State Natural Environment Fund, 07.05.1998 No 634 | |||||
Formation Order of the Main Section of the State Budget Natural Environment Protection and Nuclear Safety and Financing of the Costs Concerning Nature Conservation Procedures, 09.07.1997 No 732 | |||||
On Fixing Rates for the Compensation Calculation of Damages Caused Due to Illegal Catch or Kill of Valuable Species of Fish and Other Objects of Fisheries, 19.01.1998 No 32 | |||||
On Establishing Norms on Charging for Special Natural Resources Use and Charging for Water Use for the Needs of Hydropower Engineering and Water Transport, 18.05.1999 No 836 | |||||
On Establishing the Order of Charging for Special Water Resources Use and Charging for Water Use for the Needs of Hydropower Engineering and Water Transport, 16.08.1999 No 1494 | |||||
The law of Ukraine On Tourism, 1285-15 18.11.2003 | |||||
Framework Agreement on Institutional Basis of Establishing Intergovernmental Systems of Oil and Gas Transportation, 2231-111 18.01.2001 | |||||
The law of Ukraine On Associations of Citizens, 2460-X11 16.06.1992 | |||||
On the Establishment of Order of Conducting Public Hearings on the Issues of Nuclear Power Use and Nuclear Safety, No 1122 18.07.1998 | |||||
Decree on Participation in the Decision-Making Process in the Sphere of Natural Environment Protection, No 168 18.12.2003 | |||||
Decree on the Order of Presenting Ecological Information, No 169 18.12.2003 | |||||
Treaty of Ukraine and the Russian Federation on Co-Operation in the Use of the Azov Sea and the Kerch Gulf, 643-205 24.12.2003 | |||||
Agreement on Establishing the Black Sea Group of Naval Co-Operation, 948-1Y 05.06.2003 | |||||
Agreement on Co-Operation of the Black Sea Countries during the Search and Rescue on the Black Sea, No 322-1Y 28.11.2002 |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Clean Air Act | Law on Ambient Air Pollution, June 22, 1999 | Ordinance nr. 859/2005 for approving Guidelines on notification procedure and establishment of special requirements for authorisation of some activities/installations that use organic solvents with COV content, 2005 | The by-law on control of air pollution from industrial plants (22.07.2006 26236 numbered Official Gazette) | Law on Atmospheric Air Protection, 16.10.1992, nr.2707-12 | |
Regulation No7 from may 3, 1999 on ambient air quality assessment and management | Law on the Amendments and Changes of the Law on Ambient Air Pollution. December 14, 2007 | Government Decision nr. 645/2005 for approval of National Strategy on climate changes, 2005-2007, 2005 | By-Law on Control of Air Pollution Arising from Heating (13.01.2005 25699 numbered Official Gazette) | Law on Environment Protection, 25.06.1991, nr.1264-12 | |
Regulation No9 from may 3, 1999 on limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter and lead in ambient air | Decree (Resolution) of the Adjara Autonomous Republic on the Pollution of Air and Sea Water Area in Batumi; March 2, 2006 | Government Decision nr. 1856/2005 regarding establishing national emission limits for some air pollutants, 2005 | Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) "List of the main hazardous substances those are under regulations in respect of air pollution", 29.11.2001 nr.1598 | ||
Regulation on limit values for benzene and carbon dioxide in ambient air | National Action Plan regarding climate changes, 2005 | Decree of the CMU "The Order of development and adoption of the norrmatives on maximum level of emission of pollutants from stationary sources", 13.12.2001 № 1655 | |||
Regulation No 8 from may 3, 1999 on ambient air quality limit values for ozone | GD nr. 1902 / 2004 for modification and completion of GD nr. 699/2003 regarding establishing measures for reduction of volatile organic compounds emissions due to utilisation of organic solvents in some activities and installations. 2004 | ||||
Regulation on the requirements to liquid fuels, terms, procedure and method of control (State Gazette No 66/25.07.2003) | GD nr. 731 / 2004 for approving National Strategy for atmosphere protection. 2004 | ||||
Regulation No.6 of 26 March 1999 on Methods and Procedures for Measurement of Harmful Substance Point-source Emissions Discharged to the Atmosphere | GD nr. 738 /2004 for approving National Action Plan of Action regarding atmosphere protection. 2004 | ||||
Regulation No. 10 of 6 October 2003 on the Emission Limit Values (Concentrations in Waste gasses) of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and total dust, discharged to the atmosphere from large combustion plants | GD nr. 543 / 2004 regarding development and implementation of air quality management plans and programmes. 2004. | ||||
D nr. 586 / 2004 regarding setting up and organisation of National System for Assessment and Integrated Management of Air Quality. 2004 | |||||
Order nr. 712 / 2003 for approving the Guide for elaboration of programmes proposals for progressive reduction of annual emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust from big combustion installations. | |||||
GD nr. 541 / 2003 regarding establishing measures for reducing air emissions of some pollutants from big combustion installations. Modified and updated by Government Decision nr. 322/2005 and again by GD nr. 1502/2006 | |||||
Presidential Order nr. 396 / 2003 regarding promulgation of the Law for ratification of the protocols of the Convention regarding transboundary air pollution on long distances, signed at Geneva in 13 November 1979, adopted at Aarhus in 24 June 1998 and Gothenburg in 1 December 1999. | |||||
GD nr. 142 / 2003 regarding limitation of sulphur content in liquid combustibles. Modified and updated by GD nr. 598/2004 and GD 2176/2004 | |||||
Order nr. 592 / 2002 for approval of the Normative for establishing limit values, threshold values and of criteria and methods for assessment of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust, lead, benzene, carbon monoxide. | |||||
Memorandum of Understanding (23.10. 2002) between Romanian Ministry of Environment and Water Management and Austria Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forests, Environment and Water Management regarding bilateral cooperation for reduction of greenhouse gases emissions (ratified by Law no. 584/2004). | |||||
Law nr. 655 / 2001 for approval of Government Order nr. 243/2000 regarding atmosphere protection. |
Marine Litter and solid waste management
(National legal acts and central government documents)
Country | Title of legal act | Date of entering into force |
Bulgaria | Water Act | 28.01.2000 |
Territorial Development Act | 31.03.2001 | |
Law on fishing and aquacultures | 2001 | |
Law on Biological Diversity | 09.08.2002 | |
Law on Human Health | 01.01.2005 | |
Merchant Shipping Code (Title amended in State Gazette, No 108/2006) | 14.07.1970 | |
Law on the Maritime Spaces, Inland waterways and Ports of The Republic of Bulgaria | 11.02.2000 | |
Environmental Protection Act | 25.09.2002 | |
Waste Management Act | 30.09.2003 | |
Act on Sea Areas, Inner Water Ways and Ports (last amendment on 26.05.2006) | 23.03.2004 | |
Georgia | Code of Administrative Offences (with subsequent amendments) | 15.12.1984 |
Law on the Environmental Protection | 10.12.1996 | |
Maritime Code | 15.05.1997 | |
Law on Water | 17.10.1997 | |
Law on Public Health | 10.12.1997 | |
Law on the Maritime Areas | 24.12.1998 | |
Sanitary Code | 08.05.2003 | |
Law on Wastes (drafted but not adopted yet) | ||
Romania | Water Law (#107/1996; amended on 30.06.04, #310/2004, amended on 112/2006) | 08.10.1996 |
Ordinance of urgency on wastes system/policy (#78/2000) Law on the approval of the Ordinance of urgency on wastes system/policy (#426/2001) | 22.06.200025.07.2001 | |
Law on the approval of financing contract for the Project on the Environment and Infrastructure in the Port of Constanta (#517/2001) | 24.10.2001 | |
Ordinance of urgency on the integrated management of costal zone (#202/2002)Law on the approval of the Ordinance of urgency on the integrated management of costal zone (#280/2003) | 28.12.200226.06.2003 | |
Government decision on the control of bringing in Romania the non-hazardous wastes for their import, active improvement and transit (#228/2004) | 04.03.2004 | |
Government decision on the approval of the Regulations for organization and operation of the National Committee of Costal Zone (#1015/2004) | 08.07.2004 | |
Government decision on the establishment of the environmental assessment procedure for plans and programmes (#1076/2004) | 05.08.2004 | |
Government decision on the approval of National strategy and National plan for waste management (#1470/2004) | 18.10.2004 | |
Government decision regarding the landfill waste disposal (#349/2005) | 10.06.2005 | |
Ordinance of urgency on the integrated prevention and pollution control (#152/2005) | 10.11.2005 | |
Ordinance of urgency on the environmental protection (#195/2005) | 30.01.2006 | |
Russia | Water Code | 16.11.1995 |
Law on the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation | 30.11.1995 | |
Law on the Waste Production and Consumption | 24.06.1998 | |
Law on the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population | 30.03.1999 | |
Law on the Protection of the Environment | 10.01.2002 | |
Turkey | Law of the Harbour | 20.04.1925 |
Law of the Public Hygiene | 06.05.1930 | |
Law of the Turkish Coast Guard Command | 13.07.1982 | |
Law on the Organization, Duties and Authority of the Gendarmerie | 10.03.1983 | |
Law on the Environment (amended in 2006) | 11.08.1983 | |
Law of the Coast (amended in 1992) | 17.04.1990 | |
Decree Law on establishment/functions of the Ministry of Environment | 09.08.1991 | |
Decree Law on establishment/functions of the Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs | 19.08.1993 | |
Decree Law on Organization/Functions of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry | 08.05.2003 | |
Law of the Metropolitan Municipality | 10.07.2004 | |
Turkish Criminal Code | 26.09.2004 | |
Law on the Response and Coverage of Damages in Emergency Situations caused by Pollution of the Marine Environment by Oil and Other Harmful Substances | 11.03.2005 | |
Law of the Municipality | 03.07.2005 | |
Implementation Regulation Related to Principles of Emergency Response and Compensation for Damages in Pollution of Marine Environment by Oil and Other Harmful Substances | 21.10.2006 | |
Regulation on Taking Waste from the Ships and Waste Control | 26.12.2004 | |
Ukraine | Code of Administrative Offences (#8074-10; with subsequent amendments) | 07.12.1984 |
Law on the Protection of the Environment (#1268-XII) | 26.06.1991 | |
Principle Legislation on Public Health | 1992 | |
Law on the assurance of sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population | 24.02.1994 | |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers On the adoption of rates for the estimation of compensation and harmfulness caused by pollution from ships and other floating facilities in territorial and internal marine waters of Ukraine (#484d) | 03.07.1995 | |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers An order for the estimation of compensation and harmfulness caused by contamination from ships and other floating facilities in territorial and internal marine waters of Ukraine (#116) | 26.10.1995 | |
Code of Trading Navigation (№277/94) | ||
Water Code (№213/95;amended in 2000) | ||
Forestry Code (№3852-Х1) | ||
Land Сode (№2768-111) | ||
Law on Air Protection (№2707-Х11) | ||
Law of Ukraine on Pesticides and Agrochemicals (1995, last amended 2006) | ||
Law on Waste (№187/98; amended in 2001) | ||
Law on resorts (№20226-111) | ||
Law on Fauna (№2894-111) | ||
Law on Drinking Water and Drinking Water Supply (№2918-111) | ||
Law on the State Program of the Development of Water Industry (№2988-111) | ||
Law on Environmental Audit (№1862-1V) | ||
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation of the State Water Monitoring ( № 815) | ||
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the Rules for the protection of surface waters from the pollution by waste waters (№465, amended in 2002) | ||
Law on the adoption of the National Programme for the Protection and Recovery of the Environment of the Azov and Black Seas (№2333-ІІІ) | ||
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers On the procedure of development and approval of norms maximum allowable discharge of polluting substances and list of substances to be regulated during discharge ( N1100) | ||
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the Rules for the protection of internal marine waters and territorial sea from pollution and littering (№431) | ||
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the Methodology of calculation of damage from pollution by oil(№631) | ||
Principle Legislation on Public Health | ||
Law on the assurance of sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of the population |
Administrative instruments on subordinate levels (ministerial, province, district, municipal, harbor, etc. levels)
II.2. Policy issues /responsible institutions (National reporting, BSIS)
II.2.1. Functions and roles/policy actions of national institutions dealing with the transboundary problem of nutrient over-enrichment/eutrophication
Role | Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Ratification/signature of international conventions/agreements | Council of Ministers, MoFA, MoEW | Parliament, MoFA MoEPNR | Parliament, MoFA, MoEWM, MoAFRD | State Duma, Council of Federation, MoFA, MoNR | General Assembly, Council of Ministers, MoFA, MoEF | Parliament, MoFA, MoEP |
Formulating national laws, regulations and plans for limiting and eliminating pollution of water resources | MoEWMoAFMoRD | Parliament (Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources).MoEPNR, MoA | MoEWMMoAFRDMoTCTMinistry of Administration and Interior - MoAI | National level: MoNRRegional level: Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar kray (AoKK) | SPOMoEF; Ministry of Agriculture - MoA | MoEPEnvironmental Committee of Ukrainian Parliament State Committee on Water Saving - ScoWT MoA |
Management of Water resources | MoEW, MoRD,River Basin Management Directorate - RBMD | MEPNR, MoA,Local Governments | MoEWM,NAAR & its river basin directorates | MoNR through FAWR & its territorial bodies | MoEF,General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works - GDSHW | MoEPSCoWT |
Water standards development | MoEW, RBMD, REI, MoRD, MoH | MoHSWL, MEPNR | Environmental Engineering Research Institute (ICIM) | FEIACS) and its territorial bodies, AoKK, Scientific and research institutions | MoEF | MoEP, CMU, MoH, RDEP |
Issuance of concessions/permits/licenses on water use and Integrated permits for operational plants and facilities and projects, including livestock farms | RBMD MoEW + MoAF | MEPNR + Sectoral Ministries | National Administration Apele Romane and its branches ( NAAR )Environmental Protection Agencies - EPAs | FAWR & its territorial bodies MoAAoKK | MoEFWater Supply and Sewerage Administrations (WSSA),General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (GDSHW) MoH, MoA, MoEF | MoEP, CMU, RA, SCWMMoHMoEP, SES, RAMinistry of Construction, Architecture and Municipal Economy of Ukraine - MoCAME |
Monitoring of surface waters, including: bathing watersgroundwaterspollution dischargeair emissions | REI,&MoHMoRD, WSC &Municipalities REI | MEPNRMoHSWL | NAAR+ICIM+ IRCMNAAR+ MoHNAAR+ Local EPAsICIM + Regional & Local EPAs | Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (ROSHYDROMET)FEIACS & territorial bodiesMoNR through FAWR & its territorial bodies | MoEF, MoH, MoA,GDSHW MoEF, MoH,GDSHW+Municipalities, MoH, WSSAMoEF, MoH, Municipalities | SCWM,MoEP,SHMS,SEI MoH, SESSCWM, MoEPMoEP, SCWM,RDEP,SEI MoEP, SHMS |
Control & enforcement in water management | RBMD, MoE, MoRD | MEPNR, MoF | NAAR | MoNR - FAWR , FSNRM& territorial bodies, AoKK | MoEF, Municipalities+ WSSA | MoEP/SES/RDEP/SEI/SEIBSAS |
Training & capacity building | MoE MoAF | MoEPNR, MoA | MoEWM MoAFRD | AoKK Kuban State Agricultural University | MoEF, MoA | MEP/MA/NGOs |
Regime/Registration of Pesticides and Agrochemicals | MoAF, Regional MoAF Offices | MoA,MoEPNR | MoAFRD | MoA | MoA | MoAUPCMU |
II.2.2. Functions and roles/policy actions of national institutions dealing with the transboundary problem of changes in commercial marine living resources
Role | Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Ratification/signature of international conventions/agreements | Council of Ministers MoFA,MoEWMoAF | Parliament,MoFA MoEPNR | Parliament,MoFA MoEWM,MoAFRD | State DumaCouncil of Federation MoFA, MoNRMoA | General AssemblyCouncil of MinistersMoFAMoEFMoA | Parliament MoFAMoEPMoA |
Formulation of agricultural policies, including fisheries | MoAF integrated with MoEWMoH,MRD | MoA,MEPNR | MoAFRD | MoA andits Agency on Fishery AoKK | MoA | MoA |
Development of national program for developing fisheries and aquaculture | MoAF | MEPNR, MoA | MoAFRD | MoA through the Federal Agency on Fishery | MoA | MoA MoEPCabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - CMU |
Development of action plans for the protection of endangered fish species, including establishment of their catch prohibition | MoAF &Institute of Fisheries-Varna | MEPNR | MoAFRD | MoA through the Federal Agency on Fishery | MoA,MoEF | MoEPMoA |
Maintenance of the Fisheries Database | MoAF &Institute of Fisheries-Varna | MoAFRD | MoA through the Federal Agency on Fishery | MoA | MoEPMoA | |
Maintenance of the Fishing Vessels Register | MAF, Executive Agency on Fisheries - EAF | Ministry of Economic Development | MoAFRD | MoA through the Federal Agency on Fishery | MoA | Ministry of Transport and Communications - MoTC |
Issuance of permission for merchant fishing | Same & Municipalities | Local Authorities | MoAFRD | MoA through the Federal Agency on Fishery MoNR | MoA | MoA |
Inspection and control of compliance with permissions for fishing | EAF | MEPNR | National agency for fishing and aquaculture | MoA through the Federal Agency on Fishery MoNR | MoA | MoA MoEPState Ecological Inspection for the Black Sea and Azov Sea - SEIBSAS |
II.2.3. Functions and roles/policy actions of national institutions dealing with the transboundary problem of chemical pollution
Role | Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Ratification/signature of international conventions/agreements | Council of Ministers MoFA,MoEW | Parliament,MoFA MoEPNR | Parliament,MoFA MoEWM,MoAFRD | State DumaCouncil of Federation MoFA, MoNR | General AssemblyCouncil of MinistersMoFAMoEF | Parliament MoFAMoEP |
Chemical pollution - originating from land | ||||||
Formulating national laws, regulations and plans for limiting and eliminating pollution of water resources, including those for land use | MoEWMoAFMoRD,MUN | Parliament (Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources).MoEPNR, MoA | MoEWMMoAFRDMoTCTMinistry of Administration and Interior - MoAI | National level: MoNR MoRD Regional level: Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar kray (AoKK) | SPOMoEF; MoAMinistry of Public Works and Settlements (MoPWS)Metropolitan Municipalities | MoEPEnvironmental Committee of Ukrainian Parliament State Committee on Water Saving - SCoWTMoA,SCLR |
Management of Water resources, including water supply and sanitation | MoEWMoRD,River Basin Management Directorate - RBMDWSC | MEPNR, MoA,Local Governments | MoEWM,NAAR & its river basin directoratesMoTCT & Municipalities | MoNR through FAWR & its territorial bodiesNational level - MoRDRegional level - AoKK | MoEF,General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works - GDSHWMunicipalities, Water Supply and Sewerage Administrations | MoEPSCoWTMunicipal water utilities |
Monitoring of surface waters including:bathing watersgroundwaterswater bodies/ resources intended for human consumptionpollution dischargeair emissions | REI,&MoHMoRD, WSC &MunicipalitiesREI | MEPNRMoHSWL + Local Governments MEPNRMoHSWL | NAAR+ICIM+ IRCMNAAR+ MoHNAAR + Local EPAsMoH NAAR + Local EPAs ICIM + Regional & Local EPAs | Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (ROSHYDROMET)FEIACS & territorial bodiesMoNR through FAWR & its territorial bodiesMoH and its territorial bodies | MoEF, MoH, MoA,GDSHW MoEF, MoH,GDSHW+Municipalities, MoH, WSSA MoEF, MoH, Municipalities | SCWM,MoEP,SHMS,SEI MoH, SESSCWM,MoEPMoEP, SCWM,RDEP,SEI MoEP,SHMS |
Control and enforcement | RBMD, MoE, MoRD,MoEW | MEPNRMoF , MoED | NAARMoTCT&Municipalities | MoNR - FAWR , FSNRM& territorial bodies, FEIACS & territorial bodiesAoKK | MoEF, Municipalities+ WSSA, GDoSHW | MoEP/SES/RDEP/SEI/SEIBSASMunicipalities |
Regime/Registration of Pesticides and Agrochemicals | MAF, Regional MAF Offices | Ministry of Agriculture, MEPNR | Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development | Ministry of Agriculture | Ministry of Agriculture | MA/UP/CMU |
Identification of sensitive and less sensitive areas | MOEW integrated with all other cited institutions, depending on the specific case | Ministry of Agriculture, MEPNR | MEWM | Ministry of Environment and Forestry | MEP | |
Chemical pollution - originating from sea | ||||||
Formulation of laws/regulations for shipping activities, including contingency planning | MT, Executive Agency Port Authorities (EAPA), Executive Agency Sea Administration (EASA) | Ministry of Economic Development (MoED), Parliament | MoTCT | Ministry of Transport (MoT) | Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs (UMA) | UPMoTCMoEP |
Implementation of Contingency plans on pollution from tankers and/or accidents on sea | MT,EAPA,EASA | Port Administration, MoED | MoTCT,Romanian Naval Authority (RNA) | MoT | MoEF, UMA, General Directorate of Coastal Safety and Salvage Administration (GDoCSSA),Metropolitan Municipalities(depending on the scale) | Ministry for Emergency Situations (MoES) |
Inspection and control on ships and compliance with IMO Regulations regarding ballast waters | MT,EAPA,EASA | Port Administration, MoEPNR | MoTCT,RNA | MoT | MoEF,UMA, | MoTC,SEI,SEIBSAS |
II.2.4. Functions and roles of national institutions dealing with the identified transboundary problem of biodiversity changes, including alien species introduction
Role | Bulgaria | Georgia | Romania | Russian Federation | Turkey | Ukraine |
Ratification/signature of international conventions/agreements | Council of Ministers Ministry of Foreign Affaires - MoFA,Ministry of Environment and Waters - MoEW | Parliament,MoFA Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources - MoEPNR | Parliament, MoFA Ministry of Environment and Water Management - MoEWM, Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development - MoAFRD | State DumaCouncil of Federation MoFA, Ministry of Natural Resources - MoNR | General AssemblyCouncil of MinistersMoFAMinistry of Environment and Forestry - MoEF | Parliament MoFAMinistry of Environmental Protection - MoEP |
Formulating national laws, regulations and plans | MoEWMinistry of Agriculture and Forests - MoAFMinistry of Regional Development -MoRD | Parliament (Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources).MoEPNR | MoEWM | National level: MoNRRegional level: Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar kray | MoEF; State Planning Organization - SPO | MoEPEnvironmental Committee of Ukrainian Parliament |
Development of regional plans and strategies | MoEWMoAFMoRD | Ministry of Economic Development - MoEDMoEPNR | MoEWM, MoAFRDMinistry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism - MoTCT | Administration of Krasnodar kray (AoKK) | SPO MoEF | MoEP & its Regional Department of Environmental Protection Regional Administration |
Management of Natural Parks/Reserves | MoEW, Regional Environmental Inspectorate - REI | MoEPNR | MoEWM | MoNR, | MoEF | State Service of Nature Reserves Management - SSNRM |
Enforcement | MoEWREI | MoEPNR | MoEWMEnvironment Guard - EG | MoNR through Federal Agency for Water Resources (FAWR), Federal Service for Nature Resources Management (FSNRM) & its territorial bodies | MoEF | SSNRM |
AoKK | Assembly of Krasnodar Krai |
CMU | Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine |
EAF | Executive Agency on Fisheries |
EAPA | Executive Agency "Port Authorities" |
FAWR | Federal Agency for Water Resources |
FEIACS | Federal Environmental, Industrial and Atomic Control Service |
FSNRM | Federal Service for Natural Resources Management |
GDoSHW/GDSHW | General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works |
ICIM | Environmental Engineering Research Institute |
IRCM | Institutul Roman de Cercetari Marine (National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" - IRCM) |
MEP | Ministry of Environmental Protection |
MoA | Ministry of Agriculture |
MoAF | Ministry of Agriculture and Forests |
MoAFRD | Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development |
MoE | Ministry of the Environment |
MoEF | Ministry of Environment and Forests |
MoEP | Ministry of Environmental Protection |
MoEPNR/MEPNR | Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources |
MoEW | Ministry of Environment and Water |
MoEWM | Ministry of Environment and Water Management |
MoFA | Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
MoH | Ministry of Health |
MoNR | Ministry of Natural Resources |
MoRD/MRD | Ministry of Rural Development |
MoT/MT | Ministry of Transport |
MoTC | Ministry of Transport and Comunications |
MoTCT | Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism |
MUN | Municipalities |
NAAR | National Adninistration "Apele Romane" |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
RBMD | River Basin Management Directorate |
RDEP | Regional Department for Environmental Protection |
REI | Regional Environment Inspectorate |
SCLR | State Committee for Land Resources |
SCWM | State Control Water Management |
SEI | State Ecological Inspection |
SEIBSAS | State Ecological Inspection for the Black Sea and Azov Sea |
SES | Sanitary and Epidemiology Service of Ministry of Health |
SHMS | State Hydro-Meteorological Service |
SPO | State Planning Organization |
UMA | Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs |
UP | Ukrainian Parliament |
WSC | Water & Sewerage Companies |
WSSA | Water Supply and Sewerage Admisnistrations |
II.3. Investment Projects (TDA2007)
Identified capital investments made | |
Some progress in implementing capital investments | |
Further work required |
II.4. Port Reception Facilities
All ports/Year | Actual loading of PRF for Oil/Oily waters, cub. m/year | Actual loading of PRF for Garbage, cub. m/year | PRF for Chemicals, cub. m/day | Total Number of PRF in all ports | |
2001 | |||||
2002 | 3022,151 | 1573,58 | NIL | 10 | |
2003 | 6772,29 | 1683,971 | NIL | 10 | |
2004 | 3051,224 | 2954,905 | NIL | 12 | |
2005 | 6321,332 | 1967,573 | NIL | 16 |
Port/Year | PRF for Oil/Oily waters,cub. m | PRF for Chemicals cub. M (Category MARPOL) | PRF for Garbage, cub. m | Total Number of PRF in all ports | ||||
A | B | C | D | |||||
Batumi | 2003 | 300 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 30 | 1 |
Poti | 2003 | 392 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 5 | 2 |
Supsa | 2003 | - | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | - | All from Poti |
Kulevi | 2008 | 500 end of 2008 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 45 | 1 |
Romania, Russian Federation, Ukraine
Country | PRF for Oil/Oily waters, cub. m/day | PRF for Garbage, cub. m/day | PRF for Chemicals, cub. m/day | Total Number of PRF in all ports | |
Romania | 2001 | 6800 | 800 | 0 | 7 |
2002 | 7200 | 900 | 0 | 7 | |
2003 | 7600 | 1000 | 0 | 7 | |
2004 | 9100 | 1000 | 0 | 8 | |
2005 | 8700 | 1300 | 0 | 9 | |
2006 | 9000 | 1250 | 0 | 10 | |
2007 | 8200 | 1300 | 0 | 10 | |
Russian Federation | 2001 | ||||
2002 | |||||
2003 | |||||
2004 | 335 616 (oily water) | 12 688 | 6222 | 2 PRF, 3 Incinerators, Landfills | |
2005 | |||||
Ukraine. | 2001 | No data reported | |||
2002 | |||||
2003 | |||||
2004 | |||||
2005 |
Ballast water treatment plants
Fig. II.4.1. Ballast Water treatment plant in Tuapse average daily flow, m3.day-1
Year | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | ||||||
Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | |
Ballast water treatment plant in Tuapse | ||||||||||||
Average daily flow, thousand m3/day | 2.740 | 2.518 | 2.740 | 1.877 | 2.740 | 1.929 | 2.740 | 1.425 | 2.740 | 2.224 | 2.740 | 2.003 |
Total annual flow, thousand m3/year | 1000.0 | 919.3 | 1000.0 | 685.1 | 1000.0 | 704.1 | 1000.0 | 519.5 | 1000.0 | 811.8 | 1000.0 | 731.4 |
BOD-5, mgO2/l | 10.52 | 10 | 10.52 | 11.3 | 10.52 | 11.16 | 11.3 | 11.04 | 11.3 | 11.6 | 11.3 | 12 |
BOD-5, t/year | 10.52 | 9.2 | 10.52 | 7.8 | 10.52 | 7.8 | 11.3 | 5.8 | 11.3 | 9.3 | 11.3 | 9 |
TSS, mg/l | 4.00 | 3.60 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 3.70 | 4.00 | 3.40 | 4.00 | 4.30 | 4.00 | 4.50 |
TSS, t/year | 4.00 | 3.30 | 4.00 | 2.80 | 4.00 | 2.59 | 4.00 | 1.80 | 4.00 | 3.40 | 4.00 | 3.40 |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/l | 4.00 | 4.00 | 3.80 | 4.90 | 3.80 | 5.30 | 4.90 | 5.22 | 4.50 | 5.50 | 1.99 | 5.80 |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, t/year | 4.00 | 4.30 | 3.80 | 3.40 | 3.80 | 3.71 | 4.90 | 2.70 | 4.50 | 4.40 | 1.99 | 4.40 |
Year | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | ||||||
Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | Discharge Permit Limit* | Measured Discharge loads | |
Ballast Water Treatment Plant in Novorossiysk | ||||||||||||
Average daily flow, thousand m3/day | 3.384 | 2.421 | 6.849 | 4.201 | 8.219 | 6.095 | 6.095 | 5.492 | 6.094 | 6.163 | 6.163 | 5.703 |
Total annual flow, thousand m3/year | 1235 | 883.7 | 2500 | 1533.6 | 3000 | 2224.8 | 2224.8 | 2004.4 | 2224.4 | 2249.6 | 2249.6 | 2,081.5 |
TSS, mg/l | 5.72 | 5.22 | 5.72 | 5.54 | 5.72 | 5.54 | 5.72 | 5.33 | 5.72 | 5.099 | 5.72 | 5.30 |
TSS, t/year | 7.06 | 4.61 | 14.3 | 8.5 | 17.18 | 12.319 | 12.7256 | 10.6876 | 12.724 | 11.472 | 12.868 | 11.023 |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/l | 1.88 | 1.83 | 1.83 | 1.83 | 1.83 | 1.82 | 1.82 | 1.78 | 1.78 | 1.75 | 1.75 | 1.74 |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons, t/year | 2.47 | 1.62 | 4.57 | 2.8 | 5.49 | 4.0399 | 4.0399 | 3.5684 | 3.959 | 3.947 | 3.947 | 3.621 |
PRF in Hopa port, Giresun port, Trabzon port, Samsun TCDD PORT.
