The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

Permanent Secretariat

Advisory Groups

The Advisory Groups to the Black Sea Commission are its main source of expertise, information and support in implementation of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan 1996. i The Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea (1996), signed in Istanbul, Turkey, on the 30 - 31 October 1996, (amended June 22-26 2002, Sofia, Bulgaria) and now updated by the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Sea defines - the basic principles for cooperative common action of the Black Sea coastal states Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, The Russsian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine for the protection of the Black Sea Environment - policy actions to be undertaken - institutional structure to be established to implement common polciy actions including source of expertise, assessments and scientific cooperation Its annexes include the Advisory Groups to be set up and operated to support the Black Sea costal states signatories to the plan and the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution in the implementation of the objectives of the Convention and the Strategic Agtion Plan v They are established pursuant to Articles 22, 23 (The Istanbul Commission) >>, and Annex 1 >> thereof. Each Advisory Group elects a Chairperson. The Advisory Groups act with the mandate of the Black Sea Commission and their respective Terms of Reference . The following Advisory Groups are established:

Activity Centers Name

Definition in BSSAP 1996

Terms of Reference


Advisory Group ESAS Environmental and Safety Aspects of Shipping >> >> pending upload
AG CBD Advisory Group on the Conservation of Biological Diversity >> ANR_CBD_Urkaine_2018-2019_FV.doc ANR_Urkaine_2020_2021+final.doc ANR_Ukraine_2021_2022.docx ANR_CBD_Urkaine_2023-2024_FV_en.doc
AG LBS Advisory Group on Pollution from Land Based Sources >> pending upload
AG ICZM Advisory Group on Integrated Coastal Zone Management >> pending upload
AG PMA Advisory Group on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment >> pending upload
AG FOMLR Advisory Group onFisheries and Other Marine Living Resources pending upload


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