Year | Total amount |
2000 | 675 m3 |
2001 | 625 m3 |
2002 | 650 m3 |
2003 | 610 m3 |
2004 | 580 m3 |
2005 | 605 m3 |
II.5. Existing ballast water management requirements according to Black Sea countries (National reporting).
Country | Ballast water Management in place | Ballast Water Reception Facilities | Ballast Water Surveillance | Other |
Bulgaria | Varna, mandatory BWE in Mediterranean for ballast which originates outside the Mediterranean. Similar requirement planned for the Port of Burgas.BWE in Black Sea not acceptable | required [A.868(20)] and checked during vessel inspections | regional cooperation concerning designation of ballast water exchange areas in Black sea required | |
Georgia | ballast water management guidelines A.868(20) implemented. Ballast water reception facilities available in Batumi and Poti | required [A.868(20)] | ||
Romania | Constanta, random biological monitoring of ballast water | |||
Russian Federation | fully developed and operational ballast water management system implemented, i.e. ballast water exchange and biological pollution control. Ballast water to be exchanged in the open Black Sea (> 12 nm from shore). Novorossiysk, non-compliance may cause delay and/or penalties. | Novorossiysk, random biological monitoring of ballast water | ||
Turkey | no legislation/regulations governing ballast water management in force. A ballast water management system in development. | required [A.868(20)] and checked | ||
Ukraine | ballast water management guidelines A.868(20) implemented. Ships with unexchanged ballast water are prohibited to enter territorial sea | required [A.868(20)] and checked | Sampling for chemical contamination only. |
II.6. Landfills/Dumping sites as of 2006, volume of dumped dredged spoils
II.6.1. List of Landfills (Key to the Figure bellow)
No | Landfill | No | Landfill | No | Landfill |
1 | Varna , village of Vaglen | 22 | Negru Voda | 48 | Yurovka village |
2 | Bourgas Bratovo | 23 | RAJAC WWTPs sludge deposit - Luminita | 51 | Glebovka village |
3 | Marinka (Bourgas) | 24 | SC Lafarge Romcim Medgidia | 52 | Istanbul, Kemerburgaz/Odayeri |
4 | Varna Beloslav | 25 | SC Etermed SA Medgidia | 53 | İstanbul, Şile/Kmrcoda |
5 | Varna Solvey Sodi (ash-slug pond) | 26 | SC Argus SA Constanta | 54 | Pervomaisk gully |
6 | Varna Polymeri (slug pond) | 28 | Marway Fertilchim SA - Navodari | 55 | Gaspra, Yalta |
7 | Agrapolychim Devnjya | 29 | Agighiol | 56 | Alushta |
8 | Bourgas Luk Oil | 30 | Vararie | 57 | Evpatoria, |
9 | Bourgas Copper Mine | 31 | Macin | 58 | Chernomorskoe |
10 | Batumi | 32 | Babadag | 59 | Sudak |
11 | Poti | 33 | Isaccea | 60 | Feodosia |
12 | Kobuleti | 34 | Sulina | 61 | Koktebel |
15 | Constanta -Ovidiu | 35 | SC Alum SA, Tulcea | 62 | Saki |
13 | Mangalia - Albesti | 36 | SC Feral SRL, Tulcea | 63 | Novoozernoe, GKPSU Ekologia |
14 | Costinesti | 38 | Loo village | 64 | Krasnoperekopsk, Crimea soda plant site, Krasnoe lake |
15 | Constanta port | 39 | Adler village | 65 | Krasnoperekopsk, Brom plant, Staroe lake |
16 | Eforie South | 40 | Tuapse | 66 | Armyansk, Titan plant |
25 | Medgidia | 41 | Lermontovo village | 67 | Armyansk |
18 | Harsova | 42 | Kabardinka village | 68 | Primorske |
19 | Cernavoda | 43 | Tekos village | 69 | Primorske |
20 | Techirghiol | 44 | Dzhanhot village | ||
21 | Basarabi | 45 | Krasniy village |
Figure II. 6. 1. Location of known landfills
II.6. 2. Dumping Sites in the Black Sea area[2] (National reporting, BSIS)
Country | Deposit or dumping site | Coordinates | Categories of waste | Origin: Name of Water System | Type of areas dredged | Estuary |
GE | Poti Port | No data | dredged spoils | Black Sea | Port | Chorokhi |
RO | Constanta Southern Port | N 4405'48, E 28 40'08 | dredged spoils | Black Sea | Port | |
RO | Sulina jetis | N 44 9' , E 29 4' 42 | dredged spoils | Danube River | Canal | |
RO | Constanta Southern Port | N 4405'48, E 28 40'08 | dredged spoils | Black Sea | Port | |
RO | Sulina jettis | N 44 9' , E 29 4' 42''E | dredged spoils | Danube River | Canal | Danube |
RU | Novorossijsk | N 4437'18, E 3754'57 | dredged spoils | Black Sea | port harbor | |
RU | Temruik-Kavkaz | no dredging | Black Sea | port harbor | ||
UA | Odessa port | N 462400, E 310000 | dredged spoils | Black Sea | port harbour | |
UA | Illichivsk port | N 461200 , E 304900 | dredged spoils | Black Sea | port harbour | |
UA | Kherch port | N 445100 , E 362400 | dredged spoils | Black Sea | port harbour | |
UA | Uzhnyi Port | N 462523, E 310130 | dredged spoils | Black Sea | port harbour | |
UA | Sevastopol Port | N 443200, E 330500 | ||||
UA | Dnister, Dnister, Dnipro-Bug limans | No data | dredged spoils | Black Sea | port harbour |
II.7. Status of National Contingency Plans (Based on National and Regional Gap Analysis reports, 2007)
National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (s) | Implementing bodies/area of response | Risk assessment / priority areas | Emergency response centers | Cooperation with private sector | |
Bulgaria | Exist (2003) - needs update | Identified/identified | Made / identified | Established | Involved |
Georgia | Draft exist (2007) | Identified/identified | Will be made | No information | No information |
Romania | Exist (2006) | Identified/identified | No information | Established | Involved |
Russian Federation | Exist (2003) | Identified/identified | No information | No information | Involved |
Turkey | Under preparation (to be ready and operational in 2008-2010 for Tiers 1-2-3)Local plans are available and appliedAt present, provisions of Law No:5312 are applied. | Will be identified/identified At present, identified according to the Law | Included(Already made, regional/national plans are being prepared according to this database and senarios of spill dispersion) | Included | Foreseen |
Ukraine | Under preparationLocal plans are available and applied | No information | No information | No information | Foreseen |
II. 8. Number (n) and volume (metric tones) of oil spills between 1996-2006 in the Black Sea (National reporting, BSIS)
Country | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | `1999 | 2000 | 2001 | ||||||
n | t | n | t | n | t | n | t | n | t | n | t | |
Bulgaria | ||||||||||||
Georgia | ||||||||||||
Romania | 6 | 18 | 17 | 40 | 11 | 32 | 19 | 56 | 17 | 42 | 6 | 9 |
Russian Federation | 5 | 15.3 | 6 | 176.1 | 5 | 13.4 | 4 | 4.9 | 3 | 29.8 | 3 | 0.94 |
Turkey | ||||||||||||
Ukraine | 4 | 6.0 | 6 | 50.7 | 6 | 8.1 | 8 | 4.3 | 9 | 9.1 | 19 | 3.5 |
Total | 15 | 42 | 29 | 267.7 | 22 | 57.1 | 31 | 73.3 | 54 | 88.1 | 28 | 13.44 |
Country | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | |||||
n | t | n | t | n | t | n | t | n | t | |
Bulgaria | 4 | < 1 | 6 | <1 | 11 | <1 | 15 | <1 | ||
Georgia | 1 | 1.0 | 2 | 0.1 | 3 | 6 | ||||
Romania | 7 | 2 | 0.23 | 3 | 1.3 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 42.15 | |
Russian Federation | 7 | 2.25 | 1 | 3.0 | 6 | 1.09 | 10 | 31.63 | 10 | 10.29 |
Turkey | 1 | 25 | 1 | 230 | 3 | |||||
Ukraine | 5 | 8.79 | 16 | 14.64 | 13 | 1.2 | 4 | 37.0 | 6 | 75 |
Total | 20 | 36.04 | 25 | 248.87 | 28 | 3.59 | 36 | 77.73 | 45 | 133.44 |
II.9. Coastal Lagoons and Spawning Grounds Intended for Restoration in the Years 2001-2005.
Country | Lagoons and Spawning Grounds Intended for Restoration | Effects of measures |
Bulgaria | Project for protection an area of about 6 500 ha along the northern part of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast by means of so called cold mines - protectors against illegal bottom trawling. which destroy the spawning and nursery grounds, mainly for Gobies and Turbot. | The project was implemented and the turbot stocks are now in the process of assessment. Gobies and Turbot feel better not because of the mines, but due to stronger control on illegal fishery and lack of anoxia. |
Georgia | Poti - Ochamchiri | No management in place, not designated as MPAs, no special protection measures. |
Romania | The Danube Biosperic Biological Reserve and Marine Reserve 2 Mai Vama Veche | They were designated as MPAs |
Russian Federation | The Russian Government and the State Duma elaborate a new Bill on sturgeons conservation that envisages measures for protection of these areas. | The sturgeons are still in a very depleted stay. |
Turkey | No information is available. | Fishing of Turbot is forbidden in May |
Ukraine | During the spawning period fishery activities on spawning grounds not allowed. | There is a strict control and fisheries inspections during spawning periods, there were bans for Turbot and sturgeon catches for a number of years, recently the ban for turbot was waived due to improved stock. |
II.10. Illegal Fishing Practices (SoE 2008)
Mean annual and unreported catches and total abundance of Russian sturgeon according to the data of trawl surveys in 1988 - 2005 in the Sea of Azov (assessments of unreported catch were taken from Shlyakhov et al., 2005)
Years | Total abundance (thousand individuals) | Catch, tons | |
Official | Unreported | ||
1988-90 | 12606 | 772* | 4814 |
1992-94 | 8264 | 1143* | 3213 |
1995-97 | 4357 | 427 | 2040 |
1998-00 | 2785 | 156 | 984 |
2001-03 | 1757 | 6 | 109 |
2004-05 | 745 | 1 | 54 |
* - Russian sturgeon and starred sturgeon
II.11. Release of Young Commercial Fishes into the Natural Water Bodies of the Azov and Black Sea Basin
Year | Total number | А.gulld. | Average weight | H.huso | Average weight | A.rutenus | Average weight |
tones | tones | (G) | tones | (G) | tones | (G) | |
1998 | 1 500 | 1000 | 250 | 200 | 300 | 300 | 180 |
1999 | 30100 | 27 400 | 230 | 2 700 | 320 | - | - |
2000 | 21150 | 20 400 | 200 | 750 | 350 | - | - |
2001 | 28 100 | 28 100 | 200 | - | - | - | - |
2002 | 23 530 | 22 530 | 280 | - | - | 1 000 | - |
2003 | 166 617 | 161 317 | 82 | 5 300 | 5 | - | - |
2004 | 211 126 | 127 000 | 18,87 | - | - | - | - |
2005* | 120 000 | 120 000 | 20 | - | - | - | - |
Total | 482 123 | 387 747 | 8 950 | 1 300 |
no release.
no reporting.
no reporting.
The last reporting on re-stocking of Turbot (Psetta maxima) was submitted in 2002 (re-stocking is continued at present). There has been no re-stocking programme for other species.
Year | Cultivated Species, Latin | Number of released young fish per year | Name of Mariculture Enterprise | Geographical location (if possible coordinates) |
1999 | Psetta maxima (Turbot) | 1 839 | Trabzon Central Fisheries Research Institute | Trabzon |
2000 | Psetta maxima | 5 000 | Trabzon Central Fisheries Research Institute | Trabzon |
2001 | Psetta maxima | 2 000 | Trabzon Central Fisheries Research Institute | Trabzon |
2002 | Psetta maxima | 10 000 | Trabzon Central Fisheries Research Institute | Trabzon |
Total | 18 839 |
Year | Cultivated Species, Latin | Number of released young fish per year, millions per year | Name of Mariculture Enterprise | Geographical location (if possible coordinates) | |
2002 | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | 2.366 | The Dneprovsky (Dnieper) Sturgeons' Rearing Plant | The Lower Dnieper | |
2002 | Acipenser stellatus | 0.142 | The Karkinitsky Bay | ||
2002 | Psetta maxima | 0.250 | Krymazcherrybvod | ||
Total | 2002 | Acipenseridae, Pleuronectiformes | 2.758 | ||
2004 | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | 1.071 | The Dneprovsky (Dnieper) Sturgeons' Rearing Plant | The Lower Dnieper | |
2004 | Psetta maxima | 0.45 | Krymazcherrybvod | The Karkinitsky Bay | |
Total | 2004 | Acipenseridae, Pleuronectiformes | 1.521 | ||
2005 | Acipenser gueldenstaedtii | 0.354 | Industrial Experimental Dneprovsky (Dnieper) Sturgeons' Rearing Plant | The Lower Dnieper | |
Total | 2005 | Acipenseridae, Pleuronectiformes | 0.354 |
II.12. Aquaculture Enterprises and Production
Fig. II.12. Aquaculture production in Bulgaria
Black Sea mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
Year | 2004 | 2005 |
Production, tons | 52.89 | 170.59 |
not reported
One small marine farm named MARICULTURA SRL. The species cultivated is Mytilus galloprovincialis on long line system. This farm has not reported production.
According to the statistics provided by Ministry of Agriculture, there are 100,000 ha for aquaculture activities in Romania, structured as follows: 84,500 ha fish farms, 15,500 hatcheries, and 25 ha trout farms; 381 companies were registered on 31.03.2006, of which 166 with hatcheries. Out of the 100,000 ha used for aquaculture in 1989, degraded or unused areas in 2005 amounted at 28,000 ha
The species structure production in Romania is dominated by the cyprinids, both native and imported from Asia, representing about 85% of the total no. of species, followed by trout, zander, pike, catfish, fresh water sturgeon (15%).
The main species of fish bred are: common carp, East-Asian carp (silver carp, grass carp, black carp), rainbow trout, pike perch, pike, catfish and crucian carp.
The aquaculture enterprises are recorded in the Fish Farms Register, within the National Agency for Fishing and Aquaculture, which issues an aquaculture license. Until 31.03.2006, 381 companies were registered, of which 166 with hatcheries.
At the end of 2005, the aquaculture production was of 7,248 tons and represented 54.55% of the total fish production. The production in 2005 stands for 36.73% of the one in 1995. Over the past years, aquaculture production has been decreasing, from 9041.69 tons in 2003, to 8,056 tons in 2004 and up to 7,284 tons in 2005.
no reporting.
Black Sea region (Inland-Marine)
YEARS | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 |
Number of Inland Firms | 16 | 373 | 372 | 408 | 284 | 355 |
Inland Capacity (tons/yr) | 183 | 4.824 | 5.195 | 4.767 | 5.456 | 7.194 |
Number of Marine Firms | 19 | 17 | 16 | 13 | 12 | 13 |
Marine Capacity (tons/yr) | 1.434 | 1.504 | 1.444 | 1.830 | 3.410 | 4.810 |
No mussel rearing in Turkish Waters as per 2006.
Year | Mussel Farms Production (Black Sea and Kerch Strait)& Special Commercial Fish Rearing Farms (Odessa Region), (tons/yr) | Production of only marine species fish, (tons/yr) |
1996 | 250 | |
1997 | 37 | |
1998 | - | |
1999 | 10 | |
2000 | 6 | 15 |
2001 | 14 | 100 |
2002 | 18 | 77 |
2003 | 25 | 216 |
2004 | 26 | 400 |
2005 | 33 | 736 |
2006 | 30 | 413 |
2007 | 23 | 535 |
II.13. Black Sea Facilities Keeping Marine Mammals in Captivity (Dolphinaria
During the 15th meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS the following information was presented (ACCOBAMS-SC5/2008/Doc 15):
A Party to ACCOBAMS, holds dolphins in captivity in one facility. The Varna Dolphinarium was established in 1984 with five wild-caught bottlenose dolphins imported from Cuba, although there are no CITES records to confirm this. At present most animals (but one) are represented by descendants of those Caribbean cetaceans. Shows are offered to the public.
We are not aware of any facilities holding dolphins in captivity in Georgia at present, a Party to ACCOBAMS. A former dolphinarium at Batumi was closed in 1991. Recent reports suggest there are proposals to reopen a facility there, as new Batumi dolphinarium is currently under construction. The CITES trade database records an import of three wild-caught bottlenose dolphins from Ukraine in 2001, but WDCS is not able to verify whether the trade actually occurred.
Therefore at present there are no operating dolphinarium and captive cetaceans in Georgia. In the early 1990s the bottlenose dolphins were taken from the former Batumi dolphinarium and exported to Yugoslavia, then re-exported to Malta, finally all of them died in captivity.
Romania, a Party to ACCOBAMS, holds dolphins in captivity in one facility. The Constanta Dolphinarium holds only one Black Sea bottlenose dolphin imported from Russia, although three animals of the same species were imported in or around 1998. In 2005, a common dolphin was also held at the dolphinarium, following a stranding but has now died. CITES trade data records the import of three wild-caught bottlenose dolphins from the Russian Federation in 1998. There is also one southern sea lion at the pool in Constanta.
There are at least eight facilities holding dolphins in captivity in Russia, an ACCOBAMS range state. The facilities are located in Bolshoy Utrish (Anapa), Maly Utrish (Novorossiysk), Gelendzhik, Sochi, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-na-Donu and Yessentuki. Dolphins are also used in Russian traveling circuses. Live captures and international trade are important issues in the Russian Federation. Well over 100 wild-caught Black Sea bottlenose dolphins were exported from the Russian Federation between 1990 and 2001 to dolphinarium facilities around the world. The trade, although continuing, has lessened since a proposal was approved at the 12th Conference of the Parties to CITES to retain the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin on CITES Appendix II but with a quota set at zero for the export of live dolphins wild-captured in the Black Sea for primarily commercial purposes. Between 1990 and 2005, 165 belugas were exported from the Russian Federation for display in dolphinaria around the world. The vast majority, if not all of these animals, were captured from the wild. CITES trade data records the export of 156 bottlenose dolphins between 1992 and 2003.
There are two dolphinaria in Moscow, and another one is situated in Lazarevskaya (Russian Caucasus).
Turkey, an ACCOBAMS range state has at least nine facilities holding dolphins in captivity. In November 2006 there were seven facilities:
1) Dolphinland, Antalya holds one beluga and two bottlenose dolphins from Russia and offers shows, swimming with dolphins and dolphin assisted therapy.
2) Troy Dolphinarium, Antalya holds one beluga and two bottlenose dolphins from Ukraine and Russia and offers shows and swimming with dolphins.
3) Moonlight Dolphinarium, Antalya holds two bottlenose dolphins from Ukraine and offers shows, swimming with dolphins and dolphin assisted therapy.
4) Dolphinarium, Kas holds two bottlenose dolphins captured in Turkey and offers dolphin assisted therapy.
5) Adaland, Kuşadasi holds three bottlenose dolphins and offers shows.
6) Dolphinarium, Bodrum holds one bottlenose dolphin from the Black Sea and offers shows and swimming with dolphins.
7) Aqua Dolphin, Istanbul holds one bottlenose dolphin from the Black Sea and offers shows.
An eighth dolphinarium has opened in Marmaris offering dolphin assisted therapy, a ninth, Adaland, in Alanya, due to open in April 2008 displaying bottlenose dolphins imported from Japan and offering dolphin assisted therapy and reports suggest additional facilities are also proposed in Istanbul and Fethiye. In 1995, four Black Sea bottlenose dolphins were imported from Ukraine and held in sea pens in Marmaris harbour. They were returned in the same year and the facility closed. CITES trade data records the import of 23 bottlenose dolphins, eight each year in 2001 and 2002, including four from Ukraine, four introductions from the sea, four from the Russian Federation and a further four from Ukraine that originated in the Russian Federation and seven in 2005 and 2006 from Russian and Ukraine, including five wild-captured from Ukraine.
There are 11 facilities holding dolphins in captivity in Ukraine, a Party to ACCOBAMS.
1. Yalta (two dolphinaria) holds two bottlenose dolphins and a beluga.
2. Odessa dolphinaria (two) hold at least two bottlenose dolphins.
3. Sudak dolphinarium (Karadag biostation) holds at least two bottlenose dolphins for shows and research.
4. Yevpatoria dolphinarium holds at least two bottlenose dolphins for dolphin therapy.
5. Ukraine State Oceanarium/Sanatorium holds around a dozen bottlenose dolphins, including individuals captured in the Ukrainian waters of the Black Sea, for swimming with dolphins and dolphin assisted therapy.
Further facilities are located at Partenit (Alushta), Feodosia, Koktebel (Feodosia) and Sevastopol (two). Ukraine was involved in the trade in bottlenose dolphins from the Black Sea between the mid-1980s and late 1990s. CITES trade data records imports of 26 wild-caught bottlenose dolphins from the Russian Federation between 1995 and 2006. Exports of 27 bottlenose dolphins, the majority wild-captured, are also recorded between 2002 and 2006, including to Belarus, Lebanon, Turkey and Georgia.
Marine mammals rehabilitation center is situated on lake Donuzlav (NW Crimea). II. 14. Protected Areas
II.14.1.Full List of Protected Areas in the Black Sea region
The list of protected areas in the Black Sea region may be found at (http://www.unep-wcmc.org/protected_areas/UN_list/)
Site Name | Country | Longitude | Latitude | Designation | IUCN Cat | Marine Character | Date of designation | Area (ha) |
Zlatni pyassatsi | Bulgaria | 28.033 | 43.333 | Nature Park | V | |||
Kamtchia | Bulgaria | 27.850 | 43.033 | Strict Nature Reserve | Ib | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1951 | 842 |
Kaliakra | Bulgaria | 28.483 | 43.333 | Strict Nature Reserve | Ib | |||
Silistar | Bulgaria | 27.850 | 42.167 | Protected Site | IV | |||
Nakovo kladenche | Bulgaria | 28.017 | 42.050 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Nos Emine | Bulgaria | 27.883 | 42.750 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Nos Chervenka | Bulgaria | 27.654 | 42.431 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Skalni obrazuvania | Bulgaria | 27.733 | 42.333 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Smrikite | Bulgaria | 27.898 | 42.775 | Protected Site | III | |||
Nesebar | Bulgaria | 27.728 | 42.656 | State Game Breeding Station | Unset | |||
Koketrays | Bulgaria | 27.717 | 42.650 | Protected Site | IV | |||
Koreniata | Bulgaria | 27.667 | 42.433 | Protected Site | III | |||
Halm na osvoboditelite | Bulgaria | 27.533 | 42.550 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Piasachni diuni | Bulgaria | 27.583 | 42.467 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Piasachni diuni | Bulgaria | 27.716 | 42.357 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Belite skali | Bulgaria | 27.899 | 42.882 | Natural Monument | III | |||
Yailata | Bulgaria | 28.529 | 43.428 | Protected Site | III | |||
Bichvinta-Miusera | Georgia | 40.433 | 43.189 | Nature Reserve | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1965 | 3,645 |
Kolkheti | Georgia | 41.600 | 42.230 | National Park | II | |||
Kobuleti | Georgia | 41.800 | 41.850 | Hunting Reserve | IV | |||
Dunele marine de la Agigea | Romania | 28.644 | 44.089 | Nature Reserve | IV | |||
Periteasca-Gura Portita | Romania | 29.033 | 44.733 | Nature Reserve (part of 28791) | Unset | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1961 | 3,900 |
Danube Delta | Romania | 29.300 | 45.300 | Biosphere Reserve | II | Marine - IUCN MPA, Intertidal - IUCN MPA & Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1991 | 576,216 |
Complexul Periteasca - Leahova | Romania | 29.017 | 44.717 | Scientific Reserve (part of 28791) | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1990 | 4,125 |
Sahalin-Zatoane | Romania | 29.417 | 44.817 | Nature Reserve (part of 28791) | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1990 | 24,250 |
Capul Dolosman | Romania | 28.917 | 44.750 | Scientific Reserve (part of 28791) | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1990 | 125 |
Grindul Lupilor | Romania | 28.917 | 44.667 | Scientific Reserve (part of 28791) | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1990 | 2,075 |
Istria-Sinoe | Romania | 28.767 | 44.517 | Nature Reserve (part of 28791) | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1990 | 350 |
Grindul Chituc | Romania | 28.900 | 44.550 | Scientific Reserve (part of 28791) | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1990 | 2,300 |
Vama Veche - 2 Mai (Acvatoriul litoral marin) | Romania | 28.641 | 43.763 | Scientific Reserve | Ia | |||
Delta Dunarii | Romania | 29.291 | 44.749 | Biosphere Reserve - Marine Buffer Zone to 50 m depth (part of 28791) | Unset | |||
Mys Panagiya | Russian Federation | 36.633 | 45.141 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Mys Zheleznyi Rog | Russian Federation | 36.737 | 45.116 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Ozero Solenoe | Russian Federation | 36.886 | 45.117 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Gora Miska | Russian Federation | 37.420 | 45.268 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Mestoobitaniya lotosa v limane Srednem | Russian Federation | 38.167 | 45.770 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Mestoobitaniya lotosa v Sadkovskom girle | Russian Federation | 38.085 | 45.904 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Skala Praus | Russian Federation | 38.172 | 44.447 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Skala Kiseleva | Russian Federation | 39.034 | 44.123 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Sochinskiy | Russian Federation | 39.471 | 43.962 | Zakaznik | IV | Unverified by MPA Global | 48,450 | |
Bol'shoi Utrish | Russian Federation | 37.404 | 44.754 | Nature Sanctuary or Partial Reserve | IV | Unverified by MPA Global | 8,700 | |
Tamano-Zaporozhskiy | Russian Federation | 36.765 | 45.292 | Nature Sanctuary or Partial Reserve | IV | Unverified by MPA Global | 30,000 | |
Priazovskiy | Russian Federation | 37.709 | 45.593 | Zakaznik | IV | |||
Ozero Khanskoe | Russian Federation | 38.376 | 46.245 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Kosa Dolgaya | Russian Federation | 37.734 | 46.681 | Nature Monument | III | |||
Rostovskoe GOOH (Azovskiy uchastok) | Russian Federation | 39.277 | 47.167 | Managed Resource Protected Area | VI | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | ? | |
Girlovskiy | Russian Federation | 39.278 | 47.231 | Zakaznik | IV | |||
Del'ta Dona | Russian Federation | 39.490 | 47.136 | Zakaznik | IV | |||
_N/A No 901 (Rostovskaya obl.) | Russian Federation | 39.189 | 47.146 | Other Area | Unset | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | ? | |
Acarlar Golu | Turkey | 30.467 | 41.133 | Game Reserve | Unset | |||
Haciosman Forest | Turkey | 36.333 | 41.333 | Nature Reserve | Ia | |||
Kucukkertil Forest | Turkey | 37.867 | 41.000 | Recreation Area | Unset | |||
Camgol Forest | Turkey | 36.367 | 41.283 | Protected Forest | Unset | |||
Kuztepe Forest | Turkey | 35.150 | 42.033 | Recreation Area | Unset | |||
Meryem Ana Forest | Turkey | 39.717 | 41.000 | Recreation Area | Unset | |||
Sarikum | Turkey | 34.850 | 42.017 | Nature Reserve | Ia | |||
Chernomorskiy | Ukraine | 31.921 | 46.273 | National Biosphere Zapovednik | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1927 | 87,348 |
Azovo-Sivashskoye | Ukraine | 35.200 | 46.217 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1957 | 57,430 |
Krymskoye | Ukraine | 34.300 | 44.750 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1957 | 42,957 |
Karadagskiy | Ukraine | 35.228 | 44.928 | Nature Zapovednik | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1979 | 2,874 |
Mys Martiyan | Ukraine | 34.247 | 44.508 | Nature Zapovednik | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA, Intertidal - IUCN MPA & Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1973 | 240 |
Krimskiy | Ukraine | 34.167 | 44.467 | State Zakaznik | Ia | |||
Azovo-Sivashskiy | Ukraine | 34.495 | 46.110 | National Park | II | |||
Gora Opuk ta ostrovi Skeli-Korabli | Ukraine | 36.220 | 45.030 | Zapovedne Urotchische | III | |||
Gora Opuk ta ostrovi Skeli-Korabli | Ukraine | 36.190 | 45.020 | Zapovedne Urotchische | III | |||
Mis Alchak u m.Sudak | Ukraine | 34.990 | 44.830 | Zapovedne Urotchische | III | |||
Atlesh | Ukraine | 32.550 | 45.330 | Zapovedne Urotchische | III | |||
Gay fistashki tupolistoi | Ukraine | 34.490 | 44.730 | Zapovedne Urotchische | III | |||
Nikits'kiy | Ukraine | 34.230 | 44.500 | State Botanical Garden | Unset | |||
Melas'kiy | Ukraine | 33.820 | 44.390 | Regional Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Nizhnya Oreanda | Ukraine | 34.140 | 44.450 | Regional Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Girniy | Ukraine | 34.300 | 44.550 | Regional Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Komsomol's'kiy | Ukraine | 34.310 | 44.550 | Regional Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Akval'niy kompleks Arabats'koi strilki | Ukraine | 35.520 | 45.280 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Pribrezhniy akval'niy kompleks u m. Opuk i ostroviv | Ukraine | 36.210 | 45.020 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Mis Chauda | Ukraine | 35.830 | 45.000 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy kompleks bilya girs'kogo masivu Karaul-Oba | Ukraine | 34.890 | 44.810 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy kompleks mizh s.Noviy Svit ta m.Sudak | Ukraine | 34.940 | 44.830 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Bakal's'ka kosa, ozero ta priberezhniy kompleks | Ukraine | 33.150 | 45.740 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Chastina poberezhzhya bilya s. Mikolaivka | Ukraine | 33.600 | 44.960 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Skelya Ifigeniya | Ukraine | 33.890 | 44.400 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy kompleks bilya skeli Diva ta gori Kishka | Ukraine | 33.990 | 44.390 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy kompleks bilya skeli misu Ay-Todor | Ukraine | 34.120 | 44.420 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy kompleks bilya m. Plaka | Ukraine | 34.360 | 44.590 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Gay yalovtsyu visokogo v r-ni Semidvir'ya | Ukraine | 34.460 | 44.710 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy kompleks mizh s. Sonyachnogirs'kom ta Malerichens'kim | Ukraine | 34.550 | 44.750 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Skeli-ostrivki Adalari | Ukraine | 34.300 | 44.540 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Dilyanka uzberezhzhya Azovs'kogo morya | Ukraine | 36.660 | 46.780 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Ostriv Velikiy Dzenzik | Ukraine | 36.760 | 46.660 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Girlo richki Berda z Solodkim limanom | Ukraine | 36.880 | 46.800 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Ostriv Maliy Dzenzik z arkhipelagom Astapikha | Ukraine | 36.800 | 46.680 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Kriva kosa | Ukraine | 38.110 | 47.040 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Alupkins'kiy | Ukraine | 34.050 | 44.410 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Miskhors'kiy | Ukraine | 34.070 | 44.420 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Kharaks'kiy | Ukraine | 34.100 | 44.420 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Livadiys'kiy | Ukraine | 34.150 | 44.470 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Massandrivs'kiy | Ukraine | 34.170 | 44.490 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Gurzufs'kiy | Ukraine | 34.280 | 44.540 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Kiparisniy | Ukraine | 34.290 | 44.540 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Utes | Ukraine | 34.370 | 44.590 | State Park - Monument of Orchard - Park Art | III | |||
Gora Koshka | Ukraine | 33.980 | 44.400 | State Nature Monument | III | |||
Karaul-oba | Ukraine | 34.900 | 44.820 | State Nature Monument | III | |||
Tsilina na kintsi Berdyans'koi kosi | Ukraine | 36.760 | 46.630 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | |||
Lisyacha balka | Ukraine | 36.530 | 46.750 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | |||
Niziv'ya Tiligul's'kogo limanu | Ukraine | 31.210 | 46.620 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | |||
Pivdennoberezhni dibrovi | Ukraine | 34.150 | 44.460 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | |||
Mis Fiolent | Ukraine | 33.490 | 44.500 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Arabats'kiy | Ukraine | 35.450 | 45.300 | State Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1974 | 600 |
Noviy Svit | Ukraine | 34.910 | 44.820 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Kanaka | Ukraine | 34.630 | 44.780 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Ayu-Dag | Ukraine | 34.340 | 44.550 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Bakays'kiy | Ukraine | 32.304 | 46.508 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Bilosarays'ka kosa | Ukraine | 37.326 | 46.914 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Dunaiskiy /Danube Delta | Ukraine | 29.655 | 45.400 | National Biosphere Zapovednik | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1998 | 46,402 |
Dzhangul's'kiy | Ukraine | 32.563 | 45.466 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | |||
Dzharilgats'kiy | Ukraine | 33.010 | 46.015 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Karalars'kiy | Ukraine | 36.171 | 45.448 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1988 | 5,900 |
Karkinits'ka zatoka | Ukraine | 33.476 | 45.917 | State Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1978 | 27,646 |
Kazantypskyi | Ukraine | 35.847 | 45.462 | Nature Zapovednik | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1998 | 450 |
Kosa Fedotova | Ukraine | 35.309 | 46.305 | State Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1996 | 1,910 |
Kosa Obitochna | Ukraine | 36.231 | 46.576 | State Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1980 | 8,863 |
Lebedini ostrovi | Ukraine | 33.527 | 45.860 | Nature Zapovednik | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | ? | |
Molochniy liman | Ukraine | 35.350 | 46.547 | State Zakaznik | IV | |||
Opukskyi | Ukraine | 36.212 | 45.045 | Nature Zapovednik | Ia | Marine - IUCN MPA & Intertidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1998 | 1,592 |
Priberezhniy akval'niy kompleks bilya gori Ayu-Dag | Ukraine | 34.347 | 44.553 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy akval'niy kompleks u Dzhangul's'kogo suvnogo uzhberezhzhya | Ukraine | 32.564 | 45.472 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy akval'niy kompleks u m. Atlesh | Ukraine | 32.564 | 45.331 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy akval'niy kompleks u m. Karangat | Ukraine | 35.949 | 45.012 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Priberezhniy akval'niy kompleks u m. Khroni | Ukraine | 36.587 | 45.440 | Regional Nature Monument | III | |||
Prisivashs'kiy | Ukraine | 34.932 | 45.660 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | |||
Stepanivs'ka kosa | Ukraine | 35.464 | 46.444 | Regional Zakaznik | IV | |||
Yagorlits'kiy | Ukraine | 31.864 | 46.432 | State Zakaznik | IV | Marine - IUCN MPA, Subtidal - IUCN MPA | 01/01/1974 | 18,620 |
II. 14. 2. Protected Areas in the Black Sea Coastal States (National reporting)
Fig. II.14.1. Protected Areas in Bulgaria (1) and in Georgia (2)
In Bulgaria the Black Sea and coast comprises 42 designated protected areas: mainly coastal terrestrial, wetlands (Ramsar sites) and between them Ivan and Peter Islands, Koketrais banka (Bourgas Bay) and Cape Kaliakra reserve. Cape Kaliakra is situated at the end of a long and narrow peninsula on the Western coast of the Black Sea. The reserve occupies 687,5 ha and besides the steppe areas includes cliffs up to 70 m high.
The Kolkheti National Park (wetlands and marine) is designated as marine protected area among 23 other conservation sites in Georgia. Recognized as an important natural area early in the 20th century, a 500 hectare area of swampy forest and mire between the Rioni and Pichori Rivers was established as Kolkheti Nature Reserve in 1935. The world-wide significance of the region was acknowledged in 1996 when Georgia joined the international convention on wetlands, known as the Ramsar convention, and all the mires and other natural areas of the Kolkheti lowlands were identified as Ramsar sites of international importance.
Romania: Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Fig. ), hosting an amazing range of habitats and life forms, in a relative small area, is a real museum of biodiversity, a natural genetic bank with incalculable value for the worldwide natural patrimony.
Fig. II.14.2. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
In 1990, by the Government of Romania and by the Romanian Parliament, through Law 82/1993, the Danube Delta was recognized as a Biosphere Reserve. This reserve has an administration, a management plan and rules for the activities.
The Marine Reserve 2 Mai - VamaVeche was founded through Decision 31/1980 of the Constanta County Council (Romania), and confirmed as a protected area by Law No. 5/2000, regarding the approval of the National territory arrangement plan, code 2.345. Starting with June 2004, the reserve was put, for a period of five years, under the custody of the Grigore Antipa National Institute for Marine Research and Development, which triggered a series of activities aimed to lead to the application of a proper management, accordingly with the present requirements.
The reserve has a custodian teams and the Management Plan and the Rules was approved by the Romanian Academy and under approval by the Ministry of Environment and Water Management.
Under MO no 1964/2007 on establishing the status of protected areas of sites with communitarian importance which are integrated in NATURA 2000 network, 6 protected areas were integrated in marine protected areas network (Danube Delta reserve, metanogenous structures Sf. Gheorghe, submersal beach Eforie , Capul Tuzla, marine sulphorous pounds Mangalia, Marine Reserve 2 Mai - Vama Veche).
In Romania birds marine protected areas had been designated under GD 1284/2007 on establishing special protected areas of avifauna as part of ecological European Natura 2000 network in Romania
Russian Federation: There are a number of protected areas at the Russian Azov and Black Sea coasts (totally 1050 km). The most important of them are Caucasus biosphere reserve (280 thousand ha) and Sochi National Park (190 thousand ha).
Two wetland sites at the Azov Sea coast have international importance (Ramsar sites) and two protected areas are of national significance - Priazovskiy (42 thousand ha) and Tamano-Zaporozhskiy (30 thousand ha) natural reserves.
At the Black Sea coast the state coastal and marine reserve Bolshoy Utrish was created by Resolution of Krasnodar Kray Governor in 1994. The area is 20 km away from Anapa and its size is 5112 ha, including 2582 ha of land and 2530 ha of the Black Sea.
There are several terrestrial protected sites (Fig. II.14.3) national parks, nature protection sites etc.) along the Turkish Black Sea Coast, however, no officially recognized marine protected areas are available in Turkish waters. Besides, there are two candidate sites to be established as marine protected areas: Kızılırmak Delta (Fig. II.14.4 (1)) and Yeşilırmak Delta (Fig. II.14.4 (2)). Basin management and ecosystem approach can be easily applied for both sites. Both areas contain freshwater, terrestrial and marine habitats. Therefore, the status of present wetlands and protected areas which have a marine coastline is planned to be expanded to include Black Sea coastal waters and to provide the Turkish coast with real integrated coastal zone management for its sustainable development.
Fig. II.14.3. Protected areas along the Turkish coast.
Fig. II.14.4. Kizilrmak (1) and Yesilirmak (2) Deltas.
Coordinates:41 30' N - 36 05' E; Area :30.440 ha;
Wetlands:16.110 ha
Conservation Status:
- Wildlife Conservation Area
- Natural Preservation Site
- RAMSAR SITE (Kızılırmak Delta has been designated as a RAMSAR site since 15 - 04-1998)
Has Environmental Management Plan.
Coordinates: 41 17N - 36 56EArea: 20120 haWetlands: 10500 haConservation Status:- Wildlife Conservation Area- Natural Preservation Site - Internationally Important Wetland |
Coastline1802 km, list of marine protected areas as follows: in this list not included local protected areas and protected areas of categories less than regional reserves or parks.
Danube Biosphere Reserve (46403 ha)
Black Sea (Chornomorski) Biosphere Reserve (> 100000 ha)
Dniester-Turunchuk Crossriver Area - Lower Dniester local reserve (7600 ha)
Tyligulsky Liman regional landscape park (26000 ha)
Kinburnska Spit regional landscape park (18000 ha)
Martyan Cape (240 ha)
Karadagsky Nature Reserve (2874 ha)
Opuksky Nature Reserve (1592 ha)
Kazantypsky Nature Reserve (450 ha)
Azov-Syvash National Nature Park (57400 ha)
Zmeiny Island Zoological Reserve of national importance (20,5 ha)
Photos of Ukrainian protected areas (first line - Danube biosphere reserve, B. Aleksandrov, Island Zmeiny, photo Evgeniy Gazetov, Karadag; second line - underwater photos of A. Vershinin nearby Karadag).
Ukraine is rich in wetlands, including rivers, lakes, ponds, reservations, limans, saline lakes, marshes, peat bogs, floodplains and swamp forests. Approximately 5.3 % of Ukraine is covered by wetlands, 3.8 % of them are wet meadows. Total area of marine protected area of Ukraine, that includes main part of the coastal wetlands, is about 261 thousands ha. Protected aquatic area is about 61% (1588 km2).The biggest protected areas are: Danube Biosphere Reserve (46403 ha) where 950 species of plant and more than 5000 species of animals were registered, Black Sea Biosphere Reserve (> 100000 ha; 851 plant and 4832 animals species), Azov-Syvash National Nature Park (57400 ha; 308 plant and > 5000 animals species), Karadagsky Nature Reserve (2874 ha; 2782 plant and 3816 animals species). The nomination of this protected area was aimed at conservation, reproduction and rehabilitation of its relic endemic and rare species and landscapes, at maintenance of ecological balance and regulated recreational use of the reserves natural resources. This areas is referred as to a piece of pristine Nature with special healing potential.
Fig. II.14.5. Black Sea Coastal / Marine Protected Areas reported to UNEP-WCMC
II.15. Habitats: Habitats, biocoenoses or ecosystems, which are in danger of disappearing in their natural area of distribution or have a reduced natural area of distribution or aesthetic values (National reporting)
II.15.1. List of habitats typical of the Black Sea environment [absent (X), present (p), critical (CR)] (Example from the Romanian Black Sea).
Black Sea Habitats | National habitats ROMANIA |
Pelagic habitats (water column) | |
1. Neritic | CR |
2. Open sea | p |
Benthic habitats | |
1. Supralittoral rock | |
1.1 Association of Littorina neritoides, Lygia italica and Tylos latreillei on exposed or moderately exposed supralittoral rock | x |
1.2 Chthamalus stellatus on exposed supralittoral rock | x |
2. Supralittoral sand | |
2.1 Talitrid amphipods in decomposing seaweed on the sand-line | p |
3. Mediolittoral rock | |
3.1 Mussels and/or barnacles on very/moderately exposed mediolittoral rock | p |
3.2 Corallina turfs on very exposed mediolittoral rock | p |
3.3 Enteromorpha spp. with minor development of Ceramium, Cladophora, Corallina, Porphyra | p |
4. Mediolittoral sand and muddy sands | |
4.1 Coarse sands with Donacilla cornea and facultative Ophelia bicornis | CR |
4.2 Fine sands with Pontogammarus maeoticus | p |
5. Sublittoral rock/other hard subsata | |
5.1 Facies with Mytilus galloprovincialis on exposed or moderately exposed infralittoral rock - vertical or bedrock | CR |
5.2 Association with Cystoseira spp. on exposed or moderately exposed infralittoral bedrock and boulders | CR |
5.3 Association of green and red seaweeds on moderately exposed or sheltered infralittoral rock Enteromorpha, Ulva, Porphyra | p |
5.4 Pholas dactylus and/or Barnea candida in infralittoral soft rock. | CR |
5.5 Petricola litophaga in infralittoral hard rock | CR |
5.6 Spirorbid worms on infralittoral rock, Vermiliopsis infundibulum biogenic rocks | x |
5.7 Sponge crusts, colonial ascidians and a bryozoan/hydroid turf on moderately exposed to sheltered infralittoral rock | p |
5.8 Polydora sp. tubes on infralittoral soft rock | p |
5.9 Ficopomatus enigmaticus biogenic reefs | p |
6. Sublittoral sediments | |
6.1 Donax trunculus in infralittoral coarse sands | CR |
6.2 Chamelea gallina, Lentidium mediterraneum and Lucinella divaricata in shallow clean sands | p |
6.3 Lentidium mediterraneum in shallow fine sands | CR |
6.4 Solen marginatus in sheltered nifralittoral fine sands | CR |
6.5 Branchiostoma lanceolatum, Protodorvillea kefersteini and Ophelia limacina in circalittoral coarse sand with shell gravel | X |
6.6 Mytilus galloprovincialis beds on coarse sand with shell gravel | p |
6.7 Phyllophora nervosa on shell gravel | p |
6.8 Modiolus adriaticus, Aonides paucibranchiata and Gouldia minima in coarse sands | p |
6.9 Mya arenaria in sands and muddy sands | p |
6.10 Anadara inequivalvis on sands and muddy sands | p |
6.11 Zostera meadows in lower shore or infralittoral clean or muddy sand | CR |
6.12 Melinna palmata in infralittoral mud | p |
6.13 [Abra alba] [Cardiidae]and [Mytilus] in infralittoral mud | |
6.14 Mya arenaria and Mytilus galloprovincialis in infralittoral mud | p |
6.15 Nephthys in infralittoral mud | p |
6.16 [Mytilus galloprovincialis] beds in infralitoral and circalittoral mud | CR |
6.17 Spisula subtruncata and Aricidea claudiae in circalittoral mud | X |
6.18 Modiolula phaseolina, Amphiura stepanovi and Notomastus profundus in circalittoral mud | p |
6.19 Pachycerianthus solitarius in circalittoral mud | p |
6.20 Periazoic zone | p |
6.21 Anoxic H2S zone with anaerobic sulphate reducing bacteria | p |
7. Submarine structures made by leaking gases | |
7.1 Circalittoral carbonate structures around methane seeps | p |
7.2 Infralittoral shallow sulphide seeps | p |
II.15.2. Habitats critical to the survival, reproduction and recovery of threatened species of flora or fauna
1. Coarse mediolittoral sands with Donacilla cornea
2. Pholas dactylus and/or Barnea candida in infralittoral soft rock.
3. Association with Cystoseira spp. on exposed or moderately exposed infralittoral bedrock and boulders
4. Corallina turfs on very exposed mediolittoral rock
5. Sublittoral sands with Donax trunculus, Chamelea gallina, Lentidium mediterraneum and Lucinella divaricata
6. Facies with Mytilus galloprovincialis on exposed or moderately exposed infralittoral rock - vertical or bedrock
7. Mytilus galloprovincialis beds in infralitoral and circalittoral mud
8. Mytilus galloprovincialis on coarse sand with shelly gravel;
II.16. ICZM: Progress in the Implementation of ICZM (National reporting)
II.16.1. 15 Years of ICZM in the Black Sea Region
This section was prepared by E. Antonidze (Chairman of ICZM Advisory Group of the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution), Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation.
Black Sea (BS) coastal zone covers territories of coastal administrative units of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine. Naturally the Black Sea coast is bordered by a high mountain range on the north-east (Caucasus) and south (Kackar, etc.) and wide valleys on the north and west. Big rivers fall into the sea (Danube, Dniepr, Dniestr, Don and Kuban). The influence of the last two rivers on the sea basin is indirect through the relatively isolated Azov Sea. The mountains are covered with forest and semi-forest vegetation, large areas are under shrubs. The plains on the northern part of the coast are under artificially cultivated steppes.
The Black Sea coastal zone is rich with natural and historic sights. Specially protected areas of different types preserve lakes and limans, which are habitats for many transmigrating birds. Unique steppes and mountain forests with large variety of rare and endemic species of flora and fauna are present. There are archaeological and historic monuments of antique and Byzantine times, of Middle ages and New times. In all Black sea countries the coastal zone is well developed.
Management of complex systems requires integrated approach which allows rationally and in a coordinated way to bring together numerous contradicting and overlapping interests. The Black Sea countries have reached a consensus on the necessity of reconstruction of existing management systems in compliance with ICZM principles in the Odessa Declaration (1993), Strategic Action Plan (1996) and in the new Startegic Action Plan for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea which was adopted in April 2009 (all published on www.blacksea-commission.org, Table of Legal Documents).
The history of ICZM in the Black Sea region started following the signing of the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention, 1992). ICZM activities were launched within the Black Sea Environmental Program (BSEP) funded by GEF and jointly managed by UNDP, UNEP, World Bank and European Unions PHARE and TACIS programmes in the period 1993-2007.
ICZM achievements 1993 - 2007
In 1993 for the implementation of the ICZM component of the Black Sea Environmental Program an Activity Center on Development of Common Methodologies for ICZM (ICZM Activity Center) was established in Krasnodar (Russian Federation) by order of the Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and with the support of Black Sea Environment Program (BSEP, 1993-1997, GEF/UNDP). Experts of the Center with support of international consultants initiated the introduction of ICZM principles in the Black Sea region. Relevant activities were carried out within several international projects, such as BSEP (1993-1999), EU TACIS - PHARE/EuropeAid (in three phases: 1995-training, 1998-2000, 2002-2004), Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project (BSERP, 2002 - 2007, GEF/UNDP).
ICZM initiation
During phase I of BSEP (1993-1997) three ICZM Workshops were held with participation of representatives of all Black Sea countries and the Black Sea ICZM network was created. There was a constant exchange of experience, for capacity building specialists were trained (World Bank training on ICZM, Sustainable Development and Sustainable Tourism, Bulgaria, Varna, 1995).
The main achievements of BSEP Phase I were:
- ICZM Activity Center was established with trained staff, a number of consultants were involved in the activity of the Center, equipment was supplied;
- ICZM concept, methodology and tools were presented and distributed at governmental and local levels; authorities and experts were involved in ICZM implementation;
- Guidelines for defining of National Coastal Zone Boundaries were approved, National Boundaries of coastal zones were defined in all 6 countries;
- National ICZM Reports were prepared; the actual situation, problems, priorities in ICZM development were presented;
Based on ICZM National Reports the ICZM Activity Center prepared Report on ICZM in the Black Sea Region. It was the first assessment of this kind in the region. The document was used in preparation of the Black Sea Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (1996) and Strategic Action Plan for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea (1996).
Spatial Planning Methodology
Since 1995 the EC has provided technical assistance to BSEP, especially through Phase I and Phase II of the TACIS project (1995, 1997, 1998-2000) and PHARE.. In 1995 a number of training courses and workshops on ICZM, EIA and Ecological Audit were organized for different experts in Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia and Ukraine.Under the TACIS umbrella in 1998 - 2000 the following important documents were published:
Policy of Coastal Defense for the Azov and Black Seas (manual for scientists, brochure for managers and booklet for the wider public). All documents were presented at a Russian-Georgian-Ukrainian Workshop in 1999.
Analysis of legislation in ICZM field and proposals on its improvement (for Russia and Ukraine);
Perspectives of Sustainable Tourism Development (special research was implemented for the Russian resort Gelendzhik and Ukrainian resort Malaya Yalta);
Coastal Code of Conduct for the Azov and Black Seas (developed for Russia and Ukraine based on the experience of the European Coastal Code of Conduct);
Solid Wastes Management in Coastal Zones;
Methodology of Spatial Planning for the Coastal Zones;
The Black Sea ICZM Activity Center benefitted very much from international experience, its experts were provided with additional training in 1998-2000 during a Study Tour in the Netherlands and Great Britain.
Implementation of ICZM principles and instruments attained special significance after the adoption of the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development of Europe (30 January 2002) based on recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to Member States of the European Union:
5. Coastal and island regions
58. Europes coastal regions are not only sensitive natural heritage areas but also important focuses of economic and commercial activities, prime locations for industry and energy conversion, a starting point for the exploitation of maritime and underwater resources and particularly attractive areas for tourism.
59. Since such a range of activities in coastal strips can generate numerous conflicts, an integrated and sustainable spatial development policy, covering not only the coastal strip but also the hinterland, is essential for such regions. The concept of the integrated management of coastal areas is intended to take into account the interaction between economic activities and social and environmental requirements when making use of natural resources in coastal areas and hence facilitate the decision-making process in assessing investments. Integrated coastal management should be a systematic component of regional planning at the various levels concerned. Cross-border and transnational co-operation beyond the sea are of particular importance in this respect.
Main objective of the BS Methodology for Spatial Planning in Coastal Zones is the elaboration of a balanced, integrated and sustainable development plan. The aim of balance is achieved when two contradictory issues are resolved simultaneously: land use area zoning, with its normative and legal basis for further development, and allocation of social and economic development areas, taking into account the nature conservation policy as a priority.
Spatial planning is aimed at the recovery and conservation of nature potential together with securing the rights of the local population for a better existence. It requires systematic assessments of the state of natural components (air, water resources, flora, fauna, etc.) as well as that of potential anthropogenic effects on the environment stemming from alternative models of land use at certain economic and social conditions. Based on the assessments, best land use options can be selected and adopted. Therefore, ecosystem assessment is a major instrument in ICZM Spatial Planning. giving a detailed overview of the natural resources, their use, importance and vulnerability. The importance and vulnerability are assessed on a scale from one to three. The following definitions are used:
- Natural Component Importance Combined properties of the natural component identifying its importance to preserve the qualities and features aimed at being used in accordance with its target function. Scale 1 low, 2 - average, 3 - high
- Natural Component Target Function - Main function of the natural component in the general natural system.
- High Importance Natural Component - Natural component with very high importance identifying the necessity to take strong measures aimed at preservation of its features and qualities (3 points).
- Low Importance Natural Component - Natural component which could be used for the economic development with possible change of its features and qualities. (1 point)
- Natural Component Vulnerability Changeability of natural component features and qualities under the influence of external factors. Scale 1 - low, 2 - average, 3 - high
- High Vulnerability Natural Component - Highly vulnerable natural component, its features and qualities can be changed severely by minor influence of external factors. (3 points)
- Low Vulnerability Natural Component Natural component highly resistant to external influence. It can be additionally loaded without strong change of its features and qualities. (1 point)
The principal stages within Functional zoning are given in Figure 1.
Based on the Spatial Planning Methodology two ICZM pilot projects were implemented for the resorts Malaya Yalta (Ukraine, Azov Sea coast) and Gelendzhik (Russia, Black Sea coast) in 1998-2000 withinTACIS project, and proposals for development of spatial plans were prepared. Assessment of importance and sensitivity of natural components (water, soil, vegetation, fauna, sea environment) was carried out, natural and administrative restrictions for land use were identified, ecological and inter-sectoral conflicts were revealed and solutions were proposed. Based on this research, a strategy for sustainable tourism was developed for the recreational zone of Malaya Yalta and Gelendzhik Resort. The TACIS pilot projects revealed the advantages and disadvantages of the Methodology and later it was improved within the framework of the EuropeAid project (2002 - 2004). Based on the adjusted Methodology another Pilot project for the Gelendzhik Resort was implemented. The Scheme of Functional Zoning for the Gelendzhik Resort is given in Figure 2.
Figure II.16.1.1. Stages within Functional Zoning
Figure II.16.1.2. Scheme of Functional Zoning for the Resort Gelendzhik
Results of this work have been highly commended and decision was taken to improve Methodology taking into account lessons learned. One of the components within the next EuropeAid project Technical Assistance to the Black Sea Environmental Program (2002 - 2004) included the development of the following documents:- Black Sea Regional ICZM Strategy and Action Plan;
- Guidelines For Preparation of National Codes of Conduct For Coastal Zones of Black Sea States;
- ICZM Tools and Techniques (Best practices);
- Methodology of Spatial Planning for Coastal zones;
- ICZM Pilot Project in Gelendzhik;
- Glossary of ICZM Legal Terms;
- Legislative improvement and distribution.
All documents mentioned above, as well as the detailed description of the ICZM Pilot Project for the Gelendzhik Resort can be found on the web-site of the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution http://www.blacksea-commission.org in the section of the ICZM Advisory Group.
The Experience derived from 10-years of work was utilized and developed further within the framework of the UNDP-GEF Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project (BSERP) 2002 - 2007. There was a series of ICZM-related activities supported/implemented within BSERP.
Black Sea ICZM Strategy
Draft Regional Black Sea Strategy on ICZM was developed by the ICZM Activity Center with a technical support from the EuropeAid Project Technical Assistance to the Black Sea Environmental Program. The Black Sea Commission approved the Strategy during its 11th Meeting (November 2004). The Commission decided to commence official consultations in the Contracting Parties at the inter-ministerial level.
A Comparative Analysis between the Draft Regional Black Sea ICZM Strategy and the EU Policies has been prepared in 2005 by BSERP. As a follow-up, in support to the national consultations process for the adoption of the Draft ICZM Regional Strategy a Questionnaire on National Comments on the ICZM related Articles of the BS SAP and the Draft Regional ICZM Strategy was developed.
After analysis of national comments the following conclusions were made:
- Legal framework and management instruments, as well as inter-sectoral committees are needed in all Black Sea countries to facilitate ICZM implementation;
- Romania is the only Black Sea Country where legal framework and management instruments, as well as inter-sectoral committees have been developed and enforced;
- ICZM Guidelines are needed and they have to be developed in a separate document/set of documents;
- The Black Sea ICZM Strategic Action Plan should be incorporated in the overall Black Sea Strategic Action Plan;
- ICZM Protocol to the Black Sea Convention should be developed and adopted;
ICZM Pilot Project in Turkey (2007)
Another ICZM Pilot Project was realized in 2007 with support of BSERP by specialists of the Istanbul Technical University. The main task of this project was again testing the BS Methodology on Spatial Planning for Coastal Zones, but in Turkey. Akakoca municipality was chosen as a pilot region (Black Sea coast of Turkey).
This testing of the Methodology highlighted its potential and benefits as well as some critical conditions, limitations or constraints in implementation in Turkey. They were as follows:
- The lack of national strategy and development plan for coastal areas has hindered the realization of ICZM in Turkey;
- Insufficient data on coastal marine environment;
- For successful implementation the project needed longer period than the provided 6 months.
Besides, the implementation of the Pilot Project in Akakoca contributed to increasing the awareness of stakeholders from the national to local levels. Overall evaluation of this study showed that the Methodology on Spatial Planning had a great potential in outlining the multi-dimensional structure of the coastal zone management, in describing the conflicting interests and in developing of an integrated management model.
Figure II.16.1.3. Functional Zoning of Akakoca District
During the evaluation process different zones of Akakoca region were identified:
K: the most developed area.
A: area with predominance of agriculture, forestry, recreation and tourism.
B: area of agriculture and forestry.
C: highly dense rural settlements; area of agriculture and natural tourism.
D: area of coastal tourism and recreation supported by agriculture, forestry and transportation.
E: area of agriculture and forestry. Area of intersectoral conflict agriculture - forestry.
F: area is not suitable for the human activities; environmental protection and forestry are recommended.
G: forestry is recommended for this area.
H: area with the soil affected by agricultural activities. Forestry and environmental protection combined with soil improvement activities are recommended.
The study revealed main conflicts between different land-uses, general social and economic trends, and general behaviour model of the Akakoca inhabitants. It was obvious that the existing conflicts could not be solved in the short term. The project team recommended to carry out further longer-term study to discuss alternative and sustainable ways of the district development, certain social programs, training activities, etc. for the local authorities and stakeholders. The latter activities were proposed to stimulate public awareness of inhabitants as an essential part of ICZM.
The Methodology was tested also within the new EU (TACIS) Project on Environmental Collaboration for the Black Sea (2006-2009). ICZM Pilot Project was realized in Georgia in Tskhaltsminda village, a coastal community of Supsa municipality, District of Landskhuti in the Region of Guria. The Project was focused on two main goals:
testing assumption of ICZM strategy at the local level and facilitating sustainable coastal community development in Tskhaltsminda village;
development of ICZM Spatial Plan for the Tskhaltsminda village.
The spatial planning methodology has proven its value in Tskhaltminda , Georgia as in previous pilot projects. It was successfully used for conflicts resolution and illustration of opportunities for the village development.
Feasibility Study on ICZM Instrument to the Bucharest Convention
It was recognised that the definition of legal provisions for ICZM in the Black Sea region was an area requiring special attention from the Contracting Parties of the Bucharest Convention. A feasibility study for an ICZM protocol to the Convention was undertaken (financially supported by BSERP). The study was based also on evaluation of experience in preparation of ICZM protocol by other regional seas conventions. The objectives developed (Vinogradov S., 2007) were as follows:
- To provide an overview of all existing documents relevant to coastal zone management in the Black Sea at national and international levels;
- To make use of the experiences of other Conventions, in particular in the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas;
- To evaluate the implementation of the existing protocols to the Bucharest Convention;
- To demonstrate whether a legally binding instrument to the existing convention will be helpful and/or sufficient to meet the objectives of the ICZM regional strategy, to assure better coastal management in the Black Sea countries;
- To identify and assess at least 3 options for an ICZM document;
- To identify and justify the most feasible solution.
After a comprehensive analysis, a two-step approach was recommended:
- Short-medium term (next 2-5 years) - adoption and implementation of the suggested combination of ICZM instruments: ICZM Declaration, Code of Practice and Action Plan.
- Long-term (5-10 years) elaboration of an ICZM protocol to the Bucharest Convention.
Black Sea Commission ICZM Advisory Group
The Black Sea Commission (BSC) is the inter-governmental organization responsible for the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention), its four Protocols and Strategic Action Plan, aiming at preserving the Black Sea ecosystem as a valuable natural endowment of the region, whilst ensuring the protection of its marine and coastal living resources as a condition for sustainable development of the Black Sea coastal states, well-being, health and security of their population. The Permanent Secretariat of the BSC started functioning in 2000. One of its subsidiary bodies is the ICZM Advisory Group, which actively supports the ICZM activities of the BSC. The group is responsible for the annual ICZM report of the BSC (published on www.blacksea-commission.org, without public access for the moment), submitting also regularly data on the state of the coast and development of ICZM in the Black Sea states. The reported annually data covers development of policy/legislation, projects and different ICZM indicators in the fields and sectors of: Population and Geography, Energy, Water and wastewater, Biodiversity, Coastal erosion, Economy, Tourism, Soild waste management, Agriculture, Industry, Transport and Climate.
The ICZM AG accepted in 2007 to measure the implementation of ICZM in the Black Sea region using the Progress Marker Set (http://www.eucc.net/en/policy/index.htm), elaborated by EUCC-the Coastal Union. The results of the investigation were published in the SAP Implementation report of the BSC 2002-2007 (www.blacksea-commission.org) showing good progress in the region during the last 5 years in coastal planning/management and development of legal/policy framework for ICZM at the national level, reflected in more sustainable use of the Black Sea coasts and resources of coastal waters.
The economic and environmental situation in the Black Sea region is associated with certain problems but also with a great variety of possibilities for development. The Bucharest Convention laid the grounds for the implementation of ICZM in the Black Sea Region. Integrated Coastal Zone Management is also recognised in the new Strategic Action Plan for the rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea (adopted in April 2009) as the main instrument to achieve sustainable development in the region through the involvement of all stakeholders.
Based on 15 years of experience, we can now measure not only the accomplishments in ICZM, but also to outline the next steps to be undertaken. The Black Sea states showed considerable progress in coastal planning and management leading to more sustainable use of the coastal zone. However, stronger political support is needed for the ICZM process and long-term financial commitment. Crucial step should be the development or further development of ICZM legislation at the Black Sea national and regional levels. New ICZM pilot projects should be initiated, as they offer unique opportunities for enhancing ICZM expertise using and improving the available BS spatial planning methodology and ICZM strategy. Information exchange on best available practices should be more actively pursued in the region. The region should also agree on and use regularly a coherent system of indicators for an integral assessment of the Black Sea coastal zones state and implementation of ICZM.
Bosch R., (1999) Spatial planning and Coastal Code of Conduct as instruments in ICZM, MEDCOAST 99 - EMECS 99, Joint Conference, Land- Ocean Interactions: Managing Coastal Ecosystems, 9 - 13 November 1999; Antalya, Turkey, pp. 1061-1068
Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent (2002), Recommendation (2002) 1 by the Committee of Ministers to Member States. The Council of Europes European Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional/Spatial Planning (CEMAT)
Functional Zoning for the Territory of Gelendzhik Resort. Pilot Project (2004), EuropeAid Technical Assistance to the Black Sea Environmental Programme, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Methodology of Spatial Planning for the Coastal Zone (2000), TACIS Funds for the Black Sea, Environmental Programme, Component ICZM, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Summary Report on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Black Sea Region (1996), GEF Black Sea Environmental Program, World Bank.
Testing of Methodology On Spatial Planning for ICZM. Akakoca District Pilot Project (2007). UNDP-GEF Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project, Phase II, Istanbul Technical University.
Vinogradov S., (2007), A Feasibility Study For the ICZM Instrument to the 1992 Bucharest Convention. UNDP-GEF Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project, Phase II
Yarmak L., (2004), Methodology for Spatial Planning within Integrated Coastal Zone Management, EuropeAid Technical Assistance to the Black Sea Environmental Programme, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
List of abbreviations
BSEP - Black Sea Environmental Program
BSERP - Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project
BS SAP - Black Sea Strategic Action Plan (1996)
EU - European Union
GEF - Global Environmental Facility
ICZM - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
TACIS - Technical Assistance to Commonwealth of Independent States
UNDP - United Nations Development Program
UNEP - United Nations Environmental Program
II.16.2. Indicators for Measuring Progress in the Implementation of ICZM (Progress markers)
Country: BULGARIA Region: VARNA, BOURGAS, DOBRICH Local area: 18 coastal municipalities
Phase | Action | Description | Local | National | Regional | ||||
2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | ||||
Aspects of coastal planning and management are in place | 1 | Decisions about planning and managing the coast are governed by general legal instruments. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
2 | Sectoral stakeholders meet on an ad hoc basis to discuss specific coastal and marine issues. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
3 | There are spatial development plans which include the coastal zone (but do not) AND THEY treat it as a distinct and separate entity. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
4 | Aspects of the coastal zone, including marine areas, are regularly monitored. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
5 | Planning on the coast includes the statutory protection of natural areas. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
A framework exists for taking ICZM forward | 6 | Existing instruments are being adapted and combined to deal with coastal planning and management issues. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
7 | Adequate funding is usually available for undertaking actions on the coast. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
8 | A stocktake of the coast (identifying who does what, where and how) has been carried out. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
9 | There is a formal mechanism whereby stakeholders meet regularly to discuss a range of coastal and marine issues. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
10 | Ad hoc actions on the coast are being carried out that include recognisable elements of ICZM. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
11 | A sustainable development strategy which includes specific references to coasts and seas is in place. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
12 | Guidelines have been produced by national, regional or local governments which advise planning authorities on appropriate uses of the coastal zone. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Most aspects of an ICZM approach to planning and managing the coast are in place and functioning reasonably well | 13 | All relevant parties concerned in the ICZM decision-making process have been identified and are involved. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
14 | A report on the State of the Coast has been written with the intention of repeating the exercise every five or ten years. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
15 | There is a statutory coastal zone management plan. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
16 | Strategic Environmental Assessments are used commonly to examine policies, strategies and plans for the coastal zone. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
17 | A non-statutory coastal zone management strategy has been drawn up and an action plan is being implemented. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
18 | There are open channels of communication between those responsible for the coast at all levels of government. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
19 | Each administrative level has at least one member of staff whose sole responsibility is ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
20 | Statutory development plans span the interface between land and sea. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
21 | Spatial planning of sea areas is required by law. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
22 | A properly staffed and properly funded partnership of coastal and marine stakeholders is in place. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
23 | ICZM partnerships are consulted routinely about proposals to do with the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
24 | Adequate mechanisms are in place to allow coastal communities to take a participative role in ICZM decisions. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
An efficient, adaptive and integrative process is embedded at all levels of governance and is delivering greater sustainable useof the coast | 25 | There is strong, constant and effective political support for the ICZM process. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
26 | There is routine (rather than occasional) cooperation across coastal and marine boundaries. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
27 | A comprehensive set of coastal and marine indicators is being used to assess progress towards a more sustainable situation. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
28 | A long-term financial commitment is in place for the implementation of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
29 | End users have access to as much information of sufficient quality as they need to make timely, coherent and well-crafted decisions. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
30 | Mechanisms for reviewing and evaluating progress in implementing ICZM are embedded in governance. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
31 | Monitoring shows a demonstrable trend towards a more sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Country: GEORGIA Region: Generic Treatment Local area: Generic Treatment
Note: Time milestones for measuring the progress with ICZM indicators corresponds to joint Ministerial meetings and international cooperative actions (Odessa Declaration 1993, Istanbul Black Sea Strategic Action Plan 1996, Sofia Declaration 2002, and 2008).
Country: ROMANIA Region: Black Sea Local area : Romanian coastal zone - Constanta &Tulcea area
Phase | Action | Description | Local | National | Regional | |||
2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | |||
Aspects of coastal planning and management are in place | 1 | Decisions about planning and managing the coast are governed by general legal instruments. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | Sectoral stakeholders meet on an ad hoc basis to discuss specific coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | |
3 | There are spatial development plans which include the coastal zone but do 0t treat it as a distinct and separate entity. | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
4 | Aspects of the coastal zone, including marine areas, are regularly monitored. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
5 | Planning on the coast includes the statutory protection of natural areas. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
A framework exists for taking ICZM forward | 6 | Existing instruments are being adapted and combined to deal with coastal planning and management issues. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
7 | Adequate funding is usually available for undertaking actions on the coast. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | |
8 | A stocktake of the coast (identifying who does what, where and how) has been carried out. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | |
9 | There is a formal mechanism whereby stakeholders meet regularly to discuss a range of coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
10 | Ad hoc actions on the coast are being carried out that include recognisable elements of ICZM. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
11 | A sustainable development strategy which includes specific references to coasts and seas is in place. | 0 | 1(draft) | 0 | 1(draft) | 0 | 0 | |
12 | Guidelines have been produced by national, regional or local governments which advise planning authorities on appropriate uses of the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1(draft methodologies on specific issues) | 0 | 0 | |
Most aspects of an ICZM approach to planning and managing the coast are in place and functioning reasonably well | 13 | All relevant parties concerned in the ICZM decision-making process have been identified and are involved. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
14 | A report on the State of the Coast has been written with the intention of repeating the exercise every five or ten years. | 0 | 1(State of coast environment) | 0 | 1(State of coast environment) | 0 | 1 | |
15 | There is a statutory coastal zone management plan. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
16 | Strategic Environmental Assessments are used commonly to examine policies, strategies and plans for the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
17 | A 0n-statutory coastal zone management strategy has been drawn up and an action plan is being implemented. | 0 | 1(Draft) | 0 | 1(Draft) | 0 | 0 | |
18 | There are open channels of communication between those responsible for the coast at all levels of government. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
19 | Each administrative level has at least one member of staff whose sole responsibility is ICZM. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
20 | Statutory development plans span the interface between land and sea. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
21 | Spatial planning of sea areas is required by law. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
22 | A properly staffed and properly funded partnership of coastal and marine stakeholders is in place. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
23 | ICZM partnerships are consulted routinely about proposals to do with the coastal zone. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | |
24 | Adequate mechanisms are in place to allow coastal communities to take a participative role in ICZM decisions. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
An efficient, adaptive and integrative process is embedded at all levels of governance and is delivering greater sustainable useof the coast | 25 | There is strong, constant and effective political support for the ICZM process. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
26 | There is routine (rather than occasional) cooperation across coastal and marine boundaries. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
27 | A comprehensive set of coastal and marine indicators is being used to assess progress towards a more sustainable situation. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
28 | A long-term financial commitment is in place for the implementation of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
29 | End users have access to as much information of sufficient quality as they need to make timely, coherent and well-crafted decisions. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
30 | Mechanisms for reviewing and evaluating progress in implementing ICZM are embedded in governance. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
31 | Monitoring shows a demonstrable trend towards a more sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Country: Russian Federation; Region: Black Sea Local area : Krasnodar krai, Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik
Phase | Action | Description | Local | Regional | National | |||
2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2000 | 2005 | 2000 | |||
Aspects of coastal planning and management are in place | 1 | Decisions about planning and managing the coast are governed by general legal instruments. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
2 | Sectoral stakeholders meet on an ad hoc basis to discuss specific coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | There are spatial development plans which include the coastal zone but do not treat it as a distinct and separate entity. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
4 | Aspects of the coastal zone, including marine areas, are regularly monitored. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
5 | Planning on the coast includes the statutory protection of natural areas. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
A framework exists for taking ICZM forward | 6 | Existing instruments are being adapted and combined to deal with coastal planning and management issues. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
7 | Adequate funding is usually available for undertaking actions on the coast. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
8 | A stocktake of the coast (identifying who does what, where and how) has been carried out. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
9 | There is a formal mechanism whereby stakeholders meet regularly to discuss a range of coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
10 | Ad hoc actions on the coast are being carried out that include recognisable elements of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
11 | A sustainable development strategy which includes specific references to coasts and seas is in place. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
12 | Guidelines have been produced by national, regional or local governments which advise planning authorities on appropriate uses of the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Most aspects of an ICZM approach to planning and managing the coast are in place and functioning reasonably well | 13 | All relevant parties concerned in the ICZM decision-making process have been identified and are involved. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | A report on the State of the Coast has been written with the intention of repeating the exercise every five or ten years. | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
15 | There is a statutory coastal zone management plan. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
16 | Strategic Environmental Assessments are used commonly to examine policies, strategies and plans for the coastal zone. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
17 | A non-statutory coastal zone management strategy has been drawn up and an action plan is being implemented. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
18 | There are open channels of communication between those responsible for the coast at all levels of government. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
19 | Each administrative level has at least one member of staff whose sole responsibility is ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
20 | Statutory development plans span the interface between land and sea. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
21 | Spatial planning of sea areas is required by law. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
22 | A properly staffed and properly funded partnership of coastal and marine stakeholders is in place. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
23 | ICZM partnerships are consulted routinely about proposals to do with the coastal zone. | |||||||
24 | Adequate mechanisms are in place to allow coastal communities to take a participative role in ICZM decisions. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |
An efficient, adaptive and integrative process is embedded at all levels of governance and is delivering greater sustainable useof the coast | 25 | There is strong, constant and effective political support for the ICZM process. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | There is routine (rather than occasional) cooperation across coastal and marine boundaries. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
27 | A comprehensive set of coastal and marine indicators is being used to assess progress towards a more sustainable situation. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
28 | A long-term financial commitment is in place for the implementation of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
29 | End users have access to as much information of sufficient quality as they need to make timely, coherent and well-crafted decisions. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
30 | Mechanisms for reviewing and evaluating progress in implementing ICZM are embedded in governance. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
31 | Monitoring shows a demonstrable trend towards a more sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Country :TURKEY Region : BLACK SEA Local area: Any local area in the region
Phase | Action | Description | Local | National | Regional | |||
2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | |||
Aspects of coastal planning and management are in place | 1 | Decisions about planning and managing the coast are governed by general legal instruments. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | Sectoral stakeholders meet on an ad hoc basis to discuss specific coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | There are spatial development plans which include the coastal zone but do not treat it as a distinct and separate entity. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
4 | Aspects of the coastal zone, including marine areas, are regularly monitored. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
5 | Planning on the coast includes the statutory protection of natural areas. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
A framework exists for taking ICZM forward | 6 | Existing instruments are being adapted and combined to deal with coastal planning and management issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | Adequate funding is usually available for undertaking actions on the coast. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
8 | A stocktake of the coast (identifying who does what, where and how) has been carried out. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
9 | There is a formal mechanism whereby stakeholders meet regularly to discuss a range of coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
10 | Ad hoc actions on the coast are being carried out that include recognisable elements of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
11 | A sustainable development strategy which includes specific references to coasts and seas is in place. | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
12 | Guidelines have been produced by national, regional or local governments which advise planning authorities on appropriate uses of the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Most aspects of an ICZM approach to planning and managing the coast are in place and functioning reasonably well | 13 | All relevant parties concerned in the ICZM decision-making process have been identified and are involved. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | A report on the State of the Coast has been written with the intention of repeating the exercise every five or ten years. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
15 | There is a statutory coastal zone management plan. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
16 | Strategic Environmental Assessments are used commonly to examine policies, strategies and plans for the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
17 | A non-statutory coastal zone management strategy has been drawn up and an action plan is being implemented. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
18 | There are open channels of communication between those responsible for the coast at all levels of government. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
19 | Each administrative level has at least one member of staff whose sole responsibility is ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
20 | Statutory development plans span the interface between land and sea. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
21 | Spatial planning of sea areas is required by law. | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
22 | A properly staffed and properly funded partnership of coastal and marine stakeholders is in place. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
23 | ICZM partnerships are consulted routinely about proposals to do with the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
24 | Adequate mechanisms are in place to allow coastal communities to take a participative role in ICZM decisions. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
An efficient, adaptive and integrative process is embedded at all levels of governance and is delivering greater sustainable useof the coast | 25 | There is strong, constant and effective political support for the ICZM process. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | There is routine (rather than occasional) cooperation across coastal and marine boundaries. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
27 | A comprehensive set of coastal and marine indicators is being used to assess progress towards a more sustainable situation. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
28 | A long-term financial commitment is in place for the implementation of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
29 | End users have access to as much information of sufficient quality as they need to make timely, coherent and well-crafted decisions. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
30 | Mechanisms for reviewing and evaluating progress in implementing ICZM are embedded in governance. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
31 | Monitoring shows a demonstrable trend towards a more sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Phase | Action | Description | Local | National | Regional | |||
2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | 2000 | 2005 | |||
Aspects ofcoastalplanningandmanagementare in place | 1 | Decisions about planning and managing the coast are governed by general legal instruments. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | Sectoral stakeholders meet on an ad hoc basis to discuss specific coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
3 | There are spatial development plans which include the coastal zone but do not treat it as a distinct and separate entity. | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1(Law on General Scheme of planning of the territory of Ukraine, 2002) | 0 | 1 | |
4 | Aspects of the coastal zone, including marine areas are regularly monitored. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 (State Inspection of Black and Azov Seas) | 1 | 1 | |
5 | Planning on the coast includes the statutory protection of natural areas. | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Aframeworkexists fortakingICZMforward | 6 | Existing instruments are being adapted and combined to deal with coastal planning and management issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | Adequate funding is usually available for undertaking actions on the coast. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
8 | A stocktake of the coast (identifying who does what, where and how) has been carried out. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
9 | There is a formal mechanism whereby stakeholders meet regularly to discuss a range of coastal and marine issues. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 (Commission of Black and Azov Seas under the Law on Programme) | 0 | 0 | |
10 | Ad hoc actions on the coast are being carried out that include recognisable elements of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
11 | A sustainable development strategy which includes specific references to coasts and seas is in place. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
12 | Guidelines have been produced by national, regional or local governments which advise planning authorities on appropriate uses of the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Most aspectsof an ICZMapproach toplanningandmanagingthe coast arein place andfunctioningreasonablywell | 13 | All relevant parties concerned in the ICZM decision-making process have been identified and are involved. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | A report on the State of the Coast has been written with the intention of repeating the exercise every five or ten years. | 1 | 1 ( Report of Inspection of Black and Azov Seas) | 1 ( Report of Inspection of Black and Azov Seas) | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
15 | There is a statutory coastal zone management plan. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
16 | Strategic Environmental Assessments are used commonly to examine policies, strategies and plans for the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
17 | A non-statutory coastal zone management strategy has been drawn up and an action plan is being implemented. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
18 | There are open channels of communication between those responsible for the coast at all levels of government. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
19 | Each administrative level has at least one member of staff whose sole responsibility is ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
20 | Statutory development plans span the interface between land and sea. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
21 | Spatial planning of sea areas is required by law. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
22 | A properly staffed and properly funded partnership of coastal and marine stakeholders is in place. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
23 | ICZM partnerships are consulted routinely about proposals to do with the coastal zone. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
24 | Adequate mechanisms are in place to allow coastal communities to take a participative role in ICZM decisions. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
An efficient,adaptiveandintegrativeprocess isembedded atall levels ofgovernanceand isdeliveringgreatersustainableuseof the coast | 25 | There is strong, constant and effective political support for the ICZM process. | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
26 | There is routine (rather than occasional) cooperation across coastal and marine boundaries. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
27 | A comprehensive set of coastal and marine indicators is being used to assess progress towards a more sustainable situation. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
28 | A long-term financial commitment is in place for the implementation of ICZM. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
29 | End users have access to as much information of sufficient quality as they need to make timely, coherent and well-crafted decisions. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
30 | Mechanisms for reviewing and evaluating progress in implementing ICZM are embedded in governance. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
31 | Monitoring shows a demonstrable trend towards a sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Figure II.17.1.a Nutrient loads for all reported rivers to the BSC (TDA, 2007)
Figure 1 .b Nutrient loads of the Danube River stemming to the Black Sea (TDA, 2007)
Figure 1 .c Long Term Variability of the Average Annual Nutrient Concentrations in the surface (a and c) and bottom (b and d) waters of the western and eastern parts of the NWBS (1 - phosphates; 2 inorganic forms of the nitrogen and 3 - organic form of the nitrogen)
Source: ESTIMATION OF THE ECOLOGICAL STATE OF THE NORTH-WESTERN PART OF THE BLACK SEA, I. Loyeva, I. Orlova, N. Pavlenko, ,Yu. Popov, V. Ukrainskiy, Yu. Denga, V. Komorin, V. Lepeskin, Proceeding of the 1st biannual scientific conference of the Black Sea Commission, 2008 (in print, Ukrainian Scientific Center of Sea Ecology.) (Taken from the National Gap Analysis Report, 2007)
Atmospheric Pollution
Figure II.17.2 a. Atmospheric pollution: Trends in emissions and depositions of oxidised sulphur, oxidised nitrogen and reduced nitrogen. Units: Gg(S) or Gg (N).
Figure II.17.2 .b Atmospheric pollution: Comparison of CO2 emissions of 1990 and 2004 according UNDP-HDR
Figure II.17.2.c. Atmospheric pollution: Deposition of airborne Cd, Hg and Pb to the Black Sea Basin (Source: EMEP, http://www.msceast.org/countries/seas/seas_index.html)
Cadmium Mercury Lead
Waste Waters
Figure II.17.3. Urban and Rural Population connected to sewage treatment
![]() |
![]() |
Figure II.17.4. Number of ship inspections performed by BS States
Note: The system of Russia for counting non-compliance is not number of ships, but number of detected inconsistencies with requirements, they can be many per ship.
Figure II.17.5. Volume of dumped dredged spoils (m3) in Romania, Russian Federation and Ukraine in 1996-2006.
Oil spills
Figure II.17.6. A. Number of oil spills in 2005 and 2006 (ESAS AG Annual Report, 2007)
Transportation of hazardous substances
Figure II.17.6.B. Amount of hazardous substances transported via the Istanbul strait in 1996-2006 (data of the TU Ministry of Environment and Forestry)
Fishery, Cetaceans, protected areas
Figure II.17.7. Total capture production of main fish species (pelagıc (A) and demersal (B)) in the Black Sea during 1989 -2005 (FOMLR AG Annual Report, 2007)

Capture Production | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | Average |
Rapana | 3 800 | 4 015.8 | 3 353.4 | 698.0 | 324.0 | 2 427.9 | 510.9 | 2 161.5 |
Black Sea Mussel | 6.5 | 55.0 | 15.1 | 33.7 | 10.4 | 24.1 |
Figure II.17.8. Results of special investigations of population sizes of the three Black Sea cetaceans (Alexei Birkun, CBD AG Annual Report, 2007)
Figure II.17.9. Protected areas in the Black Sea by country
[1] Population of Dzoubga is 5,200 people. WWTP exists and complies with Existing standards
[2] Bulgaria and Turkey do not report on dumping
[3] Draft ICZM legislation prepared but not under formal consultation yet.
[4] Kolkheti National Park (KNP) legislation enacted in 1999 (but not yet enforced in its entirety).
[5] Shoreline management strips delimited (and approved); General Scheme for the Black Sea Coast of Georgia developed (but not approved yet).
[6] ICZM State Consultative Commission established by Presidential Decree (but irregular meetings; no decision-making power).
[7] ICZM State Consultative Commission abolished (ICZM Working Group reactivated, but still at inception stage).
[8] Kolkheti National Park (KNP) Advisory Council established in 2005 (irregular meetings; no decision-making power, only advisory and consultative role).
[9] Preparation of the statutory KNP management plan initiated with substantial spatial planning/zoning component ( of Georgian CZ).
[10] Kolkheti Protected Areas (KPA) (KNP and Kobuleti Nature Reserve/KNR) management plans approved by the Ministry of Environment.
[11] Local zoning plans prepared for several coastal settlements but not yet approved statutorily (Kobuleti, Batumi, Poti).
[12] WB/GEF funded Georgia ICM Project (GICMP) appraised (1999) and implementation completed (2007).
[13] GICMP finalized; small scale ICZM funding bridged by EU project ICZM component.
[14] GICMP included component for Kolkheti wetlands establishment and management which can be considered as a regional initiative.
[15] Small community grant scheme was developed and international funding secured for 30 communities around the Kolkheti protected areas.
[16] EU funded project ICZM component provides certain minor resources for the local ICZM pilot project (Tskaltsminda).
[17] National ICZM Report prepared in 1996.
[18] ICZM component of GICMP undertook socio-economic assessment and other stocktaking tasks for Georgias coastal zone management.
[19] KNP stakeholder analysis undertaken.
[20] ICZM Demonstration projects implemented in Kobuleti (combining community development, beach management and coastal/wetland interpretation).
[21] National ICZM Policies and Strategies document prepared, certain strategic actions implemented but others remain pending.
[22] ICZM Policy note and ICZM Work Program prepared and submitted for consideration of high level decision-makers / National Coastal Strategy is under preparation.
[23] ICZM Guidelines prepared and endorsed by the Minister of Environment but implementation is at early stage of development.
[24] Kolkheti Wetlands management planning guidelines produced and implemented (Georgia joined Ramsar Convention, established KNP).
[25] National ICZM Focal Point designated.
[26] ICZM Centre established in charge of implementing GICMP project.
[27] ICZM Centre dissolved. National ICZM Focal Point remains designated. Reportedly Monitoring and Prognosis Center has ICZM staff with certain experience.
[28] Adjara Department of Natural Resources designated ICZM personnel, functions are yet limited. KNP administration could be considered as in charge of Kolkheti coast.
[29] Regional Black Sea Action Plan signed, Georgia joined Ramsar Convention and designated Kolkheti wetlands, Georgia ICZM Program initiated.
[30] Due to certain coastal developments and changes in the Governments policy directions support to integrated management approaches dwindled and remains subdued.
[31] Annual national reports are being prepared for Black Sea Commission. ICZM progress indicator tool was adopted as well and national reporting initiated.
[32] Despite several drawbacks Kolkheti protected areas are functioning and contributing to improved protection of coastal resources.
Annex III: LBS Report 2007: Land Based Pressures on the Black Sea.
The Reports deals with Municipal, Industrial Pollution Sources and Riverine Loads to Coastal Waters.
Municipal Sources include the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) discharges from the residential (urban) areas that were reported by the BS States. For the municipal pollution sources five parameters, which are BOD5, Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Flow (Q), have been selected to illustrate in this report.
The six Municipal Sources, identified as Hot Spots, reported by Bulgaria are Balchik, Asparuhovo, Tsarevo, Varna, Bourgas and Sozopol.
As it is illustrated in the Figure above, the highest BOD contribution is coming from Varna WWTP and Sozopol sewerage which have app 54% and 15% of the total amount respectively in 2007. Naturally, Varna has the biggest load for Bulgaria because it is one of the biggest cities in the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
Since Bourgas WWTP does not discharge directly into the sea, Varna is the largest source that discharges directly into the Black sea.
Georgia has reported only 3 parameters in 2006, which are BOD-5, TSS and Q. Six Municipal Sources reported by Georgia are Kobuleti, Kutaisi, Poti, Tskhaltobo, Zugdidi and Batumi.
Kutaisi and Batumi seems the largest BOD-5 and TSS sources among the six municipal sources reported by Georgia. However, due to the fact that the other points were not reported by Georgia, we can not conclude clearly as Kutaisi and Batumi are the largest pollution sources. Neither TN nor TP were reported for 2006 by Georgia.
Romania has four municipal sources, which are Constanta Sud, Canstanta Nord, Eforie Sud and Mangalia.
Constanta Sud (south) is the largest pollution source along the Romanian coastline.
Russian Federation Municipal sources of pollution at the Black Sea | Adler |
Kudepsta | |
Bzugu | |
Navaginskiye | |
Dagomis | |
Lazarevskiye | |
Tuapse | |
Gelendzhik | |
Kabardinka | |
Novorossiysk | |
Anapa |
Turkey has seven municipal sources, which are Trabzon, Samsun, Zonguldak, Giresun, Ordu, Bafra and Ereğli.
Samsun WWTP is the largest pollution sources among the seven sources that Turkey reports.
Ukraine has eight municipal and one mixed discharging points, which are Pivdenni, Pivnichni, Balaklava, Yevpatoriya, Sevastopol, Yalta, Gurzuf, Illichevsk and Port Yuzhni (mixed source). Ukraine has not reported all the parameters and all of the sources; therefore it is difficult to assess the largest pollution source for the BS coming from Ukraine.
TN was not reported by Ukraine. To give an idea, the sum of NO2-N, NO3-N and NH3-N was used instead of TN.
* NO2-N+ NO3-N+ NH3-N
As it was mentioned before, it is difficult to determine which municipal source has the largest load to the BS among the WWTPs that Ukraine reports because of the lack of data. So, the decline in the trend may not reflect an actual decrease.
Industrial sources that were reported by the BS States include, oil terminal, mining activities, ports and other relevant industries within the coastal line of the BS States. Every State has named its own industry and reported their effluents to the Commission. BOD5, TSS, Q and heavy metal concentrations were selected to illustrate in this report. Since most of the states have gaps on these parameters in their reports, evaluation of the industrial inputs fully is not possible.
Bulgaria reports five industrial sources, which are Lukoil Neftochim Bourgas AD - oil terminal Rosenets, Port Varna, Port Buurgas, Solvey Sodi AD and Lukoil Neftochim Bourgas AD - oil refinery (central treatment plan). From them three industrial sources are reported as Hot Spots.
Georgia has only one industry, Batumu Oil Terminal, to report.
Heavy metals and TSS for 2006 were not reported by Georgia.
There are two industries along the Romanian cost that were reported to the Commission, which are Rompetrol (refinery and petrochemical plant) and Oil Terminal. Heavy metals were not reported by Romania.
Russian Federation | Ballast water treatment plant, Tuapse | Tuapse | Oil pollution | "Nafta-T" company |
Ballast water treatment plant, Novorossiysk | Novorossiysk | Oil pollution | Chernomortransneft |
The industries that were reported by Turkey are Turas KBI Murgul, TUGSAS Samsun and KBI Samsun Copper. The reported parameters are presented below:

Industry loads have not been reported by Ukraine.
Riverine Loads to Coastal Water
According to the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan, all riparian countries report the agreed parameters that are measured in the individual rivers that flow to the Black Sea in their coastline. Ukraine reports eight rivers, Russia reports six rivers, Georgia and Turkey report five rivers, Romania reports three rivers (braches of Danube) and Bulgaria reports two rivers. In this report, total riverine inputs from each county for 2006 were evaluated for TN, TP, BOD-5 and TSS loads and Q. Total riverine input from Romania was plotted separately since the total load from Romania (Danube) was very high when compared with the other countries. In fact Danube is the largest pollution source for the Black Sea in comparison with the other reported rivers.
Additionally, total loads for 2004 and 2005 were included to show general picture.
Georgia has not reported TN for all of the five rivers. TN load reported in 2004 is the load from Rioni (north) only and loads reported in 2005 and 2006 includes loads from Rioni North and Tchorokhi. Georgia has not reported TN in 2006; hence the sum of NO2-N, NO3-N and NH3-N was used instead of TN. TN load reported by Turkey in 2004 is also the cumulative of NO2-N, NO3-N and NH3-N (excluding Ammonia from Filyos exit and oruh River).
Measured at Reni, SoE Report data.
Evaluation of TP load from the rivers may not give a clear information since some of the countries have not reported it at all, while the others have reported the values not from all rivers within their borders. In 2004, the TP load reported by Turkey includes loads from Sakarya and oruh Rivers and load reported by Romania includes only Sulina Branch load.
The second Fıgure above shows the TP VALUES Measured at Reni (TNMN data, ICPDR Reporting to the BSC). TP value for Reni in 2005 is indeed substantially elevated, but this value was double-checked by the Romanian monitoring experts and approved formally by Romania. The difference betweeen 2005 and 2004 is that in 2005 a substantial increase in suspended solids load was observed at Reni being a carrier of TP. But of course other factors can play certain role as well.
Biologic Oxygen Demand (BOD-5)
BOD-5 loads reported by Georgia and Turkey do not include Rioni (south) and oruh river, respectively.
Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Load
TSS loads reported by Turkey in 2004 and 2005 do not include Filyos Exit and oruh River and in 2005 it does not include oruh River. Similarly, Georgia has not reported TSS loads from Supsa River in 2004 and 2005, and TSS load from Rioni (South) in 2006.
Total Russian riverine flow in 2005 does not include flow from Tuapse.
Total River Input of Trace metals and organic pollutants (tonnes)
Rioni (north) |
Rioni (south) |
Tchorokhi |
Supsa |
Khobi |
Russian Federation, Sochi, trace metals and detergents (tonnes), hydrocarbons (kilotonnes)
Turkey (River Sakarya in tonnes)
Dnipro River (trace metals in tonnes)
Danube River (Chilia branch)
Southern Bug
Dniester River
Annex IV: Nationally reported data
(see also www.blacksea-commission.org BSIMAP and BSIS in Inf&Resources)
Reporting of PMA and LBS AG: Pollution, Monitoring and Assessment/Land Based Sources and cross-cutting issues with other Advisory Groups reporting (CBD, FOMLR, CBD and ICZM)
Contaminant important to be monitored | Policy questions addressed | BSIMAP Activity | Action by | Actions in 2007-2011undertaken already and planned |
Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu | What are the loads of trace metals from land-based sources of pollution? Are agreed measures effective in reducing pollution? | 1.Monitor discharges and estimate riverine, direct industrial and municipal loads 2. Regularly update the list of hot spots | AG LBS | To improve the reporting formatTo improve/quality check the regional database on land-based pollution dischargesTo compile national meta data on all industrial and municipal sources of pollution in the coastal BS zoneTo develop set of indicatorsto continue harmonizing monitoring strategies |
What are the concentrations in water, sediments and biota? | 1. Monitor concentrations in water, sediment and biota | AG PMA | To improve the format and procedure for information exchangeTo quality check the regional pollution monitoring databaseTo develop background values and assessment criteria for nvironmental qualityTo sustain the regional quality assurance and quality control system To develop set of indicators for reporting on the state of the Black Sea environmentTo outline trendsTo continue harmonizing the methods used and national monitoring strategies | |
Pesticides | What are the levels of pesticides in the water, sediments and biota? | Monitor concentrations in water, sediments and biota | AG PMA, LBS | To assess the scope of problem for the Black Sea by random sampling in the vicinity of major sourcers of organotin pollution (say major ship routes) |
PCBs (not reported by the BS states) | What are loads of PCBs in the Black Sea | Up to now not being included in the national reporting, to promote such observations needed | AG LBS | To compile national data if available: inventory of PCBs sources and preliminary assessment of loads, including riverrine inputs |
What are the concentration of PCBs in marine biota (including mammals) and bottom sediments | Needed pilot monitoring of PCBs levels in bottom sediments and biota and decision on their relevance for regional monitoring program | AG PMA | To propose including sampling for PCBs | |
PAHs | Which are the major sources and how large are the inputs | 1. To update the list of pollution sources 2. To assess input of PAHs from different pollution sources | AG LBS AG PMA | Further compile and quality check data on PAHs loads where available |
What are the concentrations in water, sediments and biota | 1. To carry out the screening of the levels of PAHs in water, biota and bottom sediments | AG PMA | To include PAHs measurements in programs of cruises 2. To quality check the existing information on PAHs concentrations in water, sediments and biota and | |
Do PAHs affect fish and shellfish | 1. To identify effects of contamination | 1. To incorporates random sampling where possible to address the problem (feasibility study) | ||
NHS | What chemicals are transported via the Black Sea? | Up to now not being included in the national reporting | AG ESAS | To compile meta data on regular transportationsIllegal discharges,Accidents |
Phenols | What are the loads of phenols coming from land-based sources of pollution? What are their concentrations in water and sediments? Do phenols pose risk to human health and Black Sea environment? | Conduct inventory of pollution sources of phenols, loads estimations, concentrations in water and sediments monitoring | AG LBS, PMA | To assess level of loads stemming to the marine environment To assess level and impact of phenol pollution on coastal waters and sediments To outline trends |
Detergents | What are the concentrations in Black Sea waters and sediments?What are the loads from rivers and other land-based sources of pollution? | Monitor concentrations of detergents in coastal waters, sediments, estimate loads | AG PMA | To assess level of detergents in coastal waters and sediments, improve reporting Outline trends |
Oil pollution, petroleum hydrocarbons | What are the pollution sources of oil | 1. To assess pollution loads of oil from land based sources and offshore installations2. Illegal discharges3. Accidents | AG LBS, ESAS | Compile national information on oil pollution, include satellite investigations, improve reporting |
What are the values of total petroleum hydrocarbons in water and sediments? | Monitor concentrations | Identify background values, assess oil pollution, improve reporting | ||
Radionuclides | What are the trends of radionuclides in the Black Sea? Do they pose risk to human health and Black Sea biota? | 1.Monitor concentrations of radionulides in water, sediments and biota 2. Assess risk to human health and biota | AG PMAIAEA | 1. Assess trends 2. Improve reporting and compilation of available data |
Eutrophication | ||||
Nutrients | Are agreed measures effective in reducing eutrophication?What are the levels of nutrients in water and sediments, what are the loads from rivers and other land-based sources of pollution? | Monitor concentrations and discharges, assess loads of nutrients | AG LBS AG PMA | Quality check, improve reporting, outline indicators and trends for loads and concentrationsIntroduce monitoring of nutrients in sediments to assess the level of secondary eutrophication |
Phytoplankton | How often phytoplankton blooms occur? What are the areas of most frequent phytoplankton blooms? What are the consequences for the Black Sea flora and fauna? | Monitor chlorophyll, phytoplankton abundance, biomass and species composition | AG PMAAG CBD | To contact JRC for satellite images,To improve reporting, to radically change the CBD reporting format |
Zoobenthos | What are zoobenthos communities structure and abundance? Are their state improving in comparison to previous periods? | Monitor abundance, species composition | AG CBD | Habitats classification and mapping, outline of trends |
State of other communities, endangered species | What is the state of macrophytes?Do numbers of endangered species increase? | Monitor abundance | AG CBD | Red data book update |
Litter | ||||
Sources and occurrence | What are the sources of litter, its amount, and areas of its occurrence | Continue assessing the scope of the problem in the Black Sea region | AG ESASAG LBS | 1. Include some observations in the GEF cruises |
Effects on birds and marine organisms | What are the effects on birds and marine organisms | Not part of the monitoring system | AG CBDAG FOMLR | Compile information |
Fisheries | ||||
Impact of fisheries on ecosystem | What are the trends in fish catches?Which species are overfished? By catches and discards levels? Bioaccumulation of toxic substances? Increase in fishing fleet? | monitor ichthyoparameters, assess stocks, catches, etc. | AG FOMLR AG PMA | Harmonization of methodologies, improvement of the format and national reporting, improved assessments of stocks, etc. |
Mariculture | initiate regular monitoring | AG FOMLR | Improve reporting | |
Genetic disturbance | What are the trends in aquaculture development? What species are cultivated? | Track the eutrophication effect of mariculture. | ||
Transfer of diseases | What diseases where reported? | |||
Chemicals used | What chemicals were used for treatment? | AG PMA | ||
Habitats destruction | Are destructive used in the Black Sea region? What are the reasons for habitats destruction in the Black Sea? | Monitor via sonars, underwater video, etc. | AG CBD, FOMLR | Create reporting format for habitats, assess most threatened habitats at present, identify habitats of Black Sea importance to designate them as protected areas. |
Exotic species | What exotic species are intentionally and non-intentionally introduced | Monitor exotic species | AG FOMLRAG CBD | Road map for implementation of the BWM Convention, improve reporting |
What are risks and vectors of introduction of new exotic species | Assess risks and vectors of introduction of new exotic species | |||
Microbiological indicators | What is the quality of bathing waters in terms of bacteriological pollution | Monitor bacteriological parameters | AG LBS | To better compile national information on the quality of bathing waters, develop indicators and visualization on the WEB page of the BSC |
Atmospheric pollution | What is the level of atmospheric pollution?Which areas are mostly polluted? | Up to now very poorly reported | AG PMA, LBS | Improve reporting format, become end-user of PROMOTE project |
Diffuse courses of pollution | What is the level of nutrients and pollutants entering the Black Sea from diffuse sources of pollution? | Up to now not reported, and not being assessed | AG LBS, ICZM | Develop guideline for inventory, classification and assessment of diffuse sources of pollution, starting with nutrients. Development of models or adoption of available ones. |
Reporting of CBD AG (Conservation of Biodiversity Advisory Group)
What and when exotic species are registered in your country |
What international or bilateral agreements relevant to conservation of biological diversity are signed/ratified by your state? |
Backterioplankton abundance and biomass |
Phytoplankton abundance, biomass, predominating groups |
Zooplankton, including opportunistic species |
Macrophytes, abundance, biomass, species, indicators spesies |
Macrozoobenthos, abundance and biomass by major groups, predominating species |
What species are in the national RED Data Book? |
When the National Red Data Book has been updated |
Is enforcement of the ban on hunting marine mammals effective in your country? |
What assessments of the marine mammals were conducted in your country |
How often you communicate with the Activity Center on Conservation of Biological Diversity in Batumi, Georgia |
What national centers/sanctuaries/dolphinaria do you have in your country! |
What Projects/Programs/Studies on biodiversity of coastal zone and marine waters were conducted in your country |
International or bilateral agreements signed or ratified for the conservation of habitat and landscape |
Conservation areas in the Black Sea including coastal zone and wetlands |
National policies, regulations, action plans for conservation biological and landscape diversity |
What Agencies are responsible for management of protected areas |
What are national instruments for management of conservation areas |
How are authorities that manage conservation areas equipped and staffed |
What public awareness campaigns were developed for conservation areas |
What scientific publications were of Black Sea importance were published in your country |
Reporting of FOMLR AG (Fishery and other Marine Living Resources Management)
The group reports on:
1. Legislation and strategies development, institutions involved
2. Aqua and mariculture activities in terms of:
Fish restocking farms and species cultivated
Mussel and fish rearing
Norms and impacts
Socio-economic indicators (poorly reported)
3. Fishing Fleet
4. Employment and other socio-economic indicators poorly reported.
5. Fishing gears
6. Fish processing
7. Fishing areas and seasons
8. By-catch and discard
9. Landings
10. Stocks
Reporting of LBS AG: Land Based Sources of Pollution
Riverine loads agreed determinants
Black Sea Rivers | |||
UNITS | Number of observations ( to be included) | Regional Agreement from October 2006 | |
YEAR | |||
STN_ID | |||
LONG | |||
LAT | |||
STN_NAME | |||
Dissolved oxygen | Changed | ||
Nitrate (N-NO3) | kilotonnes | ||
Nitrite (N-NO2) | kilotonnes | ||
Orthophosphate | kilotonnes | ||
Total Nitrogen | kilotonnes | ||
Total Phosphorus | kilotonnes | ||
Ammonia | kilotonnes | ||
Zinc (Zn) - Dissolved | add | ||
Copper (Cu) - Dissolved | add | ||
Chromium (Cr) - Dissolved | add | ||
Lead (Pb) - Dissolved | add | ||
Cadmium (Cd) - Dissolved | add | ||
Mercury (Hg) - Dissolved | add | ||
Nickel (Ni) - Dissolved | add | ||
Total Zinc | tonnes | ||
Total Copper | tonnes | ||
Total Chromium | tonnes | ||
Total Lead | tonnes | ||
Total Cadmium | tonnes | Changed | |
Total Mercury | tonnes | Changed | |
Total Nickel | tonnes | Changed | |
Lindane (instead of Gamma-HCH) | tonnes | not reported usually | Changed |
TSS (instead of Suspended Particulate Matter) | kilotonnes | Changed | |
Total Hydrocarbons | kilotonnes | not reported usually | Changed |
Anionic active surfactants (instead of detergents) | kilotonnes | Changed | |
Phenols | kilotonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-28 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-52 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-101 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-118 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-153 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-138 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-180 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
Total PCBs | tonnes | not reported usually | |
Other Hazardous Substances (please give name and CAS No) | tonnes | To be removed | |
BOD-7 | kilotonnes | not reported | To be removed |
BOD-5 | kilotonnes | ||
COD-Mn | kilotonnes | To be removed | |
COD-Cr | kilotonnes | ||
TOC | kilotonnes | ||
AOX | kilotonnes | ||
Tritium | Bq | not reported usually | |
Other Radionuclides (please name) | Bq | not reported usually | |
Average Riverine Flow for the Year | m3/sec | ||
Long Term Annual Average Riverine Flow | m3/sec |
Industrial loads (same determinands)
Municipal Loads (same determinands)
Green-house gases (same determinands)
Accidental pollution (same determinands)
Waste Waters, as follows:
Total amount of waste waters discharged into the Black Sea |
Amount of insufficiently treated water |
Amount of untreated waters |
The group reports also on policy and legislation development.
ICZM AG (Integrated Coastal Zone Management Advisory Group)
The AG reports on the state of the coast, coastal management and ICZM policies/legislation development.
Country: | |||
Reported Area (km2): | |||
Reporting Organization: | |||
Owner of Data: | |||
Here please insert rows if you have more than one procedure to add. | |||
Intersectoral Coordinating Mechanisms | Existence of legal procedures for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Intersectoral Coordinating Bodies | Existence of bodies for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Legal Planning Mechanisms for Coastal Territorial Management | Existence of legal planning procedures for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Integrated Permitting Procedures for Coastal Territorial Management | Existence of legal integrated permitting procedures for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Legal Basis Guaranteeing the Public Access to the Sea | Legal document - normative act guaranteeing that all the coastal line is free for the access of the public | Name/ | |
year | |||
Type of indicator | Indicators | UNITS | |
Population and Geography | Administrative organization of coastal zone | ||
a) total no. of cities | No. | ||
b) no of cities over 100 000 inhabitants | No. | ||
c) no of cities over 1000 000 inhabitants | No | ||
d) total no of rural settlements | No. | ||
Total inland area of coastal zone (if is defined) | km2 | ||
Total sea area of coastal zone | km2 | ||
Number of population | Thousands pers. | ||
Population density in coastal regions | |||
a) out of the touristic season | inhabitant/km2 | ||
b) in the touristic season | inhabitant/km2 | ||
Birth rates | persons per thousand | ||
Mortality | persons per thousand | ||
Morbidity | persons per thousand | ||
Working people | thousands | ||
Unemployment | thousands | ||
Retired people | thousands | ||
Average Age of population | years | ||
Children under 18 years old | thousands | ||
Population growth in Black Sea coastal region (natural increase, natural decrease) | rate per 1000 inhabitants | ||
Net migration rate | % | ||
Urbanization Rate | % | ||
Rural/urban residence ratio | % | ||
Total land funds use | ha | ||
a) agriculture areas | ha | ||
b) forest and other forest vegetation lands | ha | ||
c) waters and ponds | ha | ||
d) wetlands | |||
e) beaches (area) | GDP | ||
General land use change | % | ||
Unemployment rate | % | ||
Average Net monthly earnings | Euro (or in your National currency, but giving conversion rate) | ||
Energy | Total energy consumption by fuel | tones/year | |
Energy production/capita | MW/cap/year | ||
No of wind farms | No | ||
Water and Wastewater | Public sewage network system | No of localities | |
Drinking water supply network | No of localities | ||
Volume of drinking water supplied to consumers | m3 | ||
Population with access to clean drinking water | No | ||
Length of drinking water supply network | km | ||
Population connected to WWTP (total rural+urban) | % | ||
Biodiversity | Green areas | Ha | |
Number of natural (parks) reserves and their areas | No; Ha | ||
Number of Natura 2000 site and their areas | No ; ha | ||
Number of marine protected area and their areas | No ; ha | ||
Coastal erosion | Number of vulnerable areas to erosion | No. | |
Annually beach surface eroded | ha | ||
Average rate of beach erosion /abrasion | meters | ||
Retreat of cliffs | meters | ||
Economy | Regional gross domestic product | Thou Euro | |
GDP growth | % change/year | ||
Sect oral distribution of GDP | % | ||
Tourism | Touristic accommodation capacities | Places/year | |
Touristic accommodation units in coastal zone | no/year | ||
Number of tourist arrivals | |||
a) National | no/year | ||
b) From abroad | no/year | ||
Number of tourist facilities conducting ecological audit | No | ||
Number of Tourist Companies Promoting GreenTourism | No | ||
Number of "Blue Flag" Beaches | No | ||
Carrying capacity of beaches | sq.m per person | ||
Number of tourist staying overnight | no/year | ||
Value of tourist expenditures | Thou Euro | ||
Health | No of sanitary units | ||
Solid Waste Management | Industrial wastes | tones/year | |
Hazardous industrial wastes | tones/year | ||
Municipal wastes | number | ||
Number of landfills | tones | ||
Total capacity of landfills | number | ||
Number of incineration plants | tones/year | ||
Total capacity of incineration plants | tones/year | ||
Agriculture | Total area of agricultural lands | thousand ha | |
Arable lands treated with mineral fertilizers | thousand ha | ||
Fertilizers application rate | kg per ha | ||
Arable lands treated with pesticides | sq.km | ||
Pesticides application rate | kg per ha | ||
Area of irrigated lands | ha | ||
Number of animal farms | No | ||
Number of cattle | thousand heads | ||
Number of pigs | thousand heads | ||
Number of sheep | thousand heads | ||
Number of poultry | thousand heads | ||
Industry | Number of metallurgic enterprises | ||
Total production of metallurgic enterprises | Euro (or in your National currency, but giving conversion rate) | ||
Number of textile enterprises | |||
Total production of textile enterprises | Euro | ||
Number of food processing enterprises | |||
Total production of food processing enterprises | Euro | ||
Number of refineries | |||
Total production of refineries | Euro | ||
Please add any other industry important in your coastal zone | |||
Transport | Density of the public road network, | km/km2 | |
Number of airports | no. | ||
Length of rail ways | km | ||
No of harbours | No | ||
Total harbour area | ha | ||
Harbour Traffic capacity | mln tones/year | ||
Number of oil terminals | th.t | ||
Capacity of oil terminals | th.t.per year | ||
Lengths of oil pipelines | km | ||
Capacity of oil pipelines | th.tones per year | ||
Length of gas pipelines | km | ||
Capacity of gas pipelines | mln tones/year | ||
Climate | Precipitations | mm per year | |
Sunshine | hours per year | ||
Sea level rise | mm |
The basic problem with the ICZM reporting is that there is no definition of COASTAL ZONE. The states report in a different way: for instance Bulgaria reports for municipalities along the Black Sea coast, Georgia - almost for half of the country.
ESAS (Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping)
The reporting of the group consists of data on:
Ballast waters
Oil spills (accidental, number and volume)
Offshore installations
Dumping and dredging
Ports and port reception facilities
Ships (tankers and cargo) calling at Black Sea ports and passing the Bosphorus, cargo turnover, passengers. Complience with regulations.
Policy and legislation development
ANNEX V. Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program: Reported concentrations in water, sediments and biota in 2001-2005
BSIMAP data on Nutrients in Water
Water | O2 | O2 | TSS | Secchi disk | BOD5 | P-PO4 | TP | N -NH4 | N - NO3 | TN |
Bulgaria | % | mg/L O2 | mg/L | m | mg/L O2 | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | ||
2005 | ||||||||||
Average | 84.8 | 8.4 | 6.5 | 1.9 | 0.623 | 0.91 | 5.09 | 32.34 | 58.21 | |
Max | 121.0 | 13.5 | 47.0 | 4.0 | 3.05 | 3.07 | 31.21 | 50.71 | 120.71 | |
Min | 46.2 | 4.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.57 | 23.21 | |
No of samples | 26 | 28 | 22 | 21 | 28 | 12 | 28 | 18 | 15 | |
2004 | ||||||||||
Average | 87.39 | 8.13 | 19.23 | 1.97 | 5.36 | 6.56 | ||||
Max | 180.00 | 17.40 | 350.00 | 4.60 | 15.85 | 12.90 | ||||
Min | 54.90 | 4.46 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2003 | ||||||||||
Average | 82.00 | 8.03 | 10.80 | 1.67 | 0.04 | 0.179 | 19.43 | |||
Max | 116.00 | 15.40 | 40.00 | 2.90 | 0.21 | 3.57 | 49.29 | |||
Min | 46.50 | 4.51 | 1.00 | 0.90 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 40 | 40 | 40 | 38 | 40 | 38 | 24 | |||
2002 | ||||||||||
Average | 76.86 | 7.19 | 15.23 | 1.75 | 1.87 | 0.06 | 11.01 | 1.59 | ||
Max | 132.00 | 14.20 | 28.00 | 5.5 | 4.88 | 0.86 | 39.93 | 37.86 | ||
Min | 52.00 | 4.47 | 6.00 | 0.8 | 0.97 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.07 | ||
No of samples | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 24 | 38 | ||
2001 | ||||||||||
Average | 97.48 | 9.17 | 18.00 | 1.75 | 0.11 | 7.11 | 39.21 | |||
Max | 175.00 | 16.10 | 57.00 | 5.50 | 1.11 | 36.99 | 92.86 | |||
Min | 38.10 | 4.16 | 2.00 | 0.80 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 38 | 38 | 38 | 36 | 38 | 38 | 28 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N (NO2) | N, Total | SiO4 |
Georgia | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 190.94 | 49.596 | 0.26 | 6.24 | 2.88 | ? | |||
Max | 259.4 | 65.6 | 0.38 | 10.2 | 5.61 | ? | |||
Min | 154.7 | 34.38 | 0.18 | 1.12 | 1.38 | ? | |||
No of samples | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | |||
2001 | |||||||||
Average | 169.6 | 121.28 | 0.52 | 0.65 | 0.26[1] | 7.17 | 0.10 | 13.84 | |
Max | 204.8 | 147.2 | 0.70[2] | 0.40 | 8.30 | 0.45 | 15.6 | ||
Min | 150.4 | 102.4 | 0.18 | 0.54 | 0.20 | 6.20 | 0.02 | 11.4 | |
No of samples | 20 | 19 | 14 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 4 | 22 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | TP | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | NO3-N+NO2-N | TN | SiO4 |
Romania | mol/l O2 | mol/l O2 | mol/l P | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l Si |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 301.14 | 133.23 | 0.38 | 1.43 | 7.30 | 6.62 | 47.84 | 8.74 | |
Max | 405.5 | 304.6 | 7.23 | 4.32 | 46.05 | 32.68 | 155.3 | 90.7 | |
Min | 225.5 | 9.38 | 0.04 | 0.53 | 0.35 | 1.68 | 16.1 | 0.6 | |
No of samples | 47 | 49 | 49 | 12 | 49 | 49 | 12 | 49 | |
2004 | |||||||||
Average | 333.23 | 139.06 | 0.566 | 4.853 | 8.323 | 9.973 | |||
Max | 546.6 | 392.1 | 15.240 | 47.500 | 71.570 | 79.200 | |||
Min | 225.1 | 45.1 | 0.010 | 0.550 | 1.080 | 1.700 | |||
No of samples | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | |||
2003 | |||||||||
Average | 347.33 | 150.35 | 0.69 | 6.51 | 7.95 | 8.57 | 8.61 | ||
Max | 649.40 | 527.90 | 13.36 | 104.60[3] | 58.85[4] | 61.19 | 44.10 | ||
Min | 257.20 | 54.90 | 0.02 | 0.98 | 0.83 | 1.18 | 0.40 | ||
No of samples | 94 | 90 | 88 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | ||
2002 | |||||||||
Average | 325.5 | 145.3 | 0.57 | 8.7 | 8.48 | 9.52 | 10.01 | ||
Max | 543.1 | 408.6 | 5.98 | 101.8 | 51.79 | 53.53 | 114.8 | ||
Min | 198.3 | 32.2 | 0.01 | 0.32 | 2.21 | 2.48 | 0.1 | ||
No of sample | 84 | 84 | 86 | 83 | 83 | 83 | |||
2001 | |||||||||
Average | 385.54 | 175.24 | 0.23 | 8.53 | 1.70 | 4.04 | |||
Max | 426.24 | 357.12 | 3.40 | 19.06 | 11.70 | 28.25 | |||
Min | 180.16 | 20.16 | 0.00 | 0.90 | 0.38 | 0.05 | |||
No of samples | 78 | 62 | 74 | 74 | 74 | 71 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | TP | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N (NO2) | TN | SiO4 |
Russian Federation | ml/L | mg/L O2 | mkg/L[5] | mkg/L | mkg/L | mkg/l | mkg/L | mkg/L | mkg/l |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 6.42 | 0.832 | 7.104 | 14.705 | 12.395 | 42.577 | 2.687 | 274.81 | 494.38 |
Max | 8.10 | 2.698 | 27.884 | 92.122 | 40.619 | 248.995 | 6.334 | 715.97 | 1826.142 |
Min | 3.097 | 0.172 | 0.041 | 3.513 | 3.903 | 2.063 | 0.410 | 90.70 | 61.87 |
No of samples | 213 | 115 | 177 | 133 | 154 | 147 | 176 | 131 | 177 |
May-August 2003 | |||||||||
Average | 8.2 | 8.34 | 13.7 | 0.7 | 1.5 | 395.88 | |||
Max | 9.3 | 8.46 | 29.4 | 1.5 | 3.6 | 560.00 | |||
Min | 7.6 | 8.27 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.2 | 230.00 | |||
No of samples | 8 | 20 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 20 | |||
2002 | |||||||||
Average | 6.04 | 12.15 | 43.37 | 80.07 | 0.55 | 1999.20 | |||
Max | 8.08 | 40.60 | 134.50 | 457.00 | 3.10 | 5644.00 | |||
Min | 4.94 | 0.00 | 7.70 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 118.00 | |||
No of samples | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 |
Water | O2 | Secci | H2S | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N, Total | SiO4 |
Turkey | mg/l O2 | m | mg/L | mol/l P | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l Si |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 8.86 | 6.59 | 0.199 | 0.386 | 1.636 | 0.367 | 8.315 | 10.813 | |
Max | 14.67 | 13.7 | 3.85 | 5.78 | 10.793 | 3.777 | 85.081 | 190.927 | |
Min | 1.67 | 0.6 | 0.007 | 0.029 | 0.377 | 0.0095 | 0.988 | 0.004 | |
No of Samples | 836 | 128 | 835 | 836 | 836 | 835 | 836 | 836 | |
2004 | |||||||||
Average | 8.47 | 12.17 | 0.31 | 0.32[6] | 0.31 | 1.84 | 0.35 | 3.76 | 13.06 |
Max | 11.63 | 15.88 | 0.50 | 4.69 | 1.74 | 7.62 | 7.26 | 12.07 | 52.71 |
Min | 0.54 | 7.93 | 0.18 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.06 | 0.01 | 2.42 | 0.62 |
No of Samples | 413 | 415 | 4 | 414 | 412 | 415 | 414 | 412 | 415 |
Water | Chlorophyll | |||
Turkey | ||||
2004 | mg/L | |||
Average | 0.76 | |||
Max | 5.186 | |||
Min | 0.1 | |||
No of samples | 389 |
Water | O2 | Secci | BOD5 | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO2) | N (NO3) | N total | SiO4 |
Ukraine | mg/L | m | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L |
2005 | ||||||||||
Average | 8.66 | 2.25 | 0.04 | 0.17 | 0.02 | 0.29 | 0.17 | 0.45 | ||
Max | 11.30 | 4.40 | 0.06 | 2.23 | 0.43 | 2.00 | 0.52 | 1.04 | ||
Min | 3.12 | 1.80 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.04 | 0.01 | ||
No of samples | 113 | 78 | 13 | 78 | 88 | 86 | 12 | 15 | ||
2004 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.05 | 2.48 | 2.28 | 0.11 | 0.01 | 0.22 | 0.38 | |||
Max | 11.30 | 1.70 | 14.00 | 2.05 | 0.22 | 2.20 | 3.45 | |||
Min | 4.80 | 14.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 88 | 74 | 88 | 68 | 86 | 69 | 57 | |||
2003 | ||||||||||
Average | 7.29 | 2.20 | 0.028 | 0.06 | 0.12 | 0.01 | 0.20 | 0.56 | 0.45 | |
Max | 10.80 | 6.20 | 0.122 | 0.15 | 1.59 | 0.17 | 2.40 | 1.70 | 0.89 | |
Min | 3.24 | 1.50 | 0 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.11 | 0.15 | |
No of samples | 21 | 98 | 19 | 17 | 112 | 116 | 116 | 17 | 18 | |
2002 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.79 | 2.36 | 0.02 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.09 | 0.18 | 0.39 | ||
Max | 11.07 | 4.60 | 0.03 | 0.22 | 0.06 | 0.37 | 0.18 | 0.43 | ||
Min | 8.53 | 1.36 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.18 | 0.35 | ||
No of samples | 15 | 13 | 5 | 15 | 16 | 15 | 4 | 5 | ||
2001 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.00 | 2.40 | 0.016 | 0.04 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.37 | 0.29 | |
Max | 10.19 | 2.90 | 0.029 | 0.07 | 0.25 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.58 | 0.47 | |
Min | 7.50 | 1.80 | 0.004 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.17 | 0.12 | |
No of samples | 13 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 5 | 5 |
BSIMAP Data on Heavy Metals and Organic Micropollutants in Water
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Bulgaria | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l |
2004 | ||||
Average | 0.13 | 2.07 | 1.07 | |
Min | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
Max | 2.00 | 6.00 | 8.00 | |
No of samples | 35 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Georgia | g/L | g/L | ng/L | g/L |
2001 | ||||
Average | 41.00 | 4.66 | 0.24 | |
Max | 41.00 | 78.00 | 0.28 | |
Min | 41.00 | 0.07 | 0.21 | |
No of samples | 5.00 | 19.00 | 19.00 |
Water | Cd | Mn | Cu | Pb |
Romania | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l |
2003 | ||||
Average | 1.52 | 5.98 | 3.79 | 8.17 |
Max | 2.86 | 14.54 | 10.73 | 32.85 |
Min | 0.73 | 0.99 | 0.16 | 0.51 |
No of samples | 18 | 11 | 18 | 18 |
2001 | ||||
Average | 1.80 | 12.01 | 10.56 | 9.25 |
Max | 10.97 | 22.29 | 40.80 | 49.95 |
Min | 0.06 | 2.27 | 0.04 | 0.59 |
No of samples | 50 | 30 | 50 | 39 |
Water | DDT | Lindane | Petroleum Hydrocarbons | PAHs |
Romania | g/l | g/l | g/l | ng/l |
2003 | ||||
Average | 32.32 | 223.6 | 194.1702 | 36.87 |
Max | 32.32 | 359.88 | 1096 | 103.07 |
Min | 32.32 | 130.27 | 9.5 | 1.85 |
No of samples | 1 | 3 | 51 | 3 |
2001 | ||||
Average | 18.64 | 89.38 | 149.35 | 253.85 |
Max | 783.00 | 2083.00 | 2268.40 | 993.00 |
Min | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.32 |
No of samples | 42 | 42 | 96 | 38 |
Water | DDT | DDD | DDE | Lindane | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Russian Federation | n/L | n/L | n/L | n/L | mg/L |
2002 | |||||
Average | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.03 |
Max | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.09 |
Min | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No of samples | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Turkey | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/L |
2004 | |||||
Average | 0.51 | 1.61 | 1.74 | 0.14 | 11.24 |
Max | 0.86 | 3.28 | 7.74 | 1.10 | 77.17 |
Min | 0.26 | 0.72 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.99 |
No of Samples | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 66 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Ukraine | g/L | g/L | g/L | g/L | g/L |
2004 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 180 | ||||
No | 86 | ||||
2003 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 60 | ||||
No | 96 | ||||
2002 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 90 | ||||
No | 94 | ||||
2001 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 50 | ||||
No | 9 |
BSIMAP: Heavy Metals in Bottom Sediments
Bottom Sediments | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Romania | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg |
2004 | ||||
Average | 5.52 | 57.86 | 50.95 | |
Max | 30.19 | 182.96 | 149.45 | |
Min | 0.65 | 8.61 | 3.49 | |
No of samples | 42 | 43 | 43 |
Bottom Sediments | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Turkey | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg |
2004 | ||||
Average | 69.08 | 68.50 | 27.04 | |
Max | 269.00 | 286.00 | 62.00 | |
Min | 19.00 | 4.00 | 11.00 | |
No of Samples | 50 | 39 | 49 |
Trace metals in Biota
Biota, mussels | Pb | Cd | Hg |
Romania | g / g | g / g | g / g |
2003 | |||
Average | 0.41 | 0.092 | |
Max | 0.58 | 0.150 | |
Min | 0.31 | 0.017 | |
No of samples | 3 | 3 |
APPENDIX I: Information on SQL-server on-line BSIS developed within the BSERP
The Black Sea Information System (BSIS) was a part of the Information Strategy developed within the project. BSIS was the first key element of the implementation of the Information Strategy of the Black Sea Commission. The system provides tools for reporting and communication at the international level, regional, and national level.
The implemented approach distinguishes between two sections/parts of the information system developed. These are: an internal area/system (or the loop of official reporting) and external interface/systems (or the loop of supporting activities and development). The first internal part of the system has to support and facilitate the Commissions activities in relation to the official reporting of the countries, whereas the loop of development provides needed means and tools to facilitate any kind of supporting activities, i.e. the development of background documents, assessments or drafting official documents (strategies, protocols, agreements, etc.).
The main requirements to the information within the BSIS are to:
correspond to the needs in information, as well as to the interest of users (e.g. the Black Sea Commission, International Programmes (e.g. BSERP, Tacis, WB ICZM), public, NGOs, private sector, etc.);
provide operational access of the interested parties (also via the Internet) to the data and information available for the Black Sea region in different fields of activities;
correspond to the information requirements of decision support tools, in particular GIS;
consider the regional peculiarities of the Black Sea environment;
correspond to the requirements of the Programmes developed within BSEP/BSERP (e.g. the Black Sea Monitoring and Assessment Programme (BSMAP), Water Quality Objectives for the Black Sea region, system of environmental indicators);
provide a basis for further development of the water quality standards, quality objectives and key indicators in the region and harmonisation of the existing in the riparian countries legislation.
The main principles of the BSIS are regarded to be:
BSIS must be of a regional nature and be coordinated (but not necessarily operated) at the Black Sea level (e.g. Permanent Secretariat)
All participants to the system need to be interested in the functioning and future development of the system, which would provide its sustainability in future
Data and information quality must fit the international QA/QC procedures
All riparian countries must share data and information on the Black Sea within the implementation of the Black Sea Convention and corresponding Strategies, Protocols and Programmes.
Database. The central database of BSIS is a SQL-server 2000 database. The database contains 219 inter-related tables containing information on all aspects of the implementation of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan. In order to operate the database a Database Management Application has been developed with a user-friendly interface.
Database Management Application. The software has been developed on the basis of the corresponding Informational Strategy. The development process involves the main organisational units of the Black Sea Commission and presently focuses mainly on the official reporting rather than development/research activities. There are two types of DBMAs. Central DB application works with the central BSIS database, whereas every AG-specific DBMAs work only with the tables related to the corresponding AG-related information. A super DBMA is able to work with all sections of the database. The Central DB application forms a sound basis for the implementation of data exchange and provides all needed tools for storing/retrieval the data and support of management decisions (initially - State of Environment reports, reporting on the implementation process of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan).
Importing data into BSIS. A number of supporting applications have been developed to enter the data into the system. These are:
Software for each of the AG, which operates a MS Access database compatible with the Central BSIS database.
Reporting templates in MS Excel developed for each Advisory Group. The templates are also compatible with BSIS
A series of importing routines have been developed for user-friendly import of data received from the countries into the system.
Web-based Application. In order to access information stored in BSIS a web-application has been developed for browsing and exporting the BSIS data. The structure of the web-application is presented below. Only data to be reported to EEA are accessible.
BSIS is operational in the joint premises of the BSC/PS and BSERP PIU. The database of the system has been populated with the data for 2001-2005.
APPENDIX II: Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution System (VTOPIS) Pilot Project
The pilot project is implemented in Bulgaria. The main activities of the project included:
Assessment of the current situation, determination of the place of VTOPIS offices and identification of goals and objectives for the VTOPIS;
Development of software for visualisation, tracking and backtracking of the ships traffic, which could pose a high risk of pollution for the marine environment;
Development of an integrated database with the ships pollution information, including collection and dissemination of information among the Bucharest Convention, related international organizations, national parties and the public;
Determination of standard formats to report ships pollution issues for related authorities and data exchange formats between VTOPIS and the competent national authorities in case of oil spill incidents;
Provision of hardware and software for building of the database, communications and oil spill modeling;
Development of a proposal for multiplication of VTOPIS for the rest of the Black Sea countries.
To improve the protection of the marine environment and vulnerable coastal resources;
To enhance and strengthen the capabilities of the authorities of the Black Sea states for monitoring and control of the marine environment, including emergency situations at sea;
To contribute to the effective implementation of the Black Sea Contingency Plan to the Protocol on Co-operation in Combating Pollution of the Black Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Emergency Situations, Bucharest Convention.
Assessment of the current situation on management of VTOPIS related information in the nominated country;
Design a Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution Information System for collection, update, exchange and management of information, including generation of required reports. The System is designed to:
Support respective national authorities in management of the information related to VTOPIS;
Establish an information network consisting of central, local facilities and socio-economic organisations, towards the management of VTOPIS and fulfill the obligations to the Bucharest Convention;
Support Government in monitoring the reduction and elimination of pollution originated from ships;
Support the Government in monitoring and evaluating environmental policy performance related to management of pollution, in order to take appropriate actions towards environmental protection in Black Sea countries and fulfill the obligation to the Bucharest Convention;
Provide technical guidance/ format for regular reports on ships pollution issues to related ministries, sectors and facilities;
Provide relevant information to support research and development on pollution prevention and control related to pollution from ships. (e.g. information for evaluation of new production processes and technologies, waste treatment technologies etc.);
Provide information to support the identification and assessment of the potential risks to the human and environment by monitoring the sources and releases of pollution into the environment;
Exchange and disseminate information among the relevant stakeholders and the public, contributing to the protection of human health and environment from the adverse impacts of pollution;
Collect information and generate required reports to the Government and the Bucharest Convention.
VTOPIS structure with different modules for different kind of activities, as:
Data acquisition - input/output of different kind of information, including hydrological, meteorological, ship particulars, etc.;
Data exchange - exchange of information with other institutions and/or VTOPIS offices in other Black Sea countries;
Reports generation, including reports for inspections of the ships, reports for different kind of statistics for pollution and/or ships;
Database management;
Real time visualisation;
Oil spill modeling.
After the completion of the project and analyzing of the results the following conclusions can be made:
VTOPIS provides all necessary tools for the daily activities of MEPC department including management of the inspections, permissions and pollution reports;
The information management integrated in VTOPIS database provides fast and accurate generation of all needed reports. Implementation of data export in MS Excel format provides additional possibilities for generation of unlimited number of more exotic reports and data analysis;
Close integration between VTMIS and VTOPIS is essential for the efficiency of the system. Real time visualization and backtracking are compulsory for effective monitoring of the vessel traffic and oil spill investigations;
Implementation of VTOPIS does not require expensive and specialized hardware equipment;
Implementation of professional and well supported oil spill modeling system requires more funds than provided in the pilot project. However the GNOME system can be used until such financing is available;
For successful implementation of VTOPIS in the rest of the Black Sea countries more research of the legal basis in these countries is needed;
AIS data sharing between Black Sea countries will improve the readiness in case of oil spills and will provide valuable data for oil spill investigations;
The pilot project VTOPIS gives the necessary data in case of operational or accidental oil spills and other emergencies. The implementation of this system in Bulgaria and possibility for multiplication in other Black Sea countries greatly improves the ecological control of shipping in the Black Sea region.
[1] Not reliable difference between values of N-NH4 and N-NO3
[2] For Max Ptot there is no value corresponding to 0.70
[3] Constanta, May , 5 m depth
Annex IV: Nationally reported data
(see also www.blacksea-commission.org BSIMAP and BSIS in Inf&Resources)
Reporting of PMA and LBS AG: Pollution, Monitoring and Assessment/Land Based Sources and cross-cutting issues with other Advisory Groups reporting (CBD, FOMLR, CBD and ICZM)
Contaminant important to be monitored | Policy questions addressed | BSIMAP Activity | Action by | Actions in 2007-2011undertaken already and planned |
Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu | What are the loads of trace metals from land-based sources of pollution? Are agreed measures effective in reducing pollution? | 1.Monitor discharges and estimate riverine, direct industrial and municipal loads 2. Regularly update the list of hot spots | AG LBS | To improve the reporting formatTo improve/quality check the regional database on land-based pollution dischargesTo compile national meta data on all industrial and municipal sources of pollution in the coastal BS zoneTo develop set of indicatorsto continue harmonizing monitoring strategies |
What are the concentrations in water, sediments and biota? | 1. Monitor concentrations in water, sediment and biota | AG PMA | To improve the format and procedure for information exchangeTo quality check the regional pollution monitoring databaseTo develop background values and assessment criteria for nvironmental qualityTo sustain the regional quality assurance and quality control system To develop set of indicators for reporting on the state of the Black Sea environmentTo outline trendsTo continue harmonizing the methods used and national monitoring strategies | |
Pesticides | What are the levels of pesticides in the water, sediments and biota? | Monitor concentrations in water, sediments and biota | AG PMA, LBS | To assess the scope of problem for the Black Sea by random sampling in the vicinity of major sourcers of organotin pollution (say major ship routes) |
PCBs (not reported by the BS states) | What are loads of PCBs in the Black Sea | Up to now not being included in the national reporting, to promote such observations needed | AG LBS | To compile national data if available: inventory of PCBs sources and preliminary assessment of loads, including riverrine inputs |
What are the concentration of PCBs in marine biota (including mammals) and bottom sediments | Needed pilot monitoring of PCBs levels in bottom sediments and biota and decision on their relevance for regional monitoring program | AG PMA | To propose including sampling for PCBs | |
PAHs | Which are the major sources and how large are the inputs | 1. To update the list of pollution sources 2. To assess input of PAHs from different pollution sources | AG LBS AG PMA | Further compile and quality check data on PAHs loads where available |
What are the concentrations in water, sediments and biota | 1. To carry out the screening of the levels of PAHs in water, biota and bottom sediments | AG PMA | To include PAHs measurements in programs of cruises 2. To quality check the existing information on PAHs concentrations in water, sediments and biota and | |
Do PAHs affect fish and shellfish | 1. To identify effects of contamination | 1. To incorporates random sampling where possible to address the problem (feasibility study) | ||
NHS | What chemicals are transported via the Black Sea? | Up to now not being included in the national reporting | AG ESAS | To compile meta data on regular transportationsIllegal discharges,Accidents |
Phenols | What are the loads of phenols coming from land-based sources of pollution? What are their concentrations in water and sediments? Do phenols pose risk to human health and Black Sea environment? | Conduct inventory of pollution sources of phenols, loads estimations, concentrations in water and sediments monitoring | AG LBS, PMA | To assess level of loads stemming to the marine environment To assess level and impact of phenol pollution on coastal waters and sediments To outline trends |
Detergents | What are the concentrations in Black Sea waters and sediments?What are the loads from rivers and other land-based sources of pollution? | Monitor concentrations of detergents in coastal waters, sediments, estimate loads | AG PMA | To assess level of detergents in coastal waters and sediments, improve reporting Outline trends |
Oil pollution, petroleum hydrocarbons | What are the pollution sources of oil | 1. To assess pollution loads of oil from land based sources and offshore installations2. Illegal discharges3. Accidents | AG LBS, ESAS | Compile national information on oil pollution, include satellite investigations, improve reporting |
What are the values of total petroleum hydrocarbons in water and sediments? | Monitor concentrations | Identify background values, assess oil pollution, improve reporting | ||
Radionuclides | What are the trends of radionuclides in the Black Sea? Do they pose risk to human health and Black Sea biota? | 1.Monitor concentrations of radionulides in water, sediments and biota 2. Assess risk to human health and biota | AG PMAIAEA | 1. Assess trends 2. Improve reporting and compilation of available data |
Eutrophication | ||||
Nutrients | Are agreed measures effective in reducing eutrophication?What are the levels of nutrients in water and sediments, what are the loads from rivers and other land-based sources of pollution? | Monitor concentrations and discharges, assess loads of nutrients | AG LBS AG PMA | Quality check, improve reporting, outline indicators and trends for loads and concentrationsIntroduce monitoring of nutrients in sediments to assess the level of secondary eutrophication |
Phytoplankton | How often phytoplankton blooms occur? What are the areas of most frequent phytoplankton blooms? What are the consequences for the Black Sea flora and fauna? | Monitor chlorophyll, phytoplankton abundance, biomass and species composition | AG PMAAG CBD | To contact JRC for satellite images,To improve reporting, to radically change the CBD reporting format |
Zoobenthos | What are zoobenthos communities structure and abundance? Are their state improving in comparison to previous periods? | Monitor abundance, species composition | AG CBD | Habitats classification and mapping, outline of trends |
State of other communities, endangered species | What is the state of macrophytes?Do numbers of endangered species increase? | Monitor abundance | AG CBD | Red data book update |
Litter | ||||
Sources and occurrence | What are the sources of litter, its amount, and areas of its occurrence | Continue assessing the scope of the problem in the Black Sea region | AG ESASAG LBS | 1. Include some observations in the GEF cruises |
Effects on birds and marine organisms | What are the effects on birds and marine organisms | Not part of the monitoring system | AG CBDAG FOMLR | Compile information |
Fisheries | ||||
Impact of fisheries on ecosystem | What are the trends in fish catches?Which species are overfished? By catches and discards levels? Bioaccumulation of toxic substances? Increase in fishing fleet? | monitor ichthyoparameters, assess stocks, catches, etc. | AG FOMLR AG PMA | Harmonization of methodologies, improvement of the format and national reporting, improved assessments of stocks, etc. |
Mariculture | initiate regular monitoring | AG FOMLR | Improve reporting | |
Genetic disturbance | What are the trends in aquaculture development? What species are cultivated? | Track the eutrophication effect of mariculture. | ||
Transfer of diseases | What diseases where reported? | |||
Chemicals used | What chemicals were used for treatment? | AG PMA | ||
Habitats destruction | Are destructive used in the Black Sea region? What are the reasons for habitats destruction in the Black Sea? | Monitor via sonars, underwater video, etc. | AG CBD, FOMLR | Create reporting format for habitats, assess most threatened habitats at present, identify habitats of Black Sea importance to designate them as protected areas. |
Exotic species | What exotic species are intentionally and non-intentionally introduced | Monitor exotic species | AG FOMLRAG CBD | Road map for implementation of the BWM Convention, improve reporting |
What are risks and vectors of introduction of new exotic species | Assess risks and vectors of introduction of new exotic species | |||
Microbiological indicators | What is the quality of bathing waters in terms of bacteriological pollution | Monitor bacteriological parameters | AG LBS | To better compile national information on the quality of bathing waters, develop indicators and visualization on the WEB page of the BSC |
Atmospheric pollution | What is the level of atmospheric pollution?Which areas are mostly polluted? | Up to now very poorly reported | AG PMA, LBS | Improve reporting format, become end-user of PROMOTE project |
Diffuse courses of pollution | What is the level of nutrients and pollutants entering the Black Sea from diffuse sources of pollution? | Up to now not reported, and not being assessed | AG LBS, ICZM | Develop guideline for inventory, classification and assessment of diffuse sources of pollution, starting with nutrients. Development of models or adoption of available ones. |
Reporting of CBD AG (Conservation of Biodiversity Advisory Group)
What and when exotic species are registered in your country |
What international or bilateral agreements relevant to conservation of biological diversity are signed/ratified by your state? |
Backterioplankton abundance and biomass |
Phytoplankton abundance, biomass, predominating groups |
Zooplankton, including opportunistic species |
Macrophytes, abundance, biomass, species, indicators spesies |
Macrozoobenthos, abundance and biomass by major groups, predominating species |
What species are in the national RED Data Book? |
When the National Red Data Book has been updated |
Is enforcement of the ban on hunting marine mammals effective in your country? |
What assessments of the marine mammals were conducted in your country |
How often you communicate with the Activity Center on Conservation of Biological Diversity in Batumi, Georgia |
What national centers/sanctuaries/dolphinaria do you have in your country! |
What Projects/Programs/Studies on biodiversity of coastal zone and marine waters were conducted in your country |
International or bilateral agreements signed or ratified for the conservation of habitat and landscape |
Conservation areas in the Black Sea including coastal zone and wetlands |
National policies, regulations, action plans for conservation biological and landscape diversity |
What Agencies are responsible for management of protected areas |
What are national instruments for management of conservation areas |
How are authorities that manage conservation areas equipped and staffed |
What public awareness campaigns were developed for conservation areas |
What scientific publications were of Black Sea importance were published in your country |
Reporting of FOMLR AG (Fishery and other Marine Living Resources Management)
The group reports on:
1. Legislation and strategies development, institutions involved
2. Aqua and mariculture activities in terms of:
Fish restocking farms and species cultivated
Mussel and fish rearing
Norms and impacts
Socio-economic indicators (poorly reported)
3. Fishing Fleet
4. Employment and other socio-economic indicators poorly reported.
5. Fishing gears
6. Fish processing
7. Fishing areas and seasons
8. By-catch and discard
9. Landings
10. Stocks
Reporting of LBS AG: Land Based Sources of Pollution
Riverine loads agreed determinants
Black Sea Rivers | |||
UNITS | Number of observations ( to be included) | Regional Agreement from October 2006 | |
YEAR | |||
STN_ID | |||
LONG | |||
LAT | |||
STN_NAME | |||
Dissolved oxygen | Changed | ||
Nitrate (N-NO3) | kilotonnes | ||
Nitrite (N-NO2) | kilotonnes | ||
Orthophosphate | kilotonnes | ||
Total Nitrogen | kilotonnes | ||
Total Phosphorus | kilotonnes | ||
Ammonia | kilotonnes | ||
Zinc (Zn) - Dissolved | add | ||
Copper (Cu) - Dissolved | add | ||
Chromium (Cr) - Dissolved | add | ||
Lead (Pb) - Dissolved | add | ||
Cadmium (Cd) - Dissolved | add | ||
Mercury (Hg) - Dissolved | add | ||
Nickel (Ni) - Dissolved | add | ||
Total Zinc | tonnes | ||
Total Copper | tonnes | ||
Total Chromium | tonnes | ||
Total Lead | tonnes | ||
Total Cadmium | tonnes | Changed | |
Total Mercury | tonnes | Changed | |
Total Nickel | tonnes | Changed | |
Lindane (instead of Gamma-HCH) | tonnes | not reported usually | Changed |
TSS (instead of Suspended Particulate Matter) | kilotonnes | Changed | |
Total Hydrocarbons | kilotonnes | not reported usually | Changed |
Anionic active surfactants (instead of detergents) | kilotonnes | Changed | |
Phenols | kilotonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-28 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-52 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-101 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-118 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-153 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-138 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
PCB-180 | tonnes | not reported usually | |
Total PCBs | tonnes | not reported usually | |
Other Hazardous Substances (please give name and CAS No) | tonnes | To be removed | |
BOD-7 | kilotonnes | not reported | To be removed |
BOD-5 | kilotonnes | ||
COD-Mn | kilotonnes | To be removed | |
COD-Cr | kilotonnes | ||
TOC | kilotonnes | ||
AOX | kilotonnes | ||
Tritium | Bq | not reported usually | |
Other Radionuclides (please name) | Bq | not reported usually | |
Average Riverine Flow for the Year | m3/sec | ||
Long Term Annual Average Riverine Flow | m3/sec |
Industrial loads (same determinands)
Municipal Loads (same determinands)
Green-house gases (same determinands)
Accidental pollution (same determinands)
Waste Waters, as follows:
Total amount of waste waters discharged into the Black Sea |
Amount of insufficiently treated water |
Amount of untreated waters |
The group reports also on policy and legislation development.
ICZM AG (Integrated Coastal Zone Management Advisory Group)
The AG reports on the state of the coast, coastal management and ICZM policies/legislation development.
Country: | |||
Reported Area (km2): | |||
Reporting Organization: | |||
Owner of Data: | |||
Here please insert rows if you have more than one procedure to add. | |||
Intersectoral Coordinating Mechanisms | Existence of legal procedures for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Intersectoral Coordinating Bodies | Existence of bodies for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Legal Planning Mechanisms for Coastal Territorial Management | Existence of legal planning procedures for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Integrated Permitting Procedures for Coastal Territorial Management | Existence of legal integrated permitting procedures for coordination of coastal management decisions | Name/ | |
year | |||
Legal Basis Guaranteeing the Public Access to the Sea | Legal document - normative act guaranteeing that all the coastal line is free for the access of the public | Name/ | |
year | |||
Type of indicator | Indicators | UNITS | |
Population and Geography | Administrative organization of coastal zone | ||
a) total no. of cities | No. | ||
b) no of cities over 100 000 inhabitants | No. | ||
c) no of cities over 1000 000 inhabitants | No | ||
d) total no of rural settlements | No. | ||
Total inland area of coastal zone (if is defined) | km2 | ||
Total sea area of coastal zone | km2 | ||
Number of population | Thousands pers. | ||
Population density in coastal regions | |||
a) out of the touristic season | inhabitant/km2 | ||
b) in the touristic season | inhabitant/km2 | ||
Birth rates | persons per thousand | ||
Mortality | persons per thousand | ||
Morbidity | persons per thousand | ||
Working people | thousands | ||
Unemployment | thousands | ||
Retired people | thousands | ||
Average Age of population | years | ||
Children under 18 years old | thousands | ||
Population growth in Black Sea coastal region (natural increase, natural decrease) | rate per 1000 inhabitants | ||
Net migration rate | % | ||
Urbanization Rate | % | ||
Rural/urban residence ratio | % | ||
Total land funds use | ha | ||
a) agriculture areas | ha | ||
b) forest and other forest vegetation lands | ha | ||
c) waters and ponds | ha | ||
d) wetlands | |||
e) beaches (area) | GDP | ||
General land use change | % | ||
Unemployment rate | % | ||
Average Net monthly earnings | Euro (or in your National currency, but giving conversion rate) | ||
Energy | Total energy consumption by fuel | tones/year | |
Energy production/capita | MW/cap/year | ||
No of wind farms | No | ||
Water and Wastewater | Public sewage network system | No of localities | |
Drinking water supply network | No of localities | ||
Volume of drinking water supplied to consumers | m3 | ||
Population with access to clean drinking water | No | ||
Length of drinking water supply network | km | ||
Population connected to WWTP (total rural+urban) | % | ||
Biodiversity | Green areas | Ha | |
Number of natural (parks) reserves and their areas | No; Ha | ||
Number of Natura 2000 site and their areas | No ; ha | ||
Number of marine protected area and their areas | No ; ha | ||
Coastal erosion | Number of vulnerable areas to erosion | No. | |
Annually beach surface eroded | ha | ||
Average rate of beach erosion /abrasion | meters | ||
Retreat of cliffs | meters | ||
Economy | Regional gross domestic product | Thou Euro | |
GDP growth | % change/year | ||
Sect oral distribution of GDP | % | ||
Tourism | Touristic accommodation capacities | Places/year | |
Touristic accommodation units in coastal zone | no/year | ||
Number of tourist arrivals | |||
a) National | no/year | ||
b) From abroad | no/year | ||
Number of tourist facilities conducting ecological audit | No | ||
Number of Tourist Companies Promoting GreenTourism | No | ||
Number of "Blue Flag" Beaches | No | ||
Carrying capacity of beaches | sq.m per person | ||
Number of tourist staying overnight | no/year | ||
Value of tourist expenditures | Thou Euro | ||
Health | No of sanitary units | ||
Solid Waste Management | Industrial wastes | tones/year | |
Hazardous industrial wastes | tones/year | ||
Municipal wastes | number | ||
Number of landfills | tones | ||
Total capacity of landfills | number | ||
Number of incineration plants | tones/year | ||
Total capacity of incineration plants | tones/year | ||
Agriculture | Total area of agricultural lands | thousand ha | |
Arable lands treated with mineral fertilizers | thousand ha | ||
Fertilizers application rate | kg per ha | ||
Arable lands treated with pesticides | sq.km | ||
Pesticides application rate | kg per ha | ||
Area of irrigated lands | ha | ||
Number of animal farms | No | ||
Number of cattle | thousand heads | ||
Number of pigs | thousand heads | ||
Number of sheep | thousand heads | ||
Number of poultry | thousand heads | ||
Industry | Number of metallurgic enterprises | ||
Total production of metallurgic enterprises | Euro (or in your National currency, but giving conversion rate) | ||
Number of textile enterprises | |||
Total production of textile enterprises | Euro | ||
Number of food processing enterprises | |||
Total production of food processing enterprises | Euro | ||
Number of refineries | |||
Total production of refineries | Euro | ||
Please add any other industry important in your coastal zone | |||
Transport | Density of the public road network, | km/km2 | |
Number of airports | no. | ||
Length of rail ways | km | ||
No of harbours | No | ||
Total harbour area | ha | ||
Harbour Traffic capacity | mln tones/year | ||
Number of oil terminals | th.t | ||
Capacity of oil terminals | th.t.per year | ||
Lengths of oil pipelines | km | ||
Capacity of oil pipelines | th.tones per year | ||
Length of gas pipelines | km | ||
Capacity of gas pipelines | mln tones/year | ||
Climate | Precipitations | mm per year | |
Sunshine | hours per year | ||
Sea level rise | mm |
The basic problem with the ICZM reporting is that there is no definition of COASTAL ZONE. The states report in a different way: for instance Bulgaria reports for municipalities along the Black Sea coast, Georgia - almost for half of the country.
ESAS (Environmental Safety Aspects of Shipping)
The reporting of the group consists of data on:
Ballast waters
Oil spills (accidental, number and volume)
Offshore installations
Dumping and dredging
Ports and port reception facilities
Ships (tankers and cargo) calling at Black Sea ports and passing the Bosphorus, cargo turnover, passengers. Complience with regulations.
Policy and legislation development
ANNEX V. Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program: Reported concentrations in water, sediments and biota in 2001-2005
BSIMAP data on Nutrients in Water
Water | O2 | O2 | TSS | Secchi disk | BOD5 | P-PO4 | TP | N -NH4 | N - NO3 | TN |
Bulgaria | % | mg/L O2 | mg/L | m | mg/L O2 | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | ||
2005 | ||||||||||
Average | 84.8 | 8.4 | 6.5 | 1.9 | 0.623 | 0.91 | 5.09 | 32.34 | 58.21 | |
Max | 121.0 | 13.5 | 47.0 | 4.0 | 3.05 | 3.07 | 31.21 | 50.71 | 120.71 | |
Min | 46.2 | 4.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.57 | 23.21 | |
No of samples | 26 | 28 | 22 | 21 | 28 | 12 | 28 | 18 | 15 | |
2004 | ||||||||||
Average | 87.39 | 8.13 | 19.23 | 1.97 | 5.36 | 6.56 | ||||
Max | 180.00 | 17.40 | 350.00 | 4.60 | 15.85 | 12.90 | ||||
Min | 54.90 | 4.46 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2003 | ||||||||||
Average | 82.00 | 8.03 | 10.80 | 1.67 | 0.04 | 0.179 | 19.43 | |||
Max | 116.00 | 15.40 | 40.00 | 2.90 | 0.21 | 3.57 | 49.29 | |||
Min | 46.50 | 4.51 | 1.00 | 0.90 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 40 | 40 | 40 | 38 | 40 | 38 | 24 | |||
2002 | ||||||||||
Average | 76.86 | 7.19 | 15.23 | 1.75 | 1.87 | 0.06 | 11.01 | 1.59 | ||
Max | 132.00 | 14.20 | 28.00 | 5.5 | 4.88 | 0.86 | 39.93 | 37.86 | ||
Min | 52.00 | 4.47 | 6.00 | 0.8 | 0.97 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.07 | ||
No of samples | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 24 | 38 | ||
2001 | ||||||||||
Average | 97.48 | 9.17 | 18.00 | 1.75 | 0.11 | 7.11 | 39.21 | |||
Max | 175.00 | 16.10 | 57.00 | 5.50 | 1.11 | 36.99 | 92.86 | |||
Min | 38.10 | 4.16 | 2.00 | 0.80 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 38 | 38 | 38 | 36 | 38 | 38 | 28 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N (NO2) | N, Total | SiO4 |
Georgia | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 190.94 | 49.596 | 0.26 | 6.24 | 2.88 | ? | |||
Max | 259.4 | 65.6 | 0.38 | 10.2 | 5.61 | ? | |||
Min | 154.7 | 34.38 | 0.18 | 1.12 | 1.38 | ? | |||
No of samples | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | |||
2001 | |||||||||
Average | 169.6 | 121.28 | 0.52 | 0.65 | 0.26[1] | 7.17 | 0.10 | 13.84 | |
Max | 204.8 | 147.2 | 0.70[2] | 0.40 | 8.30 | 0.45 | 15.6 | ||
Min | 150.4 | 102.4 | 0.18 | 0.54 | 0.20 | 6.20 | 0.02 | 11.4 | |
No of samples | 20 | 19 | 14 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 4 | 22 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | TP | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | NO3-N+NO2-N | TN | SiO4 |
Romania | mol/l O2 | mol/l O2 | mol/l P | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l Si |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 301.14 | 133.23 | 0.38 | 1.43 | 7.30 | 6.62 | 47.84 | 8.74 | |
Max | 405.5 | 304.6 | 7.23 | 4.32 | 46.05 | 32.68 | 155.3 | 90.7 | |
Min | 225.5 | 9.38 | 0.04 | 0.53 | 0.35 | 1.68 | 16.1 | 0.6 | |
No of samples | 47 | 49 | 49 | 12 | 49 | 49 | 12 | 49 | |
2004 | |||||||||
Average | 333.23 | 139.06 | 0.566 | 4.853 | 8.323 | 9.973 | |||
Max | 546.6 | 392.1 | 15.240 | 47.500 | 71.570 | 79.200 | |||
Min | 225.1 | 45.1 | 0.010 | 0.550 | 1.080 | 1.700 | |||
No of samples | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | |||
2003 | |||||||||
Average | 347.33 | 150.35 | 0.69 | 6.51 | 7.95 | 8.57 | 8.61 | ||
Max | 649.40 | 527.90 | 13.36 | 104.60[3] | 58.85[4] | 61.19 | 44.10 | ||
Min | 257.20 | 54.90 | 0.02 | 0.98 | 0.83 | 1.18 | 0.40 | ||
No of samples | 94 | 90 | 88 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | ||
2002 | |||||||||
Average | 325.5 | 145.3 | 0.57 | 8.7 | 8.48 | 9.52 | 10.01 | ||
Max | 543.1 | 408.6 | 5.98 | 101.8 | 51.79 | 53.53 | 114.8 | ||
Min | 198.3 | 32.2 | 0.01 | 0.32 | 2.21 | 2.48 | 0.1 | ||
No of sample | 84 | 84 | 86 | 83 | 83 | 83 | |||
2001 | |||||||||
Average | 385.54 | 175.24 | 0.23 | 8.53 | 1.70 | 4.04 | |||
Max | 426.24 | 357.12 | 3.40 | 19.06 | 11.70 | 28.25 | |||
Min | 180.16 | 20.16 | 0.00 | 0.90 | 0.38 | 0.05 | |||
No of samples | 78 | 62 | 74 | 74 | 74 | 71 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | TP | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N (NO2) | TN | SiO4 |
Russian Federation | ml/L | mg/L O2 | mkg/L[5] | mkg/L | mkg/L | mkg/l | mkg/L | mkg/L | mkg/l |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 6.42 | 0.832 | 7.104 | 14.705 | 12.395 | 42.577 | 2.687 | 274.81 | 494.38 |
Max | 8.10 | 2.698 | 27.884 | 92.122 | 40.619 | 248.995 | 6.334 | 715.97 | 1826.142 |
Min | 3.097 | 0.172 | 0.041 | 3.513 | 3.903 | 2.063 | 0.410 | 90.70 | 61.87 |
No of samples | 213 | 115 | 177 | 133 | 154 | 147 | 176 | 131 | 177 |
May-August 2003 | |||||||||
Average | 8.2 | 8.34 | 13.7 | 0.7 | 1.5 | 395.88 | |||
Max | 9.3 | 8.46 | 29.4 | 1.5 | 3.6 | 560.00 | |||
Min | 7.6 | 8.27 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.2 | 230.00 | |||
No of samples | 8 | 20 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 20 | |||
2002 | |||||||||
Average | 6.04 | 12.15 | 43.37 | 80.07 | 0.55 | 1999.20 | |||
Max | 8.08 | 40.60 | 134.50 | 457.00 | 3.10 | 5644.00 | |||
Min | 4.94 | 0.00 | 7.70 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 118.00 | |||
No of samples | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 |
Water | O2 | Secci | H2S | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N, Total | SiO4 |
Turkey | mg/l O2 | m | mg/L | mol/l P | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l Si |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 8.86 | 6.59 | 0.199 | 0.386 | 1.636 | 0.367 | 8.315 | 10.813 | |
Max | 14.67 | 13.7 | 3.85 | 5.78 | 10.793 | 3.777 | 85.081 | 190.927 | |
Min | 1.67 | 0.6 | 0.007 | 0.029 | 0.377 | 0.0095 | 0.988 | 0.004 | |
No of Samples | 836 | 128 | 835 | 836 | 836 | 835 | 836 | 836 | |
2004 | |||||||||
Average | 8.47 | 12.17 | 0.31 | 0.32[6] | 0.31 | 1.84 | 0.35 | 3.76 | 13.06 |
Max | 11.63 | 15.88 | 0.50 | 4.69 | 1.74 | 7.62 | 7.26 | 12.07 | 52.71 |
Min | 0.54 | 7.93 | 0.18 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.06 | 0.01 | 2.42 | 0.62 |
No of Samples | 413 | 415 | 4 | 414 | 412 | 415 | 414 | 412 | 415 |
Water | Chlorophyll | |||
Turkey | ||||
2004 | mg/L | |||
Average | 0.76 | |||
Max | 5.186 | |||
Min | 0.1 | |||
No of samples | 389 |
Water | O2 | Secci | BOD5 | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO2) | N (NO3) | N total | SiO4 |
Ukraine | mg/L | m | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L |
2005 | ||||||||||
Average | 8.66 | 2.25 | 0.04 | 0.17 | 0.02 | 0.29 | 0.17 | 0.45 | ||
Max | 11.30 | 4.40 | 0.06 | 2.23 | 0.43 | 2.00 | 0.52 | 1.04 | ||
Min | 3.12 | 1.80 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.04 | 0.01 | ||
No of samples | 113 | 78 | 13 | 78 | 88 | 86 | 12 | 15 | ||
2004 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.05 | 2.48 | 2.28 | 0.11 | 0.01 | 0.22 | 0.38 | |||
Max | 11.30 | 1.70 | 14.00 | 2.05 | 0.22 | 2.20 | 3.45 | |||
Min | 4.80 | 14.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 88 | 74 | 88 | 68 | 86 | 69 | 57 | |||
2003 | ||||||||||
Average | 7.29 | 2.20 | 0.028 | 0.06 | 0.12 | 0.01 | 0.20 | 0.56 | 0.45 | |
Max | 10.80 | 6.20 | 0.122 | 0.15 | 1.59 | 0.17 | 2.40 | 1.70 | 0.89 | |
Min | 3.24 | 1.50 | 0 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.11 | 0.15 | |
No of samples | 21 | 98 | 19 | 17 | 112 | 116 | 116 | 17 | 18 | |
2002 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.79 | 2.36 | 0.02 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.09 | 0.18 | 0.39 | ||
Max | 11.07 | 4.60 | 0.03 | 0.22 | 0.06 | 0.37 | 0.18 | 0.43 | ||
Min | 8.53 | 1.36 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.18 | 0.35 | ||
No of samples | 15 | 13 | 5 | 15 | 16 | 15 | 4 | 5 | ||
2001 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.00 | 2.40 | 0.016 | 0.04 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.37 | 0.29 | |
Max | 10.19 | 2.90 | 0.029 | 0.07 | 0.25 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.58 | 0.47 | |
Min | 7.50 | 1.80 | 0.004 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.17 | 0.12 | |
No of samples | 13 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 5 | 5 |
BSIMAP Data on Heavy Metals and Organic Micropollutants in Water
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Bulgaria | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l |
2004 | ||||
Average | 0.13 | 2.07 | 1.07 | |
Min | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
Max | 2.00 | 6.00 | 8.00 | |
No of samples | 35 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Georgia | g/L | g/L | ng/L | g/L |
2001 | ||||
Average | 41.00 | 4.66 | 0.24 | |
Max | 41.00 | 78.00 | 0.28 | |
Min | 41.00 | 0.07 | 0.21 | |
No of samples | 5.00 | 19.00 | 19.00 |
Water | Cd | Mn | Cu | Pb |
Romania | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l |
2003 | ||||
Average | 1.52 | 5.98 | 3.79 | 8.17 |
Max | 2.86 | 14.54 | 10.73 | 32.85 |
Min | 0.73 | 0.99 | 0.16 | 0.51 |
No of samples | 18 | 11 | 18 | 18 |
2001 | ||||
Average | 1.80 | 12.01 | 10.56 | 9.25 |
Max | 10.97 | 22.29 | 40.80 | 49.95 |
Min | 0.06 | 2.27 | 0.04 | 0.59 |
No of samples | 50 | 30 | 50 | 39 |
Water | DDT | Lindane | Petroleum Hydrocarbons | PAHs |
Romania | g/l | g/l | g/l | ng/l |
2003 | ||||
Average | 32.32 | 223.6 | 194.1702 | 36.87 |
Max | 32.32 | 359.88 | 1096 | 103.07 |
Min | 32.32 | 130.27 | 9.5 | 1.85 |
No of samples | 1 | 3 | 51 | 3 |
2001 | ||||
Average | 18.64 | 89.38 | 149.35 | 253.85 |
Max | 783.00 | 2083.00 | 2268.40 | 993.00 |
Min | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.32 |
No of samples | 42 | 42 | 96 | 38 |
Water | DDT | DDD | DDE | Lindane | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Russian Federation | n/L | n/L | n/L | n/L | mg/L |
2002 | |||||
Average | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.03 |
Max | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.09 |
Min | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No of samples | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Turkey | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/L |
2004 | |||||
Average | 0.51 | 1.61 | 1.74 | 0.14 | 11.24 |
Max | 0.86 | 3.28 | 7.74 | 1.10 | 77.17 |
Min | 0.26 | 0.72 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.99 |
No of Samples | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 66 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Ukraine | g/L | g/L | g/L | g/L | g/L |
2004 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 180 | ||||
No | 86 | ||||
2003 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 60 | ||||
No | 96 | ||||
2002 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 90 | ||||
No | 94 | ||||
2001 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 50 | ||||
No | 9 |
BSIMAP: Heavy Metals in Bottom Sediments
Bottom Sediments | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Romania | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg |
2004 | ||||
Average | 5.52 | 57.86 | 50.95 | |
Max | 30.19 | 182.96 | 149.45 | |
Min | 0.65 | 8.61 | 3.49 | |
No of samples | 42 | 43 | 43 |
Bottom Sediments | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Turkey | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg |
2004 | ||||
Average | 69.08 | 68.50 | 27.04 | |
Max | 269.00 | 286.00 | 62.00 | |
Min | 19.00 | 4.00 | 11.00 | |
No of Samples | 50 | 39 | 49 |
Trace metals in Biota
Biota, mussels | Pb | Cd | Hg |
Romania | g / g | g / g | g / g |
2003 | |||
Average | 0.41 | 0.092 | |
Max | 0.58 | 0.150 | |
Min | 0.31 | 0.017 | |
No of samples | 3 | 3 |
APPENDIX I: Information on SQL-server on-line BSIS developed within the BSERP
The Black Sea Information System (BSIS) was a part of the Information Strategy developed within the project. BSIS was the first key element of the implementation of the Information Strategy of the Black Sea Commission. The system provides tools for reporting and communication at the international level, regional, and national level.
The implemented approach distinguishes between two sections/parts of the information system developed. These are: an internal area/system (or the loop of official reporting) and external interface/systems (or the loop of supporting activities and development). The first internal part of the system has to support and facilitate the Commissions activities in relation to the official reporting of the countries, whereas the loop of development provides needed means and tools to facilitate any kind of supporting activities, i.e. the development of background documents, assessments or drafting official documents (strategies, protocols, agreements, etc.).
The main requirements to the information within the BSIS are to:
correspond to the needs in information, as well as to the interest of users (e.g. the Black Sea Commission, International Programmes (e.g. BSERP, Tacis, WB ICZM), public, NGOs, private sector, etc.);
provide operational access of the interested parties (also via the Internet) to the data and information available for the Black Sea region in different fields of activities;
correspond to the information requirements of decision support tools, in particular GIS;
consider the regional peculiarities of the Black Sea environment;
correspond to the requirements of the Programmes developed within BSEP/BSERP (e.g. the Black Sea Monitoring and Assessment Programme (BSMAP), Water Quality Objectives for the Black Sea region, system of environmental indicators);
provide a basis for further development of the water quality standards, quality objectives and key indicators in the region and harmonisation of the existing in the riparian countries legislation.
The main principles of the BSIS are regarded to be:
BSIS must be of a regional nature and be coordinated (but not necessarily operated) at the Black Sea level (e.g. Permanent Secretariat)
All participants to the system need to be interested in the functioning and future development of the system, which would provide its sustainability in future
Data and information quality must fit the international QA/QC procedures
All riparian countries must share data and information on the Black Sea within the implementation of the Black Sea Convention and corresponding Strategies, Protocols and Programmes.
Database. The central database of BSIS is a SQL-server 2000 database. The database contains 219 inter-related tables containing information on all aspects of the implementation of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan. In order to operate the database a Database Management Application has been developed with a user-friendly interface.
Database Management Application. The software has been developed on the basis of the corresponding Informational Strategy. The development process involves the main organisational units of the Black Sea Commission and presently focuses mainly on the official reporting rather than development/research activities. There are two types of DBMAs. Central DB application works with the central BSIS database, whereas every AG-specific DBMAs work only with the tables related to the corresponding AG-related information. A super DBMA is able to work with all sections of the database. The Central DB application forms a sound basis for the implementation of data exchange and provides all needed tools for storing/retrieval the data and support of management decisions (initially - State of Environment reports, reporting on the implementation process of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan).
Importing data into BSIS. A number of supporting applications have been developed to enter the data into the system. These are:
Software for each of the AG, which operates a MS Access database compatible with the Central BSIS database.
Reporting templates in MS Excel developed for each Advisory Group. The templates are also compatible with BSIS
A series of importing routines have been developed for user-friendly import of data received from the countries into the system.
Web-based Application. In order to access information stored in BSIS a web-application has been developed for browsing and exporting the BSIS data. The structure of the web-application is presented below. Only data to be reported to EEA are accessible.
BSIS is operational in the joint premises of the BSC/PS and BSERP PIU. The database of the system has been populated with the data for 2001-2005.
APPENDIX II: Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution System (VTOPIS) Pilot Project
The pilot project is implemented in Bulgaria. The main activities of the project included:
Assessment of the current situation, determination of the place of VTOPIS offices and identification of goals and objectives for the VTOPIS;
Development of software for visualisation, tracking and backtracking of the ships traffic, which could pose a high risk of pollution for the marine environment;
Development of an integrated database with the ships pollution information, including collection and dissemination of information among the Bucharest Convention, related international organizations, national parties and the public;
Determination of standard formats to report ships pollution issues for related authorities and data exchange formats between VTOPIS and the competent national authorities in case of oil spill incidents;
Provision of hardware and software for building of the database, communications and oil spill modeling;
Development of a proposal for multiplication of VTOPIS for the rest of the Black Sea countries.
To improve the protection of the marine environment and vulnerable coastal resources;
To enhance and strengthen the capabilities of the authorities of the Black Sea states for monitoring and control of the marine environment, including emergency situations at sea;
To contribute to the effective implementation of the Black Sea Contingency Plan to the Protocol on Co-operation in Combating Pollution of the Black Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Emergency Situations, Bucharest Convention.
Assessment of the current situation on management of VTOPIS related information in the nominated country;
Design a Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution Information System for collection, update, exchange and management of information, including generation of required reports. The System is designed to:
Support respective national authorities in management of the information related to VTOPIS;
Establish an information network consisting of central, local facilities and socio-economic organisations, towards the management of VTOPIS and fulfill the obligations to the Bucharest Convention;
Support Government in monitoring the reduction and elimination of pollution originated from ships;
Support the Government in monitoring and evaluating environmental policy performance related to management of pollution, in order to take appropriate actions towards environmental protection in Black Sea countries and fulfill the obligation to the Bucharest Convention;
Provide technical guidance/ format for regular reports on ships pollution issues to related ministries, sectors and facilities;
Provide relevant information to support research and development on pollution prevention and control related to pollution from ships. (e.g. information for evaluation of new production processes and technologies, waste treatment technologies etc.);
Provide information to support the identification and assessment of the potential risks to the human and environment by monitoring the sources and releases of pollution into the environment;
Exchange and disseminate information among the relevant stakeholders and the public, contributing to the protection of human health and environment from the adverse impacts of pollution;
Collect information and generate required reports to the Government and the Bucharest Convention.
VTOPIS structure with different modules for different kind of activities, as:
Data acquisition - input/output of different kind of information, including hydrological, meteorological, ship particulars, etc.;
Data exchange - exchange of information with other institutions and/or VTOPIS offices in other Black Sea countries;
Reports generation, including reports for inspections of the ships, reports for different kind of statistics for pollution and/or ships;
Database management;
Real time visualisation;
Oil spill modeling.
After the completion of the project and analyzing of the results the following conclusions can be made:
VTOPIS provides all necessary tools for the daily activities of MEPC department including management of the inspections, permissions and pollution reports;
The information management integrated in VTOPIS database provides fast and accurate generation of all needed reports. Implementation of data export in MS Excel format provides additional possibilities for generation of unlimited number of more exotic reports and data analysis;
Close integration between VTMIS and VTOPIS is essential for the efficiency of the system. Real time visualization and backtracking are compulsory for effective monitoring of the vessel traffic and oil spill investigations;
Implementation of VTOPIS does not require expensive and specialized hardware equipment;
Implementation of professional and well supported oil spill modeling system requires more funds than provided in the pilot project. However the GNOME system can be used until such financing is available;
For successful implementation of VTOPIS in the rest of the Black Sea countries more research of the legal basis in these countries is needed;
AIS data sharing between Black Sea countries will improve the readiness in case of oil spills and will provide valuable data for oil spill investigations;
The pilot project VTOPIS gives the necessary data in case of operational or accidental oil spills and other emergencies. The implementation of this system in Bulgaria and possibility for multiplication in other Black Sea countries greatly improves the ecological control of shipping in the Black Sea region.
[1] Not reliable difference between values of N-NH4 and N-NO3
[2] For Max Ptot there is no value corresponding to 0.70
[3] Constanta, May , 5 m depth
ANNEX V. Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program: Reported concentrations in water, sediments and biota in 2001-2005
BSIMAP data on Nutrients in Water
Water | O2 | O2 | TSS | Secchi disk | BOD5 | P-PO4 | TP | N -NH4 | N - NO3 | TN |
Bulgaria | % | mg/L O2 | mg/L | m | mg/L O2 | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | ||
2005 | ||||||||||
Average | 84.8 | 8.4 | 6.5 | 1.9 | 0.623 | 0.91 | 5.09 | 32.34 | 58.21 | |
Max | 121.0 | 13.5 | 47.0 | 4.0 | 3.05 | 3.07 | 31.21 | 50.71 | 120.71 | |
Min | 46.2 | 4.2 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.57 | 23.21 | |
No of samples | 26 | 28 | 22 | 21 | 28 | 12 | 28 | 18 | 15 | |
2004 | ||||||||||
Average | 87.39 | 8.13 | 19.23 | 1.97 | 5.36 | 6.56 | ||||
Max | 180.00 | 17.40 | 350.00 | 4.60 | 15.85 | 12.90 | ||||
Min | 54.90 | 4.46 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | ||||
2003 | ||||||||||
Average | 82.00 | 8.03 | 10.80 | 1.67 | 0.04 | 0.179 | 19.43 | |||
Max | 116.00 | 15.40 | 40.00 | 2.90 | 0.21 | 3.57 | 49.29 | |||
Min | 46.50 | 4.51 | 1.00 | 0.90 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 40 | 40 | 40 | 38 | 40 | 38 | 24 | |||
2002 | ||||||||||
Average | 76.86 | 7.19 | 15.23 | 1.75 | 1.87 | 0.06 | 11.01 | 1.59 | ||
Max | 132.00 | 14.20 | 28.00 | 5.5 | 4.88 | 0.86 | 39.93 | 37.86 | ||
Min | 52.00 | 4.47 | 6.00 | 0.8 | 0.97 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.07 | ||
No of samples | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 24 | 38 | ||
2001 | ||||||||||
Average | 97.48 | 9.17 | 18.00 | 1.75 | 0.11 | 7.11 | 39.21 | |||
Max | 175.00 | 16.10 | 57.00 | 5.50 | 1.11 | 36.99 | 92.86 | |||
Min | 38.10 | 4.16 | 2.00 | 0.80 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 38 | 38 | 38 | 36 | 38 | 38 | 28 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N (NO2) | N, Total | SiO4 |
Georgia | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l | mol/l |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 190.94 | 49.596 | 0.26 | 6.24 | 2.88 | ? | |||
Max | 259.4 | 65.6 | 0.38 | 10.2 | 5.61 | ? | |||
Min | 154.7 | 34.38 | 0.18 | 1.12 | 1.38 | ? | |||
No of samples | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | |||
2001 | |||||||||
Average | 169.6 | 121.28 | 0.52 | 0.65 | 0.26[1] | 7.17 | 0.10 | 13.84 | |
Max | 204.8 | 147.2 | 0.70[2] | 0.40 | 8.30 | 0.45 | 15.6 | ||
Min | 150.4 | 102.4 | 0.18 | 0.54 | 0.20 | 6.20 | 0.02 | 11.4 | |
No of samples | 20 | 19 | 14 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 4 | 22 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | TP | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | NO3-N+NO2-N | TN | SiO4 |
Romania | mol/l O2 | mol/l O2 | mol/l P | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l Si |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 301.14 | 133.23 | 0.38 | 1.43 | 7.30 | 6.62 | 47.84 | 8.74 | |
Max | 405.5 | 304.6 | 7.23 | 4.32 | 46.05 | 32.68 | 155.3 | 90.7 | |
Min | 225.5 | 9.38 | 0.04 | 0.53 | 0.35 | 1.68 | 16.1 | 0.6 | |
No of samples | 47 | 49 | 49 | 12 | 49 | 49 | 12 | 49 | |
2004 | |||||||||
Average | 333.23 | 139.06 | 0.566 | 4.853 | 8.323 | 9.973 | |||
Max | 546.6 | 392.1 | 15.240 | 47.500 | 71.570 | 79.200 | |||
Min | 225.1 | 45.1 | 0.010 | 0.550 | 1.080 | 1.700 | |||
No of samples | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | 116 | |||
2003 | |||||||||
Average | 347.33 | 150.35 | 0.69 | 6.51 | 7.95 | 8.57 | 8.61 | ||
Max | 649.40 | 527.90 | 13.36 | 104.60[3] | 58.85[4] | 61.19 | 44.10 | ||
Min | 257.20 | 54.90 | 0.02 | 0.98 | 0.83 | 1.18 | 0.40 | ||
No of samples | 94 | 90 | 88 | 99 | 99 | 99 | 99 | ||
2002 | |||||||||
Average | 325.5 | 145.3 | 0.57 | 8.7 | 8.48 | 9.52 | 10.01 | ||
Max | 543.1 | 408.6 | 5.98 | 101.8 | 51.79 | 53.53 | 114.8 | ||
Min | 198.3 | 32.2 | 0.01 | 0.32 | 2.21 | 2.48 | 0.1 | ||
No of sample | 84 | 84 | 86 | 83 | 83 | 83 | |||
2001 | |||||||||
Average | 385.54 | 175.24 | 0.23 | 8.53 | 1.70 | 4.04 | |||
Max | 426.24 | 357.12 | 3.40 | 19.06 | 11.70 | 28.25 | |||
Min | 180.16 | 20.16 | 0.00 | 0.90 | 0.38 | 0.05 | |||
No of samples | 78 | 62 | 74 | 74 | 74 | 71 |
Water | O2 | BOD5 | P (PO4) | TP | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N (NO2) | TN | SiO4 |
Russian Federation | ml/L | mg/L O2 | mkg/L[5] | mkg/L | mkg/L | mkg/l | mkg/L | mkg/L | mkg/l |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 6.42 | 0.832 | 7.104 | 14.705 | 12.395 | 42.577 | 2.687 | 274.81 | 494.38 |
Max | 8.10 | 2.698 | 27.884 | 92.122 | 40.619 | 248.995 | 6.334 | 715.97 | 1826.142 |
Min | 3.097 | 0.172 | 0.041 | 3.513 | 3.903 | 2.063 | 0.410 | 90.70 | 61.87 |
No of samples | 213 | 115 | 177 | 133 | 154 | 147 | 176 | 131 | 177 |
May-August 2003 | |||||||||
Average | 8.2 | 8.34 | 13.7 | 0.7 | 1.5 | 395.88 | |||
Max | 9.3 | 8.46 | 29.4 | 1.5 | 3.6 | 560.00 | |||
Min | 7.6 | 8.27 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.2 | 230.00 | |||
No of samples | 8 | 20 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 20 | |||
2002 | |||||||||
Average | 6.04 | 12.15 | 43.37 | 80.07 | 0.55 | 1999.20 | |||
Max | 8.08 | 40.60 | 134.50 | 457.00 | 3.10 | 5644.00 | |||
Min | 4.94 | 0.00 | 7.70 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 118.00 | |||
No of samples | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 | 6.00 |
Water | O2 | Secci | H2S | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO3) | N, Total | SiO4 |
Turkey | mg/l O2 | m | mg/L | mol/l P | mol/l P | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l N | mol/l Si |
2005 | |||||||||
Average | 8.86 | 6.59 | 0.199 | 0.386 | 1.636 | 0.367 | 8.315 | 10.813 | |
Max | 14.67 | 13.7 | 3.85 | 5.78 | 10.793 | 3.777 | 85.081 | 190.927 | |
Min | 1.67 | 0.6 | 0.007 | 0.029 | 0.377 | 0.0095 | 0.988 | 0.004 | |
No of Samples | 836 | 128 | 835 | 836 | 836 | 835 | 836 | 836 | |
2004 | |||||||||
Average | 8.47 | 12.17 | 0.31 | 0.32[6] | 0.31 | 1.84 | 0.35 | 3.76 | 13.06 |
Max | 11.63 | 15.88 | 0.50 | 4.69 | 1.74 | 7.62 | 7.26 | 12.07 | 52.71 |
Min | 0.54 | 7.93 | 0.18 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.06 | 0.01 | 2.42 | 0.62 |
No of Samples | 413 | 415 | 4 | 414 | 412 | 415 | 414 | 412 | 415 |
Water | Chlorophyll | |||
Turkey | ||||
2004 | mg/L | |||
Average | 0.76 | |||
Max | 5.186 | |||
Min | 0.1 | |||
No of samples | 389 |
Water | O2 | Secci | BOD5 | P (PO4) | P total | N (NH4) | N (NO2) | N (NO3) | N total | SiO4 |
Ukraine | mg/L | m | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L | mg/L |
2005 | ||||||||||
Average | 8.66 | 2.25 | 0.04 | 0.17 | 0.02 | 0.29 | 0.17 | 0.45 | ||
Max | 11.30 | 4.40 | 0.06 | 2.23 | 0.43 | 2.00 | 0.52 | 1.04 | ||
Min | 3.12 | 1.80 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.04 | 0.01 | ||
No of samples | 113 | 78 | 13 | 78 | 88 | 86 | 12 | 15 | ||
2004 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.05 | 2.48 | 2.28 | 0.11 | 0.01 | 0.22 | 0.38 | |||
Max | 11.30 | 1.70 | 14.00 | 2.05 | 0.22 | 2.20 | 3.45 | |||
Min | 4.80 | 14.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |||
No of samples | 88 | 74 | 88 | 68 | 86 | 69 | 57 | |||
2003 | ||||||||||
Average | 7.29 | 2.20 | 0.028 | 0.06 | 0.12 | 0.01 | 0.20 | 0.56 | 0.45 | |
Max | 10.80 | 6.20 | 0.122 | 0.15 | 1.59 | 0.17 | 2.40 | 1.70 | 0.89 | |
Min | 3.24 | 1.50 | 0 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.11 | 0.15 | |
No of samples | 21 | 98 | 19 | 17 | 112 | 116 | 116 | 17 | 18 | |
2002 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.79 | 2.36 | 0.02 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.09 | 0.18 | 0.39 | ||
Max | 11.07 | 4.60 | 0.03 | 0.22 | 0.06 | 0.37 | 0.18 | 0.43 | ||
Min | 8.53 | 1.36 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.01 | 0.18 | 0.35 | ||
No of samples | 15 | 13 | 5 | 15 | 16 | 15 | 4 | 5 | ||
2001 | ||||||||||
Average | 9.00 | 2.40 | 0.016 | 0.04 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.37 | 0.29 | |
Max | 10.19 | 2.90 | 0.029 | 0.07 | 0.25 | 0.03 | 0.04 | 0.58 | 0.47 | |
Min | 7.50 | 1.80 | 0.004 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.17 | 0.12 | |
No of samples | 13 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 5 | 5 |
BSIMAP Data on Heavy Metals and Organic Micropollutants in Water
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Bulgaria | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l |
2004 | ||||
Average | 0.13 | 2.07 | 1.07 | |
Min | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | |
Max | 2.00 | 6.00 | 8.00 | |
No of samples | 35 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Georgia | g/L | g/L | ng/L | g/L |
2001 | ||||
Average | 41.00 | 4.66 | 0.24 | |
Max | 41.00 | 78.00 | 0.28 | |
Min | 41.00 | 0.07 | 0.21 | |
No of samples | 5.00 | 19.00 | 19.00 |
Water | Cd | Mn | Cu | Pb |
Romania | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l |
2003 | ||||
Average | 1.52 | 5.98 | 3.79 | 8.17 |
Max | 2.86 | 14.54 | 10.73 | 32.85 |
Min | 0.73 | 0.99 | 0.16 | 0.51 |
No of samples | 18 | 11 | 18 | 18 |
2001 | ||||
Average | 1.80 | 12.01 | 10.56 | 9.25 |
Max | 10.97 | 22.29 | 40.80 | 49.95 |
Min | 0.06 | 2.27 | 0.04 | 0.59 |
No of samples | 50 | 30 | 50 | 39 |
Water | DDT | Lindane | Petroleum Hydrocarbons | PAHs |
Romania | g/l | g/l | g/l | ng/l |
2003 | ||||
Average | 32.32 | 223.6 | 194.1702 | 36.87 |
Max | 32.32 | 359.88 | 1096 | 103.07 |
Min | 32.32 | 130.27 | 9.5 | 1.85 |
No of samples | 1 | 3 | 51 | 3 |
2001 | ||||
Average | 18.64 | 89.38 | 149.35 | 253.85 |
Max | 783.00 | 2083.00 | 2268.40 | 993.00 |
Min | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.32 |
No of samples | 42 | 42 | 96 | 38 |
Water | DDT | DDD | DDE | Lindane | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Russian Federation | n/L | n/L | n/L | n/L | mg/L |
2002 | |||||
Average | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.03 |
Max | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.09 |
Min | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No of samples | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Turkey | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/l | g/L |
2004 | |||||
Average | 0.51 | 1.61 | 1.74 | 0.14 | 11.24 |
Max | 0.86 | 3.28 | 7.74 | 1.10 | 77.17 |
Min | 0.26 | 0.72 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.99 |
No of Samples | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 66 |
Water | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb | Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Ukraine | g/L | g/L | g/L | g/L | g/L |
2004 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 180 | ||||
No | 86 | ||||
2003 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 60 | ||||
No | 96 | ||||
2002 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 90 | ||||
No | 94 | ||||
2001 | |||||
Average | 50 | ||||
Min | 50 | ||||
Max | 50 | ||||
No | 9 |
BSIMAP: Heavy Metals in Bottom Sediments
Bottom Sediments | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Romania | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg |
2004 | ||||
Average | 5.52 | 57.86 | 50.95 | |
Max | 30.19 | 182.96 | 149.45 | |
Min | 0.65 | 8.61 | 3.49 | |
No of samples | 42 | 43 | 43 |
Bottom Sediments | Cd | Cu | Hg | Pb |
Turkey | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg | mg/kg |
2004 | ||||
Average | 69.08 | 68.50 | 27.04 | |
Max | 269.00 | 286.00 | 62.00 | |
Min | 19.00 | 4.00 | 11.00 | |
No of Samples | 50 | 39 | 49 |
Trace metals in Biota
Biota, mussels | Pb | Cd | Hg |
Romania | g / g | g / g | g / g |
2003 | |||
Average | 0.41 | 0.092 | |
Max | 0.58 | 0.150 | |
Min | 0.31 | 0.017 | |
No of samples | 3 | 3 |
APPENDIX I: Information on SQL-server on-line BSIS developed within the BSERP
The Black Sea Information System (BSIS) was a part of the Information Strategy developed within the project. BSIS was the first key element of the implementation of the Information Strategy of the Black Sea Commission. The system provides tools for reporting and communication at the international level, regional, and national level.
The implemented approach distinguishes between two sections/parts of the information system developed. These are: an internal area/system (or the loop of official reporting) and external interface/systems (or the loop of supporting activities and development). The first internal part of the system has to support and facilitate the Commissions activities in relation to the official reporting of the countries, whereas the loop of development provides needed means and tools to facilitate any kind of supporting activities, i.e. the development of background documents, assessments or drafting official documents (strategies, protocols, agreements, etc.).
The main requirements to the information within the BSIS are to:
correspond to the needs in information, as well as to the interest of users (e.g. the Black Sea Commission, International Programmes (e.g. BSERP, Tacis, WB ICZM), public, NGOs, private sector, etc.);
provide operational access of the interested parties (also via the Internet) to the data and information available for the Black Sea region in different fields of activities;
correspond to the information requirements of decision support tools, in particular GIS;
consider the regional peculiarities of the Black Sea environment;
correspond to the requirements of the Programmes developed within BSEP/BSERP (e.g. the Black Sea Monitoring and Assessment Programme (BSMAP), Water Quality Objectives for the Black Sea region, system of environmental indicators);
provide a basis for further development of the water quality standards, quality objectives and key indicators in the region and harmonisation of the existing in the riparian countries legislation.
The main principles of the BSIS are regarded to be:
BSIS must be of a regional nature and be coordinated (but not necessarily operated) at the Black Sea level (e.g. Permanent Secretariat)
All participants to the system need to be interested in the functioning and future development of the system, which would provide its sustainability in future
Data and information quality must fit the international QA/QC procedures
All riparian countries must share data and information on the Black Sea within the implementation of the Black Sea Convention and corresponding Strategies, Protocols and Programmes.
Database. The central database of BSIS is a SQL-server 2000 database. The database contains 219 inter-related tables containing information on all aspects of the implementation of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan. In order to operate the database a Database Management Application has been developed with a user-friendly interface.
Database Management Application. The software has been developed on the basis of the corresponding Informational Strategy. The development process involves the main organisational units of the Black Sea Commission and presently focuses mainly on the official reporting rather than development/research activities. There are two types of DBMAs. Central DB application works with the central BSIS database, whereas every AG-specific DBMAs work only with the tables related to the corresponding AG-related information. A super DBMA is able to work with all sections of the database. The Central DB application forms a sound basis for the implementation of data exchange and provides all needed tools for storing/retrieval the data and support of management decisions (initially - State of Environment reports, reporting on the implementation process of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan).
Importing data into BSIS. A number of supporting applications have been developed to enter the data into the system. These are:
Software for each of the AG, which operates a MS Access database compatible with the Central BSIS database.
Reporting templates in MS Excel developed for each Advisory Group. The templates are also compatible with BSIS
A series of importing routines have been developed for user-friendly import of data received from the countries into the system.
Web-based Application. In order to access information stored in BSIS a web-application has been developed for browsing and exporting the BSIS data. The structure of the web-application is presented below. Only data to be reported to EEA are accessible.
BSIS is operational in the joint premises of the BSC/PS and BSERP PIU. The database of the system has been populated with the data for 2001-2005.
APPENDIX II: Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution System (VTOPIS) Pilot Project
The pilot project is implemented in Bulgaria. The main activities of the project included:
Assessment of the current situation, determination of the place of VTOPIS offices and identification of goals and objectives for the VTOPIS;
Development of software for visualisation, tracking and backtracking of the ships traffic, which could pose a high risk of pollution for the marine environment;
Development of an integrated database with the ships pollution information, including collection and dissemination of information among the Bucharest Convention, related international organizations, national parties and the public;
Determination of standard formats to report ships pollution issues for related authorities and data exchange formats between VTOPIS and the competent national authorities in case of oil spill incidents;
Provision of hardware and software for building of the database, communications and oil spill modeling;
Development of a proposal for multiplication of VTOPIS for the rest of the Black Sea countries.
To improve the protection of the marine environment and vulnerable coastal resources;
To enhance and strengthen the capabilities of the authorities of the Black Sea states for monitoring and control of the marine environment, including emergency situations at sea;
To contribute to the effective implementation of the Black Sea Contingency Plan to the Protocol on Co-operation in Combating Pollution of the Black Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Emergency Situations, Bucharest Convention.
Assessment of the current situation on management of VTOPIS related information in the nominated country;
Design a Vessel Traffic Oil Pollution Information System for collection, update, exchange and management of information, including generation of required reports. The System is designed to:
Support respective national authorities in management of the information related to VTOPIS;
Establish an information network consisting of central, local facilities and socio-economic organisations, towards the management of VTOPIS and fulfill the obligations to the Bucharest Convention;
Support Government in monitoring the reduction and elimination of pollution originated from ships;
Support the Government in monitoring and evaluating environmental policy performance related to management of pollution, in order to take appropriate actions towards environmental protection in Black Sea countries and fulfill the obligation to the Bucharest Convention;
Provide technical guidance/ format for regular reports on ships pollution issues to related ministries, sectors and facilities;
Provide relevant information to support research and development on pollution prevention and control related to pollution from ships. (e.g. information for evaluation of new production processes and technologies, waste treatment technologies etc.);
Provide information to support the identification and assessment of the potential risks to the human and environment by monitoring the sources and releases of pollution into the environment;
Exchange and disseminate information among the relevant stakeholders and the public, contributing to the protection of human health and environment from the adverse impacts of pollution;
Collect information and generate required reports to the Government and the Bucharest Convention.
VTOPIS structure with different modules for different kind of activities, as:
Data acquisition - input/output of different kind of information, including hydrological, meteorological, ship particulars, etc.;
Data exchange - exchange of information with other institutions and/or VTOPIS offices in other Black Sea countries;
Reports generation, including reports for inspections of the ships, reports for different kind of statistics for pollution and/or ships;
Database management;
Real time visualisation;
Oil spill modeling.
After the completion of the project and analyzing of the results the following conclusions can be made:
VTOPIS provides all necessary tools for the daily activities of MEPC department including management of the inspections, permissions and pollution reports;
The information management integrated in VTOPIS database provides fast and accurate generation of all needed reports. Implementation of data export in MS Excel format provides additional possibilities for generation of unlimited number of more exotic reports and data analysis;
Close integration between VTMIS and VTOPIS is essential for the efficiency of the system. Real time visualization and backtracking are compulsory for effective monitoring of the vessel traffic and oil spill investigations;
Implementation of VTOPIS does not require expensive and specialized hardware equipment;
Implementation of professional and well supported oil spill modeling system requires more funds than provided in the pilot project. However the GNOME system can be used until such financing is available;
For successful implementation of VTOPIS in the rest of the Black Sea countries more research of the legal basis in these countries is needed;
AIS data sharing between Black Sea countries will improve the readiness in case of oil spills and will provide valuable data for oil spill investigations;
The pilot project VTOPIS gives the necessary data in case of operational or accidental oil spills and other emergencies. The implementation of this system in Bulgaria and possibility for multiplication in other Black Sea countries greatly improves the ecological control of shipping in the Black Sea region.
[1] Not reliable difference between values of N-NH4 and N-NO3
[2] For Max Ptot there is no value corresponding to 0.70
[3] Constanta, May , 5 m depth